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This study examined trajectories of ethnic–racial identity (ERI) and autonomy development among Mexican‐origin adolescent females in the United States (= 181; Mage at Wave 1 = 16.80 years, SD = 1.00) as they transitioned through the first 5 years of parenthood. Trajectories of ERI and autonomy also were examined in relation to psychosocial functioning. Unconditional latent growth models indicated significant growth in autonomy, ERI resolution, and ERI affirmation from middle to late adolescence. Conditional latent growth models indicated that autonomy and ERI exploration growth trajectories were positively associated with psychosocial adjustment. Although adolescent mothers are experiencing transitions that are not normative during adolescence, they also engage in normative developmental processes, and their engagement in such processes is linked with better adjustment.  相似文献   

Data from a sample of 462 Mexican‐American adolescents (= 10.4 years, SD = .55; 48.1% girls), mothers, and fathers were used to test an ethnic socialization model of ethnic identity and self‐efficacy that also considered mainstream parenting styles (e.g., authoritative parenting). Findings supported the ethnic socialization model: parents’ endorsement of Mexican‐American values were associated with ethnic socialization at fifth grade and seventh grade; maternal ethnic socialization at fifth grade and paternal ethnic socialization at seventh grade were associated with adolescents’ ethnic identity exploration at 10th grade and, in turn, self‐efficacy at 12th grade. The findings support ethnic socialization conceptions of how self‐views of ethnicity develop from childhood across adolescence in Mexican‐American children.  相似文献   

城市和农村是中国现代社会的两条主线,也是基本的一个历史背景.在社区研究中,利用公共选择理论特别是集体行动的逻辑比较分析城市和农村社区自治中的政治参与,寻求两者的共通和差别之处,有针对性的提供公共政策制定的原则的建议,促进中国基层民主形式的完善与发展.  相似文献   

The use of digital technology has grown rapidly during the last couple of decades. During use, mobile phones and cordless phones emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation. No previous generation has been exposed during childhood and adolescence to this kind of radiation. The brain is the main target organ for RF emissions from the handheld wireless phone. An evaluation of the scientific evidence on the brain tumor risk was made in May 2011 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer at World Health Organization. The scientific panel reached the conclusion that RF radiation from devices that emit nonionizing RF radiation in the frequency range 30 kHz–300 GHz is a Group 2B, that is, a “possible” human carcinogen. With respect to health implications of digital (wireless) technologies, it is of importance that neurological diseases, physiological addiction, cognition, sleep, and behavioral problems are considered in addition to cancer. Well‐being needs to be carefully evaluated as an effect of changed behavior in children and adolescents through their interactions with modern digital technologies.  相似文献   

Adolescents’ ethnic–racial identity (ERI) formation represents an important developmental process that is associated with adjustment. The Identity Project intervention, grounded in developmental theory, was designed to engage adolescents in the ERI processes of exploration and resolution. The current small‐scale efficacy trial involved an ethnic–racially diverse sample of adolescents (= 215; Mage = 15.02, SD = .68) from eight classrooms that were randomly assigned by classroom to the intervention or attention control group. Differences between conditions in ERI exploration at Time 2 were consistent with desired intervention effects; furthermore, higher levels of ERI exploration at Time 2 predicted increases in ERI resolution at Time 3 only for youth in the treatment condition. Findings provide preliminary evidence of program efficacy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine reciprocal associations between identity processes (commitment, in‐depth exploration, and reconsideration of commitment) and dimensions (support, negative interaction, and power) of maternal, paternal, and sibling relationships. A total of 497 Dutch families including 14‐years‐old adolescents (56.9% males), their fathers, mothers, and siblings, for a total of 1,988 respondents, participated in a five‐wave longitudinal study. Cross‐lagged analyses indicated that commitment and in‐depth exploration predicted improvements in family relationships (unidirectional effects), whereas reconsideration of commitment was predicted by low levels of maternal support and worsened the quality of the paternal relationship (reciprocal effects). These results were not moderated by adolescents' gender and sibling characteristics. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

高储蓄率和低消费增长率在我国改革初期对支撑经济的高速增长起着关键的作用,然而随着经济发展程度的提高,其制约作用逐步暴露。以居民收入水平和支出水平为出发点,考察我国居民消费水平和消费结构演变的轨迹,并针对我国消费存在的问题提出相应解决措施。  相似文献   

To determine whether adolescents interpret parental behavioral and psychological control differently, type, level, and domain of control were manipulated across 3 interpretations (adolescents’ competence, mattering to parents, and parental intrusiveness). As expected, adolescents (N = 67, M = 14.25 years) generally interpreted high levels of behavioral control more negatively than moderate behavioral control. At high levels, however, adolescents did not differentiate behavioral control and psychological control, interpreting both as indicating less mattering and more intrusiveness. Furthermore, high levels of control over personal domain issues, regardless of type, tended to be interpreted most negatively. In conclusion, adolescents construe control in ways that may have import for their adjustment and this should be accounted for in theoretical models of parental control.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of dialogic parent–child reading in English on 51 Hong Kong kindergarteners learning English as a second language. Children were pre‐tested on nonverbal IQ, reading interest and receptive vocabulary, word reading and phonological awareness in both Chinese and English. They were then assigned randomly to one of three conditions involving different levels of parent–child interactions: dialogic reading (DR), typical reading (TR) or control. Though inter‐group comparisons showed nonsignificant interaction effects across time among the three groups, intra‐group gains across the 12‐week intervention suggested that parent–child reading could enhance English word reading skills, while dialogic reading could promote phonological awareness in both Chinese and English. These results highlight the potential benefits of English parent–child reading and dialogic reading on children learning English as a second language, and the possibility of linguistic transfer from parent–child reading in English as a second language to Chinese as a first language.  相似文献   

There is an extensive body of work documenting the negative socioemotional and academic consequences of perceiving racial/ethnic discrimination during adolescence, but little is known about how the larger peer context conditions such effects. Using peer network data from 252 eighth graders (85% Latino, 11% African American, 5% other race/ethnicity), the present study examined the moderating role of cross‐ethnic friendships and close friends’ experiences of discrimination in the link between adolescents’ perceptions of discrimination and well‐being. Cross‐ethnic friendships and friends’ experiences of discrimination generally served a protective role, buffering the negative effects of discrimination on both socioemotional well‐being and school outcomes. Overall, results highlight the importance of considering racial/ethnic‐related aspects of adolescents’ friendships when studying interpersonal processes closely tied to race/ethnicity.  相似文献   

现阶段我国正以强制性制度变迁为主导来推进城乡教育一体化。强制性制度变迁存在局限性,在实践的过程中带来了如实现形式表面化、实现动力不足、实现目标简单化等一系列问题。为了改变这种状况,需要采用强制性制度变迁与诱致性制度变迁相结合的方式,激发自下而上的改革动力,保障城乡教育一体化的可持续性。  相似文献   

This study explored how discrepancies between parents' and adolescents' educational expectations influenced adolescents' achievement using a nationally representative, longitudinal sample of 14,041 students (14 years old at baseline). Actual discrepancies (i.e., those between parents' and adolescents' actual educational expectations) and perceived discrepancies (i.e., those between adolescents' perceptions of their parents' educational expectations and adolescents' own) were examined. Achievement was higher when parents actually held higher expectations than adolescents held or when adolescents perceived that their parents' expectations were lower than their own. In contrast, achievement was lower when parents actually held lower expectations than adolescents held or when adolescents believed that their parents' expectations exceeded their own. Implications for identifying adolescents at risk and promoting adaptive parent–child educational expectations are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on people’s attitude towards time and the reason. In addition, it discusses the cultural implication behind. Through the writing of this paper, readers are able to find out the rea...  相似文献   

Early experiences with books predict later reading success, and an interactive shared reading style called “dialogic reading” is especially beneficial to emergent literacy. Electronic console (EC) books, CD‐rom books, and e‐book apps are designed to teach preschoolers preliteracy skills, but research has yet to systematically explore the impact of these types of books on established predictors of positive literacy outcomes. This research fills that gap with two studies investigating dialogic language and children's story comprehension in a total of 165 parent–child dyads reading battery‐operated, touch‐sensitive children's electronic console books or traditional books. Results revealed that parent–child dialogic reading and children's story comprehension were both negatively affected by the presence of electronic features. Ways in which e‐books may be altered to better serve as educational tools in this new era are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the generalizability of the internal/external (I/E) frame of reference model which has been applied primarily to Australian and Canadian students. The external part of the model concerns the influence of social comparisions on the formation of math and verbal self-concepts. The internal part is when one infers one′s ability in an area (e.g., math) by comparing one′s performance in that area with one′s performance in another area (e.g., verbal). We examined whether this model was generalizable to American adolescents, across different measures of math and verbal self-concepts, and across gender. Subjects were 152 seventh and eighth graders. LISREL causal modeling and multi-sample analyses were employed. All but one of our findings were consistent with the I/E model. While higher verbal achievement made a significant contribution to lower math self-concept, higher math achievement did not make a significant contribution to lower verbal self-concept. Findings held across different self-concept instruments and across gender.  相似文献   

在认识理解收入权利的基础上,分析了农民和城镇职工在收入方面的来源差别,并且从收入权利的角度对造成这种收入来源差异的原因进行了探讨分析,为制定缩小城乡收入差距的政策提供理论参考。  相似文献   

医疗救助制度是减轻弱势群体医疗费用负担,实现“病有所医”的重要手段,是保障公民生存权和健康权的重要组成,它既是多层次医疗保障体系的有机组成部分,也是社会救助体系中的重要部分,作为医疗保障体系中的最后一道防线,是社会人群最底层的生存线,起着“兜底”的作用。本文以云南省边疆医疗救助制度发展为线索,梳理边疆医疗救助工作开展过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

大学组织是崇高教育理想的社会建制,大学自主、大学自治是知识生产逻辑内在发展的客观要求和精神内核.20世纪80年代以来,我国大学在大学自主的改革进程中引入了市场机制,对大学组织特征、教师与学生身份认定、专业设置、学术评价、权利运行的结构等方面均产生了一些负面影响.新时期的中国大学自主要求重新界定政府职能,厘清政府与市场、社会、大学组织之间的协调与合作关系.  相似文献   

This study aimed to untangle the mixed effects of language brokering by examining a contextual factor (i.e., parent–child alienation) and a personal attribute (i.e., resilience) that may relate to adolescents’ feelings during translating (i.e., sense of burden and efficacy) and that may moderate the association between such feelings and adolescent depressive symptoms. Participants included 557 adolescent language brokers (Mage = 12.96) in Mexican‐American families. Results showed that adolescents with a strong sense of alienation from parents or low resilience (a) experienced more burden or less efficacy in translating and (b) were more susceptible to the detrimental effects of feeling a sense of burden and the beneficial effects of experiencing a sense of efficacy, as measured by depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

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