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现行的大学数学教材通常只含有概念、定理、定理证明、范例等内容,这种经过数学家逻辑加工以后完成了的形式从数学理论本身的需要来说是无可指责的,但对数学教育来说,这些内容远远不够。我们要培养智能型、创造型的人材,不能只停留在向学生介绍严密的数学理论上,更要培养他们使用数学、发展数学的能力,而在教材中隐而不露、略而不述的数学思想与数学方法对提高学生的工作能力是极为重要的。在传统的注入式教学法中,不少教师也注意了这个问题,但传统的教学方法以教师讲授为主,教师的精力集中在如何“讲好”课,  相似文献   

在上海的初中数学教材中,有些与全国的初中数学教材出入很大,有些真命题它不能直接作为定理使用,如上海教育出版社出版的九年义务教育课本八年级第一学期(适用本)举例证明例11的证明题,是证等腰三角形的三线合一定理的逆命题的。  相似文献   

在数学教学过程中,教师的职责不仅仅在于传递知识,而应更多地研究如何发掘教材,促进思考,进而培养学生的创新能力。而在创新能力的产生机制形成方面,观察、猜想、实验、类比、归纳、直觉等起着主导作用。所以,要培养初中生的创新意识,就必须结合初中数学教材,对这些思维能力进行训练,并且鼓励他们大胆实践。一、发掘初中数学教材,进行猜想思维能力的培养教师在处理教材时,注意引导学生“在没有定理之前”的猜想。并引导学生思考定理、公式或例题所省略了的探索过程,要求学生对问题的处理应当是先“猜”后“证”。提倡猜想与推测,鼓励创造性…  相似文献   

数学的定理是数学的重要内容。如何上好定理课一直是数学教师研究、探讨的热点问题。在中学数学教材中常用“先给结论,后加以证明”这一传统模式编写教材,侧重于让学生接受,而忽视了让学生去发现。新的数学教学理念强调教师用新的数学教学理念指导学生进行学习,着重培养学生发现  相似文献   

<正>初中数学定理的教学是证明问题的基础,是培养学生逻辑思维的重要内容,也是学生探究学习的延续和发展.很多教师在数学定理的教学中存在误区,有轻过程重应用、轻条件、重结果等倾向.笔者认为,教师作为学生学习、成长的引领者,对教材的领悟、把握、处理和定位,直接关系到三维目标的顺利实现.因此,对于数学定理的教学,教师只有在正确理解和把握教材价值取向的基础上,才能准确定位教学内容,把握教材的深度,为学  相似文献   

浅谈高一数学教学策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查数据表明 ,许多初中数学成绩的佼佼者 ,高中阶段后成绩平平 ,以至于有些高中教师抱怨初中数学教学不扎实 ,甚至怀疑中考成绩的真实性 .本人在从初中到高中的大循环教学中 ,深深感到高一是数学学习的一个关键时期 .有必要探索高一学生学习障碍的形成的因素及在教学中可以采取的对策 .现在介绍一下我的初步体会 .1 原因分析1.1 初、高中教材间梯度过大初中教材偏重实数集内的运算 ,缺少对概念的严格定义或对概念的定义不全 ,如函数的定义 ,三角函数的定义就是如此 ;对不少数学定理没有严格论证 ,或用公理形式给出而回避了证明 ,比如不等…  相似文献   

直线和平面垂直的判定定理 (下称判定定理 )是现行高中数学教材 (人教版 )中 ,关于线面、面面平行及垂直的判定和性质定理中唯一没有给出书面证明的定理 (见课本p2 1 )教材中只给出了判定定理的分析过程 ,要求学生自己完成证明过程 .教师们也许认为 :此判定定理的几何证法独特、单一 ,构造图形复杂 ,证明过程较长 ,而实验教材降低了对几何推理论证的要求 ,学生只要了解就可以了 ,而且后面还将利用空间向量的方法对其进行更简洁的证明 .教材中只给出了分析过程 ,许多教师在教学实践中通常也不会给出详细地证明 ,更不用说去挖掘其中的数学思想…  相似文献   

微分中值定理是微分学的一组重要定理,它包括洛尔定理,拉格朗目和柯西定理,在一般的教材和教学参考书中均以洛尔定理为基础,运用几何分析法构造辅助函数证明另二5理,我在教学中感到这个辅助函数的引入比较难讲,其他教师也有同感,通过探索我找到一种用代数分析法引入辅助函数的方法,可以使这两个定理的证明简单易懂,我在gi/J。教大3班的高等数学和93数学进修班的数学分析教学中都采用了这种方法,效果较好。这个方法同样是以洛尔定理成立为前提的。一、格尔定理若函数n刘满足下列条件1)在闭区间(a、b)上连续;2)在开区间(a、…  相似文献   

<正>三角形内角和定理的证明,在中学教材中,被认为是"显然可以证明的"数学定理.其实,证明这个定理是相当艰难的.在探索这个定理的证明过程中,矛盾的产生不仅诞生了一个新的数学分支——非欧几何,同时也引发了数学界的一次思想解放,使得数学走在物理学前面几十年.可见,探究该定理的证明过程、揣摩其思想,要比直接得出结论重要的  相似文献   

高中和中等师范教材中均是在排列组合、二项式定理之后介绍概率论初步知识的.然而,反过来,对一些组合恒等式用概率论知识给出其证明,则赋予了组合恒等式以概率论知识的生活模型,并且这种证法比教材中证明所用的二项式法、分析法、递推法、数学归纳法等还要简单.教师若结合教材,灵活地给学生以介绍,对学生学活用活所学知识将是很有益处的.  相似文献   

The previous study demonstrated that the Chinese version of the PSSM scale was applicable for use by Hong Kong students, and in this study, the scale was also found to be workable for the measurement of Shanghai students' psychological sense of school membership. The only difference found in the 18-item PSSM scale distributed to Shanghai and Hong Kong students was that in Shanghai, simplified Chinese characters were used. Four schools from Shanghai and Hong Kong were chosen to participate in this study. By comparing two hundred and twenty 6th grade students of Shanghai and Hong Kong, it was found that Shanghai students had a significantly higher sense of school belonging and lower feelings of rejection.  相似文献   

Manhong Lai 《Compare》2007,37(1):53-68
Beginning in the 1990s, the education departments of Hong Kong and Shanghai began to actively initiate reform with a focus on the quality of education. In reviewing the implementation of educational reform in these two societies, we found that Hong Kong teachers tended to only adopt those policies which they felt were beneficial for students' learning, whereas Shanghai teachers tended to conform more to the state's requirements. Teachers in Hong Kong strongly expressed their frustration over the intensification of their work, while teachers in Shanghai seldom expressed disagreement over the state initiatives. Concerning the meaning of teacher professionalism, teachers in Hong Kong were more able than their counterparts in Shanghai to develop their own interpretations. However, at the same time, teachers' work in Hong Kong was still being monitored by the emerging schooling market, while the work of Shanghai teachers was monitored by the state. Teachers' work in both societies can be interpreted as ‘confined professionalism’. In addition, in both of the two societies teachers' awareness of their professionalism was comparatively weak. Further empowerment in this area is needed.  相似文献   

沪港澳中学数学课堂的主要共性有:指令性讲解为主;较为重视课堂练习;强调问题之间的内在联系;强调讲清概念;强调对算法的讲解、练习以及总结.主要差异有:上海课堂的效率最高,并有一定时间为学生提供探究性学习的机会;香港课堂练习时间最多,但练习的问题中,重复性和低复杂性的问题最多;澳门课堂练习时间最少,而练习的问题复杂性较高等.  相似文献   

In this 1991 study the sex behavior and attitudes of first-year university students in Shanghai, China, were compared to attitudes and beliefs of first-year students in Hong Kong. Findings do not confirm a strong Western influence and increased promiscuity. The evidence suggests that the effect of Westernization or modernization is dependent on and varies with the nature of the imported Western culture and the form of and standards for sex education. Students from Hong Kong, which is more modernized than Shanghai, were less sexually active and more conscientious about using contraception. A high percentage of Shanghai students had experienced sexual intercourse and multiple sex partners. Christian males from the Hong Kong survey had less coital experience than non-Christian Hong Kong males. The surveys were conducted in 22 universities in Shanghai among 1919 first-year students, but only 25.1% responded with completed questionnaires (344 single Chinese males and 137 single Chinese females). The Hong Kong questionnaire was distributed to 7675 students. 2341 single Chinese males and 2247 single Chinese females who were unmarried and non-Chinese completed the survey (a 48.5% response rate). It is argued that restrained female unmarried sexuality is still limited by cultural and religious attitudes.  相似文献   

19世纪的香港在英国殖民体系中有着极其重要的地位。在司法领域,领事须将领事口岸的重大案件或对其裁决不服的案件交由香港高等法院市理。随着香港经济中心地位逐渐被上海替代,香港高等法院也丧失其远东司法中心的地位。其地位演变与英国殖民者在远东的利益和殖民政策息息相关。  相似文献   

Teachers beliefs about their ability to affect students’ performance is an important part of professionalism. This study compared 725 Hong Kong and 575 Shanghai primary in-service teachers on their teacher efficacy. Two Chinese versions of the 12-item Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale were used in this study since some wordings of the Hong Kong version of the Scale (HK-TSE) were different from the Shanghai version (STSE) as a result of cultural differences. Basically, the Shanghai teachers reported significantly higher efficacy than did the Hong Kong teachers. After reviewing these quantitative results, 86 follow-up questionnaires from Shanghai in-service teachers who also participated in the first part of this study were collected. Results of this qualitative part showed that the three most commonly cited factors for the contribution of teacher efficacy were: respect and confidence placed in them by students and parents, the training they received from universities and the experience they gained from daily teaching practice. Though Hong Kong in-service teachers had lower efficacy scores than the Shanghai counterparts.  相似文献   

鸦片战争后,外商办报十分活跃,除外文商业报纸外,中文商业报纸发展十分迅速,形成了港中心和沪中心两个报业基地。从港中心到沪中心的转移和变迁,我们不难看出媒介生存的环境因素。  相似文献   

20世纪引领中国都市文化潮流并具有特色的地区主要有:上海及其周边地区,它们被称为“海派文化”;津京地区,它们被称为“津京文化”;香港及其周边的广东地区,它们被称为“港派文化”。在这三种文化的孕育下,中国20世纪通俗小说此起彼伏地形成了三大波段,形成了海派、津派和港派小说。这三派小说有着千丝万缕的联系,又各有自己的特色。文章认为尽管这三派小说的特色是多方面的,其总体特色应该是:海派小说完成了通俗小说的市场转型;津派小说构筑了通俗小说的地域特色;港派小说有着更多的现代国际视野。在这三派通俗小说的共同打造下,中国通俗小说进行了现代性的改造,构成了具有中国特色的现代型的通俗小说。  相似文献   

在这香港回归祖国怀抱之际,回顾以往,展望未来,有三点不能忘记——香港被帝国主义强割、强“租”、强占的屈辱历史不能忘记;“落后挨打”的教训不能忘记;爱国主义传统不能忘记。  相似文献   

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