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<正> Arguments can be made in favor of,and against external approaches to literary ctiticism.Almost certainly,a writer will be influenced by his personal background as well as bythe historical and regional backgrounds aganst which he has grown up and developed hiswriting skill.A writer’s education and the course he has studied may also have theirinfluence on his works in specific ways.In other words,a writer may often draw uponoutside literary sources to lend extra dimenion to a work of his own.  相似文献   

In most of Lawrence’s works, many heroines are wrapped up in misfortunate clothes, either they have bad marriages or sufferthe loss of their husbands or commit suicide. It seems that Lawrence intends to appeal to the public to attach more emphasis on women’smiserable situations by depicting these women characters, and meanwhile, he shows his own sympathy for their suffering and he also tries toawaken them to struggle for their happiness and their freedom as well.  相似文献   

阳光 《初中生必读》2013,(Z1):38-39
He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father’s life-who was the main source of support for the family.Since then,he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother.For the sake of taking care of him,his younger brother became his shadow,never leaving him alone for years.Except for writing with his toes,he was completely unable to do anything in his life. One late night,he suffered from diarrhea and had to wake up his  相似文献   

There was a man who loved fine art. He loved it so much that he lived for it. It had become his whole life, and had literally engulfed him. He would work really hard to save up some money, just so he could buy another piece of fine art. He would buy Rembrandt's, Picasso's and many others' works of fine art.The man had been widowed some years before but he had a son. As he raised his son, he included him in his hobby of collecting art. As his son grew, he also became a great art collector. His dad was very proud of him.Collecting fine art was something that they both loved to do and it brought them very close together.Some years passed by and their country suddenly engulfed in a war. The son, like so many other young men, enlisted and went off to serve his country. He had been gone for some time, and then it happened.  相似文献   

A man is waiting for wife to give birth. The doctor comes in and informs the dad that his son was born without torso, arms or legs. The son is just a head! But the dad loves his son and raises him as well as he can, with love and compassion. After 21 years,the son is old enough for his first drink. Dad takes him to the barand tearfully tells the son he is proud of him. Dad orders up the biggest, strongest drink for his boy. With all the bar patrons looking on curiously and the bartender shaking his head in disbelief,the boy takes his first sip of alcohol. Swoooop! A torso pops out!The bar is dead silent; then bursts into a whoop of joy. The father,shocked, begs his son to drink again. The patrons chant "Take another drink"! The bartender still shakes his head in dismay. Swoooop! Twoarms pops out. The bar goes wild. The father, crying and wailing,begs his son to drink again. The patrons chant "Take another drink"!  相似文献   

Professor Green is a world-famous scientist. And he is always busy thinking about scientific problems and seldom notices what is going on around him. So funny things often happen to him because he is not only absent-minded but shortsighted as well.One fine day recently, he went for a walk in the countryside,but as usual he had a book in his hand, and had no sooner set out for his walk than he became absorbed in reading. He hadn't gone far when he bumped into a cow and fell down. In the fall, …  相似文献   

A Beautiful Mind is the true life story of John Forbes Nash Jr., a mathematical genius and Nobel Prize winner, who simply wants to think—about theories, about life, about love—if only his own mind would let him do it. Story剧情The film spans (横越) the life of John Nash (Russell Crowe) from mathematical prodigy (天才,神童), to delusional (妄想症) schizophrenic (精神分裂症), to Nobel Prize winner. We first meet John in 1948, and he is entering Princeton University as a graduate student. He rarely goes to class and calculates his mathematical theories on dorm room and library windows. Most of his colleagues steer clear of (避开,绕开) him, except his roommate, Charles (Paul Bettany), who tries to lighten him up. John eventually closes in on a hypothesis (假设)for an economic theory and becomes a star in the math  相似文献   

[书面表达对策与讲练(1)参考答案]Ex1. Li Ming is a student of No.12 Middle School. Last Saturday, he got up at 8:15 and thought he was late for school. So he left home in a hurry without breakfast. He was riding his bike as fast as he could on his way to school. When he arrived there, the  相似文献   

Bryan Adams     
Bryan Adams was one of the most popular mainstream rock & rollers to emerge in the '80s,producing a series of platinum albums and Top Ten hits. Adams wasn't an Innovator on the level of Bruce Springsteen,or even John Cougar Mellencamp. He followed in their footsteps.smoothing out their rougher edges while retalning a down-to-earth earnestness in both his straightforward rock & roll and his husky voice.At the beginning of his career.he relied more on rock than pop,but as his career progressed, he became known for his ballads.But both his rockers and his slow numbers were the result of his craftsmanship, both as a writer and a performer-Adams never let anything obscure a good hook.  相似文献   

我雇了一个水暖工帮我整修旧农庄里的住宅。第一天的活刚干了个大概齐,他的车胎没气了,结果有一小时没法干活;他的电钻没法使了;他那老掉牙的卡车也发动不着了。我开车送他回家时,他坐在那儿纹丝不动,沉默不语。  相似文献   

Uttam L. RajBhandary 《Resonance》2012,17(12):1125-1135
This article provides a brief summary of Har Gobind Khorana??s early years in science including his years as an independent investigator at the British Columbia Research Council in Vancouver, Canada. It also includes interesting anecdotes about his career and about him as a scientist based on his own writings, including (1) how he simply showed up in the laboratory of Dr. Vladimir Prelog in Zurich, with no recommendations, and pleaded for a little space to do postdoctoral research under him, (2) how his determination and tenacity to learn the German language well introduced him to the world of a class of chemical reagents called ??carbodiimides??, which proved pivotal for much of his early work on the synthesis of nucleotides, nucleotide coenzymes and the first synthesis of a gene, and (3) how he ended up in Vancouver, Canada for his first position as an independent investigator.  相似文献   

1937~1946年期间,废名为躲避战乱,在家乡黄梅生活了10年。伴随新的生活经历和生命体验,废名同时走过了一条丰富而曲折的心路历程。避难生活开始近两年时间,废名生活在自己的大家族里,他的思想里依旧保持着现代大都市知识分子的观念,不过家族生活体验为他后来认同家族主义奠定了感情基础。随着进一步接触社会现实,他认识到中国社会是一个家族中心的社会,并对此持同情态度;随着深入了解民生实际,他对中国民众的生存诉求有了深切的感受,并因之反省自己以前思想观念的局限,因而从一己世界里走了出来。后来,生活环境的改变及其产生的局限,使废名又渐渐回到偏重内在生活的心灵轨道。  相似文献   

父亲是一座神秘的宝藏,需要我们用一生的时间去探究和开启他。 ARIES(Mar.21-April 20) 白羊座父亲:信不信由你,当自羊座的父亲用严厉的语言来指责你的时候。实际上他是想说他爱你。以行动为导向的他通常都是通过这种方式来表达感情的。放心,尽管他言辞苛责,但他永远是你的好爸爸。  相似文献   

奥瑟罗中了伊阿古的圈套,疑心妻子不贞,并在猜忌中性情大变,和以前判若两人。导致奥瑟罗轻信的主要原因是欠缺分辨力,民族自卑心理,落后的夫权意识与非爱即憎的极端性格等,这使其最终成为种族歧视社会牺牲品。  相似文献   

从农村来的青年骆驼祥子,以为凭着自已身强力壮的身体,还有满腔热血和勤劳,就可以拥有自己的车子,然后过上好日子。然而,城市里的生活规则远非他农村生活经验那般可以计划的,任何不平等遭遇都可能降,临在他身上,而他没有一点反抗能力。可以说,正是匪兵特务的掠夺、刘四爷的歧视与剥削以及虎妞的霸道,加剧了他人生的变故,以致后来的堕落和灭亡。由此可见,封建社会里底层人的悲剧性和命运的不可改变性。  相似文献   

Jack 《海外英语》2003,(12):34-35
Sunny's grandfather had suddenly taken ill and was not able to play with him any more like he used to before. Little Sunny was very sad and felt very lonely. He would go and sit by his grandfather's bed, waiting for him to get up and play with him again. At night, he would think of the little cowherd boy, Krishna, and pray to him fervendy to make his grandfather well again. But, little Krishna was busy having fun, and would not answer Sunny's  相似文献   

《水浒传》中的李逵应该定位在悲剧人物而不是喜剧人物,尽管他具有喜剧性格,而且头脑简单、蛮干粗鲁、嗜酒贪赌、耍乖撒泼等,确乎是他落后的一而,然而所有这些,只是他思想性格中次要的一面,真正占主导地位的是他的憨直、勇武、豪气和反叛的精神,是他对梁山事业的忠诚和对梁山弟兄的最真纯的义气。但是,恰好是讲义气的哥哥宋江以不放弃忠孝为原则,讲义气的弟弟李逵以不放弃反叛为原则,于是义气就降为附属物了。由于义气与忠孝发生对抗性矛盾,执意实行招安投降的宋江就与反对皇权、反对招安的李逵之间的关系发生了裂变:两人一面是“兄弟”.一面是“对头”。李逵的悲剧正在于:梁山事业最终没有实现的可能性。害死李逵的人,除了他的敌人.竟还有他的同志、朋友、兄弟!还可以说,除了大宋皇帝是罪魁祸首,宋江的忠孝思想与李逵的义气失误也充当了刽子手。这就是李逵悲剧的审美意义之所在。  相似文献   

解放后的赵树理依然坚守“问题小说”的创作理念,关注社会主义新农村中所出现的种种问题,这种不合时宜的问题意识自然被“大时代”冷落与抛弃,并使赵树理成为“大时代”的旁观者,也使其创作心态失衡,不时流露出偏激、消极甚至虚无的态度。其主要原因在于赵树理总是站在农民的立场衡量政治的正确性与否,千方百计地维护农民利益;此外,解放后的赵树理在叙述策略、叙述视角以及叙述话语等诸多方面始终沉浸于个人的小天地里,其小说在话语形态、人物形象、美学观念等方面自成一格与“大时代”相去甚远。  相似文献   

曾卓是一个用自己内心的爱进行诗歌创作的诗人,相比文坛的许多大家来说,他并不为人所熟知,诗歌也从来没有带给他荣誉,带给他的甚至只是厄运,但他从来没有放弃过心中对诗歌的热爱,一直满怀感情地执著着自己的诗歌创作。1955年-1976年的诗歌创作是他几十年诗歌创作生涯中最令人难以忘怀的,诗是他的生命,心中的爱帮他延续着诗歌,爱是诗人在那个特殊年代不变的情怀。  相似文献   

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