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通过对上个世纪汉语音韵学由传统走向现代化的发展进程的历史总结 ,说明中国现代语言学的产生和发展 ,其实也就是传统语言学如何走上现代化的过程。  相似文献   

We report the findings of a follow-up study of 34 9-year-old children who had participated in a longitudinal study of phonological and literacy development between the ages of 4 and 6 years. In a series of concurrent and longitudinal analyses, measures of phoneme awareness proved to be better predictors of spelling than measures of rime awareness. Children's awareness of grammatical relations influenced their orthographic skills in spelling. Although we were able to demonstrate that later orthographic knowledge is influenced by earlier phonological processes, our results are also consistent with the view that awareness of grammatical rules has an important role in determining orthographic proficiency as children get older.  相似文献   

试论自然手语和文法手语的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章通过对“自然手语”和“文法手语”概念的分析,指出了目前在聋教育界对“自然手语”概念理解的几种错误:目前聋教育界对“自然手语”有使用范围和理解过窄、评价过低;对“文法手语”有使用范围和理解过宽、评价过高。重申了在各级聋校使用“聋人手语”为教学语言建议。  相似文献   

在索绪尔那里,符号是施指和所指的结合体。考诸施指一词后来的实际用法,不难看到,人们仍然大致是在符号的意义上使用施指的。其中的缘由,有考察的必要。  相似文献   

本文分析了凤凰镇方言的语音系统并总结了音韵特点,在此基础上列出了凤凰镇方言的同音字表汇。  相似文献   

本文旨在对昆明话的音系系统进行较为全面的分析,探讨昆明话音系的系统规律。主要讨论两个问题:第一,昆明话音系基元模式;第二,用管辖音系理论的六个音系元素重标示昆明话的元音和辅音,并归纳其中的内在规律。  相似文献   

曹慧 《英语辅导》2001,(8):31-31
One evening Mrs Smith asked her husband to take her to a very expensive restaurant (饭馆) in the city, because a lot of film stars and other famous (著名的) people ate there, and she was eurions(好奇的)to see some of them.  相似文献   

We investigated whether children who were learning to read simultaneously in English and French activate phonological representations from only the language in which they are reading or from both of their languages. Children in French Immersion programs in Grade 3 were asked to name aloud cognates, interlingual homographs, interlingual homophones, and matched control words. Half of the participants performed the task in English, their first oral language, and half performed the task in French. Control monolingual children in each language were also tested. In the French reading task, fewer errors were observed for cognates and interlingual homophones than for matched control words, whereas more errors were produced for interlingual homographs than matched controls. Only the inhibitory interlingual homograph effect was observed in the English reading task. These data provide evidence that phonological activation in bilinguals is not language selective. The locus of each of these effects in the bilingual word recognition system is discussed.  相似文献   

Sign Language     
An Englishman was once travelling in Italy. He could not speak Italian. One day he went to a restaurant and sat at a table. When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, put his fingers into it, took them out again and moved his lips. By doing these he meant, "Bring me something to eat." The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The Englishman shook his head and the waiter understood him to say that he didn't want tea, so he took it away and brought him some coffee. The Englishman…  相似文献   

两则交通宣传标语: 如果你的孩子不够大就别让他开车.否则他就可能再也长不大了……  相似文献   

离群聋儿自创手势与中国手语的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对19名农村离群聋儿自创手势的调查分析,得出聋儿自创手势的表达特点:(1)模仿事物的基本外形特征;(2)模仿事物的典型动作和神态;(3)表达事物的用途或功能;(4)直观模拟动作行为;(5)指代现场的事物。本文通过比较离群聋儿自创手势与中国手语后得出:聋儿具有发展手语的先天的生物学基础,具有获得手语的潜能,离群聋儿的自创手势是对生活经验的符号化,但他们的自创手势有局限性,抽象程度不高,是一种前手语(Pre-Sign language),中国手语的构成不完全是任意性的。  相似文献   

This study examined 87 pedigrees of individuals with histories of preschool phonology disorders. Results confirmed previous reports that speech and language disorders aggregate in families, with a higher incidence of males affected than females. Significantly more family members with dyslexia and learning disabilities, but not stuttering or hearing impairment, were found in pedigrees of individuals with phonology disorders than in pedigrees of nondisabled individuals. Probands with and without additional language problems did not differ in the incidence of affected family members. Nuclear family members demonstrated a higher incidence of disorders than when all family members were considered, with brothers of probands most often affected. Pedigrees of female probands had more affected members in their nuclear families than pedigrees of male probands.  相似文献   

Fifty-two children identified at age 4 to 6 years as demonstrating a moderate to severe expressive phonology disorder were followed to the third and fourth grades. Children were classified into two groups based on the presence of an early phonology disorder in isolation (P) or the presence of a phonology disorder with other language problems (PL). At follow-up, articulation measures failed to differentiate the groups; however, the PL group performed more poorly than the P group on measures of phoneme awareness, language, reading decoding, reading comprehension, and spelling. The P group demonstrated poor spelling skills relative to their reading and language abilities, suggesting residual spelling weaknesses in these children. The PL group reported more nuclear family members with speech-language disorders and with reading disorders than the P group. Findings support previous research linking early language disorders with later reading difficulties.  相似文献   

聋校课堂和媒体中出现的手语翻译多是对汉语的翻译,即使用的是文法手语,而现实的情况却是大多数的聋人对手语翻译的信息接收不畅。文章旨在论述手语翻译与聋人文化的关系,认为手语翻译是手语和汉语之间的信息转换,是两种文化的交流与碰撞。  相似文献   

自然手语和文法手语是聋人间及聋人与听人间交流的两种普遍方式。自从1960年美国语言学权威史多基博士得出了手语是一门语言学意义上的语言的结论后,手语便作为语言来研究。文章从两者的适用范围差异、特点上的差异、语法的差异这三方面进行论述,在语法的差异上,例举实例,便于直观地体会二者在语法上的差异。  相似文献   

Dr Jim Kyle and Bencie Woll, School of Education Research Unit, Bristol University, report on the use of British Sign Language in the United Kingdom and dispel some of the myths that surround the language  相似文献   

有一天,一位同事问了我一个问题:你是自己孩子的老师,你要给孩子的作业签字吗?我回答:当然签呀!但作为老师,我从不强求家长签字,因为我觉得这是将教师的责任,部分地转嫁给了家长。但作为家长,我慢慢地发现了一些问题,看法也随之改变。  相似文献   

50年前一个下着细雨的复活节周末,一群抗议者从伦敦出发,开始了为期4天的游行,以支持刚刚起步的核裁军运动.一个新的运动需要新的标志,因此他们挥动着印有一个简单logo的旗帜,那个logo从那时起成为众所周知的和平标志.……  相似文献   

正如他们的热情可以转瞬即逝一样,白羊的友谊也是如此。如果一群人不能跟上他们不断改变的兴趣的话,他们会转向新的朋友。自私有时候会在人与财富的选择上占上风。最佳好友:双子座、水瓶座  相似文献   

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