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科学体制不同于其他社会体制,它缺乏发达的有效的正式控制机制,科学家的社会化过程是科学的非正式控制机构之一.广义的科学家社会化关注于科学共同体的形成,狭义的科学家社会化关注于科学家个体的社会化过程.科学家社会化不同于工程教育,通过科学家社会化的研究可以有效寻求减少科学中不端行为的途径,增强科学研究的质量控制体系.  相似文献   

罗纳德·吉尔将视角主义应用于解释科学现象,他将科学观察和理论模型都看成是视角的,并形成了对科学知识的视角主义解释。在他看来,科学家认识世界,观察工具和理论模型,都不是完全透明的,即都不是对世界的直接记录和陈述,透过它们,科学家获得的是关于世界的局部的、有限度的知识,而非与世界本身相符的客观真理。吉尔挑战了关于科学知识的两级解释即客观实在论和建构主义,他的科学视角主义,实际上选择了一种较为温和的中间立场。  相似文献   

学术身份对科研项目申请的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
古继宝  田雯  梁樑 《科研管理》2008,29(3):114-120
摘要:本文通过分析官本位文化的表现,假设科研人员在学术身份变化的前后,获得科研项目的数量有显著变化,采用非参数的威尔柯克逊秩和检验,对2001-2005年新当选的中国科学院院士在中国自然科学基金(NSFC)中获得项目的数量进行研究,结果显示,除2001年当选的院士以外,2003年和2005年当选的院士获得项目的数量没有表现出显著的突变,但是总体的检验结果仍呈现出显著性,本文分析了其中的原因并提出了可行的研究方向。  相似文献   

The title of this paper is not meant to imply comprehensive treatment of developments in Australian science from the 1940s to the 1980s. Its more modest objective is to isolate particular parallels in the debates and rhetoric about science in these two decades. It argues that shifting political and economic contexts condition scientists' preferred strategies of self-legitimation. These shifts may cause major realignments within the scientific power structure. Two such shifts occurred during the 1940s. Coinciding with the outbreak of World War II, the catchcry of ‘science for society’ catalysed unprecedented moves to register science as a key national resource. But the projection of the scientist as social engineer/mediator was not to be realised. With the onset of the Cold War, the scientific community reverted to the defence of autonomy and non-interventionism in scientific organisation. Scientific ‘excellence’ rapidly replaced ‘relevance’ as a justification for government support of science. The appeal to freedom from political interference remains a powerful article of faith within the stratified research hierarchy. Increasingly, however, the rationale of autonomy is out of step with the economic and political climate of the 1980s. Some exploratory observations are made about the legacy of the 1940s in the emerging current political debate about Australia's so-called ‘technological dependence’ and a renewed concern about strategic relationships among science, technology, productivity and national wealth.  相似文献   

 我国卓越的人民科学家钱学森,是中国科学学的首倡者和主要奠基人,他的科学学思想是其整个科学思想财富的一部分。2011年是钱学森诞辰100周年,深入研究钱学森的科学学思想,对于中国科学学事业发展具有重大意义。钱学森的科学学思想源于他的技术科学理论与实践,正是他把握住技术科学的中介学科地位,演绎成现代科学技术体系,从而阐发了科学学产生的必然性。从率先在中国倡议“科学的科学”研究,到首先发表完整的科学学论文,表明钱学森是中国倡导和创建科学学的第一人。科学学属于社会科学,是科研系统工程的理论基础,在社会科学体系中居于技术科学中介层次,它以全部人类科学知识为研究对象,包含科学技术体系学、科学能力学和政治科学学三个分支学科,坚持马克思主义的指导作用,构成钱学森科学学思想的基本内容、知识体系和鲜明特征。  相似文献   

During the middle decades of the twentieth century, American Catholic scientists experienced a sense of crisis owing to the paucity of scientific research performed either by individual Catholics or in Catholic institutions of higher learning. In 1953 the Rev. Patrick Yancey, S.J., the chairman of the biology department at a small Jesuit college and a member of the newly created National Science Board, led efforts to establish a national organization of Catholic scientists. Subsequently known as the Albertus Magnus Guild, this organization attempted both to improve Catholics' scientific performance and to refute the widely held notion among non-Catholic Americans that Catholicism was inherently hostile to science. By reflecting on Yancey's career as an educator and scientist and on the history of the guild, this article seeks to deepen our understanding of twentieth-century Catholic science education and reveal the ways in which Catholic scientists approached the issues surrounding the interaction of science and religion.  相似文献   

作为20世纪量子革命的拓荒人和践行者,马克斯·玻恩不仅创建了孕育这场科学革命的哥廷根物理学派,而且以自己多项具体的卓越成就贡献于量子力学的创立和发展。然而,他诸多重要科学贡献却被同行们忽视了几近30年。本文在量子力学当代发展的角度,基于科学进步的内在逻辑,重新考察玻恩在量子力学创建和发展中的历史作用,探讨其科学贡献被忽视的科学社会学问题。这里,我们通过逻辑重构历史的方式探究科学发展历史的真实,以剖析典型个案的方式,有助于我们理解学术领袖及其个人品格在学说发展、学派形成等方面的作用。  相似文献   

Hackett JM 《Endeavour》2002,26(2):70-74
The image of Roger Bacon as a 'modern' experimental scientist was propagated as historical truth in 19th century scientific historiography. Twentieth century criticisms attacked this tradition, arguing that Bacon was primarily a medieval philosopher with 'medieval' scientific interests. However, recent scholarship has provided a more careful and critical account of Bacon's science, and identifies his greatest achievement in terms of his successful attempt to assimilate the worlds of Greek and Islamic optics. It can be justly claimed that Roger Bacon was the first Western thinker in the middle ages to have mastered most of the Greek sources and the central Islamic source in optics. He made this scientific domain understandable for a Western Latin-reading audience. Yet, Bacon himself acknowledged Adelard of Bath, whose translations and commentary of Euclid's Elements set the foundations for a science of optics, as the true pioneer.  相似文献   

2013年是普赖斯逝世30周年,也是其代表作《小科学,大科学》出版50周年。在过去的半个世纪里,普赖斯和《小科学,大科学》一书,深刻地影响了科学学的研究范式和脉络,尤其是催生了科学计量学这一领域的诞生和发展。本文利用科学计量学和知识可视化的方法,利用科学计量指标和科学知识图谱,分析了普赖斯的学术贡献和学术影响。结论表明,从影响的广度来看,普赖斯的著作影响着科学计量学、科学社会学、科学学,乃至经济学、心理学等诸多领域;从影响的深度来看,普赖斯在科学计量学领域各分支领域的发展中都起到了基础性的作用。  相似文献   

为了从根本上化解数学真理困境中提出的认识论难题,菲尔德提出了"没有数的科学"这一虚构主义求解进路。文章首先阐释该进路的主要动机及其应对数学真理困境的基本策略,继而分析其本质缺陷,指出菲尔德对科学所持的实体实在论态度与其数学反实在论的立场从根本上割裂了数学与科学的整体性,回避了数学真理困境的本质问题,文章最后探讨他对实在论在认识论解释上的进一步挑战及其对求解困境所带来的启示。  相似文献   

The role of university research in France is examined in the light of recent science policy shifts and structural changes at both the national and university levels. The efforts of the government to develop a science policy and to make that policy serve social and economic goals have eroded the traditional conception of the individual university scientist autonomously pursuing his own research on funds routinely channeled through the administrative hierarchy. The growth of contractfunding, the proliferation of public sources of financing, the elevation of higher education affairs to ministerial status, the call for universities to devise distinctive research profiles and policies, the shifting, overlapping responsibilities of national agencies and departments, and the general leveling off of public expenditure in R&D -all these are factors contributing to increased tension in the university research community. The interaction of these developments with persistent patterns of behavior and influence of the university scientific community in local and national decision-making has produced a series of contradictions and conflicts in university research policy which recently announced decisions are unlikely to dispel.  相似文献   

In this paper, I discuss the "inconvenient truth" strategy of Al Gore. I argue that Gore's notion of truth upholds a conception of science and policy that narrows our understanding of climate change discourse. In one notable exchange, Gore and NASA scientist, James Hansen, disagreed about whether scientific statements based on Hansen's computer simulations were truth or opinion. This exchange is featured in An Inconvenient Truth, yet the disagreement is edited from the film and presented simply as an instance of Hansen speaking "inconvenient truth". In this article, I compare the filmic representation of Hansen's testimony with the congressional record. I place their exchange in a broader historical perspective on climate change disputation in order to discuss the implications of Gore's perspective on truth.  相似文献   

钱三强对科学学在中国的发展,发挥了关键作用。他推动成立科学学与科技政策研究会,推动学术刊物及学科学位建设,促成科学学在中国的建制化。他重视科学学基本理论问题的研究与研究方法的规范和创新,强调建立中国特色的科学学理论,促成了科学学在中国的规范化和理论化。“文革”后,中国科学技术不再是某一方面的单兵独进,而是全方位的进步。著名科学家在这一时期的软科学转向,既是个人兴趣的使然,又是时代发展的必然。  相似文献   

As one of the domestic pioneers and internationally renowned experts on global change science, Prof. FU Congbin has been strongly involved in the study of climate variability and dynamics since the early 1980s. His research ranges from air-sea interaction to the aridity trend of northern China and the monsoon-driven ecosystems in East Asia.  相似文献   

钱三强对科学学在中国的发展,发挥了关键作用。他推动成立科学学与科技政策研究会,推动学术刊物及学科学位建设,促成科学学在中国的建制化。他重视科学学基本理论问题的研究与研究方法的规范和创新,强调建立中国特色的科学学理论,促成了科学学在中国的规范化和理论化。"文革"后,中国科学技术不再是某一方面的单兵独进,而是全方位的进步。著名科学家在这一时期的软科学转向,既是个人兴趣的使然,又是时代发展的必然。  相似文献   

科技服务业是以技术和知识向社会提供服务的产业,是现代服务业的重要组成部分,针对目前科技型企业服务模式的缺失问题,本文结合科技服务平台,深入分析了平台服务应该具备的内容属性、服务模式分类以及平台的价值转换逻辑,提出一种适用面向于中小型企业的科技服务模式,形成使科技服务相关角色实现有机结合并相互依存的生态系统,进而为中小型科技企业提供全面的服务与支持。  相似文献   

彼得·卡皮查是苏联学术界的领袖人物之一。他早年在英国剑桥大学的卡文迪许实验室从事强肱场和低温物理研究,卓有成就,1929年当选为英国皇家学会会员。1934年他被苏联政府强制留在国内,创建科学院“物理问题研究所”并担任所长,其间发现了液态氦在超低温下具有超流动性,为此获得1984年诺贝尔物理学奖。卡皮查还是一位关心社会,尤其是科学界公共事务的科学家,他向斯大林以及其他苏联最高领导人写了大量书信,为身陷囹圄的科学家陈情,或者对苏联当局的文化和科学政策提出建言,为此本人一度遭到贬斥。  相似文献   

诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者论文影响力研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用国际权威数据库,根据科学计量学方法,从SC I论文数量、被引次数和期刊影响因子等三个方面,通过对1981~2005年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者获奖前科学论文影响力的测度,发现世界顶级生物医学科学家的科学创造最佳年龄区可能由25-45岁移至31-55岁。同时,分析科学家个人研究水平与其影响力和科学家个人科学能力与其国家科技整体实力的关系。  相似文献   

科学社会学的兴起是基于特定历史条件的产物。20世纪30年代,战争与社会民主的力量交织成为科学社会学思想萌发的时代背景;科学时代特征的转变为科学社会学理论奠定了特殊的科学背景,而以研究科学技术系统为对象的诸学科群的嬗变成为科学社会学形成的理论背景。这些背景为默顿建构其科学社会学研究纲领提供了重要基础。  相似文献   

From eugenics to scientometrics: Galton, Cattell, and men of science   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In 1906, James McKeen Cattell, editor of Science, published a directory of men of science. American Men of Science was a collection of biographical sketches of thousands of men of science in the USA and was published periodically. It launched, and was used in, the very first systematic quantitative studies on science. Cattell used two concepts for his statistics: productivity, defined as the number of men of science a nation produces, and performance or merit, defined as scientific contributions to research as judged by peers. These are the two dimensions that still define measurement of scientific productivity today: quantity and quality. This paper analyzes the emergence of statistics on science and the very first uses to which they were put. It argues that the measurement of science emerged out of interest in great men, heredity and eugenics, and the contribution of eminent men to civilization. Among these eminent men were men of science, the population of whom was thought to be in decline and insufficiently appreciated and supported. Statistics on men of science thus came to be collected to document the case, and to contribute to the advancement of science and the scientific profession.  相似文献   

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