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This study examined the extent to which mothers’ trust toward the classroom teacher of their child in first grade is related to observed teaching practices in Finland and Estonia. Sixty-six teachers (32 in Finland, 34 in Estonia) were observed using the Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM; Stipek & Byler, 2004). Mothers in Finland (n = 266) and in Estonia (n = 348) filled in questionnaires measuring their trust in their child's first grade teacher. The connection between mothers’ education, child gender, and classroom size in relation to mothers’ trust was also investigated. The results of multilevel modeling showed that mothers in both countries trusted more in teachers who were characterized by a higher level of child-centered teaching practices than teacher-directed teaching practices. Furthermore, Estonian mothers showed greater trust in more experienced teachers. The results emphasize the importance of teaching practices in promoting mothers’ trust in their child's teacher.  相似文献   

Innovative teaching is sometimes perceived as opposite of traditional teaching, since it is regarded as student-centred and takes on the form of guided construction. This distinguishing feature led to an expectation that traditional teaching practices will be replaced with innovative ones for the purpose of fostering learning. The goal of the present research is to examine this issue by taking a closer look at teaching practices within an innovative learning environment, and their implications for teachers and teacher educators. Our qualitative research was conducted in a secondary school which has implemented such a learning environment. The data analysis is based on sociolinguistic discourse analysis. The findings reveal a variety of teaching practices, which allows teachers to choose the most suitable one for a particular learning requirement. We conclude in proposing to adopt a more complex approach to teaching, and to relinquish the dichotomy between traditional and innovative teaching practices. Theoretical and practical implications of this proposal are presented in the discussion.  相似文献   

对大学物理教学改革中三个重要问题:教学内容的现代化、提高学生学习兴趣、多媒体教学与传统教学手段相结合的问题进行探索与实践.  相似文献   

机械工程材料课程是机械类各专业的重要基础课程之一,针对卓越计划的人才培养目标,结合机械工程材料课程现有实验教学中存在的不足,提出了基于卓越计划的机械工程材料课程实验教学理念、教学内容、教学手段、考核模式的改革。  相似文献   

International exchange and training programs play a significant role in the development of international cooperation between educators from different nations. More and more teachers and school administrators participate in exchange programs and implement new curricular and instructional practices in their institutions. The objectives of this interpretive exploratory case study were (a) to investigate the impact of international exchange and training programs on pedagogical practices of Russian school teachers and administrators and (b) to find out how participants of international programs apply, implement, and transfer their experiences and knowledge that they obtain during their programs. The data were collected through personal interviews, observations, and materials from several debriefing sessions in 2005. The study demonstrated that the participation in international programs significantly impacts educators’ pedagogical practices, expands the range of their instructional approaches, makes program alumni more culturally sensitive and perceptive, and influences their interpersonal relations in schools, their professional growth, and social status. This research can be of interest to perspective participants of international programs and practitioners who develop and organize international programs for educators.  相似文献   

海上作业时母船或平台受到海浪影响会产生大幅升沉运动,影响作业安全与工作效率,升沉补偿装置可以极大地改善海上工作环境.针对升沉补偿装置的研究和学生实验的教学需要,该文设计了一种升沉补偿系统实验平台,采用六自南度平台模拟真实的海上船只升沉运动,采用液压系统模拟负载在海上的受力情况,从而可以真实地反映海上工作情况.将主动控制...  相似文献   

通过分析目前机械电子工程专业研究生电子实验教学平台存在的问题,开发了符合该专业研究生电子实验教学的平台,详细说明了平台的开发以及开发思路。该平台能很好地将研究生的学习和科研紧密结合起来,为今后的工作打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

利用虚拟仿真技术搭建了土木工程教学实验平台。利用该平台进行混凝土结构破坏性试验,可以降低"工程结构设计原理"本科实验的成本,节约实验对仪器及场地等资源的占用,能够较好地适应教学改革和课程创新的需要,具有非常积极的意义和价值。  相似文献   

仪器仪表专业实验教学平台建设与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据仪器仪表专业创新人才培养目标,采取了科研成果向教学设备转化、与知名企业联建实验室和自主研发实验设备措施,改善实验室硬件平台及环境,加强实验室科学管理,更新实验教学内容,发挥学科优势和特色,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

为了更好地满足人工智能课程教学的需求,以一种低耦合、高可扩展性的架构,实现了一个以A*算法、模拟退火算法和遗传算法为主题的简洁易用的算法教学实验平台。该平台使用Flex技术来实现算法的演示,使用J2EE和XML相关技术完成后台的设计,并通过C/C++语言完成验证算法的实现。平台提供了A*算法、模拟退火算法和遗传算法的演示程序和验证程序,可以帮助学生直观地学习不同智能搜索算法,为教师和学生提供一个在线互动的教学实验平台,也方便学生开展各算法的自主实验设计。  相似文献   

在精品课程的开发中,网络教学平台的设计是一个关键部分。通过网络教学平台,学生可随时自主学习,师生间可经常进行互动交流,在最大程度上实现优质教学资源的共享,从而在整体上提高课程教学质量。  相似文献   

当前国内外支撑网络课程的学习方法模式,大多以个别化自主学习为主,缺乏教与学之间的深层次协作.本文通过将协作式教学环境融合到网络教学平台设计中,优化设计各项功能模块,实现网络课程与协作学习的有效整合.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于计算机网络和大数据的工程机械虚拟仿真实验教学平台。该平台的硬件部分由仿真虚拟上位机、信号控制模块、信号驱动模块、仿真机械运动平台、信号感应模块和LED显示模块等部分构成;软件部分涵盖系统时域数据信号的分析及频域特征的研究。该平台可以实现用户操作、场景虚拟及场景选择等多种实验教学功能,并且采用了功能性更强的UGNX虚拟仿真技术,以提高虚拟教学平台的功能性和数据共享性。该平台的功能性表现优于传统实验教学平台,数据处理的响应值变动更小、效率更高。  相似文献   

基于现代信息网络技术,自主研发了多层次和多模块的土力学虚拟三轴实验教学平台,解决了传统三轴实验教学中存在的仪器设备数量不足、实验周期长、限制多等问题。利用虚拟实验平台,探索了虚实结合的实验教学模式,拓展了实验教学的时间、空间和深度,激发了学生的学习积极性和主动性。通过平台反馈信息,可以实时评估教学效果,有效提高了实验教学质量和水平。  相似文献   

将混沌保密通信理论用于实验教学,设计了一种模块化多混沌保密通信系统仿真实验教学平台。该平台包括混沌驱动系统模块、混沌响应系统模块、加密模块和解密模块。以Lorenz混沌系统为例,根据驱动-响应同步理论构造出Lorenz混沌驱动系统模块及其对应的混沌响应系统模块,然后构造加密模块和电路模块。用Multisim仿真软件对系统电路进行仿真,仿真结果验证了整个系统电路设计的正确性。  相似文献   

通过网络教学模式在日语精确教学中的实践,构建一种实现精确教学网络化的平台,为日语教学提供新的思路。将语言交际任务的任务设计、精确的学习过程掌控与有效的学习评价三者合一,并结合现有网络教学环境,对网络精确教学平台构建提出可操作性建议。  相似文献   

The present follow-up study examines the effect of university teachers’ pedagogical training on approaches to teaching and self-efficacy beliefs measured by Approaches to Teaching Inventory and an additional part measuring motivational strategies. The effect of pedagogical training on teaching is analysed among 35 teachers who had not participated in pedagogical courses after the first measurement in 2004 as well as among 45 teachers who had acquired more pedagogical training after the first measurement. The results showed that there were more positive changes in the measured scales among teachers who had acquired more credits of pedagogical courses since the year 2004 than among teachers who had not acquired more credits. The results of the first and second measurements are compared.  相似文献   

工学结合教学模式是现代高等职业教育中教学方法改革的方向和目标,是培养高等职业专业人才的有效途径。结合我校药物制剂技术专业的特点,对仿真工学结合的实训教学模式作为工学结合的一种补充,进行了有效的尝试,取得了突破性进展。  相似文献   

基于"教、学、做"三位一体化教学模式,设计了一款经济、实用的单片机教学实验平台。该实验平台使用方便、扩展性好,既可以满足单片机课程实践教学需要,又可以用于大学生的各种电子竞赛的培训,拓展了学生的实验空间,对提高学生单片机技术应用能力和学科综合素养有着积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

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