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Beyond gender identity?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper focuses on the continuing significance of gender identity as a category of analysis within the field of gender theory and research in education. I begin by considering contemporary discussions of the limitations of research relating to gender theory and research in education. Following on from this, I explore some contemporary theorising on the category of gender within educational research in order to highlight ongoing debates that I perceive in the field. Finally, via a discussion of school toilets and gender performance, I consider how theoretical discourses relating to space and architecture might further develop the utility of gender as a category of analysis within education.  相似文献   

In response to a reader's question, Dr. Philipsen examines the possibilities of conflict of interest in various methods of physician reimbursement.  相似文献   

Beyond Grammar     
BeyondGrammarXiongFanLanguageentailstheformulationofideas.Howapersonthinkslargelvdeterminesthewayheuseshislanguage.Thus,inord...  相似文献   

Beyond Myself     
程小芳 《成长》2005,(2):46-49
2004年的夏天,和往年一样,北京的温度依然居高不下。我的心情却随着创业失败,找工作奔波于各大人才市场累累碰壁和气温形成鲜明的对比,一个字:冷。一次又一次地在901路公共汽车上往返于学校和人才市场,我认识这路车的每一个售票员。每交出一份简历,我都有一丝兴奋,可是雀跃之后,只有无声无息的等待。直到我终于收到了一封去面试实习记者的信,之后的4个月.我才能够好好地静下心来回想那过去的16个月。  相似文献   

The Swedish educational system states that work in schools should depict and mediate equality. One way of achieving this is through fiction, which according to the syllabus provides students with knowledge about the living conditions of women and men during different epochs and places. The present paper examines gender in a Swedish school, analysing ‘book club’ discussions, using a discursive approach. The data consist of video-recorded teacher-led booktalk sessions, involving small groups of pupils in grades 4–7. It was found that the teachers and/or the pupils invoked gender issues in all book club sessions. The fictive events were, at times, discussed in gender-stereotyped ways. Yet, the teachers and pupils also transcended gender stereotypes in several cases. In many of those cases, there was a generational pattern, in that the participants tended to apply less stereotyped thinking when talking about fictive characters of their own age.  相似文献   

Quality Child Care: At Whose Expense?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quality child care is related to the number of adequately prepared practitioners who are available to children on a long-term basis. Unfortunately, child care practitioners subsidize the true cost of quality child care by working for substandard wages, few benefits, and little recognition of their true worth. The need for adequate compensation for qualified caregivers is the most critical issue facing the profession, because adequate compensation enables trained and educated caregivers to remain in the field, invest in professional development, and it also attracts new students into the field. The true cost of quality should be shared by all members of society, for everyone benefits from investing in the citizens of the future.  相似文献   

David Hay discusses the ways that spirituality might be defined and its relationship to morality. He notes the well-intentioned documents produced by the SCAA Values Forum but argues that they have failed to get to grips with the 'motivating reality of spiritual insight'. Perhaps spiritual awareness cannot be taught as it is part of the biological inheritance that makes us human. If this is the case, and he believes it is, then what the teacher must do is help children become aware of this and reflect on it in the light of the culture of which they are a part. He identifies a number of significant difficulties that have to be overcome before this can be done. In the remainder of the paper he considers the implications of creating such an awareness in children, and details the responsibilities of schools and teachers in this process.  相似文献   

第一次听Beyond的歌是在一个秋日的午后。那时还在上初中,被一堆似乎永远也做不完的作业包围着。我正在窗前奋笔疾书时,一种我从未听过的旋律飘了进来。那是怎样的音乐?激昂之中透着悲壮,坚定而又自信。我听得入了神,全然不觉时间在这动人的歌声中悄悄流逝。于是,那个下午,那悠扬的歌声连同那窗前的夕阳都深深烙进了我的记忆。  相似文献   

The federal child‐care subsidy program represents one of the government’s largest investments in early care and education, but little is known about whether it increases low‐income children’s access to higher quality child care. This study used newly available nationally representative data on 4‐year‐old children (N = 750) to investigate whether subsidy receipt elevates child‐care quality. Results indicate that subsidy recipients use higher quality care compared to nonrecipients who use no other publicly funded care, but lower quality care compared to nonrecipients who instead use Head Start or public pre‐k. Findings suggest that subsidies may have the potential to enhance care quality but that parents who use subsidies are not accessing the highest quality care available to low‐income families.  相似文献   

一直以来,Beyond都是粤港两地乃至华人地区里最优秀的乐队组合之一,很受大众欢迎。电子风格的《阿拉伯跳舞女郎》、赞颂妈妈的《真的爱你》、献给父亲的《大地》等作品,就是听众接触他们的第一批歌曲。  相似文献   


This article is intended to highlight some of the main features about race‐related research in education as it is configured in the 1990s. More specifically, it reflects on the status of antiracist research and addresses the thorny issue of the legitimacy of research which is explicitly ‘partisan’. In offering a position statement on partisan research I am particularly concerned with addressing the question: to what extent is the term, ‘partisan research’, an oxymoron? 1 1This article started life as a contribution to the Racial Equality in Initial Teacher Education project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust (Reference Number F215A.E). I am grateful to Leverhulme and to colleagues on the project for their support in its initial stages. Thanks also to David Halpin, Derek Layder, Sally Tomlinson, Carol Vincent and, in particular, Martyn Denscombe for acting as ‘critical friends’ in the later phases.


译文:超越树哇,这就是耗子你住的地方。是废弃的工厂。不简单吧,这些都是我住进来后从废墟里捡来的。那你们呢?以前没见过,是城里人吧,一看就知道。  相似文献   

一、beyond作介词时1.可表示位置,意为"在/到…较远的一边;越过(on or to the further side of)":What lies beyond the mountain?山的那边是什么?By six o'clock we were just beyond Shenzhen.六点钟时,我们才刚过深圳。we did not get beyond Oxford that day.那天我们没去牛津那边。  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study was designed to assess whether investments in child care quality were maintained 3 years after public funding for these centers was significantly reduced. An earlier evaluation documented significant improvements in classroom environments, teachers' sensitivity, and teachers' child-centered beliefs following a 15-month state intervention in 24 early care and education programs serving high numbers of children from low-income families. The current study used a quasi-experimental design, with pre- and postdata collected through direct observations and questionnaires in nonrandom treatment and comparison groups. Practice or Policy: Results at the 3-year follow-up showed that the majority (92%) of centers in the intervention group were accredited and that significant improvements in classroom environments were maintained after funding was significantly reduced. However, erosion in more sensitive measures (i.e., teacher sensitivity and child-centered beliefs) during the period of reduced funding suggested some concern that programs serving high concentrations of children from low-income families may require some consistent state support if they are to yield the positive life outcomes desired by economists and policymakers.  相似文献   

译文:就在这,会长出什么样的愿望呢?  相似文献   

介词beyond是近几年高考试题中的考查热点,其用法和含义较为复杂,现将其一些常见用法和含义的考点及其习语归纳如下:  相似文献   

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