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O. Keck 《Research Policy》1976,5(2):116-157
The trends in West German science policy since the early 1960' are analyzed and compared to other industrially advanced countries. Government expenditures on research and development (R & D) are compared in their totality and also with regard to specific objectives such as defence, civil space, civil nuclear, general advancement of science, mining and manufacturing, agriculture, economic and social services.The trend of total government expenditure on R & D in West Germany iss characterized by a growth rate higher than in many other countries, such as the USA, the UK, France, Japan and the Netherlands. Also in each of the single objectives of government R & D, West German expenditure as a rule grew faster than in these countries. Among the different objectives, “general advancement of science” is given highest priority in West Germany, whereas the military sector is relatively small. In both trends and priorities, West Germany is more similar to Japan and the Netherlands than to the USA, the UK and France.The author discusses motives and intentions which may have affected these trends. He argues that West German science policy cannot be understood as a response to immediate economic problems, such as labour shortage or an alleged lag in technological progress in West German industry. In the early sixties West German science policy was still determined by efforts to catch up in certain technological fields from which West Germany had been excluded up to 1955 by allies' restrictions. In the late sixties, concern focussed on West Germany's long-term technological competitiveness in general.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the new interest in technological change in semi-industrial countries by examining technological capability in the machine-producing sector in Singapore. The difficulties involved in conceptualizing and measuring technological capability in less developed countries are discussed and the case study material is then presented. Particular attention is paid to the role of government promotion in the development of technological capability. In this connection the present study provides a useful contrast with the position in Hong Kong studied in an earlier paper. While both Singapore and Hong Kong have instituted a near-free-trade regime, there is a far greater degree of government intervention in the former than in the latter case. By contrast the governments of both South Korea and Taiwan have granted selective protection in order to encourage some kinds of domestic machine production. The paper ends with some critical comments regarding the Singapore government's policy towards the machine-producing sector.  相似文献   

The research reported in this article was carried out as part of a larger prefect investigating the impact of the US Space Program on the American economy. The author describes the influence of governmental programs in space and defense on the growth of the computer and semiconductor industries. Three types of economic impacts are analyzed: the role of the federal government in financing research and development; the importance of the government as a market, particularly in the early stages of an industry's growth; and the extent to which government policy encouraged the entrance of new firms and permitted the survival of companies that might otherwise have failed. The paper also deals with the contribution of Defense and NASA to the acceleration of technological changes and the development of specialized manpower on which the progress of the industry largely depended.The author concludes that large government programs can play an essential role in the growth of high technology industries. The significance of space-defense programs for US semiconductor and computer firms can only be perceived by reviewing each type of impact-economic, technological and manpower. The government's early R & D support, assured demand during startup periods, encouragement of competition, acceleration of technological progress and its facilitating of professional mobility, are the separate impacts which together greatly aided US firms in their rise to a dominant position in the world semiconductor and computer industries.  相似文献   

唐霄  吕伟斌 《大众科技》2011,(11):208-210
科技政策对科技进步和地方经济社会发展具有重要的指导和促进作用。地方政府作为科技政策的基层执行者,对科技政策的落实程度有密切关系。文章通过分析影响科学技术与科技政策对经济与科技发展的重要作用,同时以广西地方政府对科技政策的执行力度为例,列举广西近些年在科技工作发展过程中存在的问题与不足,提出提升科技政策地方政府执行力的具体建议,为改善科技政策地方政府执行力提供一些参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

结合全新的科技创新政策范式,参照政府监管政策绩效评估框架,采用个案研究法,从政策内容评估、政策执行评估和政策效果评估等3个方面对南京"紫金科创特别社区"开展政策全过程评估研究。研究案例具有典型性、代表性,政策执行时期较长,适合作为开展政策评估的研究对象,得到的政策启示包括完善科技创新政策制定方法、推进科技创新政策立法保障、加强科技创新政策动态管理等。  相似文献   

New Zealand's science policy consists of spending about 0.5% of its G.N.P. on R & D. Of this expenditure 41% is spent on activities relating to agriculture and 9% on activities related to manufacturing. This imbalance in spending between agriculture and manufacturing is not consistent with the goals being placed on manufacturing and the importance of manufacturing in New Zealand's domestic economy. A change in emphasis of an expanded R & D programme coupled with new methods of technology transfer will be necessary for New Zealand to obtain her goals of economic expansion.  相似文献   

基于政府购买公共服务的4种基本模式,针对科技服务的特殊性,构建市场导向的政府购买科技服务新模式,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The literature concerning information flow and organizational design for technological innovation is summarized and a conceptual framework of the process of organized technological innovation within the firm is developed. The framework incorporates Rosenbloom's premise that corporate strategy can serve to cut across both internal and external boundaries of the firm and is shown to be consistent with the relevant organizational and planning literatures. The potential for using mathematical models to represent a firm's corporate strategy, budgeting and resource allocation activities is discussed. We argue that such models are needed to provide for policy analysis and could lead to a simulation capability that serves as a surrogate for real-life experimentation.  相似文献   

P. Papon 《Research Policy》1979,8(4):384-398
Immediately after the war (between 1945 and 1954) the most dynamic element of the French scientific community was constantly demanding that centres of decision be established, capable of initiating and coordinating research policy. During the period after 1958 when the main decision-making structures of French science police were introduced, large numbers of ‘experts’ from the scientific community played an important part in the agencies coordinating science policy, or occasionally even in the centres of decision (Ministries, Délégation Générale à la Recherche Scientifique et Technique etc.). The role and influence of the committees of experts gradually diminished, however, after 1967, and scientists left more and more of their influence in the hands of the Administration. The reasons behind this phenomenon and its consequences are analysed here. It should be particularly emphasized that this development has led to neglect of the long-term view which is indispensable to any science policy. A final conclusion is that scientists have only occasionally set a real political debate in motion on the long-term objectives of a science policy.  相似文献   

Industrial research and development (R&D) is a set of activities within the broader set of decisions and activities: the process of technological innovation (TI). It is technology transfer (commercialization of the innovation) that leads to technology diffusion that permits production and employment expansion and hence economic growth — an important goal of industrial policy. Firms' managements and government policy- makers should recognize the close relationships among the phases of TI and direct their policy, planning, budgeting and control decisions to the complete process. Many policies currently focus their attention to only one or a few points (such as R&D).In this study we conducted a detailed cost analysis of a limited number of innovation projects and studied the distributions of TI cost over the process phases. We find that almost half of TI costs are devoted to R&D, which implies that government support of this phase is important. Different cost patterns emerge when we classify innovations by industrial sectors, firms' sizes and project complexity. Complex innovations require larger and more variable (risky) R&D budgets. Smaller firms need more assistance in technology transfer. These are only a few important policy implications. This study emphasizes the importance of post-R&D phases and concludes that differential industrial policy may be required for technological innovations.  相似文献   

郑威  陆远权 《科研管理》2022,43(3):9-16
   企业创新驱动发展是提高社会生产力和综合国力的重要支撑,财政科技政策则是实现企业创新驱动发展的重要引擎。本文利用2009—2016年中国行业层面工业企业面板数据,实证检验了财政科技政策对企业创新驱动发展效率的影响。研究表明:财政科技政策促进了企业创新驱动发展效率的提升,但是该影响效应存在明显的行业异质性;财政科技政策对科技研发效率的提升作用强于经济转化效率,财政科技政策对企业创新驱动发展效率的促进作用主要通过提升科技研发效率来实现;在财政科技政策的不同门槛值区间,财政科技政策对企业创新驱动发展效率的促进作用呈现出明显的倒“U”型规律;不同类型财政科技政策对企业创新驱动发展效率的影响存在行业差异。未来兼顾行业协调性并基于企业创新驱动发展两阶段差异,精准发挥财政科技政策的引导与激励作用,助力创新资源向企业集聚,对于提升企业创新驱动发展效率具有重要的现实意义。   相似文献   

创新驱动发展已经成为共识,根据内生增长理论,技术创新内生化是决定经济发展和国家竞争力的根本所在。然而,何以驱动创新,认识上仍然存在误区和不一致。经济学界和管理学界的产业政策之争,实质上也正是该难题的典型表现。本文在系统梳理已有文献的基础上,基于开放式创新理论,构建了技术创新动力源的“七力模型”,并实证了企业内源力、客户拉动力、供应商推动力、高校科研院所协同力、竞争对手竞争压力、科技中介服务力、政府政策激励力对创新绩效有正向驱动作用,其中政府政策激励力、科技中介服务力对其它几种驱动力具有正向调节作用。  相似文献   

农业科技创新与金融支持的有机结合是解决“三农”问题的重要手段。四川是农业大省,近年来农业科技发展较快,融资需求呈增长趋势,区域金融对四川农业科技创新的支持力度不断加大,但依然存在金融支持不足,投入结构有待调整;市场融资不活跃,供需关系失衡;风险分担机制不健全等问题。因此,针对四川农业科技创新金融支持发展的现状和问题,提出相关对策建议,探析四川农业科技创新金融支持发展模式,即:“政策投入引导+金融机构联盟”多元化主体投入模式;“政府+担保+保险+政策+金融机构”全方位风险保障模式;“金融工具+服务+平台+多重融资”一体化灵活资本市场模式。  相似文献   

 本文运用状态空间模型对1990-2008年我国科技发展的财政金融政策效应进行了实证分析,结果表明:财政科技支出和金融科技贷款对我国科技发展的弹性系数呈现出明显的阶段性特征,并且这种阶段性特征变化与国家科技财政政策和金融政策的变化具有十分密切的关系。因此今后政府应进一步制定相关财政政策和金融政策以推动我国科技的进一步发展和我国创新型国家建设。  相似文献   

我国科技创新政策体系建设主要进展及对政策方向的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺德方  周华东  陈涛 《科研管理》2020,41(10):81-88
当前,新一轮科技革命和产业变革同我国发展方式转变历史性交汇,国内外经济环境发生深刻变化,面向跻身创新型国家前列和世界科技强国的战略目标,亟需完善我国科技创新政策体系,提升国家创新体系效能,支撑现代化经济体系建设和高质量发展。本文对改革开放以来我国科技体制改革发展历程进行了概要回顾,提出科技创新政策体系的八部分构成,总结了我国科技创新政策在强化要素、加强主体、完善机制、培育产业、集聚区域、优化环境、扩大开放等方面取得的进展和成效,并立足国家战略发展需求和国内外科技创新发展趋势,提出未来一段时期我国完善科技创新政策体系的思考和建议,包括加强基础研究和原始创新、改进评价制度、完善科研人员激励政策、提升科技治理能力、推动高水平开放创新、营造公平竞争的创新环境等。  相似文献   

以科技成果评价政策文本作为分析样本,运用共词与聚类分析法揭示在中国创新能力发展的不同阶段政策注意力的变迁,反映政策的变化趋势。研究发现:中国创新能力经历了“跟跑”、“跟踪、并行、领跑并存,跟踪为主”和“并行、领跑为主”三个阶段,显示中国创新能力日益提升。同时发现中国科技成果评价政策随着创新能力的提升,政策的焦点从评价方法→评价内容→评价导向与评价内容并重演进的规律,这对预测今后的科技成果评价政策的发展趋势具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

科技类社会组织是科技人员基于学术自由、平等交流、互动自主机制自愿结合而成的非盈利社会组织,在参与国家治理方面具有其他社会组织不能比拟的天然优势。 秉持多元包容、协同互惠的新时期科技产业价值,顺应国家建设科技强国的战略要求,科技社团作为社会组织的组成之一,有能力也有理由更加积极地参与国家治理。本文聚焦新冠疫情期间中外科技社团参与疫情应对的程度和方式,通过多案例比较研究方法具体分析了对科技社团参与社会治理的情况进行了国际比较,并得出探讨了我国科技社团参与社会治理的优势和不足,并对此从科技社团自身、政策环境和科技社团与上级部门的关系三个角度提出相应建议。  相似文献   

我国政府科技管理职能转变与科技社团发展问题探究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郗永勤  陈鑫峰 《学会》2009,(6):9-13
政府科技管理职能转变是我国科技体制改革的重要组成部分。该文从不同角度指出我国政府现有科技管理职能的不足,阐明了大力发展科技社团的必要性。同时明确了我国科技社团应承担的从政府部门转移出来的职能,指出了现阶段我国科技社团发展中存在的问题,并就我国政府今后如何更好地发展科技社团提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

    基于控股权性质差异视角,本文首先理论分析金融错配对国有与民营企业技术创新产出及其模式选择的差异性影响,以及政府补贴在缓解金融错配影响企业技术创新时的政策效应;然后再以我国A股市场2012—2019年期间上市企业为样本并基于面板数据模型进行实证检验。研究结果表明:虽然金融错配有助于增加国有企业技术创新产出,但它在降低民营企业创新产出水平的同时,会严重阻碍国有与民营企业原始发明创新能力的提升;政府补贴能有效缓解金融错配对民营企业技术创新产出与原始发明创新能力的不利影响,并对其研发投入产生正向“挤入效应”,但它对国有企业技术创新投入与产出的政策效果均不显著。  相似文献   

比较分析粤港澳三地政府科技奖在奖项设置、参评方式、奖励对象、奖励等级与数量、评审组织、奖励方式等方面的异同和特点,发现广东省科技奖的行政色彩较为浓厚,政府部门作为主要提名者难以实质性落实提名责任,丰厚的奖励派生待遇偏离了科技奖励荣誉本身,缺乏对青年科技工作者的引导激励;澳门特区政府的科技奖与广东省科技奖较为相似,但其较为注重引导鼓励青年群体开展科技创新;香港特区政府的科技奖励注重发挥市场及社会组织的参与和管理作用.比较分析结果对完善广东省政府科技奖励体系的主要启示为:明晰非市场化激励机制和政策导向作用,进一步优化奖励对象结构,注重对青年科技人员的奖励,落实提名者责任,突出奖励的荣誉性和价值导向,实现与社会科技奖励的互补和协同发展.  相似文献   

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