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介绍在实施基于问题学习(PBL)的试点教学改革中北京大学医学图书馆采用的一种新的信息素质教育方法,即将图书馆的信息素质教育内容整合到PBL教学课程中的方法;总结整合教学过程中信息素质教育的经验成果,阐明该方法对学生信息素质能力的培养和图书馆发展的重要意义。  相似文献   


Despite the known advantages of active learning, many librarians still favor lecture-style instruction that doesn't engage students in classroom learning activities. This method draws on principles of problem-based learning (PBL) to provide a simple, reusable, and scalable plan for teaching activity-based library researc  相似文献   

Health professionals are collecting and charting data about the family history of their patients in order, to determine if a predisposition to heart, stroke, cancer and other debilitating conditions can be detected or alleviated through patient.education and preventive medicine. Family history-taking for the purposes of preventive medicine is introduced, along with a brief history of the field. The pedigree chart and the genogram are described and their use by health personnel is discussed. A brief search strategy on MEDLINE and a selected bibliography are presented to aid the health sciences librarian to find information on the family history, genograms or pedigree charts.  相似文献   

Librarians and medical educators analyzed the quality of information resources used by first- and second-year medical students in their case-based small group learning summaries. Librarians provided instruction on using library resources and gave formal feedback to students about appropriate resources for basic science and clinical questions. The team found that students used a high number of clinical and basic science journal articles and textbooks with a number of factors influencing their resource choices. The study demonstrates numerous areas where librarians can play a key role in assisting students to find and assess information to answer clinical questions.  相似文献   

This column examines the experience, over three years, of a librarian embedded in an online Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine course, which is a requirement for students pursuing a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies at Pace University. Student learning outcomes were determined, a video lecture was created, and student learning was assessed via a five-point Blackboard test during year one. For years two and three, the course instructor asked the librarian to be responsible for two weeks of course instruction and a total of 15 out of 100 possible points for the course. This gave the librarian flexibility to measure additional outcomes and gather more in-depth assessment data. The librarian then used the assessment data to target areas for improvement in the lessons and Blackboard tests. Revisions made by the librarian positively affected student achievement of learning outcomes, as measured by the assessment conducted the subsequent semester. Plans for further changes are also discussed.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(74):221-232

Online distance learning has the potential to transform higher education more dramatically than any of its predecessor technologies, but not necessarily in the ways that receive the most publicity. The history, obstacles, concerns and apparent future of distance learning are discussed.  相似文献   

An outreach project which juxtaposed technology (Grateful Med) and a human intermediary (a circuit librarian) to serve health professionals in a rural area of Illinois is described. The five goals of the project were: promote Grateful Med as a clinical tool; introduce circuit librarianship to Illinois; heighten the awareness of health professionals to the value of timely information services; increase the visibility of the resource library; and evaluate the impact of the two components, Grateful Med and circuit librarianship. While the project was well-received and enjoyed short-term success, sustaining the same level of information activity post-project has not been achieved. Insuring utilization of health information by remote health professionals may be characterized as a Sisyphean task.  相似文献   

In 2015, in response to the findings of an online learning needs assessment, two librarians and a Web developer began creating a library learning object repository. This repository would ensure that distance learners were receiving excellent library services, including library instruction. The team worked with the libraries’ digital media specialist to create an attractive interface and consulted with one of the library’s metadata specialists to create metadata that would help to make the repository easy to search and browse. Further plans include wide-scale sharing with the larger library community and continued growth in the number and types of objects in the repository.  相似文献   

信息素养是高校学生应具备的个人素养之一,信息素养课程教学是培育学生信息素养的主要途径。针对我国高校信息素养教育的现状与存在的问题,以学生的个人学习为核心,从教学方式、教学内容、教学程序等方面重新构建了信息素养课程,以促进学生发挥自主学习及协作能力,达到教学目的。  相似文献   

The increasingly ubiquitous nature of online learning has necessarily changed pedagogical approaches in the 21st century. This article will present an overview of the evolution of distance learning with a particular emphasis on current models and emerging methods of instruction for online learners. The authors detail how various learning management systems and tools as well as online learning objects can be used as mechanisms for creating a platform for student investment and ownership in the learning process. Additional discussion will focus on how these methods and approaches can enhance teaching, training, and peer collaboration within the library workplace.  相似文献   

以色列的两位学者基于社会文化理论设计了调查内容与方法,对4家自然历史博物馆的学生集体参观学习的过程、活动形式、交流互动和博物馆工作人员的导览内容、方式进行了分析,讨论了组织学生集体参观科技类博物馆不同策略下的学习效果。研究结果显示:传统的参观导览内容与方式,既不符合当代的科学教育发展趋势和博物馆对学习效果的新追求,也不适用于科技类博物馆基于实物展品的体验式学习和探究式学习。本研究的内容、方法、结果及其理论基础,对我国科技类博物馆均有启发。  相似文献   

如何改变“自上而下”的传统模式,形成“以观众为中心”的展览设计机制,是当前许多科技馆感到困惑、正在探索的命题。厦门科技馆在“问问大海”展览的设计过程中,调研观众所关心的海洋问题,从“观众问题”中提炼展览主题、延伸展览内容、指导展览设计,并采用“基于展品的问题制学习”来设计观众的展览参观过程及教育活动,借助问题引导观众在参观学习过程中更好地探索知识、科学思考,发挥展览的科普价值。  相似文献   

As the number of online library tutorials increases, so does the need to create active learning experiences and options for self-assessment. This article looks at embedding short Flash quizzes into tutorials created with Camtasia as a way to address this need. It also attempts to determine how quiz placement affects desire to view online tutorials and information retention.  相似文献   


The increasing use of problem-based learning in higher education affords librarians new avenues for promoting the development of information literacy skills among students. Information literacy instruction supports problem-based learning activities by providing students with skills to locate relevant resources for developing solutions to these exercises. The author created three WebQuests (together with tutorials) aimed at promoting faculty-librarian partnerships to deliver information literacy instruction through a problem-based learning approach in the context of course work in a distance learning environment. These problem-based learning WebQuests can be adapted to various disciplines as well as to traditional learning environments. Lastly, these WebQuests promote the development of information literacy skills in students as well as increase their exposure to problem-based learning. doi:10.1300/J106v14n03_03  相似文献   

信息检索课实训教学是培养和提高学生信息素养、学习能力及解决实际问题能力的关键因素。文章提出改变当前较为传统的教学方式,运用情境学习理论和学习迁移理论,融合多任务情境学习的需求,创新实训教学方法,实行"课内实训+小组讨论汇报+汇报总结点评"三位一体的教学方式。实践证明,该教学方式更加符合学生学习认知规律,可以拓宽信息检索课程的应用环境,塑造灵动有趣有用的课程新形象,开启高效的集体协作学习模式,训练学生科学研究问题的思路和方法,丰富学生的学习体验。  相似文献   

The library literature contains many discussions on problem-based learning as a means of engaging students in instruction and promoting information literacy. A related but relatively unexplored opportunity is available through client-based projects. Using examples from the business education literature, library literature, and the author's experience, the author attempts to connect the consulting processes of client-based projects to information literacy competencies, specifically, the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. The correspondence in the steps reveals exceptional opportunities for librarians to simultaneously apply what they already know, stretch their own boundaries, and promote information literacy in highly-motivated students.  相似文献   

This guest column details the experience of an early career academic librarian learning how to instruct and assist students in health sciences programs. It includes information on mentoring, peer coaching, formal and informal trainings, and proficiencies needed for reference and instruction services. The author shares sources of specific knowledge and skills that empowered her to transition to health sciences librarianship.  相似文献   

Student consulting is a form of problem-based learning through which students work on strategic issues for organizations. To explore how students perceive their research-related tasks, 15 student consultants were asked to evaluate their comfort levels with seven tasks—adapted from the Association of College and Research Libraries' Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education—in three contexts: class assignments, consulting projects, and future workplaces. The comfort levels revealed by the students have implications for a variety of instructional settings and offer many directions for future studies.  相似文献   

Librarians who teach one-shot library instruction classes (one-time, one- to three-hour classes to students who are assumed to be novice researchers) are often torn between two pedagogic approaches: a “critical mass” pedagogy emphasizing a minimum amount of databases that must be introduced with little time for student searching, and a “use-oriented” pedagogy emphasizing the introduction of one or two databases, with the instructor providing adequate time for the student to hone their search skills through in class work time that provides for interaction with the librarian. Drawing from the learning theory of Brian Cambourne, we compare the two pedagogic approaches and argue that a use-oriented approach is a better match to Cambourne's Conditions of Learning, but that without certain preparations of and expectations from the student, librarians will struggle with both approaches in these one-shot library instruction sessions.  相似文献   

A wiki group project was integrated into a neuroscience course for first-year medical students. The project was developed as a self-directed, collaborative learning task to help medical students review course content and make clinically important connections. The goals of the project were to enhance students’ understanding of key concepts in neuroscience, promote active learning, and reinforce their information literacy skills. The objective of the exploratory study was to provide a formative evaluation of the wiki group project and to examine how wiki technology was utilized to enhance active and collaborative learning of first-year medical students in the course and to reinforce information literacy skills.  相似文献   

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