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从社会学视角解读歧视艾滋病感染者的行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,歧视艾滋病感染者已成为社会乃至整个世界的一种普遍现象。本文通过对歧视艾滋病感染者的行为表现及原因的分析,辨证地评价这个问题产生的风险,并就如何解决对艾滋病感染者的歧视和如何控制艾滋病的传播等问题提出一些相应的对策与建议,使大众加深对艾滋病患者的理解,并能够洁身自爱,远离艾滋病的侵扰。  相似文献   

就业歧视现象在我国普遍存在,就业歧视的本质特征是没有正当理由的差别对待,法律禁止就业歧视的主要目的是保障平等就业权并实现社会正义.在市场化就业背景下,反就业歧视决不能仅仅满足于各种原则性规定,而必须遵循市场化就业的基本规律,正确处理用工自主权与平等就业权这对"轴心"权利的相互关系.我国反就业歧视仍处于制度短缺阶段,反就业歧视在立法、执法和司法层面都还面临诸多法律困境,我国反就业歧视的道路依然任重而道远.  相似文献   

谢良敏:关注农村籍大学生就业全国总工会法律工作部副部长《就业促进法》确定了我国有关就业问题的大政方针和法律依据,在宏观层面和具体层面上都对青年就业作了保护性的规定,明确了劳动者包括青年劳动者平等就业、自主就业以及就业不受歧视的权利。  相似文献   

平等就业权是劳动者在就业过程中应有的一项重要权利,也是当代男女平等的基本内容。在目前大学生就业形势日趋严峻的就业大环境下,对女大学生的就业歧视越发明显,其平等就业权得不到保障。笔者通过了解女大学生就业现状,分析女大学生遭遇就业歧视的原因,从法律层面上探讨维护女大学生平等就业权的对策,加强其就业平等权的法律保障,促进社会和谐。  相似文献   

当前,中国艾滋病感染者和病人的数字在不断攀升,并呈现出由高危人群逐渐向普通人群蔓延的趋势。与此同时,社会对他们的歧视与排斥也越来越严重,导致了各种负面影响和不良后果。从山西运城、临汾等地与艾滋病感染者和病人所进行的面对面访谈情况看,艾滋病感染者和病人的污名和社会歧视,是这一群体产生隐藏病情的畸变心理的社会文化基础。  相似文献   

中国正处在艾滋病疫情发展的关键阶段,疫情主要集中在三类人群:不安全采血的农民,注射吸毒者,从事商业性服务的人,中国工作场所艾滋病教育项目旨有减少工作场所针对艾滋病感染者的就业歧视,减少目标人群的高危行为,制定相关政策保护感染者及企业员工的权益。[编者按]  相似文献   

由于传统教育观人才观的偏差,用人单位的强势地位,法律规定的粗疏,成人学生自身的特殊性等原因,使成人学生不仅要面对就业者面对的性别歧视、外貌歧视等一般性歧视,还要面对学历歧视、年龄歧视、婚姻状况歧视、待遇歧视等不公平的歧视,导致成人学生的平等就业权难以实现。因此,笔者建议在立法上扩大《劳动法》中劳动者的内涵和劳动歧视的范围,在条件成熟时制定《反就业歧视法》,加大对成人学生就业权的保护。在司法上完善就业歧视的救济程序和就业歧视惩罚性条款,加大执法力度。在配套措施上建立反就业歧视的法律援助机制,完善社会保障制度,保障成人学生就业基本权得以实现。  相似文献   

何瑜 《文教资料》2010,(16):229-231
女性就业歧视是社会不平等现象的一个突出方面。由于传统认识上的偏见和法律保障体制上的欠缺等多方面原因,目前我国女性就业方面受到歧视和不平等待遇的现象屡见不鲜,这种现状令人担忧。要摒除这种偏见和歧视,除了对经济与社会生活中女性就业歧视的现状和造成女性就业歧视的原因进行深刻认识外,积极探索和创造女性和谐就业环境的基本对策,成为我们能够最终促进平等、推进人类事业的公平正义发展的基石。  相似文献   

就业歧视是指用人单位基于劳动者与职业能力和职业内在客观需要不相关的因素,在就业机会或职业待遇上做出任何区别、排斥或优惠从而取消或损害劳动者平等就业权利的行为。我国目前没有专门的反就业歧视法律,现行的有关就业歧视的立法存在重大不足,导致就业歧视难以遏制与禁绝。国家要从对现行法律法规展开违宪审查与清理、制定反就业歧视专门法、建立反就业歧视保障机构三个方面来构建反就业歧视的法律制度。  相似文献   

经济的高速发展,并没有解决就业市场上日益严重的性别歧视问题。现存制度在解决女性就业歧视方面明显不足。对比美国的成功经验,从法律层面保护女性公平就业,避免歧视必须从以下几个方面入手:完善我国禁止女性就业歧视的立法;建立专门的执法机构,加大女性就业平等权的保护力度;建立并完善生育保障制度,实现生育成本社会化。  相似文献   

自1985年我国发现第一例艾滋病病例以来,艾滋病患者长期处于社会排斥与社会隔离之中,他们饱受歧视与压抑,成为丧失部分权利和地位的"身份受损"群体——污名群体.本研究对北京市某高校部分学生进行了抽样调查,认为对艾滋病知识的掌握、成长阶段以及影响性知识、艾滋病知识获取的主客观因素显著干预高校学生对于艾滋病患者的态度,并指出艾滋病的"内部可控性"和"消极符号化含义"对延续艾滋病患者群体污名化处境具有负面作用.  相似文献   

People living with HIV/AIDS will likely require services from mental health professionals to address the complex psychosocial effects of the illness. In the United States, counseling students are not likely to be well prepared to serve clients affected by HIV/AIDS, and little is known about their HIV-related knowledge and attitudes. The present study assessed the moral development, HIV/AIDS knowledge, and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS among a national sample of counseling students in the United States. Results indicated that students held biases toward people living with HIV/AIDS and that their attitudes toward HIV/AIDS were inversely related to their level of moral development.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the learning needs of Health Care Workers (HCWs) in the field of HIV/ AIDS. Essentially the paper covers their perceived initial education and training needs at tertiary level through to the continuing vocational professional development of HCWs who are involved in the practice of health care of people living with HIV/AIDS. The focus of the paper provides an illustration of the theme of adult education that searches for roles of social relevance in both a community and continuing professional setting, notably in the context of challenging human needs. In this illustration, the identification of the tertiary level education and training needs of HCWs by the practitioners themselves, as well as other interested stakeholders, is designed to help others who follow them practice with competence and confidence in this complex area of human need. Ultimately the continuing education of HCWs in such a challenging context is concerned with empowering people living with HIV/AIDS to come to realistic and positive terms with their condition.  相似文献   

This paper examines Ghanaian young people's perceptions of the determinants of HIV- and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination, and how these perceptions may influence the de-stigmatisation process. Drawing on findings from an in-depth, multi-method qualitative study involving 104 school and street young people aged between 14 and 19 years, the paper presents young people's accounts of HIV and AIDS. The paper provokes discussion on how language and images associated with existing educational programmes on HIV and AIDS place young people in a dilemma. It also argues that fear and secrecy associated with the disease not only consolidate stigmatisation and discrimination, but also create the desire for retribution. It concludes by challenging health educators to pay particular attention to the language and images used in future educational programmes.  相似文献   

The AIDS epidemic presents a complex of issues that require global answers, involving entire societies. The only sustainable solution is to include all sectors of society in a multidisciplinary collaboration, within which the formal education system plays a key role in delivering a comprehensive response to the disease at the national level. Moreover, in order to be effective, governments must work in collaboration with parents, religious leaders, and community members. This article describes eight key issues that must be addressed to establish a successful HIV/AIDS education curriculum. It also provides examples of best practices from three countries. First, HIV education in schools should adopt a human rights perspective and address stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV). Second, gender issues should be fully integrated into messages about the disease and the whole community should be sensitized on this topic. Third, national curricula must be designed in respect of religious perspectives; the most successful ones will include religious leaders in the process. Fourth, the language and content used in designing education materials for schools must be culturally sensitive, as local traditions can influence the transmission of HIV; those developing curricula should explore the best ways to incorporate positive traditions into formal education initiatives. Fifth, governments are responsible for providing comprehensive and adapted messages about the disease to children and youth in school settings; they must develop a national strategic policy on it and establish specific measures established to protect PLHIV. Sixth, the family plays the primary role in providing information to children on sexuality and HIV-related issues, even if parents and children sometimes find it hard to talk about. Parents must be informed so they can play a more active role in educating their children in this area. Seventh, teachers and administrators are central to effective HIV education; as they often complement parents’ roles, they need to be trained at pre- and in-service levels on these issues, including sexuality. Finally, children and young adults should learn about sexuality and HIV and AIDS at various stages throughout their development. It is crucial to adapt the content to the age and knowledge level of the target group.  相似文献   

Despite recent progress in meeting the goals of the Education for All agenda, certain groups of young people are particularly vulnerable to exclusion and underachievement, including children with HIV/AIDS, children living in poverty, and children with disabilities. HIV/AIDS has reduced many young people’s rights to access education, to live a full and healthy life, and to have a life as a child. This article focuses on attempts to continue to empower young people to protect themselves from HIV by exploring the dynamics around HIV-related education in schools, in particular by examining the role that young people’s knowledge can play in improving curricula and thus reducing HIV/AIDS rates. The authors draw on qualitative research in a total of eight schools in Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa. Preliminary findings suggest that pupil consultation and dialogue can be used to inform thinking on the curriculum for HIV education.  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS discourses have not only made people aware of HIV as a disease entity but have opened up new ways of thinking and talking about sex and sexuality. This article draws on findings from an evaluation of a pilot sexuality education programme, conducted in secondary schools in Victoria (Australia), to examine gender relations and the production of difference. Participating schools were required to incorporate teaching and learning experiences which normalised and affirmed sexual diversity and explored issues around HIV-related discrimination and homophobia. Two examples, gender, power and menstruation and heterosexism and homophobia, are used to analyse the language and practices students engage in as part of the process of achieving a (hetero)sexual identity. It is argued that HIV/AIDS education and sexuality education, more broadly defined, presents a particular challenge to dominant forms of masculinity and that programmes need to address gender, power and heterosexuality and its discontents if they are to have a positive impact on HIV-related discrimination and homophobia.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the attitudes of Hindu students from a government women's college of South India toward people with AIDS, to assess their beliefs about HIV/AIDS, to determine their knowledge level about HIV/AIDS and to determine how they gain information about HIV/AIDS. The sample consisted of four hundred female students at a government funded Women's University in Southern India who participated in an AIDS survey research project. Participants completed a survey asking about their knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about HIV/AIDS. Results indicated that a majority of the participants learned about HIV/AIDS from reading material while some learned about HIV/AIDS from school classes, and only a few learned from family members. Thirty-nine percent had never communicated to any one about HIV/AIDS. The results indicated that the majority of Indian women in this study did not know about explicit sexual behaviors which transmit the virus. The study also showed that those Indian women university students, by and large, are accepting of people with AIDS but still have fears of getting HIV/AIDS. This data suggest a need to increase educational efforts at the university. It was suggested that counselors take responsibility for helping this population of Indian women become self advocates, particularly in a society which permits men to have multiple sexual relationships. Educators and counselors working with this population must initiate programs that impart accurate and specific knowledge to these female college students and begin to address the multiple psychosocial issues related to HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

Rural Development Professionals (RDPs) are key actors in processes of social change for people living with HIV/AIDS in rural areas. This article reports on the filming of a series of workshops and courses for RDPs in Ghana, India, Tanzania and Zambia. In this article the filming and the films are analyzed as tools for learning and social change for different audiences. Analyzing the production and consumption processes shows the interconnectedness of the filming and learning during the courses. The results indicate that the films contribute to improved rural development professionalism in the context of HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

Very little research has been done in South Africa on HIV/AIDS and education. This article is a small attempt to plug the gap. The purpose of the research is to investigate the legal and policy provisions and implications regarding HIV/AIDS for rural and township schools in the Mpumalanga district of South Africa. It seeks to answer three questions: (1) What is the status of policy and legislation on HIV/AIDS and Education in South Africa? (2) How do schools understand, respond to and manage issues of law and policy regarding HIV/AIDS? (3) What are the possible areas of conflict between legal and policy provisions and educational practices and behaviours? After examining the different laws relating to HIV/AIDS and education in South Africa a case study approach is used to explore the research questions in a number of rural and township schools. The findings highlighted a general ignorance of basic human rights issues, the right to confidentiality, the right to security from discrimination if it is known that a teacher or a pupil is HIV positive, the right to privacy and the right, under certain circumstances, to disclosure. The findings also reveal a distance between policy and practice so that schools need to develop vigilance with respect to any legal challenges that they might face at a local level. The findings also show that governing bodies should be made aware of the general legal issues surrounding the individual and HIV/AIDS before they can introduce fair and balanced policies.  相似文献   

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