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在媒介化社会,城市形象的感知和评价表现出较强的媒介依赖性。通过对域外(广州区域以外)四家报纸的872篇有关广州报道的内容分析,发现域外媒体对广州的关注主要集中在政治、经济、社会等关键议题上,四家报纸呈现的广州,经济活跃、展会发达,政治具有改革探索精神,体育表现突出,但科教、治安以及广州制造形象欠佳。同时,还发现不同性质的报纸对广州的选择和建构方式不同,以《新民晚报》《楚天都市报》为代表的市民类报纸,新闻选择看中趣味性、接近性,报道多用批判视角;以《人民日报》《中国青年报》为代表的全国发行的官方权威报纸,新闻选择看中重要性、显著性,以正面宣传为主,报道视角更为亲善。  相似文献   

许多报纸都会选择在岁末年初推出一份年度特刊,这种报道模式可以充分体现媒体的实力,也是媒体塑造品牌、吸引受众的契机.本文选择具有代表性的<南方周末>为例,从报道角度、继承与创新、品牌化经营策略这几个方面分析了其年度特刊的特色,有针对性地提出一些建议.最后,从<南方周末>年度特刊的特色出发,得出对报纸年度特刊的一些启示,以及对未来发展趋势的建议.  相似文献   

The press, public knowledge and the grant maintained schools policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article examines as a critical case how newspapers reported the grant maintained schools policy. It argues that claims that press reporting of educational issues is frequently unfair are only partially substantiated. The quality press is more likely to be internally inconsistent and contradictory in its reportage of education policy and, on occasion, to inhibit debate through discourses of omision.  相似文献   

The term ‘child prodigies’ is not a scientific one, but is commonly used to refer to exceptional children. Such children are frequently featured in the mass media in particular the daily press. Many of these cases are accessible in no other way. This paper first presents a summary of cases of ‘exceptional early achievers’ reported in two leading British ‘quality’ newspapers. The Times and The Sunday Times, over the decade 1988 to 1997. These and other reports raise numerous issues about giftedness and attitudes to it, which appear to be ambivalent or somewhat negative. This may have implications for public policy towards, and provision for, able children. While the daily press is not scientific literature, there seems to be a regrettable ignorance of psychological knowledge, which would probably not be paralleled in say medicine or engineering.  相似文献   

This research note concerns the construction of a bibliography of written materials about Aboriginal science and technology drawn from books, theses, dissertations, scientific and non-scientific journals, conference papers and newspapers etc. in fact, articles about the science and technology that relate in some way to Aborigines, from whatever source, have been included. The articles collected have been listed and classified using Hypercard and major issues and themes have been drawn out of these classifications. It is hoped that the bibliography will be of value in itself and that the categorisation of written materials with help curriculum developers. Specialisations: Science teacher education, chemical education, science education in developing countries, educational issues.  相似文献   

Lotta Vikström 《Interchange》2003,34(2-3):241-259
It is often hard to unravel the actual work of women in history. Generally few sources are able to give vital information on their occupational structure. What we know, though, is that a vast majority of women were engaged in domestic work. Servants frequently appear in quantitative data, such as parish registers, poll-taxes, or censuses. Nevertheless, these sources fail to cover what women really were doing in order to pay for their daily bread. But in what ways the occupation reported in the quantitative records disagreed from women's actual work is difficult to judge. Additionally, in many cases these records leave no occupational information on women at all. With the computerized parish registers of the Demographic Data Base at Umeå University, Sweden, it is possible to link alternative information on individual women's work to the quantitative data and build on the picture of women's occupations. Consequently, whereas the parish registers enable us to deal with demographic issues concerning the marital, geographical, and social path of women in the past, the alternative sources formed by local newspapers, patient records, and business statistics offer further information on their life and working conditions. This paper reveals that alternative sources are better than the quantitative data at revealing the often multi-occupational and part-time work of urban women. Newspaper advertisements, announcements, and police reports, for instance, reveal the voices of the otherwise silent women workers and tell us about their urban context. The town and time in focus is Sundsvall in 1860–1893, a Swedish sawmill town situated about 400 kilometers north of Stockholm.  相似文献   

To determine the amount of newsspace devoted to articles about aging and the elderly 254 Sunday issues of 22 daily newspapers in 3 circulation groups published in 1983 were examined. A content analysis of the age‐related articles was also done. A total average of .87% of the news‐space was allocated to aging. This figure varied only slightly with circulation size, the ratio of elderly residents in the areas, or with the independence or affiliation of the newspapers. There were, however, differences among individual papers in space allocation. More articles were event—rather than issue—oriented. Metropolitan papers published significantly more issue articles than did papers in the lower circulation groups. Metropolitan papers significantly more often depicted the elderly in active rather than passive roles, whereas the opposite was true for papers in the lowest circulation group. Males were predominantly the subjects of articles in all papers. Recommendations for further study and implications for educational gerontologists are discussed.  相似文献   

晚清小说主要以报刊杂志为载体,其广告宣传方式已具近代特色。传播者在各大报纸上登载征文广告;或在杂志上开辟广告专栏做各种广告宣传;或者在随报附送的单页小说上登载广告;或者在单行本的封底上介绍小说作品等。晚清小说的传播者通过广告,宣传救国救民的办刊宗旨、阐明小说理念,指导作家借鉴中外小说艺术规则,提倡千奇百怪的小说类型,强调版权、标明稿酬,或者在杂志上登载与小说无关的商业广告来扩大经济来源。晚清有关小说的广告宣传,推动了小说的发行,对晚清小说的繁荣起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

传统的财源体制是导致党报党刊非市场发行困局的内在制度原因,破解困局的主要途径是推进财源体制改革.改革的最终目标是构建一种负担相对公平的财源体制,基本思路为:在中央或者省一级建立专项财政资金,将重点党报党刊纳入政府采购序列;建立推进“私订公助”的专项财政资金;对民营企业单位与个人订阅党报党刊实施抵免一定所得税的优惠;财源体制改革与市场发行体系建设,其他延伸改革配套推进.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to explore the extent and nature of teachers' use of newspapers in the secondary science classroom. A survey was conducted in 50 schools. Through semi-structured interviews with the heads of their science departments, three broad issues were investigated: the prevalence, pattern and purpose of use, classroom practice and curricular priorities. It was found that a great many teachers use newspapers, in some way, to support science instruction. The majority, however, used the resource incidentally rather than systematically. By far their most common intention was to highlight the link between school science and everyday life. Only a few reported that they used newspapers to develop among their students an aptitude and ability to read and respond critically to science in the media. It is suggested that such findings are significant in the context of current discussion of the school curriculum and 'scientific literacy'.  相似文献   

互联网给传统报业带来了严重的危机,"报业消亡"似乎已经不再是没有根据的预言。在与网络的较量中,报业也采取了很多措施来进行对抗,这些措施包括:获得国家的支持,开展报业之间的联合,进行多种经营,等等。从根本上来看,报业要度过这场危机,根本出路还在于要利用互联网,发展电子报纸。而要保持高质量的报业,在网络化的过程中,报业要解决好两个问题:一是网络报纸的收费问题;一是新闻专业主义的保持问题。  相似文献   

Effective communication is a concern of those involved in programs for the elderly. The primary focus of this study is the influence of audience variables on the selection of communication channels by the elderly to obtain information.

Five county aging‐service programs and four AARP chapter meetings were surveyed. Participants indicated how they usually obtained information about five different topics of special concern to older adults. The communication channels included five media: Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and brochures/leaflets, and three interpersonal channels: Friends/relatives, professionals, and organizations.

Education, age, income, and living arrangements were related to communication channel selection. Elderly people who did not complete high school were less inclined to select any of the channels. Age was a factor, especially if the individual was over 80 years old. A lower income influenced the selection of two print media (newspapers and magazines), along with two interpersonal sources (relatives/friends and organizations). Individuals living alone were less likely to be reached through newspapers and organizations. Gender did not directly influence source selection.

Television and newspapers were the most preferred channels for information, followed by friends/relatives, brochures/leaflets, and organization. Radio, magazines, and professionals were the least often selected channels.

The most difficult‐to‐reach segment of the sample shared three characteristics: Those with less than a high school education and lower income tended to have a lower information‐seeking orientation, and in some cases being older was a factor.  相似文献   

The news media plays a vital role in providing child protection information and resources, shaping the public’s understanding and perceptions of child maltreatment, and exposing system failures and setting policy agendas. To date, little is known about how child maltreatment is portrayed in the media in societies where these issues remain largely hidden and under-recognized. The purpose of the present study was to systematically examine newspaper coverage on child abuse and neglect in Hong Kong in order to assess how child maltreatment is currently presented and framed within public discourse.A total of 579 newspaper reports relevant to child maltreatment from four local newspapers in 2016 were reviewed. Similar to prior findings, cases involving sexual abuse received disproportionately more attention compared with other maltreatment types. The vast majority of news reports focused on specific cases or events, and seldom discussed child maltreatment as a broader social issue. Differences in reporting style and media framing were also compared by newspaper credibility, and for free versus paid newspapers.As a mass communication tool, more guidelines are needed to formulate public messages about child maltreatment that can improve individual, community, and structural capacities to prevent, identify, and respond to children who are victimized by abuse and neglect. This is especially important in jurisdictions where no mandatory reporting framework exists to help identify vulnerable children, and where the majority of child maltreatment is brought to the attention of authorities by families and those living within the child’s community.  相似文献   

在西学东渐的春风下,中国近代报刊积极关注世界先进科学技术,传播科技知识。1896年3月《万国公报》公布伦琴发现X射线后,近代报刊及时迅速地竞相追踪报道和传播X射线知识,其中包括X射线的用途、X射线技术的发展和X射线的原理及其危害,产生了强大的社会反响。近代报刊是中西文化交流的重要桥梁,其对X射线知识传播的过程也充分反映出了报刊在传播科学文化知识中的社会教育功能。  相似文献   

新词语的动态发展变化是当代汉语研究中值得关注的课题。文章利用CNKI报纸数据库,以2009年度新词语为调查样本,分析新词语自产生以来的具体使用情况。根据词语使用频率不同走势将其分为五类,即稳定型、上升型、起伏型、下降型、偶现型。认为稳定型、上升型为稳定词语,它们具有填补空白、表义明确、经济适用、相容互补的特点;下降型、偶现型属于消退词语,表现出所指消逝、语义重复、表义不清、形式复杂、不具普遍性等特点。  相似文献   

Social work students enter the field of social work for many reasons—from wanting to become clinicians to wanting to advocate for a more socially just world. Social policy classes can be the ideal courses to provide instruction on conducting research on current policy issues. Teaching students about policy advocacy can lead to a class rich with practical application for future legislative action. This article summarizes methods of teaching social policy courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. It includes details about resources (e.g., newspapers, news programs, blogs, Web sites) that students and instructors can use to track current policy topics.  相似文献   

中美英语报刊社论语篇的介入资源对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社论是一种劝说类语篇,对重要事件发表意见、表明态度或立场,以影响读者。但实现社论功能的语言手段如何,特别是中外社论有何差异有待进一步研究。本文以《中国日报》和《纽约时报》的社论语篇为语料,以评价理论为基础,对中外英语报刊社论的介入资源分布特征、这些特征的异同以及原因进行研究,结果发现,《中国日报》倾向于使用限制语篇空间的介入资源,保障其话语的权威性,以高于读者的姿态来引导舆论方向;《纽约时报》则偏好就一般的话题,使用扩展语篇空间的介入资源,强调多声的协商,以与读者平等的姿态出现来对读者提出商议。同时发现,这些特点与中外社论语篇的文化语境密切相关。  相似文献   

Relatively little information exists concerning the experiences of young people with Asperger Syndrome elicited while at secondary-school level. Accordingly, a sample of students diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome was interviewed about day-to-day school issues; and the experience of the special educational needs (SEN) Co-ordinators was tapped. While marked individual differences may exist among young people legitimately diagnosed, there were consistently expressed concerns about peer interactions or the use of break and lunchtimes. It was concluded that, even among students in mainstream schools whose autistic disorders are towards the mild end of the spectrum, the potential or actual difficulties should never be underestimated.  相似文献   

随着开放教育试点工作的逐步深入,考务管理工作面临着许多亟等解决的问题,当前必须对开放教育考务管理工作的特点及工作中应注意的问题有一个清醒的认识,才能把考务管理工作提高到一个新水平。  相似文献   

《大公报》是近代中国报纸中的代表,其中的医药广告集中了报纸广告中的主要特色,是我们研究近代广告业的重要史料。医药广告出现的原因、表现形式及特点都极富时代特色,是广告史的发展轨迹,在近代中国广告史上有典型的意义,对当今广告业的发展也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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