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As Internet and computer technologies have evolved, libraries have incorporated these technologies into the delivery of information literacy instruction. Of particular benefit is the ability of online tutorials to deliver information literacy instruction to students not physically present on campus. A survey of library and information science literature determines that while a variety of methodologies have produced mixed results, the majority of studies find online tutorials can often be as or more effective than face-to-face instruction. However, more consistent research methods are needed to draw meaningful conclusions regarding student preferences, satisfaction and performance in response to online instruction.  相似文献   

As the number of online library tutorials increases, so does the need to create active learning experiences and options for self-assessment. This article looks at embedding short Flash quizzes into tutorials created with Camtasia as a way to address this need. It also attempts to determine how quiz placement affects desire to view online tutorials and information retention.  相似文献   

This study measures how online library instructional tutorials implemented into an evidence-based practice course have impacted the information literacy skills of occupational and physical therapy graduate students. Through a rubric assessment of final course papers, this study compares differences in students’ search strategies and cited sources pre- and post-implementation of the tutorials. The population includes 180 randomly selected graduate students from before and after the library tutorials were introduced into the course curriculum. Results indicate a statistically significant increase in components of students’ searching skills and ability to find higher levels of evidence after completing the library tutorials.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]中国边界与海洋研究是典型的"以问题为导向"的跨学科研究,本研究旨在以边海研究为例,归纳其文献需求特点,探讨相应的文献保障策略。[方法/过程]综合运用引文核查法和访谈调查法,对武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院自2007年建院以来所有发表文章的引文文献类型、学科、语种、被引年限间隔等指标,以及研究人员的主观文献需求访谈调研结果进行分析。[结果/结论]边海研究的文献需求总体上更加复杂多样,对期刊、图书、网络资源的依赖度高,政治学、法学特色突出,中英文文献占比近九成,文献时间跨度大。因此,图书馆应立足用户文献需求,注重馆藏特色资源建设,细化文献资源建设策略,优化学科服务。  相似文献   

A survey of the global karst community was conducted in 2006. The survey was distributed via the World Wide Web to known karst researchers. The instrument was designed to generate an initial inventory of core grey information types, to assess levels of usage of grey information by the respondents, and to gauge the karst community’s willingness to participate in building and expanding both this collection and the associated controlled vocabularies.  相似文献   

The Health Sciences Library and the Department of Health Informatics & Information Management at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis piloted an embedded librarian project in summer 2012. The value and effectiveness of the pilot project was evaluated by analyzing the content of e-mail questions received from the students and the students’ answers to the pre- and post-class surveys. The project received positive feedback from the students and course faculty. Librarians collaborating with teaching faculty and interacting one-on-one with students in health information-intensive courses proved to be helpful for student learning.  相似文献   

An academic librarian, especially one who works primarily in a research consultation capacity, often encounters individuals who are seeking in-depth help with research projects that they struggle to explain. The number of concepts, interdependencies and assumptions involved in research projects today can make them difficult to define and discuss with other people. The multidisciplinary nature and globalization of many areas of research is forcing researchers to not only discuss, but to collaborate with many others from different academic backgrounds and disparate physical locations. Many researchers struggle with project paralysis at various points along the way as they attempt to manage both the myriad of details and the bigger picture relationships and implications of their project.A number of visual tools including concept mappers and mind mappers are well suited to help advanced students, faculty, researchers and librarians to organize the ideas and knowledge throughout the various stages of complex research, from envisioning an idea to the early stages of actively researching and documenting research findings. This paper will discuss the potential uses of visual mapping tools and review the current state of academic literature surrounding the topics of mind mapping and concept mapping.  相似文献   

A problem that Instruction Librarians often grapple with is the lack of time that is necessary to deliver, and assess, proper library instruction to students so the students grasp the Information Literacy concepts that are delivered especially in one or two instruction sessions. This article examines using the flipped classroom model in English library instruction classes where the works cited page of students final paper was assessed according to a rubric designed to assess the Authority, Timeliness, and Variety of the sources cited. The study compared results of flipped classroom sections against traditional lecture method classes with mixed results.  相似文献   

Website attributions were measured as one way of evaluating the efficacy of the “one-shot” library session. Survey results indicated support for single session information literacy instruction in that participants exposed to a librarian classroom visit reported that they would be significantly more likely to have used library databases, checked out a book, asked a librarian for help, and to predict that they would ask a librarian for help at a later time. Results also indicated that students who reported a classroom librarian visit may have engaged in more systematic or complex processing to evaluate websites in that they considered more attributes and took less time to make better judgments about the quality of sources.  相似文献   

近年来,展览作为文献收藏机构信息利用和创新服务的一大亮点,以视觉化、生动性和体验感等特点吸引了广大受众,逐步成为其核心业务并呈现出广阔的发展前景。但不少展览仅是将文献直接作为展示对象或嵌套至通史展中,文献最具价值的内蕴信息并未获得解读、转化和呈现,导致展览在信息利用和创新服务上,收效实际并不显著。鉴此,本文将突破博物馆的研究边界,将不同收藏机构的文献展览作为研究对象,对散落至不同机构、不同学科的文献展览研究进行学术史爬梳,并于此基础上开展研究动态的分析和研究空间的寻绎,以期发现研究空间中可能的关键问题,主张引入博物馆展览领域的关联性研究,从博物馆学既有成果中获得有益启发,为聚焦与探讨文献展览共性问题奠定较为客观的基础。  相似文献   


As information sources have expanded, there have been parallel changes in the way students and researchers find and use that information. The role of the library has shifted to embedding information literacy skills into the curriculum as a primary function. This presentation explored how librarians are becoming more involved with information literacy curriculum and how publishers can assist them, particularly regarding access to information and the scholarly publishing process. Since 2015, Rebecca Donlan at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) and Stacy Stanislaw at Taylor & Francis Group have been collaborating on an information literacy program for FGCU students and faculty that focuses specifically on navigating the scholarly publishing landscape. Donlan and Stanislaw provided an overview of the project, its formation, implementation, and progress to date.  相似文献   

Information literacy of recent law school graduates is examined from both the academic and professional sector. This article explores the literature on the different types of legal resources, the adequacy of legal research instruction provided to law students, employers’ expectations in regard to the legal research skills of recent graduates, and the information literacy of lawyers. This study consists of two surveys designed to determine the scope of the research instruction and resources available at law schools, and the electronic resources available to new associates at their employment, and to assess employers’ expectations of the research skills of their new associates. The surveys were sent to samples of Massachusetts’ law school libraries and law firms.  相似文献   

An English professor and an instruction librarian at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester felt that the college's new English Capstone course for majors provided a unique opportunity to assess the information literacy skill levels of graduating English majors. They therefore engaged in a three-year study to evaluate the IL competency of these students, to gauge their perceptions of library instruction provided during the Capstone course and throughout their academic careers, and to determine students' confidence and self-efficacy with respect to these skills. The researchers sought to determine the ways in which the IL program for English majors effectively met established IL goals and to identify areas for improvement.  相似文献   

浅谈有关产品研究开发课题科技查新中的文献检索途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍科技查新中常用的几种文献资源。分析有关产品研究开发课题查新的文献检索来源的特殊性。指出网络文献和专利文献是该类课题查新中有效的文献检索途径之一。  相似文献   

阐述文献教育前景的日益广阔及其地位的日益提高,论述了文献教育内容日益丰富和其方法手段日益精细,最后对开展文献教育以及应用文献资料法研究提出了基本要求。  相似文献   

科学文献之间通过引用关系构成了特定研究主题的知识网络,其单向无回路的特征揭示了学科主题的知识结构和发展过程.本文以WOS数据库中XML研究论文所构成的引文网络为例,利用引文关系权重与文献节点权重确定核心文献,并在此基础上从阈值和权值“高地”两个角度对核心文献进行聚合.研究发现:文献核心程度的确定过程充分考虑了不同引用实质上的重要程度区别,据此计算得到的引文和文献节点权重能够准确反映文献的质量;阈值聚合能够迅速发现整个学科发展过程中最核心的文献和引文;权值“高地”聚合分析结果更为多样,并能弥补阈值聚合在揭示次重要子结构方面的不足,发现整个知识体系发展过程中丰富的研究维度.  相似文献   

国内年轻旅游者信息搜寻的行为调研与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文分析了我国年轻旅游者旅游信息搜寻行为的基本特征,以及不同特征年轻人其旅游信息搜寻行为的偏好,旨在对旅游产品的市场研究和旅游服务提供商的战略规划有一定参考作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this ecological study was to examine the impact of a library credit course on graduation rates and GPA using pre-existing records. Over 20?years of aggregate institutional data were analyzed to evaluate the course's impact on first-time-full-time, white, and black students. Results were mixed: students who took the course were less likely to graduate than their peers who did not take the course but enjoyed slightly higher GPAs at graduation. It was discovered that students taking the course are not representative of the overall student body and struggle academically. Implications for revisions to the library credit course are discussed.  相似文献   

为了系统、全面地梳理科学前沿进展,提高选题的科学性、创新性、适用性和有效性,本研究以乙酰甲喹剂型研发为例,在信息分析人员与科研人员优势互补的基础上,遴选检索点、观察点,通过文献专业检索,信息分步提取,构建1-模、2-模矩阵,梳理选择数据等步骤,采用聚类分析、战略坐标分析、社会网络分析和高频关键词分类排序等知识图谱方法对数据进行可视化分析。结果表明,知识图谱方法能够揭示乙酰甲喹研究生长点、趋势及其实验检测指标,这与该研究传统选题结果基本吻合,而且观察更迅速、更直观、更系统,说明知识图谱方法可为科研选题提供更加有效的新思路和方法。  相似文献   

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