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冰心散文中深挚的文本内蕴和典雅的叙述文体对当下的儿童文学创作具有一定的启示意义。当下的儿童文学应秉持真诚的创作理念,正向引导儿童的价值取向。在创作主题上,儿童文学应宣扬温情和谐的文本理念,以人性关怀来实施情感滋润和道德启蒙。当下的儿童文学创作应遵循平等的创作视角,契合儿童的审美需求。在艺术体式上,儿童文学创作应使用规范优美的语言,运用和缓恬适的语调,捕捉灵秀隽逸的意象。  相似文献   

Systems theory and thinking are fundamental for the effective application of human performance technologies and instructional design to organizational and educational change efforts. One of the cornerstones of systemic change is the involvement of all stakeholders in what is termed participatory- or user-design. While the value of including the users in the creation of large systems of education and human performance (such as training, computer systems, and curriculum) is apparent, the reality of such inclusive efforts has a history of failure. Meeting the challenge of shifting power dynamics, empowering stakeholders and educating for design must, at some level, fall to the leaders of any dynamic organization. This paper describes systemic change as a context for user-design and defines user-design in that context. Approaches to user-design are explored, including ethnographic field methods, cooperative design, and action research-based user-design as applied to the creation and implementation of new technologies. A proposed research plan for the advancement of user-design practice concludes the work.  相似文献   

Technologies such as the Internet and World Wide Web are changing our conceptions of information systems, from who uses them and how they are used, to how the systems are created and who is doing the creating. Everyday users are afforded the same information retrieval opportunities as information scientists or librarians by using emerging information systems such as the Web. Yet, defining best practices for assisting users in finding the information they seek remains an unrealized goal. Discovering how users engage in information retrieval and strategy building while searching for information in open-ended systems such as the Web is an area in need of exploration if these systems are to fulfill their potential as tools for information seeking and learning. This paper describes a theoretically and empirically based framework for how users formulate and employ information-seeking strategies in open-ended information systems (OEISs). Background information and challenges related to OEISs are provided. OEIS theoretical and user perspectives are described. An example based on a recent research study is provided to illustrate use of the OEIS information-seeking framework. Implications for practice and research are offered.  相似文献   

艺术创作之中,材料是不可忽视的的重要因素,它直接影响艺术工作者艺术思维的形成,艺术创作的整个过程,乃至作品的优劣,因此重视材料、正确选材才能更好地为艺术创作服务。  相似文献   

毋庸置疑学前教育的质量决定了一个国家的未来,如何把祖国的未来培养成为祖国的栋梁,使他们能够勤于思考,勇于探索,善于创造则是我们从事幼儿教育工作者的着眼点以及工作重点,当然幼儿的家庭环境因素也很重要,所以要保证幼儿具有健全心灵的同时,让他们能够在一个安全和谐的环境下安静的学习,获取成长所需要的各种知识,本文所讨论的问题就是利用计算机编制游戏型课件,并使其真正的融入幼儿活动设计中,能够更好地帮助教师指导幼儿在仿真的环境内游戏和学习。  相似文献   

提高学生的口语水平,可以通过培育课堂教学环境、课外练习环境以及社会实践练习环境等途径来实现。  相似文献   

During the 1980s a revolutionary type of computer software called Geographic Information Systems (GIS) was developed for integrating environmental data bases with automated map makers. Educational applications of GIS are presently gaining serious attention, and promise to impact US classrooms of tomorrow. Because technophiles focus initially on hardware and software issues, the expansion of educational technologies tends to outpace the associated knowledge base concerning learning and teaching. The emerging consensus is that systematic investigations of how technological innovations can support learning should precede the adoption of new educational practices. This study compared expert/novice-based problem-solving behaviors with a GIS program called ArcView. GIS problem-solving strategies described during reflective think-aloud sessions were evaluated through naturalistic research methods and were analyzed for the occurrence of thematic elements. Three GIS problem-solving typologies were identified. Experts relied on logical formulations to query the data base. Among the novice population, trial-and-error methods and midlevel cognitive strategies that relied on spatial analyses were most prevalent. As novices progressed through the problem set, higher-level cognitive operations were used more frequently. The findings suggest the importance of additional cognitive studies and classroom evaluations of various instructional models prior to the wholesale introduction of GIS technology into high school classrooms. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Conclusion The ever increasing demands on guidance and counseling programs has added new responsibilities to the tasks of the counselor specifically in the area of career development. Along with this increase in responsibility, the issue of accountability has been added. Career information delivery systems assist the counselor in meeting the need for accurate, relevant occupational and educational information that can be disseminated in a timely efficient manner. Therefore, CIDS should be a vital part of all comprehensive career guidance and counseling programs.Mary Elizabeth McCormac is an Occupational Information System Specialist, National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

Students in a university special education course were shown three identical videotapes of children in a school setting. The subjects were randomly divided into three groups, each receiving different written background information (“positive,” “neutral,” or “negative”) prior to viewing the videotapes. It was found that the variations in written information had significant effects upon the subjects' perceptions of the children's behavior, and upon the degree to which the children were regarded as able to function successfully in a regular classroom. These findings suggest that attitudes toward exceptional children are influenced by the way in which prior information, such as that contained in a child's educational records, is presented. Teacher and peer acceptance of exceptional children can be increased if information is presented in a realistic and positive manner.  相似文献   

This paper describes a teaching method that enables students to design efficient and effective algorithms for reporting information systems applications. Adopting the general principles of transformative learning, students are immersed in a series of activities and interventions to enable learning. The activities provided opportunities for students to design algorithms, also using knowledge gained during the interventions. The interventions allowed students to gain knowledge about the output data structures such as list, table, and cube; the sequence control structures that may take different execution times; and the assumptions such as source data tables and mapping rules—all of which can contribute to the design of efficient and effective algorithms. 88 undergraduate business students in an advanced information systems course learn the principles of designing algorithms through critical reflection and reinterpretation consistent with the principles of transformative learning. The algorithms designed by students reveal that attention to the output data structures, sequence control structures, and assumptions enables the design of efficient and effective algorithms.  相似文献   

读者对作品接受是在文本基础上的能动的创造,包括对已言文本和未言文本的创造。读者在能动的阅读中,不断发挥自己的创造力,成为作家的共写者。  相似文献   

王安石作为北宋著名的政治家、思想家、文学家,无论治政、治学,还是为人,都以儒家的圣人之道作为自己行为的基本准则,他密切结合自己治政的实践,以自己渊博的学识和富有创见的思想,实现了其政治上的革新与文学创作上的创新,在宋代这个大舞台上,留下了串串雄音。  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that children with learning disabilities (LD) have difficulty in inhibiting irrelevant information, which generates endogenous interference from working memory. Other inhibition capacities have not yet been investigated, however. This article reports on an experiment examining the capacities of children with LD to inhibit exogenous interference, such as automatic, prepotent responses and distractor interference. Fifteen 11-year-old children with LD and 15 matched controls completed four tasks of inhibition, using the Stroop and Eriksen's flanker paradigms. To test the hypothesis that inhibition can be differentiated in terms of the type of material it acts on, each paradigm was used with numerical and nonnumerical stimuli. Our results showed that children with LD did not exhibit significantly larger interference effects than controls. Moreover, the pattern of results did not differ according to the type of material used. These findings indicate that children with LD do not show impairment in the inhibition of exogenous information--a finding that contradicts the material-specific inhibition hypothesis.  相似文献   

每个国家都有着自己的文化特色,日本也不例外,这也使得日本的创世神话有着许多与众不同的特点。  相似文献   

多媒体教室的管理是学校多媒体教学过程中一个非常重要的环节,管理工作既复杂又繁琐,传统的制度化管理方式很难实现当今高效、规范的管理目标。本文提出利用校园网开发多媒体教室管理信息系统,实现了教室管理的信息化,减少人们在时间和空间上相互分隔的障碍,提高了管理效率。  相似文献   

本文就现代创作理论和传统创作理论的契舍,来论证散文创作的最佳心境.认为散文家经过长期的生活积淀,从"行于所当行"有所感的触发开始,经历"止于所不可不止"的静心运思的过程,达到"有所不能自已"的创作境界.以此来探讨散文的创新和突破.  相似文献   

教育系统是信息应用最广泛的领域,从教育、教学、科研和办公自动化,每个环节都离不开信息技术,正由于信息的大量应用,因此教育系统数据安全、网络安全成为了教育领域的重要问题,所以本文就当前教育信息系统安全问题进行探讨,提出一些策略与建议。  相似文献   

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