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数学课程改革如火如荼,信息技术发展方兴未艾,两者已成互动之势。通过信息技术与数学课程整合,可以改进学生的学习方式,加强对数学本质的认识;沟通知识内容间的联系,感受数学的整体性;推进课程内容深化;促进课程内容呈现方式的变化。  相似文献   

Mathematics anxiety is a condition that exists in many children and adults. Studies (Bulmahn & Young, 1982, Kelly & Tomhave, 1985) have indicated that about 10% of all preservice elementary school teachers have mathematics anxiety. The author verified this statistic in a research study conducted by Basta & Unglaub (1994). In fact, with the particular sample used in the 1994 study (79 preservice elementary school teachers) the number of high mathematics anxious rose to 11.4% based on the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (Suinn, 1972).  相似文献   

以浙教版初中数学教材中函数的演示、定理的验证、做数学的实现、极限的理解与数学美的欣赏等内容为例,借助数学软件几何画板通过做数学实验或做数学阐说信息技术与初中数学的深度融合,为数学教学提供一种新的学习环境,使数学思想形象化,使学生亲历数学知识的形成以及探索规律的过程。  相似文献   

"高中数学新课标"对数学教师的数学素养提出了高要求   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新的《高中数学课程标准》与数学、公民的数学素养之间有密切的关系.全面实施“新课标”对广大数学教师是个严峻的挑战,提高数学教师的数学素养是当务之急.提高教师数学素养需要更多的数学家能够关心和参与到中数教育中,教师本身应该学习现代数学知识,掌握数学教学手段,做既能胜任新课程的教学,又能从事数学与数学教育科研的现代教师.  相似文献   

基于创新思维能力培养的信息技术与中学数学课程整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了中学数学课程创新思维能力培养的目标,依据信息技术在创新思维能力培养中的作用与应用方法,提出了基于创新思维能力培养的信息技术和中学数学课程整合的几种主要方式,最后指出在基于创新思维能力培养的信息技术和中学数学课程整合教学实践过程中存在的主要问题及应对策略。  相似文献   

在新课程改革逐步推进的过程中,教育部门对小学数学提出了更为严格的要求,主张在教学过程中合理融入现代化的教育手段,以此巩固教学成果,促使学生的多种能力得以培养。本文重点分析小学数学教学中多媒体信息技术的融合,结合多媒体信息技术的特征加以探讨,分析其在小学数学教学中的应用现状,就具体的融合实践展开详细论述。  相似文献   

程建 《天津教育》2021,(3):56-57
小学阶段开设数学课程能够增加小学生的数学知识储备,有利于小学生将所学的数学知识运用在实际生活中。因此,在新课改和现代化科学教学的背景下,将现代信息技术应用到数学教学中,对于提高学生学习数学的兴趣和提高教学质量有关键性的作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对国内外掌上技术在学校数学教学中使用的分析 ,阐述了笔者关于掌上技术在学校数学教学使用中的三个观点 ;更为重要的是 ,笔者提出了在新技术的参与下“学校教学”教育观的三个原则  相似文献   

教师的学科知识是目前教育研究中一个非常重要的领域.在数学方面,以往的探讨主要有两个方向:一类研究教师对数学概念的理解;另一类则研究教师埘数学法则的理解.然而,数学的概念与法则只是数学学科知识的一个方面,数学问题解决的实践知识是数学学科知识中更重要的一个方面.通过研究我们发现,在数学教师的学科知识中有几种不同类型的问题解决的实践知识:使用命题知识解决问题的实践经验、策略知识和问题图式.这些知识在问题解决中的作用至关重要,是教师学科知识的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

In order to improve student achievement, school systems must provide new teachers with support to become effective teachers more quickly. Educators frequently use mentoring to support new teachers and reach the goals of improved classroom performance as well as teacher retention. The intention in this study was to provide insights into the mentoring of beginning teachers working in the middle grades. In this exploratory case study, three elements of a mentoring model deemed necessary for the implementation of effective mentoring for middle school teachers are presented. First, the mentor must forge a trusting relationship with the new teacher. Second, the mentor must support and guide the new teacher in creating a classroom environment that is supportive of learning. Third, the mentor must be able to support and guide the new teacher in instructional strategies appropriate to the content and context of the classroom. Furthermore, this research highlighted a need for mentors to receive ongoing training in classroom management, instructional practices, and relationship building in order to remain effective mentors. Without effective trained mentors programs will fail to meet their goals of improving instruction and retaining teachers past their induction year.  相似文献   

数学教育不仅是学科知识的传授,其蕴含的人文因素对于个体综合素养提升具有深远影响。将数学文化融入小学数学教学,根据教学需求采用相应策略,实现数学文化与教学实践的融合以利于数学教育的健康、科学和现代化的发展。  相似文献   

本文对现代信息技术在高中数学教学内容、教学方法等方面进行研究,旨在通过信息技术呈现动态的、形象直观的高中数学内容,优化高中数学课程教学结构,为高中数学课程和信息技术整合提供参考。  相似文献   

Computer Technology Integration and Student Learning: Barriers and Promise   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Political and institutional support has enabled many institutions of learning to spend millions of dollars to acquire educational computing tools (Ficklen and Muscara, Am Educ 25(3):22–29, 2001) that have not been effectively integrated into the curriculum. While access to educational technology tools has remarkably improved in most schools, there is still concern about instructional integration of computer technology to support student learning. Appropriate integration of computer tools constitutes a major change in people’s lives; technology integration is a complex phenomenon that involves understanding teachers’ motivations, perceptions, and beliefs about learning and technology (Woodbridge, ). Although computer technology has a great potential to reform or even transform education, barriers come in the way of achieving success especially with student learning. This paper presents an overview of technology use in education with a focus on barriers to computer technology integration. Further, this paper provides suggestions to maximize the benefits of learning with computer technology.  相似文献   

对提高中学数学教师数学修养的思考和尝试   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
提高中学数学教师的数学修养在塑造人的过程中具有不可替代的作用.在实际调查中我们发现:一方面,教师们对提高自身数学修养水平的热情很高;另一方面,在涉及到具体数学知识时,教师们又往往把自己的眼光仅局限在个人所讲授或熟悉的具体中学课程中,而对关系“较远”的内容则倾向于采取回避和应付的态度.提高教师自身的数学修养是解决目前数学教育中种种弊端的关键.在实际教学中可采用如下方法加强数学教育中数学类课程:(1)加强对数学内容的数学思想和方法论的讲解;(2)加强数学计算和论证的训练;(3)加强与中学数学课程的结合.  相似文献   

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - We investigated French primary school teachers’ assessment practice in mathematics. Using an online questionnaire on...  相似文献   

This study described mathematics teachers’ views on the significance of reasonable answers and how they address this concept in their classrooms. Data were gathered from thirteen eighth-grade Kuwaiti mathematics teachers in two middle schools. All teachers in Kuwait use the national textbook and follow the accompanying instructional plans provided by the Ministry of Education. The results revealed that the overwhelming majority of Kuwaiti teachers reported that an answer needed to be exact to be reasonable. Only three teachers reported discussing reasonable answers and their discussions were in response to student mistakes. None of the teachers addressed the concept proactively, considering reasonableness when planning their lessons or preparing activities or exercises. They defended their lack of attention to this concept by noting that the notion of reasonableness is not included in the Kuwaiti national curriculum.  相似文献   

把初中数学教师的理论素养分为近现代数学理论素养、数学思想方法素养和数学文化素养三个方面,并从这三个方面讨论了初中数学教师的数学理论素养的养成。  相似文献   

高中数学课程改革的现状及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高中数学课程改革是在剖析我国数学教育发展的历史与现状的基础上,综合世界各国课程改革的成果,进行的有益探索。改革的宗旨是力求减轻学生负担、提高学习兴趣、改善教学方式,但在如何处理数学推理证明、学生学业负担、教师业务培训、民族教学传统等方面仍有争议。高中数学教师要主动更新教学理念,转换教学角色;加强课程研究,提升教学能力;关注教学过程,改善教学方式,努力适应并积极参与课程改革。  相似文献   

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