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Research Findings: Big Math for Little Kids (BMLK) is a mathematics curriculum developed for use with 4- and 5-year-old children. To investigate the BMLK curriculum's effect on children's mathematics knowledge, this cluster-randomized controlled trial randomly assigned child care centers to provide mathematics instruction to children, using either the BMLK mathematics curriculum or the centers’ business-as-usual curriculum, over a 2-year period when children were in prekindergarten and kindergarten. Participants in the study were 762 children and their teachers at 16 publicly subsidized child care centers. The study assessed children's mathematics knowledge using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), Direct Mathematics Assessment, a measure of young children's mathematics knowledge that is not aligned with the curriculum. The ECLS-B scores of children in the BMLK group increased significantly more than did those of children in the comparison group. The study also included exploratory analyses to examine whether children in the BMLK group demonstrated evidence of improved mathematical language. Practice or Policy: These results indicate that the BMLK curriculum, which is designed to help teachers use play-based, developmentally appropriate mathematics instruction, has a positive impact on young children's mathematics knowledge as measured by a general mathematics assessment that is not aligned with the curriculum.  相似文献   

《小行星,大冒险》是由英国游戏开发商Media Molecule开发的一款PS3(PlayStation 3,索尼公司旗下的电子娱乐部门所开发的次世代PlayStation游戏机)动作解谜游戏。玩家们必须齐心协力,想办法通过推、拉、搬、滚等方式来排除眼前的障碍,运用或破解各种机关开拓出前进的道路。  相似文献   

导读:铺张浪费的美国人在经济危机中得到诸多教训.在美国政府的压力下。美国各大汽车制造商开始转而生产小汽车。虽然对美国人有些不便。但小汽车车型还是纷纷推出。中国已经进入汽车时代.这篇文章能对我们购车有什么启示吗?节约能源。从我做起。  相似文献   

介绍了用细线和小球演示物理实验的教学经验,说明了用小器材可做大实验的道理。  相似文献   

同学们大都读过三只小猪的故事。下面这则故事讲的也是关于三只小猪的故事,不同的是,本篇故事中的狼心地善良,它最后和三只小猪交上了朋友,幸福地生活在一起。  相似文献   

Once upon a time, three were little pigs who lived with their athere mother and father on a farm. One day the youngest pig thought that he would go and build  相似文献   

Jokes for Kids     
严格的规定汤姆的妈妈定了一条规矩,如果他在吃饭的时候来晚了,就不允许他在吃饭时说话。昨天,他像往常一样,别人都坐下了他才来。一进  相似文献   

安德鲁·布雷治身负一项使命:建立健全的寄养儿童保护机制。“我叫安德鲁·布里吉,是你的律师。”我对面前这个面色苍白.体格瘦弱.看起来大概13岁左右的小男孩说。  相似文献   

Real‐world phenomena simulation models, which can be used to engage middle‐school students with probability, are described. Links to R instructional material and easy‐to‐use code are provided to facilitate implementation in the classroom.  相似文献   

农村初中后教育分流是一个复杂的社会体系,农村初中后教育分流主要流向普通高中教育和中等职业教育。中等职业教育是培养有技能的高素质劳动者的摇篮。大力发展职业教育,使更多的农村初中后教育分流的学生能够接受中等职业教育。  相似文献   

Children's Use of Context in Interpreting "Big" and "Little"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to use the words "big" and "little" appropriately, adults use 3 kinds of contexts: normative (the size of the object is compared to a stored mental representation), perceptual (the object is compared to another physically present object of the same kind), and functional (the object is judged with regard to its intended use). In 3 experiments, we examined how flexibly children switch from one context to another. 2–4-year-olds judged a series of everyday objects as "big" or "little." To answer correctly, children had to judge each object twice, once in a normative context and once in a perceptual or functional context. Results showed that switching from one context to another was not inherently difficult, even for 2-year-olds. However, the direction of switch was important: children throughout the age range tested switched easily from a normative context but made errors when asked to switch to a normative context. We suggest that the normative context differs from the perceptual and functional contexts in that it is unmarked, and that unmarked contexts are accessible only when no other context has been recently experienced. When context is marked more explicitly, children shift flexibly among different meanings.  相似文献   


Healthy Kids     
芒种,防湿防躁 6月5日左右是芒种节气,“芒种忙两头,忙收又忙种”,这是一个收获与种植的大忙季节。这个季节由于气温升高,空气中的湿度增加,体内的汗液无法通畅地发散出来,所以容易让人感到困倦,精神不佳。  相似文献   

Healthy Kids     
你知道吗?根据有关专家的说法,枕头的重量中,有10%是活的和死的螨虫及螨虫的粪便!也就是说,如果孩子的枕头重1千克,那么其中就可能有100克的螨虫!  相似文献   

Healthy Kids     
出生后1~2个月的宝宝呼吸时嗓子常发出呼哧呼哧的声音,是不是气管有问题?  相似文献   

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