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基于冲突图模型形成的二进制整数规划,提出了一种蜂窝网络中支持D2D通信的无线资源分配方法.首先,提出一种频率资源分配算法,即为每个D2D链路都分配一个频率资源块.分配频率资源时将尽可能地利用蜂窝网络中的无线频率资源空间重用机会.然后,提出一种时隙调度算法,即为所有分配同一频率资源块的D2D链路进行时隙资源调度.调度时隙资源时将保证使用同一频率资源块的D2D链路之间达到长期平均吞吐率的比例公平.通过计算机仿真对所提出方法的性能进行了验证,结果表明该方法能够在蜂窝网络中实现D2D通信功能.  相似文献   

多视点视频编码是当前视频编码领域的研究热点之一。在有限的网络带宽下,合理的码率分配可以提高视频主观视觉质量。本文提出一种基于结构相似度的码率分配方法,首先对视频帧提取基于结构相似度的显著图,然后结合显著图对重要宏块和非重要宏块分配不同的QP值,以达到码率分配的目的。实验结果表明,本文方法在有限的带宽下能有效的提高多视点视频的视觉主观质量。  相似文献   

教育机会均等作为教育民主化的一个重要方面 ,是当今国际教育界普遍关注的课题 ,也是许多国家教育政策追求的主要目标之一。本文从教育资源配置的角度阐述了教育机会均等的内涵 ,提出了为追求教育机会均等 ,配置教育资源时所应遵循的原则 ,以及在当前情况下如何优化配置教育资源以促进我国教育机会均等的实现  相似文献   

High-speed train communication system is a typical high-mobility wireless communication network. Resource allocation problem has a great impact on the system performance. However, conventional resource allocation approaches in cellular network cannot be directly applied to this kind of special communication environment. A multidomain resource allocation strategy was proposed in the orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) of high-speed. By analyzing the effect of Doppler shift, sub-channels, antennas, time slots and power were jointly consid- ered to maximize the energy efficiency under the constraint of total transmission power. For the purpose of reducing the computational complexity, noisy chaotic neural network algorithm was used to solve the above optimization problem. Simulation results showed that the proposed resource allocation method had a better performance than the traditional strategy.  相似文献   

合作创新系统中财务管理的利益分配初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合作创新是指企业通过与其他企业、高等院校、科研机构等组织机构,就技术创新建立一种合作关系,在一段时间之内,从事技术与产品的研发工作,在这一过程中,机构之间保持着独立的社会地位和利益分配,并且在完成共同开发目标的基础上,实现各自目标的一种技术创新活动。既然是合作,那么必然会涉及到财务管理利益分配的相关问题,这是合作的基础,其作用不容忽视。  相似文献   

Cognitive radio (CR) is a promising technology deemed to improve the efficiency of spectrum utilization. This paper considers a spectrum underlay cognitive radio network, in which the cognitive users (CUs) are allowed to use the radio spectrum concurrently with the primary users (PUs) under the interference temperature constraint. We investigate the system performance by using the proposed joint channel and power allocation scheme under two transmit strategies to achieve higher data rates and performance diversity gain respectively. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides a significant improvement on the bit error rate (BER) performance and spectrum efficiency of a cognitive wireless network.  相似文献   

通过分析实验用房、仪器设备、实验技术队伍现状和存在的问题,结合地方实际,提出了如何优化配置地方高师院校实验室资源的方案.  相似文献   

We present an unequal decoding power allocation (UDPA) approach for minimization of the receiver power consumption subject to a given quality of service (QoS), by exploiting data partitioning and turbo decoding. We assign unequal decoding power of forward error correction (FEC) to data partitions with different priority by jointly considering the source coding, channel coding and receiver power consumption. The proposed scheme is applied to H.264 video over additive white Gaussion noise (AWGN) channel, and achieves excellent tradeoff between video delivery quality and power consumption, and yields significant power saving compared with the conventional equal decoding power allocation (EDPA) approach in wireless video transmission.  相似文献   

In order to improve the transmission accuracy and efficiency of sensing and actuating signals in Internet of Things(IoT) and ensure the system stability,an adaptive resource allocation algorithm is proposed,which dynamically assigns the network bandwidth and priority among components according to their signals’ frequency domain characteristics.A remote sensed and controlled unmanned ground vehicle(UGV) path tracking test-bed was developed and multiple UGV’s tracking error signals were measured in the simulation for performance evaluation.Results show that with the same network bandwidth constraints,the proposed algorithm can reduce the accumulated and maximum errors of UGV path tracking by over 60% compared with the conventional static algorithm.  相似文献   

依据《京津冀协同发展规划纲要》等标识性政策文件,将京津冀都市圈建设划分出早期阶段和新型阶段,就逻辑构思、功能分区等方面进行政策分析。近几年天津市在前沿领域创建国家研究中心和创新平台,其扩展的数量规模在2-3年内超过以往10年发展的总和,然而其成绩和存在的问题同样是显著的。继而,在经济社会发展和高等教育协同创新两个方面与长三角等区域进行比较研究,反映出长三角区域和珠三角区域在自主创新的活跃度方面均略高于京津冀区域,由此提供了一定程度上发挥市场资源配置功能的范例。相关顶层决策上进行常态化设置,按年度召开京津冀首脑联席会议,就建设区域协同长效机制而言是一个行之有效的实现路径。  相似文献   

为了研究榕-蜂互利共生系统中繁殖资源的分配模式,本研究比较了小叶榕榕果内的种子及小蜂后代数量。研究结果表明:榕果内传粉榕小蜂小蜂数量显著高于种子数量。随着榕果内小蜂后代数量的增加,种子数量也呈增加的趋势,但其增加趋势并不显著。这说明传粉榕小蜂更倾向于在榕果内孕育更多的后代,而非种子。所以说在榕-蜂互利共生系统资源的分配上,传粉榕小蜂应该占主导地位。除传粉榕小蜂外,小叶榕榕果内还寄生着一种非传粉榕小蜂W.kurandensis,该种小蜂仅影响种子产出,而不影响传粉榕小蜂的后代数。这可能是由于该种小蜂与种子都利用榕果内同种空间分布类型繁殖资源资源造成的。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION With the rapid development of wireless com-munication technology, the combination of wireless communication and control systems becomes a new trend of networked control systems. Among the kinds of wireless technologies, wireless sensor network (WSN) has attracted a lot of interest and visibility due to its huge application space. WSN is a kind of wire-less ad-hoc network which connects embedded sen-sors, actuators, and processors and in which each node consists of a wireles…  相似文献   

基于资源配置的农村职业教育公平探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村职业教育是真正的"平民"教育,发展农村职业教育事业,可以促进农村经济发展,提高农村人口素质,缩小城乡差距,有助于解决"三农"问题,也从真正意义上实现了教育公平。文章以农村职业教育公平的内涵为切入点,从资源配置的角度分析我国农村职业教育公平的问题,剖析农村职业教育不公平的原因,提出了促进我国农村职业教育公平的对策与建议。  相似文献   

农村义务教育资源的配置是制约义务教育均衡发展的主要问题。从我国农村义务教育资源配置的现状可以看出,农村义务教育资源配置过程中存在着教师能力水平偏低、教育经费短缺、办学条件落后等问题,严重影响着农村义务教育的发展。因此,应采取合理的措施,优化农村义务教育资源的配置。  相似文献   

Asymmetric stereoscopic video coding can take advantage of binocular suppression in human vision by representing one of the two views in lower quality.This paper proposes a bit allocation strategy for asymmetric stereoscopic video coding.In order to improve the accuracy of bit allocation and rate control in the left view,a proportionalintegral-derivative controller is adopted.Meanwhile,to control the quality fluctuation between consecutive frames of the left view,a quality controller is adopted.Besides,a fuzzy controller is proposed to control the variation in quality between the left and right views by comparing the PSNR disparity of two views with a fixed threshold,which is used to quantize the binocular psycho-visual redundancy and adjust the quantization parameter (QP) of the right view correspondingly.The proposed algorithm has been implemented in H.264/AVC video codec,and the experimental results show its effectiveness in rate control while keeping a good quality for the left view,and fewer bits are allocated for the right view so that the overall bit rate is saved by 7.2% at most without the loss of subjective visual quality for stereoscopic video.  相似文献   

对高速铁路下行MIMO-OFDM系统中的动态资源分配问题进行研究.联合考虑子载波、天线、时隙和功率,将多维资源分配问题建模为混合整数非线性规划问题.分析移动速度对多普勒频移的影响,并计算子载波间干扰功率.在总发射功率不超过一定阈值的约束条件下,将最大化系统吞吐量作为优化目标.为了降低求解最优化问题的计算复杂度,采用两步求解法得到次优解.首先,在等功率分配的前提下,将子载波、天线和时隙分配给不同用户.然后,根据第1步资源分配的结果,进行功率分配.仿真结果显示,提出的多维资源分配策略与已有策略相比在系统吞吐量方面具有较大的性能提高.  相似文献   

为了节约移动设备的电量消耗,提出了一种适合于普适计算环境的动态软件部署算法.综合考虑了软件组件的计算、通信和移动所消耗的费用,建立了一个在移动设备和服务器间组件部署的电量消耗模型.在软件部署中同时也考虑了组件的移动性和组件间的移动关系.利用网络流理论,将节约电量的最优化问题转化为一个流网络的最优分割问题,而后者可采用最大流最小切割算法实现最优切分.实验结果表明提出的算法比现有算法能够节约更多的电量.  相似文献   

研究了多用户场景下多载波码分多址系统(MC—CDMA)的下行信道和功率分配,并将吞吐最大化问题建模成一个混合整数优化问题.为了简化分析,将问题分成2个低复杂度的子问题:功率分配和信道分配.这2个子问题可分别被一个次最优自适应功率分配算法(APA)和一个最优自适应信道分配算法(ACA)解决.通过联合APA和ACA算法,进一步提出了一个自适应信道和功率的分配方案.仿真结果表明:与传统的均匀功率分配算法相比,提出的APA算法更加适用于MC—CDMA系统;此外,提出的自适应信道和功率分配方案可以显著地提高系统吞吐量性能.  相似文献   

伴随着重庆经济的飞速发展,城市的建设需要越来越多的人才,城乡差距的拉大也为教育提出了新的要求。而中职教育的发展不仅可以填补主城劳动力资源的缺失,还可以提高农村人口的技术能力,转移农村人口。重庆的中职教育发展走在全国职业教育的前列,但在中职教育的资源配置和布局结构上仍然具有诸多问题,文章力图在介绍重庆中职教育资源配置与布局结构的基础上提出改进建议,以期有所帮助。  相似文献   

Concave resource allocation problem is an integer programming problem of minimizing a nonincreasing concave function subject to a convex nondecreasing constraint and bounded integer variables. This class of problems are encountered in optimization models involving economies of scale. In this paper, a new hybrid dynamic programming method was proposed for solving concave resource allocation problems. A convex underestimating function was used to approximate the objective function and the resulting convex subproblem was solved with dynamic programming technique after transforming it into a 0-1 linear knapsack problem. To ensure the convergence, monotonicity and domain cut technique was employed to remove certain integer boxes and partition the revised domain into a union of integer boxes. Computational results were given to show the efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

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