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The Web and especially major Web search engines are essential tools in the quest to locate online information for many people. This paper reports results from research that examines characteristics and changes in Web searching from nine studies of five Web search engines based in the US and Europe. We compare interactions occurring between users and Web search engines from the perspectives of session length, query length, query complexity, and content viewed among the Web search engines. The results of our research shows (1) users are viewing fewer result pages, (2) searchers on US-based Web search engines use more query operators than searchers on European-based search engines, (3) there are statistically significant differences in the use of Boolean operators and result pages viewed, and (4) one cannot necessary apply results from studies of one particular Web search engine to another Web search engine. The wide spread use of Web search engines, employment of simple queries, and decreased viewing of result pages may have resulted from algorithmic enhancements by Web search engine companies. We discuss the implications of the findings for the development of Web search engines and design of online content.  相似文献   

This paper examines a real-time measure of bias in Web search engines. The measure captures the degree to which the distribution of URLs, retrieved in response to a query, deviates from an ideal or fair distribution for that query. This ideal is approximated by the distribution produced by a collection of search engines. Differences between bias and classical retrieval measures are highlighted by examining the possibilities for bias in four extreme cases of recall and precision. The results of experiments examining the influence on bias measurement of subject domains, search engines, and search terms are presented. Three general conclusions are drawn: (1) the performance of search engines can be distinguished with the aid of the bias measure; (2) bias values depend on the subject matter under consideration; (3) choice of search terms does not account for much of the variance in bias values. These conclusions underscore the need to develop “bias profiles” for search engines.  相似文献   

Shaping the Web: Why the Politics of Search Engines Matters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article argues that search engines raise not merely technical issues but also political ones. Our study of search engines suggests that they systematically exclude (in some cases by design and in some, accidentally) certain sites and certain types of sites in favor of others, systematically giving prominence to some at the expense of others. We argue that such biases, which would lead to a narrowing of the Web's functioning in society, run counter to the basic architecture of the Web as well as to the values and ideals that have fueled widespread support for its growth and development. We consider ways of addressing the politics of search engines, raising doubts whether, in particular, the market mechanism could serve as an acceptable corrective.  相似文献   

Comparing rankings of search results on the Web   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Web has become an information source for professional data gathering. Because of the vast amounts of information on almost all topics, one cannot systematically go over the whole set of results, and therefore must rely on the ordering of the results by the search engine. It is well known that search engines on the Web have low overlap in terms of coverage. In this study we measure how similar are the rankings of search engines on the overlapping results.We compare rankings of results for identical queries retrieved from several search engines. The method is based only on the set of URLs that appear in the answer sets of the engines being compared. For comparing the similarity of rankings of two search engines, the Spearman correlation coefficient is computed. When comparing more than two sets Kendall’s W is used. These are well-known measures and the statistical significance of the results can be computed. The methods are demonstrated on a set of 15 queries that were submitted to four large Web search engines. The findings indicate that the large public search engines on the Web employ considerably different ranking algorithms.  相似文献   

Many Web sites have begun allowing users to submit items to a collection and tag them with keywords. The folksonomies built from these tags are an interesting topic that has seen little empirical research. This study compared the search information retrieval (IR) performance of folksonomies from social bookmarking Web sites against search engines and subject directories. Thirty-four participants created 103 queries for various information needs. Results from each IR system were collected and participants judged relevance. Folksonomy search results overlapped with those from the other systems, and documents found by both search engines and folksonomies were significantly more likely to be judged relevant than those returned by any single IR system type. The search engines in the study had the highest precision and recall, but the folksonomies fared surprisingly well. Del.icio.us was statistically indistinguishable from the directories in many cases. Overall the directories were more precise than the folksonomies but they had similar recall scores. Better query handling may enhance folksonomy IR performance further. The folksonomies studied were promising, and may be able to improve Web search performance.  相似文献   

Web search engines are beginning to offer access to multimedia searching, including audio, video and image searching. In this paper we report findings from a study examining the state of multimedia search functionality on major general and specialized Web search engines. We investigated 102 Web search engines to examine: (1) how many Web search engines offer multimedia searching, (2) the type of multimedia search functionality and methods offered, such as “query by example”, and (3) the supports for personalization or customization which are accessible as advanced search. Findings include: (1) few major Web search engines offer multimedia searching and (2) multimedia Web search functionality is generally limited. Our findings show that despite the increasing level of interest in multimedia Web search, those few Web search engines offering multimedia Web search, provide limited multimedia search functionality. Keywords are still the only means of multimedia retrieval, while other methods such as “query by example” are offered by less than 1% of Web search engines examined.  相似文献   

This paper reports results from a study exploring the multimedia search functionality of Chinese language search engines. Web searching in Chinese (Mandarin) is a growing research area and a technical challenge for popular commercial Web search engines. Few studies have been conducted on Chinese language search engines. We investigate two research questions: which Chinese language search engines provide multimedia searching, and what multimedia search functionalities are available in Chinese language Web search engines. Specifically, we examine each Web search engine’s (1) features permitting Chinese language multimedia searches, (2) extent of search personalization and user control of multimedia search variables, and (3) the relationships between Web search engines and their features in the Chinese context. Key findings show that Chinese language Web search engines offer limited multimedia search functionality, and general search engines provide a wider range of features than specialized multimedia search engines. Study results have implications for Chinese Web users, Website designers and Web search engine developers.  相似文献   

This article proposes a process to retrieve the URL of a document for which metadata records exist in a digital library catalog but a pointer to the full text of the document is not available. The process uses results from queries submitted to Web search engines for finding the URL of the corresponding full text or any related material. We present a comprehensive study of this process in different situations by investigating different query strategies applied to three general purpose search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN) and two specialized ones (Scholar and CiteSeer), considering five user scenarios. Specifically, we have conducted experiments with metadata records taken from the Brazilian Digital Library of Computing (BDBComp) and The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography (DBLP). We found that Scholar was the most effective search engine for this task in all considered scenarios and that simple strategies for combining and re-ranking results from Scholar and Google significantly improve the retrieval quality. Moreover, we study the influence of the number of query results on the effectiveness of finding missing information as well as the coverage of the proposed scenarios.  相似文献   

The performance and capabilities of Web search engines is an important and significant area of research. Millions of people world wide use Web search engines very day. This paper reports the results of a major study examining the overlap among results retrieved by multiple Web search engines for a large set of more than 10,000 queries. Previous smaller studies have discussed a lack of overlap in results returned by Web search engines for the same queries. The goal of the current study was to conduct a large-scale study to measure the overlap of search results on the first result page (both non-sponsored and sponsored) across the four most popular Web search engines, at specific points in time using a large number of queries. The Web search engines included in the study were MSN Search, Google, Yahoo! and Ask Jeeves. Our study then compares these results with the first page results retrieved for the same queries by the metasearch engine Dogpile.com. Two sets of randomly selected user-entered queries, one set was 10,316 queries and the other 12,570 queries, from Infospace’s Dogpile.com search engine (the first set was from Dogpile, the second was from across the Infospace Network of search properties were submitted to the four single Web search engines). Findings show that the percent of total results unique to only one of the four Web search engines was 84.9%, shared by two of the three Web search engines was 11.4%, shared by three of the Web search engines was 2.6%, and shared by all four Web search engines was 1.1%. This small degree of overlap shows the significant difference in the way major Web search engines retrieve and rank results in response to given queries. Results point to the value of metasearch engines in Web retrieval to overcome the biases of individual search engines.  相似文献   

Search engines are the gateway for users to retrieve information from the Web. There is a crucial need for tools that allow effective analysis of search engine queries to provide a greater understanding of Web users' information seeking behavior. The objective of the study is to develop an effective strategy for the selection of samples from large-scale data sets. Millions of queries are submitted to Web search engines daily and new sampling techniques are required to bring these databases to a manageable size, while preserving the statistically representative characteristics of the entire data set. This paper reports results from a study using data logs from the Excite Web search engine. We use Poisson sampling to develop a sampling strategy, and show how sample sets selected by Poisson sampling statistically effectively represent the characteristics of the entire dataset. In addition, this paper discusses the use of Poisson sampling in continuous monitoring of stochastic processes, such as Web site dynamics.  相似文献   

There was a proliferation of electronic information sources and search engines in the 1990s. Many of these information sources became available through the ubiquitous interface of the Web browser. Diverse information sources became accessible to information professionals and casual end users alike. Much of the information was also hyperlinked, so that information could be explored by browsing as well as searching. While vast amounts of information were now just a few keystrokes and mouseclicks away, as the choices multiplied, so did the complexity of choosing where and how to look for the electronic information. Much of the complexity in information exploration at the turn of the twenty-first century arose because there was no common cataloguing and control system across the various electronic information sources. In addition, the many search engines available differed widely in terms of their domain coverage, query methods and efficiency.Meta-search engines were developed to improve search performance by querying multiple search engines at once. In principle, meta-search engines could greatly simplify the search for electronic information by selecting a subset of first-level search engines and digital libraries to submit a query to based on the characteristics of the user, the query/topic, and the search strategy. This selection would be guided by diagnostic knowledge about which of the first-level search engines works best under what circumstances. Programmatic research is required to develop this diagnostic knowledge about first-level search engine performance.This paper introduces an evaluative framework for this type of research and illustrates its use in two experiments. The experimental results obtained are used to characterize some properties of leading search engines (as of 1998). Significant interactions were observed between search engine and two other factors (time of day and Web domain). These findings supplement those of earlier studies, providing preliminary information about the complex relationship between search engine functionality and performance in different contexts. While the specific results obtained represent a time-dependent snapshot of search engine performance in 1998, the evaluative framework proposed should be generally applicable in the future.  相似文献   

Search engines are essential for finding information on the World Wide Web. We conducted a study to see how effective eight search engines are. Expert searchers sought information on the Web for users who had legitimate needs for information, and these users assessed the relevance of the information retrieved. We calculated traditional information retrieval measures of recall and precision at varying numbers of retrieved documents and used these as the bases for statistical comparisons of retrieval effectiveness among the eight search engines. We also calculated the likelihood that a document retrieved by one search engine was retrieved by other search engines as well.  相似文献   

In “Shaping the Web: Why the Politics of Search Engines Matters,” Introna and Nissenbaum (2000) introduced scholars to the political, as well as technical, issues central to the development of online search engines. Since that time, scholars have critically evaluated the role that search engines play in structuring the scope of online information access for the rest of society, with an emphasis on the implications for a democratic and diverse Web. This article describes the thought behind search engine regulation, online diversity, and information bias, and it places these issues within the context of the technical and societal changes that have occurred in the online search industry. The author assesses which of the initial concerns expressed about online search engines remain relevant today and discusses how technical changes demand a new approach to measuring online diversity and democracy. The author concludes with a proposal to direct the research and thought in online search going forward.  相似文献   

Ecommerce is developing into a fast-growing channel for new business, so a strong presence in this domain could prove essential to the success of numerous commercial organizations. However, there is little research examining ecommerce at the individual customer level, particularly on the success of everyday ecommerce searches. This is critical for the continued success of online commerce. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of search engines in the retrieval of relevant ecommerce links. The study examines the effectiveness of five different types of search engines in response to ecommerce queries by comparing the engines’ quality of ecommerce links using topical relevancy ratings. This research employs 100 ecommerce queries, five major search engines, and more than 3540 Web links. The findings indicate that links retrieved using an ecommerce search engine are significantly better than those obtained from most other engines types but do not significantly differ from links obtained from a Web directory service. We discuss the implications for Web system design and ecommerce marketing campaigns.  相似文献   

Stochastic simulation has been very effective in many domains but never applied to the WWW. This study is a premiere in using neural networks in stochastic simulation of the number of rejected Web pages per search query. The evaluation of the quality of search engines should involve not only the resulting set of Web pages but also an estimate of the rejected set of Web pages. The iterative radial basis functions (RBF) neural network developed by Meghabghab and Nasr [Iterative RBF neural networks as meta-models for stochastic simulations, in: Second International Conference on Intelligent Processing and Manufacturing of Materials, IPMM’99, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1999, pp. 729–734] was adapted to the actual evaluation of the number of rejected Web pages on four search engines, i.e., Yahoo, Alta Vista, Google, and Northern Light. Nine input variables were selected for the simulation: (1) precision, (2) overlap, (3) response time, (4) coverage, (5) update frequency, (6) boolean logic, (7) truncation, (8) word and multi-word searching, (9) portion of the Web pages indexed. Typical stochastic simulation meta-modeling uses regression models in response surface methods. RBF becomes a natural target for such an attempt because they use a family of surfaces each of which naturally divides an input space into two regions X+ and X− and the n patterns for testing will be assigned either class X+ or X−. This technique divides the resulting set of responses to a query into accepted and rejected Web pages. To test the hypothesis that the evaluation of any search engine query should involve an estimate of the number of rejected Web pages as part of the evaluation, RBF meta-model was trained on 937 examples from a set of 9000 different simulation runs on the nine different input variables. Results show that two of the variables can be eliminated which include: response time and portion of the Web indexed without affecting evaluation results. Results show that the number of rejected Web pages for a specific set of search queries on these four engines very high. Also a goodness measure of a search engine for a given set of queries can be designed which is a function of the coverage of the search engine and the normalized age of a new document in result set for the query. This study concludes that unless search engine designers address the issue of rejected Web pages, indexing, and crawling, the usage of the Web as a research tool for academic and educational purposes will stay hindered.  相似文献   

下一代Web搜索引擎探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓长寿  赵秉岩 《情报科学》2005,23(3):426-430
本文在总结目前的Web搜索引擎现状的基础上,分析了目前的Web搜索引擎所面临的四个主要挑战,探讨了下一代Web搜索引擎的改进措施和发展方向。  相似文献   

Web queries in question format are becoming a common element of a user's interaction with Web search engines. Web search services such as Ask Jeeves – a publicly accessible question and answer (Q&A) search engine – request users to enter question format queries. This paper provides results from a study examining queries in question format submitted to two different Web search engines – Ask Jeeves that explicitly encourages queries in question format and the Excite search service that does not explicitly encourage queries in question format. We identify the characteristics of queries in question format in two different data sets: (1) 30,000 Ask Jeeves queries and 15,575 Excite queries, including the nature, length, and structure of queries in question format. Findings include: (1) 50% of Ask Jeeves queries and less than 1% of Excite were in question format, (2) most users entered only one query in question format with little query reformulation, (3) limited range of formats for queries in question format – mainly “where”, “what”, or “how” questions, (4) most common question query format was “Where can I find………” for general information on a topic, and (5) non-question queries may be in request format. Overall, four types of user Web queries were identified: keyword, Boolean, question, and request. These findings provide an initial mapping of the structure and content of queries in question and request format. Implications for Web search services are discussed.  相似文献   

Real time search is an increasingly important area of information seeking on the Web. In this research, we analyze 1,005,296 user interactions with a real time search engine over a 190 day period. Using query log analysis, we investigate searching behavior, categorize search topics, and measure the economic value of this real time search stream. We examine aggregate usage of the search engine, including number of users, queries, and terms. We then classify queries into subject categories using the Google Directory topical hierarchy. We next estimate the economic value of the real time search traffic using the Google AdWords keyword advertising platform. Results shows that 30% of the queries were unique (used only once in the entire dataset), which is low compared to traditional Web searching. Also, 60% of the search traffic comes from the search engine’s application program interface, indicating that real time search is heavily leveraged by other applications. There are many repeated queries over time via these application program interfaces, perhaps indicating both long term interest in a topic and the polling nature of real time queries. Concerning search topics, the most used terms dealt with technology, entertainment, and politics, reflecting both the temporal nature of the queries and, perhaps, an early adopter user-based. However, 36% of the queries indicate some geographical affinity, pointing to a location-based aspect to real time search. In terms of economic value, we calculate this real time search stream to be worth approximately US $33,000,000 (US $33 M) on the online advertising market at the time of the study. We discuss the implications for search engines and content providers as real time content increasingly enters the main stream as an information source.  相似文献   

赵发珍 《现代情报》2013,33(6):91-95
论文通过Yahoo!和Bing搜索引擎获取30个网络社区网站的网页总数、链接总数、内、外部链接数、PR值,并计算了网络影响因子等,运用灰色关联分析对以上多项链接指标数据进行综合排序。研究结果表明:这30个网络社区网站网络影响力前几位是:51.com、腾讯微博、腾讯博客、腾讯论坛、网易微博、网易博客、新浪博客、豆瓣网。最后通过对比Yahoo!和Bing搜索引擎获取的链接数据,验证了两大搜索引擎对于网站链接分析是可行的,但是用Yahoo搜索引擎统计的数据来分析更为准确一些。  相似文献   

The Web has become a worldwide source of information and a mainstream business tool. It is changing the way people conduct the daily business of their lives. As these changes are occurring, we need to understand what Web searching trends are emerging within the various global regions. What are the regional differences and trends in Web searching, if any? What is the effectiveness of Web search engines as providers of information? As part of a body of research studying these questions, we have analyzed two data sets collected from queries by mainly European users submitted to AlltheWeb.com on 6 February 2001 and 28 May 2002. AlltheWeb.com is a major and highly rated European search engine. Each data set contains approximately a million queries submitted by over 200,000 users and spans a 24-h period. This longitudinal benchmark study shows that European Web searching is evolving in certain directions. There was some decline in query length, with extremely simple queries. European search topics are broadening, with a notable percentage decline in sexual and pornographic searching. The majority of Web searchers view fewer than five Web documents, spending only seconds on a Web document. Approximately 50% of the Web documents viewed by these European users were topically relevant. We discuss the implications for Web information systems and information content providers.  相似文献   

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