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In the United States there is an increasing tendency to view the only educational research worthy of federal funding as that which is designed as an experiment using randomised controls. One of the foundational assumptions underlying this research design is that the results of such research are meant to be generalisable beyond any particular research study. The purpose of this paper is to historicise the assumption of generalisability by explaining the ways in which it is a particularly modern research project. By historicising generalisability, I show the ways in which the current research standards are products of culturally specific historical circumstances. In other words, generalisability is a local phenomenon and not generalisable to other times and places.  相似文献   

The article relates the experiences of one large comprehensive school in its first year as a member of a pilot Local Resource Management (LRM) scheme. It considers some of the difficulties, the training implications and some of the advantages and disadvantages which have already come to light. Some advice is also given to other schools which are likely to be involved in such schemes as soon as the ‘Baker Bill’ becomes law.  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革是一场前所未有的攻坚战,新理念、新教材、新教法必然要与旧有的一切教学观念、教学模式发生激烈的碰撞和摩擦。只有主动变革,才能推进课程改革健康发展。但变革的往往是我们已经驾轻就熟的东西,这对许多人来说无异于一场痛苦的抉择。目前新课程的实施还处于实验起步阶段。面对全国蓬勃发展的新课程改革实践,走进身边的课堂教学,我们掩卷反思:新课程,想说爱你不容易。一一位小学青年教师上“公开课”,在学生的热烈讨论和争辩中不知不觉下课的铃声响起,可是仍有几项具体教学任务没有完成。更让人苦恼的是,听…  相似文献   

Teaching and learning with history and philosophy of science (HPS) has been, and continues to be, supported by science educators. While science education standards documents in many countries also stress the importance of teaching and learning with HPS, the approach still suffers from ineffective implementation in school science teaching. In order to better understand this problem, an analysis of the obstacles of implementing HPS into classrooms was undertaken. The obstacles taken into account were structured in four groups: 1. culture of teaching physics, 2. teachers?? skills, epistemological and didactical attitudes and beliefs, 3. institutional framework of science teaching, and 4. textbooks as fundamental didactical support. Implications for more effective implementation of HPS are presented, taking the social nature of educational systems into account.  相似文献   

An Easy Answer     
The old lady was being interviewed by the press after she hadreached the age of 110. "What do you think is the reason for long life?" they asked her.  相似文献   

This article draws on normative conceptualisations of practice to reconsider the relationship between educational research and educational practice, enabling a critical commentary on the recent British Educational Research Association statement on close-to-practice research. It is argued that the portrayal of practice in the research undertaken for the BERA statement is limiting, with a tendency to view educational practice as amounting to whatever activities current practitioners are involved in. Such a view can overlook practice purposes, accountabilities and dynamics, and elevate certain forms of knowledge production that ignore core educational concerns. Instead, it is suggested, educational research should reconsider its role within a normative conception of educational practice, with the aim of making educational research more educationally meaningful.  相似文献   

楚辞是我国浪漫主义诗歌的源头,究其实质而言,"楚辞"应为"楚诗"。主要根据"楚辞"名称最早可见的史料,将其置于汉武帝初年刘安时代这个具体的历史语境中,考察为"楚辞"命名者不能也不愿以"楚诗"为之命名的可能性原因,以及"楚辞"一名可能性的来由。  相似文献   

现代学校评估在坚持以政府督导促进学校发展的目标导向下,其功能和内涵从教育问责更多转向学校发展效益的评定,并呈现出以下发展特点:在组织模式上,强调政府督导与学校自评相结合、国家统一标准与地方自主实践相结合,并由具有一定独立性的机构开展评估工作;在评估内容上,重视对办学效益的评估、对学生结果表现的关注、对学校发展多元化的引导、对学校自身"增值性"的纵向评估;在评估程序和方法上,注重向学校提供信息服务和资源支持,采用科学专业手段收集数据并公布学校评估结果。借鉴国际学校评估的发展趋势,我国现阶段的中小学学校评估工作需要努力构建从中央到地方不同功能和职责的组织体系和网络,加强专业化队伍建设,并着力发展专业性程序和技术。  相似文献   

"王学"在明代影响至巨",黔中王学"因其与王阳明谪居贵州和龙场悟道的特殊因缘,而成为"王学"的重要一支。但是,整个明代,与贵阳仅一水之隔的播州(今遵义)地区,却不见任何"王学"影响的痕迹。造成此历史现象的原因有三:一是播州杨氏土司对汉文化的抵制,二是明代播州地区汉文化水平的普遍衰落与文化发展环境的恶劣,三是播州隶属关系的长期不确定,使其未能有效对接中央文教政策。而"王学"不入播州这一文化现象更深层反映的是汉"夷"文化的交往,以及土司制度对文化交往的影响。  相似文献   

胡雪岩是高阳所创造的最为精彩的艺术形象之一。其历史价值在于高阳选择了这样一个从社会底层崛起,凭着个人的聪明才智和努力奋斗,终至富可敌国的红顶商人来展现十九世纪中国社会经济、政治、军事、文化生活的方方面面。这一形象创造在中国史传文学和古今小说中应占有一个特殊位置。  相似文献   

Backes  Susanne  Baumann  Isabell  Harion  Dominic  Sattler  Sabrina  Lenz  Thomas 《Prospects》2021,51(1-3):347-361
PROSPECTS - To slow down the proliferation of Covid-19, governments virtually shut down public life, temporarily closed schools, and forced teaching to be done exclusively on a remote basis. These...  相似文献   

小文 《初中生》2006,(5):22-22
在德国首都柏林(Berlin,Germany’s capital city),大约有20个垃圾桶(trash cans)能用德语、法语和英语说“谢谢你”,不过它们和人类一样,都有规则的作息时间。它们白天工作(work in the day),晚上休息(have a rest at night)。  相似文献   

当前,我国中小学生意外伤害事故已经成为威胁中小学生人身安全的首要因素,也成为学校实施素质教育的制约因素。学校责任保险作为代替学校承担对学生伤害事故的经济赔偿责任的商业化风险分担机制,对减轻学校赔偿压力、维持学校正常秩序、缓解家长后顾之忧、促进学生健康成长都发挥着重要作用。学生伤害事故中的学校责任既具有保险标的的合法性,又能有效克服责任保险的一些弊端,防止学校出现道德风险。学校责任保险对于和谐校园的构建、素质教育的开展,不仅必要而且可能。  相似文献   

本文通过对研究性学习课题“学校的草坪为什么不绿”案例的介绍和点评 ,阐述了研究性学习的课题选择、开题、实施和结题的全过程和要领 ,论述了研究性学习的理念及其理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

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