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英语学习可以从书本以外各种途径进行。在与外教接触和交往过程中也可以了解许多西方文化和习俗方面的知识,结合中国的文化和习俗,本文对比分析了几个方面的中西文化差异,以期对英语学习有所促进。  相似文献   

《夜晚的书斋》一书生动讲述了书斋和图书馆在人类文明中的重要作用。曼古埃尔在法国的家里策划修建了一个书斋。他受到这件事的启发。进而告诉我们书斋或图书馆怎样体现了诸多个人乃至整个文明的回忆。整本书轶事连篇。扣人心魄。从作者幼年的书架一直说到国际互联网的“全套”图书。从古代埃及、希腊到阿拉伯世界,从中国、罗马讲到谷歌。阅读《夜晚的书斋》定会成为一段美好的旅程。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的发展,人们的物质生活水平逐渐提高,对于健康的标准不再仅仅局限于不生病,而更多地渴望一种健康的生活方式和理念,健康类图书便是公众获得保健知识的重要渠道之一。近年来,大众健康类图书市场广受读者青睐,年年稳居畅销书排行榜前列。本文从大众健康类图书的风格特色和选题特点入手,分析其出版现状及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

季清大儒王先谦终生致力于文献典籍的整理编辑校刊工作 ,是我国近代史上著名的集众说学者 ,一生之中刊刻书籍 4 0余种。其版本可分为书院刻本、局刻本、家刻本。王先谦十分重视版本校辑工作 ,所刻印的书籍校勘精确 ,刻印精良 ,为清代晚期刻本之冠  相似文献   

This article provides suggestions on ways in which science process skills can be taught in a meaningful context through children’s literature. It is hoped that the following examples of how process skills can be taught using children’s books will provide a starting point from which primary teachers can create additional examples. Many possibilities exist within the world of children’s literature to develop process skills in a meaningful way.  相似文献   

Picture books appeal to readers of all ages for many different reasons. As instructors of child development, we use them as one strategy to help students conceptualize the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional growth of children. We use picture books to introduce principles, explain vocabulary, and encourage students to make connections between theory and practice in early childhood education. In this article, we provide examples of picture books that can be used to understand children from infancy (birth–2 years) to early childhood (2–6 years). Twenty-four suggested titles accurately narrate and illustrate early development.  相似文献   

《:汉书新注》是自王先谦《汉书补注》以来的第一个《汉书》全注本,《二十四史全译?汉书》是目前唯一的《汉书》全译本,两书对今人阅读理解《汉书》有莫大助益。但由于卷帙浩繁,其中少数注释尚有值得商榷之处,兹列《汉书》卷六六、六七数例,以期对两书修订有所帮助。  相似文献   

《汉书新注》是自王先谦《汉书补注》以来的第一个《汉书》全注本,《二十四史全译汉书》是目前唯一的《汉书》全译本。两书对今人阅读理解《汉书》有莫大裨益,但由于卷帙浩繁,其中少数注释尚有值得商榷之处,兹列数例,以期对两书修订有所帮助。  相似文献   

A number of thought experiments are cited, some well-known, some not. These illustrate the power of thought experiments. Other examples are given that show some of the dangers. As well as examples from the science, some examples of visual reasoning from mathematics are also presented, again with an eye to illustrating their promise and perils. Morals are drawn, perhaps the most important being that we still have much to learn about them, just as we once learned about the promise and perils of microscopes in their early days. They are a tool that can mislead, but they can also open up a whole new world.  相似文献   

从古书句读到标点的历史源流切入,明确了古书标点的重要意义,通过分类,列举现行标点古籍中误点误断的例证,提出了古书标点的一些基本方法。  相似文献   

Drawing books can be seen as a vital component to teaching and learning art. They serve as an excellent resource for understanding the historical context of teaching drawing. As the industrial revolution geared forward in the nineteenth century, drawing books became a crucial source for sharing and disseminating educational philosophies for the teaching of drawing as well as understanding artistic practices. Serving many informal and traditional educational contexts, drawing books can be seen as evidence of how people learned or were taught. Although many accounts of teaching of drawing are known, little is documented about the many drawing manuals developed by art educators in England and its colonies, specifically India. This article examines nineteenth‐century drawing books by George Wallis (1811–91) and Ernest Beinfeld Havell (1861–1934) and the subsequent influence of these books on art education in England and India. Through comparison between the different approaches of authoring these drawing books, one could argue that both Havell and Wallis pursued nationalistic and personal goals by juxtaposing the authoring styles of their books. It was evident that George Wallis’ authorship of his drawing books was grounded in his philosophy of education, appreciation for design education, and dedication to England. Havell's drawing books, on the other hand, attempted to provide students with the knowledge of Indian sculpture, architecture and painting thereby exposing them to India's artistic heritage as well as raising awareness about utilising Indian art as the basis of instruction at the Indian art schools as part of the larger Indian nationalist movement against British rule. Their histories cumulatively bring to print a specific account of drawing manuals used during the nineteenth century and their influence on the teaching and learning of drawing in England and India.  相似文献   

本列举大量古书中的例,进一步证实了清代学提出的“阴阳对转”现象,即在古书中韵腹相同而韵尾不同的阴、阳、入之声可以相互转化。  相似文献   

用简体字写作时,如果要引用繁体字版古籍中的文句,则应把其中有简体字的繁体字简化.但各种繁体字版古籍中也有少许字用的是比今天的规范简体字笔画更简的字.本文将常见的这些字分门别类列出并附书证,然后分析出现这种情况的原因,论述处理的办法.  相似文献   

聋生性知识来源及青春期教育现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究对上海市聋哑学校的部分1 2~1 9岁共92名聋生进行了性知识了解状况和青春期教育状况的调查研究,结果显示:青春期聋生的性知识相对缺乏,他们获得性知识的主要途径为电视、同学或朋友、课外读物等,较少使用的途径是热线电话、录像、因特网,广播等。青春期教育对聋生来说非常重要,学校的教师和家长对聋生已进行了有针对性的教育,但仍需要改进。  相似文献   

文章针对在线借阅图书这一问题,首先,建立0—1整数规划的数学模型,给出了在线借阅图书系统最优购置图书以及最优分配图书的具体方案;其次,在假定在线图书馆每一年借阅图书的比例保持不变的前提下预测出了图书借阅量;最后,根据调查数据,应用具体的算例对此模型进行了检验.  相似文献   

文章简述了季羡林大师的生平事迹与学术成就,回顾了书籍在他一生的求学、成长和成才过程中的影响,着重从读者的角度阐释了季羡林如何通过利用国内外图书馆文献资源来成就自己的学业和研究,并探寻了他从个人的阅读学习生涯中所悟出的道理。  相似文献   

Wordless books—picture books that rely entirely on illustrations to tell a story—are an excellent resource for educators of young children. This article provides a research-based rationale for using wordless books, offers a developmental sequence for introducing children to stories told through pictures, suggests a general strategy and wide array of early literacy activities based on books without texts, and recommends ways of communicating with parents/families about the value of wordless books. Outstanding wordless books and examples of children's responses to this growing genre of children's literature are also included.  相似文献   

就教育模式而言,唐代文士的隐读修业具有自学的特点,是一种成人化的教育,同时也是私学的重要组成部分。唐代隐读的盛行,主要原因在于官学的衰微及科举制度的兴盛。文士隐读之时,多聚于名山或交通便捷之处,习业以儒经及诗文典籍为主,有时在寺院中尚有题诗之举。另外,文人隐读修业会形成一定聚众教学模式,对宋代书院的产生也有很大的影响。  相似文献   

《汉语大词典》疏漏拾零   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过郑玄笺注中的5000多个双音词语与《汉语大词典》的相应词条的逐一对照,发现《汉语大词典》存在着不少疏漏.这些疏漏,可以初步归纳为照应、校对、引例、释义、词条收录等五个方面.每个方面都佐以大量的例证,从辞书理论和实践上进行了比较系统的阐述,并论述了注释语料在《汉语大词典》的进一步完善和修订中的作用.  相似文献   

This article looks at what Chinese children have read in the last quarter of the 20th century. It first briefly examines the official guidelines for children's literature in the post-Mao era, and then analyses some examples to identify the new contents of children's books in China. These examples are taken from two subdivided periods: from the late 1970s to the early 1980s and from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s.  相似文献   

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