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A sample of 1,114 urban children ranging in age from 5‐13 years was assessed for the occurrence of 25 stressful life events across the life span. Children reported an average of six events during their lifetimes. Developmental trends and gender differences were noted in terms of certain stressful life events (SLEs). The children were also rated by their teachers on a number of measures of adjustment to school. Children who had experienced three to eight serious SLEs were rated as less well adjusted on a variety of behavioural measures than those children who had experienced no such serious life events.  相似文献   

目的:考察压力性生活事件与青少年自杀意念的关系,以及应对效能在其中的补偿、中介和调节效应.方法:采用青少年压力性生活事件问卷、应对效能量表和自杀意念问卷对1217名青少年进行调查.结果:(1)压力性生活事件与青少年自杀意念显著正相关;(2)应对效能在压力性生活事件与自杀意念之间同时存在补偿、中介和调节效应.结论:应对效能可以有效地部分阻抗、中介和缓冲压力性生活事件对青少年自杀意念的作用.  相似文献   

Adolescents who drop out of high school experience enduring negative consequences across many domains. Yet, the circumstances triggering their departure are poorly understood. This study examined the precipitating role of recent psychosocial stressors by comparing three groups of Canadian high school students (52% boys; Mage = 16.3 years; = 545): recent dropouts, matched at‐risk students who remain in school, and average students. Results indicate that in comparison with the two other groups, dropouts were over three times more likely to have experienced recent acute stressors rated as severe by independent coders. These stressors occurred across a variety of domains. Considering the circumstances in which youth decide to drop out has implications for future research and for policy and practice.  相似文献   

Research on gifted and high-achieving students has shown that they experience some sources of stress that are different from those experienced by general students. This qualitative case study investigated the types of stressful life events experienced by academically high-achieving females before the onset of disordered eating in adolescence. Fourteen academically high-achieving females who had recovered from disordered eating were interviewed and completed a written survey. The results revealed that these high-achieving females reported stressful events in five areas before the onset of disordered eating symptoms. All participants reported stress related to academic issues, yet academic stress is rarely mentioned in the literature on stress and eating disorders. These findings have implications for both prevention and treatment of eating disorders among academically high-achieving females.  相似文献   

We investigated the contributions of stressful life events and resources (social support and social problem-solving skills) to predicting changes in children's adjustment. At Time 1, 361 third through fifth graders completed measures of social support and social problem-solving skills. Their parents completed a stressful life events scale and a child behavior rating measure. The children's teachers provided ratings of behavioral and academic adjustment. 2-year follow-up data (Time 2) were obtained for approximately half of the sample on the same measures. Time 1 stressful life events and resources showed some significant but modest zero-order correlations with the Time 2 adjustment indices. Hierarchical multiple regressions revealed prospective effects for Time 1 social support on later teacher-rated competencies and grade-point average. In addition, increases over time in social support and social problem-solving skills (a composite score) were significantly related to improvement in behavioral and academic adjustment, whereas stressful life events were not predictive of adjustment.  相似文献   

A total of 366 UK children in four different schools, one in Wales, one in Northern Ireland, and two in England, were asked to respond to 20 potentially stressful life experiences. Each event was rated on a scale ranging from 7 (the most upsetting) to 1 (the least), and the scale value and interquartile range were calculated. In addition, whether or not a given event was actually experienced was noted. Across the groups, there was a very high degree of agreement on all three measures, the median correlations being 0.95 for scale values, 0.70 for interquartile ranges, and 0.92 for incidence. Furthermore, the pooled UK results were found to correlate equally closely with the figures previously obtained in the USA and five other countries. The possibility of a prevalent ‘culture of childhood’, cutting across geo‐political boundaries and ethnic groupings, appears to receive further support.  相似文献   

同男大学生相比,女大学生面临更多的压力事件。女大学生面临的压力事件主要有学习压力事件、就业压力事件、人际交往压力事件、生活适应压力事件、经济压力事件和婚恋压力事件六类。女大学生应对压力事件的方式可以分为情绪应对、主动认知、主动行为和回避应对四种。教育女大学生应对压力事件时应该考虑四个方面:深入了解女大学生发展的特点、采取差异化策略、重点培养女大学生的"韧性"以及引导女大学生发挥情绪应对策略的积极功能。  相似文献   

幼儿园生活事件的教育意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以往谈及幼儿园教育,人们较多关注的是幼儿园的班级教学,而忽略了教学之外的生活.事实上,在幼儿园发生的各类真实的生活事件有着极其丰富的教育意义.如“接待”和“六一”儿童节庆祝活动是幼儿园两种比较典型的生活事件,它们有助于提升幼儿园的品牌形象,增强幼儿园的竞争力;促进教师间的交流学习,为教师发展提供契机;能给予幼儿参与活动的机会,使其感受活动中丰富的人际关系,促进幼儿情感、行为与能力等的发展.同时,这些生活事件如果应对不当,也可能产生一些负面影响,如干扰幼儿园正常的教育教学秩序,教师被迫从后台走向前台,增加教师的心理负担等,为此幼儿园应尽力弥合生活事件与正常教学的界限,使教学真正走向生活,并尽力促使这类生活事件保持在适度的范围内,以切实减轻教师的负担.  相似文献   

比较教育学家阿什比以生态学的方法研究世界高等教育,提出了著名的"大学生态学"、"遗传环境论"等高等教育发展新理论,这给我在思考高等教育问题时提供了一个全新的思路,本文针对高等教育在发展过程中遇到的遗传和面临的环境问题展开论述,深刻理解高等教育的遗传变异和环境创新的重要性,并着眼高等教育的遗传变异和环境创新,探索高等教育内部调整的新途径和新方法。  相似文献   

采用自我复杂性测验、重大负性生活事件和创伤问卷、自尊量表、生活满意度量表和积极消极情感量表对若干名大学生进行调查。基于自我报告的客观事件发生数和主观评估影响程度,所有被试被划分到创伤经历组和非创伤经历组。研究发现,创伤经历与非创伤经历个体在自尊、生活满意度和消极情感上具有显著差异,自我复杂性能够有效调节创伤经历对个体自尊和生活满意度的负性影响。  相似文献   

智力心理是脑的机能。在人类,言语的形成使第二信号系统逐步完善,导致人脑机能超过剩,与动物脑相比出现了质的差异。遗传决定的是种的共同特点,保证人类或动物种智力水平的质;环境影响智力,是在遗传基础上决定智力量的实现。教育作为特殊环境,对智力发展有促进作用。  相似文献   

人的应激生活事件与其心理健康状况关系密切,本文对高师贫困生的应激生活事件进行了调查.结果表明:前10位的应激生活事件主要来自个人因素、学习与就业因素、学校因素和社会因素等方面.不同的应激生活事件的影响在不同年级和不同性别的高师贫困生中体现出差异.提出了化解应激生活事件对高师贫困生影响的对策.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways male and female adolescents plan to allocate responsibility for domestic labour. It is argued that incorporation of elements of the domestic ideology combines with an awareness of structural barriers to reproduce traditional patterns. The importance of segregated labour markets and provisions for child care are discussed.  相似文献   

刘勰出身于一个逐渐衰败的世族高门,东莞刘氏在萧齐时代严重衰落,入梁后稍有转机。刘勰的不婚娶既表明他家族的衰败,也表明他不甘于婚姻“失类”。刘勰依僧祜研究佛学则既有思想学术上的原因,也不无“托附”方面的考虑。他除了用本名写过若干与佛教有关的文章以外,还为僧祜代笔写了不少东西。刘勰的专著有《刘子》和《文心雕龙》,前者的著作权有争议,但其中的立言与刘勰有着密切的关系;后者自是伟大的文学理论名著,而其书名则表现了他的佛学修养。  相似文献   

项廷纪是清代著名词人,其《忆云词》享誉甚高。谭献认为项鸿祚、纳兰性德与蒋春霖“三家是词人之词”,“二百年中,分鼎三足”,对其评价极高。钱仲联先生选编的《清八大名家词集》,项廷纪也名列其中。一直以来,研究《忆云词》者很少,这与项廷纪的词史地位是不相称的。现依据第一手材料,就项廷纪的家世、生平、著述进行全面的考察,并对有关文献中的讹误提出了质疑。  相似文献   

This study examined early observed parenting and child-care experiences in relation to functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis over the long term. Consistent with the attenuation hypothesis, individuals ( n  =   863) who experienced: (a) higher levels of maternal insensitivity and (b) more time in child-care centers in the first 3 years of life had lower awakening cortisol levels at age 15. Associations were small in magnitude. Nonetheless, results were (a) additive in that both higher levels of maternal insensitivity and more experience with center-based care uniquely (but not interactively) predicted lower awakening cortisol, (b) not accounted for by later caregiving experiences measured concurrently with awakening cortisol at age 15 or by early demographic variables, and (c) not moderated by sex or by difficult temperament.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of socioeconomic (age, education, marital status, income, and health) and demographic variables and the quantity and quality of relationships with adult children, grandchildren, siblings and friends on life satisfaction of the elderly. Participants were 200 persons older than 60 years of age. Hierarchical regression analysis was used for data analysis. The three sets of regression models were run for each gender. Regression equations involved three sets of independent variables: socioeconomic, demographic, and relational (i.e., frequency, satisfaction) variables. When the three models were examined together, health and education made the highest contribution to females' life satisfaction. Health had a similar effect on the life satisfaction of males.  相似文献   

一、引言 Scheier等人首次提出了气质性乐观(dispositional optimism)的概念,认为气质性乐观是对未来好结果的总体期望,是一种稳定的人格特质,是单因素模型结构。主观幸福感(subjective well-being,SWB),指个体依据自己设定的标准对其生活质量所作的整体评价,是衡量人们生活质量的一个重要的综合性心理指标,具有主观性、整体性和稳定性等特点。  相似文献   

As a member of a delegation of educators, physicians, and lay people to rural Fiji the author shares her experiences and reflections of early care, education, and family life on a small, remote island. She discusses her visits to the village and boarding school, and her interactions with teachers, children, and parents in the early childhood classroom and community. Her understanding of teacher education and preparation, the primary educational system, and curriculum goals and revisions of the country are highlighted.  相似文献   

创造性人格对创造力起到构成、引导、调控的作用.创造性人格的培养对创造力的培养具有重-要意义.家庭环境影响儿童和青少年的创造力发展,所以需要从父母兴趣及期望、父母教养方式等方面着手,实施儿童创造性人格培养,激发儿童的兴趣和动机,增强儿童的自信心.  相似文献   

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