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The prime purpose of an educational institution is to prepare graduates for both industrial and research-oriented employment. In each case, the graduate must have a capacity for lifelong learning. The course content and process are interlinked parts of learning. Three standard questionnaires were used to assess how students learn. The ‘study process questionnaire’ (SPQ) showed that there was a significant proportion of surface learners but thai this percentage can be modified by adopting certain teaching methodologies. The ‘course experience questionnaire’ (CEQ) indicated that a good memory is not sufficient to pass examinations, but also showed that the workload was too heavy and that assessment methods tend to control the approaches to learning adopted by students. The ‘learning style inventory’ (LSI) showed that students have adapted their learning style to match course emphases. To accommodate the different types of learner, lecturers need to change their teaching paradigm from one where lecturers stand outside the students' learning context, to one where lecturers are intimately involved in the learning context.  相似文献   

This study was based on the nature of the processes of science and the cognitive‐affective variables that often seem to influence the validity of scientific explanations. The perceptual behaviours of individual observers were chosen among the variables of affect, and using attentive responses as its construct, four modes of observing behaviours were theoretically identified. The purpose of the study was to estimate the proportions of science students using each of the identified modes and subsequently examine their performances on four cognitive variables. Thirty‐two freshmen and sophomore science education students of Hiroshima University were individually requested to observe a system, comprising a burning candle in a limited supply of air, over water, and write explanations for their observations. Each student had three observation sessions of the same system. Results indicate that 43.75% of the students used the fastest mode of Short Stimulation Time/Short Response Time (SST/SRT), but had the lowest mean score of 1‐64 on the cognitive variables 1 to 4. There was also a significant difference between the mean scores of all subjects using Long Response Time (LRT) and those using Short Response Time (SRT), t(30)>2#lb042, p<#lb05. With these results, an integrative approach to the teaching of science was suggested to encourage students in the use of reflective thinking behaviours.  相似文献   


In this issue of Video to Learn, we are to find out some high- frequency words and expressions extracted from a video clip of Gossip Girl.  相似文献   

下面是根据GO GIRLS视频总结出来的语言精华,看过了以后再看,反复看几遍以后训练,很快就可以熟记于心。需要提醒大家注意的是,看吧学习版的视频涉及的俚语内容很多,是一个让学生们熟悉俚语和西方非正式场合社交圈交际场合(如酒吧文化、小市民文化等)的栏目。但是,这不等于让我们随便使用俚语而忘记更加正规的用法,两者结合并根据不同的语体和环境恰当调用才是正确的做法。  相似文献   

Healthcare practitioners have suggested that interpreting person-centered care for people who have dementia to undergraduate students requires guidance in practical application. This article describes the production of a written and digital interdisciplinary educational resource for tertiary students. It uses real-life case scenarios provided by healthcare practitioners to illustrate person-centered care in practice with people who have dementia. The resource provides students with the theoretical underpinning of person-centered care and dementia as well as reflective questions that relate to the reenacted case scenarios to guide their application of this theory in practice.  相似文献   

Researchers who have studied sexual functioning concerns do not often focus their research on undergraduate populations, perhaps due to perceptions of universal sexual health among this population. The current study examined prevalence and type of sexual functioning concerns in a sample of 347 male and female undergraduate students. Sexual functioning concerns were identified by the sample and suggest a range of sexual concerns and experiences. Results indicated that although many undergraduate students do not meet established criteria for a sexual dysfunction, they may experience sexual problems.  相似文献   

作为一名小学班主任,在孩子们6年的学习生活中我们应该给他们些什么呢?我想,应当让孩子们从小就有追求、有向往、有勇气,沿着正确的人生旅途坚定地迈出第一步。也就是说,班主任应该给他们情感、给道理、给信心、给方法、给欢乐。一句话,就是要在班主任的引导下,让学生学会自己走路。一、给情感———赢得学生的心原来我以为当老师就得严,严以立威,以威取信。但在这几年与学生的交往中,我发现占据他们心灵的,不是老师的严而是爱。他们往往把接受老师爱抚的一件件小事说个没完没了。于是我才懂得爱的力量和价值。老师要给予学生真…  相似文献   

学会与学生合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个崇尚个性的时代,必定是一个崇尚合作的时代。这是因为,一方面,个性使得合作成为必要与可能;另一方面,个性也只有在人与人的合作中才能得到健全与发展。教师的工作对象是学生,必须善于与学生合作,一个善于与学生合作的教师,往往就是一个教育教学工作中取得成功的教师。学会与学生合作,必须做到3个“善于”,即:善于倾听、善于宽容、善于等待。一善于倾听从某种意义上说,真正的教育是从心与心的对话开始的,而心与心的对话又是从真诚的倾听开始的。不会做一个真诚的倾听者,就不会成为一个合格的教育者。在教育教学过程中,教师的听和说是同等…  相似文献   

教师首先要重视创设探索情境,使探索成为学生的内在需要,其次要重视培养学生的探索能力,让每一个学生都学会探索,最后引导学生反思探索过程,让每一个学生都会反思,从而达到学生自己学会学习、学会探索、学会创新、学会发展.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined how undergraduate students’ ability to write in science changed over time as they completed a series of laboratory activities designed using a new instructional model called argument-driven inquiry. The study was conducted in a single section of an undergraduate general chemistry lab course offered at a large two-year community college located in the southeast USA. The intervention took place over a 15-week semester and consisted of six laboratory activities. During each laboratory activity, the undergraduates wrote investigation reports, participated in a double-blind group peer review of the reports, and revised their reports based on the reviews. The reports written during each laboratory activity were used to examine changes in the students’ writing skills over time and to identify aspects of scientific writing that were the most difficult for the undergraduates in this context. The reviews produced by the students during each report were used to evaluate how well undergraduates engage in the peer-review process. The results of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the reports and reviews indicate that the participants made significant improvements in their ability to write in science and were able to evaluate the quality of their peers’ writing with a relatively high degree of accuracy, but they also struggled with several aspects of scientific writing. The conclusions and implications of the study include recommendations for helping undergraduate students learn to write by writing to learn in science and new directions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the experience of second year undergraduate veterinary science students performing group project work. The goals of the study were to encourage deep learning and to develop specific 'life skills', such as decision making, teamwork and communication skills. The results were compared with two similar studies by using a similar survey form to collect student responses. Overall, the students appeared to enjoy the group project and developed new learning skills, although the issue of passengers (poor contributors) was not fully eliminated.  相似文献   

针对社会发展对不同层次人才的不同素质需求,指出我国高等院校在开展素质教育时应不同层次区别对待.提出本科生应重点学会学习、硕士生应重点学会研究、博士生应重点学会创新的素质教育培养目标,同时就如何实现相应的素质教育培养目标提出建议.  相似文献   


First-year undergraduate students in the United Kingdom undergo significant change in their lives as they embark upon their university experience. They may be exposed to various social and psychological factors that increase their risk of poor sexual health. Indeed, epidemiological data suggest that young people (including students) face sexual health inequalities compared to the general population. People’s perceptions are key to understanding their behavior. This study explores the sexual health perceptions of a group of first-year students at a British university. Sixteen heterosexual students were interviewed, and the data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The analysis revealed three content categories: (1) sexual freedom and exploration at university, (2) university environmental sexual risk factors, and (3) stigma as a barrier to sexual health. These risk factors can undermine sexual health outcomes in students in the long term and should, therefore, be considered in sexual health education programs for university students in the United Kingdom. It is argued that the incorporation of social and psychological factors into such programs will lead to more effective sexual health promotion in this high-risk population.  相似文献   

兴趣是学生学习的内在动力和促进学生思维的前提.激发学生学习生物的兴趣的方法和途径很多,只要精心策划和巧妙安排,运用得当,何种方法都能获得理想的效果.  相似文献   

Of 1773 college students who completed self‐administered questionnaires, 80 indicated they had been diagnosed as having a learning disability (LD). Those students were then compared on measures of self concept and recalled family stress, and reported personal problems with those who indicated no LD. It was found that the LD participants, in comparison with their non‐LD peers, tended to view themselves and their parents more negatively, recall more family stress during childhood and adolescence and report more drug abuse problems, delinquency and suicidal thoughts.  相似文献   

随着课程改革的进一步深入,培养学生的综合素质已经成为当今教育的主题.数学作为自然科学之母,在基础教育课程改革中的地位日显突出.在初中数学教育教学过程中培养学生探究问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力和收集整理信息的能力,已经成为初中数学教学的主要内容之一.  相似文献   

This short paper explores the contribution or otherwise that could be made by using a test akin to the American Scholastic Assessment Test or SAT to select students for undergraduate degrees in the UK. It examines the political context to the debate about the potential value of such a test, before outlining how SAT results in America vary along dimensions related to social background and how American universities have adapted their admissions procedures in response to these differences. From the research examined it cannot be assumed that the introduction of a test such as the SAT would be any more equitable then the current use of public examinations in England. It is suggested that profiling students along the lines used by some American universities may assist with making access ‘fairer’.  相似文献   

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