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课堂教学中,培养学生积极的学习情感,会使学生学习兴趣和信心倍增、智力活跃,从而主动参与认知活动。以"差生班"的授课情况为例,从"完善自我,用形象魅力吸引学生"、"借助网络‘关注’学生,架起师生情感交流的桥梁"和"领情入境,诱导学生求知情感"三个方面注重师生情感交流,以提高信息技术教学的有效性。  相似文献   

This study explored the impact of information technology on internal communication at a tertiary education institution. An employee survey was distributed to determine the current impact of information technology on internal communication, and to explore the possible impact of two further information technology based communication systems. The survey found that despite a preference for face-to-face communication, respondents were better informed, more willing to communicate and exchanged more job-related information since the introduction of e-mail, voice mail and Wordview (policy and academic documents available on the network). The survey explored the possibility of introducing an electronic meeting system with 50% of respondents willing to try such a system. As the majority of respondents spend minimal time travelling and freely give their opinions at meetings, however, it is unlikely that such a system would result in further improvements in internal communication. Survey findings indicate the need for respondents to be better informed about the information available on their computers and how to access the information. The findings also indicate that there may be potential improvements in internal communication if an intranet is established. © 1998 IFIP, published by Chapman & Hall Ltd  相似文献   

This qualitative study focuses on newly qualified teachers’ use of information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool for meeting the challenges of their everyday work. The overarching aim is to investigate whether they can contribute to new knowledge about learning in ICT contexts. Theoretical points of departure concern the changeable nature of learning in situations where ways of communicating knowledge and skills are changed. The study draws upon interviews and observations. The findings show intersections picturing the new technique as partly changing the circumstances for teaching, learning and collaboration between colleagues. The new teachers’ utterances show that ICT utilisation is extensive and exhibits great variation both among female and among male participants. Boundary‐crossing changes become visible in the collaboration between more experienced teachers and those who are newly qualified, especially when they work on a common development project. However, there are relatively few teachers who bring up active ICT use in connection with pupils’ learning. Changed roles because of ICT competence raise questions about the importance of systematic ICT features within teacher education. Many of the newly qualified teachers wish they had more knowledge about ICT and related techniques. Another question is whether newly qualified teachers who show interest in using the technique can take on the role as agents of change in their active and creative use of ICT.  相似文献   

介绍了通用串行总线标准(USB)接口芯片CH372的性能,描述了USB通信技术在热能信息采集系统中应用的总体结构设计,具体讨论了USB接口芯片的应用电路设计,并对应用系统的部分固件程序、设备驱动程序的编程方法及单片机通过USB接口与PC机进行通信的方法进行了阐述。  相似文献   

This self-ethnography complements the other articles in this special issue by spotlighting a set of key challenges facing international research teams. The study is focused on the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT)-based collaboration and research team dynamics. Our diverse team, drawn from researchers in five countries and three projects, argues that an ironic casualty of the powerful, global phenomena we study, is a lack of insight into what happens to generic research team dynamics, when groups are ‘stretched’ in terms of geographical distance, generations, cultural beliefs, values and norms, as well as disciplinary/specialist traditions. Good intentions are not sufficient to cope with these challenges. This is because of the emerging complexity inherent in many types of international, interdisciplinary fields of study and the complexity of the career trajectories needed to make these studies a reality. Our study underlines that there are no beliefs, values, norms and practices linked to research team dynamics, that hold across the current territory, generations, disciplines, cultures, organizations and individuals leading and conducting comparative studies—and even less reflection on the implications of this fact. Compounding this lack of awareness is a less-than-perfect understanding of the way in which ICT-based collaboration bears on research team dynamics. We assert that a holistic, critical, long-term approach to emerging insights into the global division of academic labor, serves our field better than folk psychology or the methodological parochialism that sustains convention at the expense of creativity. Careful consideration of emergent processes, relationships and linkages that explain how short-term cooperation—within projects—begins to make sense—over careers—illuminates key focal points, which, in turn qualitatively illuminates the way forward concerning conceptualization and problematization of our practice; and novel methodological routes available for those interested in attaining better outcomes, over the long term.  相似文献   

本研究首先分析了当前信息技术环境下大学英语课堂互动的研究状况,然后指出影响大学英语课堂互动模式的四个主要因素。针对上述研究内容,本文对优化信息技术背景下的大学英语课堂互动教学提出几点建议,最后文章指出我国大学英语教学应当积极顺应时代的发展潮流坚持改革与探索,最终促进大学英语教学,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

本文紧扣媒体的本质,反思我国教学媒体应用的历史和现状,从认知心理学信息加工的角度对媒体技术的学习原理及机制进行分析,探索媒体技术对教学行为取向的影响。  相似文献   

For more than 50 years, literature on the use of information and communication technology in counseling and guidance has presented ethical issues related to the development and use of technologies in practice. This paper reviews the ethical issues raised, organizing them into three categories: Social equity, resources, and services. Career professionals’ efforts to address these ethical issues are introduced via a discussion of ethical, credentialing, and accreditation standards. The article concludes with a call for additional standards development, training resources, and research to shape the use of rapidly changing technologies in ways that ethically and effectively enhance client services.  相似文献   

科技是第一生产力,高校是我国科学研究力量的主要组成部分.高校科研项目信息管理系统实现了高校科研项目的信息化管理,有利于创新高校科研项目管理工作模式,加强高校科研项目管理,提高高校科研项目管理效率.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的兴起,新媒体宣传和推广成为时下文化符号群体生存的不二法则。冼夫人作为一种文化符号一直以来被多数人所追捧,但传统语境下的冼夫人文化在传播策略上逐渐与当前人们的阅读习惯、信仰形式、传播行为出现脱节。地方政府应利用新媒体技术加快冼夫人文化传播的速度、扩大冼夫人文化的影响力度,使其更好地走向大众化、民俗化,实现更多的人群覆盖。  相似文献   


Research evidence suggests teacher educators who role model the use of information communication technology (ICT) in their practice help their students build confidence and competence as ICT users. This research finding is also supported by feedback from Louisiana Tech University students in teacher education. Research also indicates that a number of factors impact the adoption of ICT in the practice of teacher educators. This research has examined one of these factors, namely the benefits of one-on-one coaching for teacher educators by technology coaches as they worked together to learn to use technology. Participants included 33 teacher educators from Louisiana Tech University and 14 pre-service teachers. The pre-service teachers served as technology coaches and worked with the teacher educators in their offices and classrooms as they learned to use technology for their personal benefit and to integrate technology into their teaching. Interviews and observations indicated that coaches as well as teacher educators benefited from the relationship and both groups increased their technology competency.  相似文献   

为了解决表面等离子器件尺寸过大、不能通用集成的问题,采用对称梯形、金属-介质-金属结构,设计了一种新型的能够光电集成的硅基波导。设计波导的芯层面积越大局域化强度更高,梯形波导顶角145°时局域因子能够达到96.8%;内部芯层越宽电场局域化程度越高,传输距离越长;当芯宽50nm时,梯形波导间距大于900nm能提高耦合效率、降低干扰的影响。  相似文献   


In education, research presents a number of challenges. One of these is to ensure that educators are well placed to utilise the outcomes of research, and conversely that the profession is able to inform the research agenda. This is as true for the application of information and communications technology in education, as in any other field. At the same time, there is a growing perception that the education profession needs to become more ‘evidence based’ and draw on educational research and validated good practice. This applies to teachers in all phases of education, from the nursery school to the university, and to those who provide services to education and training and inform their strategic development. However, because teaching and learning take place in increasingly complex environments and across multiple organisations and systems, careful interpretations are required to put research into practice.  相似文献   

随着我国教育信息化的推进和以多媒体技术和网络技术为核心的信息技术在教学中的广泛应用,教育方式发生了重大的变革,而协作学习作为一个新兴的学习方式,受到了人们极大的关注,成为全球教育研究的热点问题之一,而且越来越向更人性化和深入研究的方向发展。本文对基于信息技术环境协作学习教学模式的理论基础、教学模式和应用策略等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

科技信息试题在中等教育中有很重要的作用,是高考和竞赛试卷的重要题型之一,是教师自修和训练学生综合能力的好模式,也是很有效的科普宣传形式。下面的新化学科技信息选自2003年7月至2004年1月的部分较重要事件,主要涉及新能源、新材料、社会生活和基础研究等方面,试题的编制着眼问题设置的新颖性、答案的开放性及学科的综合性。  相似文献   


The rapid changes and convergence of new information and communication technologies over the past decade have changed the way distance education is employed. The new information and communication technology revolution has enabled academic institutions to provide a flexible and more open learning environment to students and has brought distant sites into an electronic web of information. As a result, the gist of this paper is to examine the promise of new information and communication technologies and public service broadcasting (particularly television broadcast-based distance education) in Africa in the face of globalisation.  相似文献   

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