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The Future of Higher Education and the Future of Higher Education Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Higher education research isclosely linked to the debates on highereducation policy and practice. It provides theinformation basis for decisions about thefuture of higher education. As the themes of the public debate on problems and reform needs in higher education change quickly, higher education research has to anticipate future problems andthemes of debates in order to develop conceptsand to generate knowledge well in advance.Future-conscious higher education researchmight aim to identify likely future changes inthematic areas which are already in thelimelight of public attention, as trends in theareas of expansion of higher education,diversification of structures of the highereducation system, system steering andinstitutional management as well asinternationalisation and globalisation suggest.Moreover, future-conscious higher educationresearch should try to identify thematic areasnot frequently discussed at present but likelyto be major issues in the future. For example,professionalisation of higher education interms of the emergence and expansion of newadministrative and service professions inhigher education institutions might havefar-reaching implications in the future and isworth to be paid attention by higher educationresearchers.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立70年来,在中国共产党的领导下,高等教育取得显著成就。从改造旧的高等教育体制、创建中国特色的高等教育体系到高等教育大众化、普及化目标的实现,中国高等教育的改革与发展始终离不开中国共产党的政治领导、思想领导和组织领导。面向新时代,要在中国共产党领导下,准确把握高等教育发展趋势,提升治理能力,妥善处理好高等教育的现实问题与发展矛盾。  相似文献   

England has a two-sector system of higher education and further education. Shaped by legislation in 1988 and 1992, the architecture of this system was intended to concentrate each type of education in separate institutions and separate sectors. In recognition of these different missions, each territory came under different funding and regulatory regimes, with little or no movement of institutions anticipated between sectors. These arrangements continue, although Government policy is now to support and expand higher education in further education colleges. This policy turnaround is part of a larger strategy or experiment to change the future pattern of demand for, and supply of, undergraduate education. However, the college contribution to this new higher education is neither co-ordinated nor protected. Rather, further education colleges compete as well as collaborate with institutions in the higher education sector, under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and dependency.  相似文献   

人们对高等教育问责制与大学信任两者关系的看法并不一致。本文试图通过信任连续体和问责制连续体的建构,分析高等教育问责制与大学信任的关系,并对其中的信任与不信任、信任与透明两种矛盾进行探讨,从而为现代大学走出发展困境提供一些参考。  相似文献   

儿童英语课堂教学需要的人才不仅要具备广博、扎实的英语专业知识,还必须具备教学岗位和流程所需要的能力,该种能力不仅有助于提高教学质量,还有助于促进儿童全面、健康成长。本文就如何培养该种能力进行研究,旨在探索出一套符合实际需求的高职儿童英语教育专业岗位能力实训模式。  相似文献   

高等教育评估主体:回眸、现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育评估主体是指对高等学校的办学条件、教学质量等进行价值判断的人。在我国高等教育评估制度不断发展的过程中,高等教育评估主体有了很大的发展。我国高等教育评估是新生事物,评估主体必然存在某种先天不足,现实中也会存在许多问题。评估主体的完善要以科学发展观为指导,以提高高等教育质量为目的,增强评估主体的独立地位,扩大评估主体的社会来源,提高评估主体的专业素养,并促进评估主体之间的和谐互动。  相似文献   

在时间维度和价值维度上审思高等教育的发展谱系,高等教育的未来与未来的高等教育包含两层含义。其一,指向未来发展路径的高等教育,技术理性与主体性的双向作用不可偏废:技术理性延展了高等教育未来的想象力,主体性纵深了高等教育未来的建构力;同时,技术理性是促成主体性的基础,而主体性引领技术理性的方向,两者共同作用达成高等教育的未来实现。其二,指向未来美好图景的高等教育,需要将主体性置于价值优先地位,以体验式的合作学习进行感入式的沟通对话,发挥主体创造性,超越技术理性,在未来的高等教育的未来中走向真理式的诗意生活。  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - This article reports on research to form an understanding of how to account whether and how quality management (QM) has been adopted in Greek higher education....  相似文献   

Since inter‐ethnic tension and conflict is a potential problem in many parts of east and central Europe, much can be learned from the experience of the Banat region of Romania that is known for its very good inter‐ethnic relations. Efforts to make the study of multi‐ethnicity a part of the university curriculum stimulated the author and a number of other academics at the University of the West in Timi?oara to set up a Center for Comparative East and Central European Studies, a major project of which has been to prepare a multifaceted study of the ethnic and linguistic diversity of the Banat region of Romania. Aspects of this project are described and cited as an example of what can be done elsewhere to link higher education to the furtherance of the aims of civil society, one of which is inter‐ethnic tolerance and peace.  相似文献   

研究了美国著名比较教育家伯顿·R·克拉克的高等教育基本价值观,在高等教育系统内部,存在着正义、能力、自由和忠诚四种基本价值观念。这四种价值观念中,"能力"倾向于发展个体的个人本位教育目的,"自由"偏重探索真理的知识本位教育目的,"正义"和"忠诚"则代表了社会本位观的教育目的,四种价值观念在系统内既相互冲突又可相互协调,在这四种既有矛盾又可整合的基本价值观视野下探讨高等教育目的具有现实性意义,据此树立适应我国教育事业发展的高等教育目的观。  相似文献   

This study involved an analysis of faculty trust in a large southwestern institution. After reviewing the literature, we identified a valid and reliable instrument, the Higher Education Faculty Trust Inventory, to measure higher education faculty trust in administrators, colleagues, and students. We then used this instrument to gauge various aspects of faculty trust, and we found significant trust differences among professors of varying academic ranks (i.e., adjunct, assistant, associate, and full professor). We found, however, no significant trust differences in regard to race. Finally, we discuss the findings within a context of implications for future research and practice in higher education. Page A. Smith received his B.S. in Education from Wright State University, M.S. in Educational Administration from the University of Dayton, M.A. in Educational Administration from The Ohio State University and his Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Leadership from The Ohio State University. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio. His research pursuits include organizational climate and health, institutional trust, workplace aggression and bullying, and leadership development. Alan R. Shoho received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from California State University at Fullerton, M.Ed. in Secondary Education from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and his Ed.D. in Secondary Education from Arizona State University. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio. His research interests include aspiring principals, high school reform, and organizational trust.  相似文献   

在市场经济和高等教育体制改革日益深化的背景下,基于高校竞争加剧、高校资金筹措困难的事实,高等教育质量需要经营。由此,要有经营高等教育质量所需的、以质量为中心的市场需要观念、竞争观念、社会和经济效益观念。进而还需要从战略高度依目标市场战略、差异化战略、质量管理战略和品牌战略去经营质量,从而实现高等教育质量的持续改进和高等教育及高等院校的可持续发展。  相似文献   

澳大利亚以"关心和同情、竭尽全力、平等、自由、诚信、正直、尊重、责任感、理解和宽容"九种价值观为核心,从个人、民族和国家三个层面设定价值观教育课程目标,开发课程内容。形成"建立学校价值观""促进学生幸福感"和"跨文化与全球背景下的价值观教育"三大模块嵌套价值观的课程结构,实现学科的横向整合和学段的纵向衔接。课程实施注重整体规划,围绕学生主体,从环境营造、情境创设、课程整合等方面培育学生价值观。课程评价采用量化与质性分析相互验证的方式,评估结果能有效指导课程改进。澳大利亚价值观教育课程成效明显,对我国价值观教育的资源支持、体验激发和家校合作等有一定的启示。  相似文献   

The European higher education landscape is inhabited by three clans: the Euro-philiac, his wicked twin, the Euro-phobic and most interesting of all, the Euro-sceptic. This unholy trinity has long been with us. Though the recent Euro electoral fiasco has in all probability served to bolster the ranks of the second and third tribes1  相似文献   

美国庞大的高等教育系统以高校类型和数目众多见长.超越单一的大学模式拓展高等教育是美国率先实现高等教育大众化的关键理念.本文论述了美国扩张高等教育系统的过程,系统当前的结构和特征,以及奥巴马政府的高等教育系统远景目标,突出美国高等教育的成就和挑战.与其它正处于人口增长期的国家别无二致,追求高等教育的"明智增长"对美国来说也是一项有难度的政策和一个困难的政治问题.这个问题在当前全球大范围经济衰退的背景下变得更加复杂.  相似文献   

试论新时期高校党委领导力建设的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对新时期加强高校党委领导力建设的重要性以及高校党委领导力的涵义进行了简要论述,并结合实际有针对性地提出了加强高校党委领导力建设的主要路径和方法,进一步提高高校党委的创新力、决策力、执行力、驾驭力、控制力及凝聚力。  相似文献   

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