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一、“备以查考性”不是档案的本质属性 所谓事物的本质属性就是一事物区别于它事物的属性。事物的本质属性是客观存在的,不是人为强加于这一事物的,并为这一事物所独有。伍振华先生的“档案的本质属性就是‘备以查考性”的观点,既有“人为”之嫌,又不为档案所独有。  相似文献   

人有哪些属性?人的本质属性是什么?人有众多属性,各属性的地位是不断变化的,处于主导地位的属性就成了人的本质属性。人有物质属性又有意识属性,有生物属性又有社会属性,有情感属性又有理智属性,有客观被动性又有主观能动性,有相对静态性又有动态变化性,有必然性又有自由性,有动机属性又有行为属性,有共性又有个性……人是具有多维属性构成的矛盾统一生物体。由于事物的结构特点决定事物的性质,每个人各属性的比重不同,组合特点不同,这样,个人的性质也就有了差异。如何考量个人的本质属性?笔者认为,个体的本质由其社会背景属性、主导动机属性,重要行为效果的属性,三者共同决定。  相似文献   

人有哪些属性?人的本质属性是什么?人有众多属性,各属性的地位是不断变化的,处于主导地位的属性就成了人的本质属性。人有物质属性又有意识属性,有生物属性又有社会属性,有情感属性又有理智属性,有客观被动性又有主观能动性,有相对静态性又有动态变化性,有必然性又有自由性,有动机属性又有行为属性,有共性又有个性……人是具有多维属性构成的矛盾统一生物体。由于事物的结构特点决定事物的性质,每个人各属性的比重不同,组合特点不同,这样,个人的性质也就有了差异。如何考量个人的本质属性?笔者认为,个体的本质由其社会背景属性、主导动机属性,重要行为效果的属性,三者共同决定。  相似文献   

张国珍 《考试周刊》2012,(41):66-66
概念是客观事物的特有属性(或叫本质属性)在人们头脑中的反映。无论什么事物,只要我们认识了它的本质属性,就会在自己头脑中产生相应的概念。,数学概念就是现实世界中空间形式和数量关系及其特有的属性(即本质属性)在人们头脑中的反映。  相似文献   

例谈因概念把握不当造成的三种错误   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“概念”一词指反映事物本质属性和特征的思维形式.所谓“本质属性”,就是指它构成某种事物的基本特征,这种属性只为这类事物所具有,它是一种事物区别于另一种事物的基本依据.心理学家曾说过:“概念是客观事物的各种信息通过人的感官形成感觉、知觉,再经过大脑加工(比较、分析、综合、抽象和概括)形成的反映客观事物的共同本质属性的一种思维形式,是思维的单元,是知识的细胞.”而“数学概念”指反映了思考对象空间形式和数量关系本质属性的思维形式,是数学中的最基本思维单元.  相似文献   

一、概念的特点概念是反映一类事物所必有,而它类事物所必无的属性。这叫本质属性。本质属性是从一些非本质属性和本质属性的结合当中抽象概括出来的。概念一定要以词或其它形式的标记(如数学符号等)作为信号。当别人一看到这些标记就知道它指的是哪一类事物的本质属性。只有当一类事物的本质属性和一定的词(或符号)联系起来,非本质属性没有和该词联系起来,这样才能使我们在认识中把二  相似文献   

正抽象是抽取事物的本质属性,使它与其他属性分开;概括是将同类事物的相同属性结合起来。抽象和概括是紧密联系的,只有抽象出事物的本质属性才能进行概括,如果思维不具有概括性也  相似文献   

概念是反映对象的本质属性的思维形式。人们通过实践,从对象的许多属性中,抽出本质属性概括而成。在概念形成阶段,人的认识由感性认识提高到理性认识,把握了事物的本质。在此对初中物理概念的教学做一浅析。  相似文献   

当前,在新时期社会对高综合素养与高专业技能水平的人才需求水平越来越高,深化教育事业改革已经深入到我国教育事业的各个阶段和各个方面。在我国的高等教育实际工作中,对高等教育的本质属性的探讨一直是学界争议的热点,尚没有形成一个可以得到各方面任何的统一意见。笔者认为,我们必须要在认可高等教育具有复杂性属性的基础上,对高等教育的本质属性进行探讨,真理越辩越明。  相似文献   

<正>概念是反映对象的特有属性的思维形式。人们通过实践,从对象的许多属性中,抽出其特有属性概括而成。概念的学习实质上就是学生掌握同类事物的共同本质属性,同时区分概念的有关本质属性与无关本质属性。数学概念是数学  相似文献   

This study reports the development and validation of the Graduate Skills and Attributes Scale which was initially administered to a random sample of 272 third-year-level and postgraduate-level, distance-learning higher education students. The data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis. In a second study, the scale was administered to a stratified proportional random sample of 1102 early-career, undergraduate open distance-learning higher education students in the economic and management sciences field. The data were analysed using confirmatory factor and Rasch analyses. The structural validity and reliability of the scale were confirmed by the results. Educators and learning and development practitioners may be able to use the findings in their teaching, learning and assessment design.  相似文献   

关于教育管理现象、本质及规律问题的再探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育管理现象不是一个单一层面的现象,它由教育管理活动、教育管理体制、教育管理机制和教育管理观念四个具有严密逻辑关系的不同层次的范畴体系所组成。在教育管理现象中,“有了疑问”的教育管理现象和“没有疑问”的教育管理现象都应该是教育管理学的研究对象。研究教育管理现象不可能自然而然地揭示教育管理的本质,还要对本质本身进行深入的探讨才能达到对教育管理的深刻认识。由于教育管理现象的四个范畴基本上囊括了所有的教育管理现象。这四个范畴及每一个范畴中各要素之间所存在的内在的必然的稳定的联系也基本上是全面的,因此,教育管理的基本规律和特殊规律这两种规律也就基本上全面地概括了教育管理的规律。  相似文献   

Understanding What We Mean by the Generic Attributes of Graduates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

网络具有自身的本质属性、功能属性和社会属性。网络的本质属性表现为物质性与知识性的交融、现实性与虚拟性的结合、扩展性与联系性的统一。网络的功能属性包括网状中介性、交互传导性和广泛承载性。网络的社会属性表现为全球性与民族性的结合、系统性与小众化的结合、社会化与个性化的互渗。  相似文献   

Given global uncertainty related to rapid technological developments and the world of work, alongside other equally (if not more) concerning social and political disruptions – the assurance of graduate attributes of importance to employability and citizenship are arguably more important than ever. In this paper, we investigate three areas of practice by Australian universities, and non-university higher education providers who have been omitted from past analyses of this kind. First, we examine the graduate attributes most frequently published by institutions and discipline groups and whether emphasis has changed over time. Second, we investigate how graduate attributes are assured, including a scan of the inputs put in practice by higher education providers, and comparison of graduate and employer perceptions of achievement gathered through recent national surveys. Third, we connect our findings in the first two areas and make recommendations for the attributes needed to equip 2020+ graduates for citizenship and employability. Based on these analyses, we recommend that all providers, university and non-university, and the discipline groups within them: make graduate attributes more visible to the public and especially to students; continue embedding them in the assessed curricula, but also ensure that assessment is explicit and that attributes are communicated and explained repeatedly throughout the course; continue to use stakeholder perception measures, but more consistently align skills in data collection instruments to allow a more constructive comparison, and also draw on more objective measures such as actual assessment of achievement; continue to emphasise attributes associated with global citizenship, teamwork and communication; give more emphasis to independence, critical thinking and problem-solving, and the fundamental foundational skills of written and spoken communication. Most importantly, continue to revise the attributes regularly to ensure fitness for purpose in the rapidly changing environment within which we and our graduates operate.  相似文献   

This paper examines the current understanding of the development of graduate attributes in higher education. The current understanding is rooted in the system-based, behaviouristic approach that emphasises the identification of graduate attributes and curriculum mapping. This approach gives little consideration to more relational-holistic, person-based approaches that emphasise students' agency in determining which graduate attributes they develop, why they choose to develop them and through what means. Although the system-based approach is necessary, this paper suggests that the person-based approach supplements it by addressing the development of meaningful graduate attributes for students in their evolving life and career circumstances. The development of quality graduate attributes involves more than the alignment of what is intended, taught and learned; rather, it occurs through students developing personal graduate attributes in a self-directed and genuinely engaged manner. This person-based perspective, stressing student self-directedness, has important implications for higher education that has as a principal goal the enrichment of student graduate attributes.  相似文献   

Higher education is facing a conundrum relevant to the field of educational development: expectations regarding entrance criteria and graduation attributes are changing simultaneously. Biggs' model of constructive alignment can be used to analyze the challenges presented by these shifts in expectation and help educational developers understand their pedagogical implications. In the present article, an expanded model is proposed in which entrance requirements are added to Biggs' original conceptualization. In so doing, the length of the “learning journey” – from entrance to outcomes – can be charted. When entrance requirements and graduate attributes change simultaneously, higher education must accommodate learning journeys of varying lengths and nature. Moving targets such as these can engender a sense of frustration, if not helplessness, for academic staff responsible for curricular and pedagogical enhancement. However, rather than responding with a sense of helplessness, the educational developer should see these shifts as a real opportunity to support the implementation of a broader range of student-centred teaching/learning activities. Recommendations related to educational development consultations are offered.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to examine the situated nature of graduate attributes through using activity systems theory to explore their contextual nature. It builds on earlier work into graduate attributes by examining the reasons behind the significant variation in their interpretation, thus providing an analysis of the contextual nature of teaching and the implications this has for research and policy. The paper examines the local and individual factors which have a significant influence on the ways in which graduate attributes are understood by teaching staff. Rather than describing graduate attributes as generic, this paper suggests that the teaching of graduate attributes is embedded in local meanings and highly situated and this needs to be acknowledged in higher education policymaking, curriculum design and teaching.  相似文献   

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