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This article describes the results of a survey of library patrons conducted by librarians and information technology specialists at the Health Science Center Libraries at the University of Florida. The purpose of the survey was to learn if and how library patrons were using smartphones to perform their work-related tasks and how patrons felt the library could support smartphone use at the Health Science Center.  相似文献   

This article is intended to serve as a guide for librarians developing mobile Websites to be linked to their current library Website. Kroski (2008a) defines the mobile Web as “the World Wide Web accessed through a mobile device, ranging from a cellular phone to an iPod Touch. It includes the entirety of the Web and is not limited to Websites that are specifically designed for mobile viewing” (5). This literature review focuses on the mobile Web, mobile device usage, and best practices for designing mobile Websites for libraries.  相似文献   


An academic library's space has traditionally operated as a repository, but with the proliferation of new media and interactive technologies, libraries now also serve as incubators of ideas. Architecture students at Auburn University recently took part in renovating the design library. With the librarian acting as client, they were asked to investigate diverse materials and design methods to create a dynamic and interactive exhibition wall which would showcase the creation of new knowledge and facilitate the dissemination of new information. This article discusses how the plug-in wall acted as a catalyst for the school's renewed communal investment in the library.  相似文献   

图书馆网站是揭示馆藏资源和开展信息服务的主要工具。对我国政法类院校图书馆网站进行调查,从信息服务的角度分析了目前我国政法类院校图书馆网站建设现状,提出了政法类院校图书馆网站构建思路。  相似文献   

图书馆网站设计风格刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了国内一些图书馆网站设计的风格及特点,对现阶段图书馆网站存在的一些共性问题进行了分析,并提出了解决的对策。  相似文献   

对网站设计进行可用性评价,是成功的界面设计的必经阶段.在众多的评价方法中,启发式评价法是一种经典的可用性诊查方法.文章详细介绍了将可用性测试与启发式评价法运用于图书馆网站设计,以提高网站质量,提高可用性,更好地满足用户需要.  相似文献   

The Academic Library website is a key access point for information and services. This paper reports on a study of the 1994 Group Library web presence, with a view to establishing their practices in terms of site management and maintenance. It provides evidence of the commitment this Group makes towards ensuring their sites meet the needs of their users. The study encompassed a survey to gather data on current management and maintenance practices, and direct observation of the home pages of these Libraries to establish layout conventions and details of changes made over time. The influence of University policy in respect of the look-and-feel of the Library website and decision making around it are revealed. The implementation of new social technologies across this Group also became evident. We also show that a number of Libraries in the Group are not currently evaluating the use of their site, and that changes to some home pages were seldom made during the study period. Due to the limitations inherent in focusing on a limited number of Library websites, a larger sample size would make the findings of this research more applicable to a wider range of University Libraries.  相似文献   


This systematic review examines types of mobile devices used by health professions students, kinds of resources and tools accessed via mobile devices, and reasons for using the devices to access the resources and tools. The review included 20 studies selected from articles published in English between January 2010 and April 2015, retrieved from PubMed and other sources. Data extracted included participants, study designs, mobile devices used, mobile resources/apps accessed, outcome measures, and advantages of and barriers to using mobile devices. The review indicates significant variability across the studies in terms of research methods, types of mobile programs implemented, resources accessed, and outcomes. There were beneficial effects of using mobile devices to access resources as well as conspicuous challenges or barriers in using mobile devices.  相似文献   

地方社会科学院图书馆网站建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过网上调查的形式,分析了地方社会科学院图书馆网站建设的现状、特点及存在的问题,提出了社科研究机构图书馆网站建设的对策。  相似文献   

通过用户视角,从推广宣传的角度出发,设定搜索引擎中结果排名、平台官网的外链数量、平台的学术 论文贡献情况等指标,探究了国家科技基础条件平台网站的影响力,得出搜索引擎影响力与论文产出贡献率显著正相 关等相关结论,并提出相关的评价建议。  相似文献   

从网页设计看高校图书馆的网站建设   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
高校图书馆拥有特殊的用户群 ,其网页设计应该体现这一特点。本文抽取国内 30所高校图书馆的网页进行调查 ,在对调查结果进行分析总结的基础上 ,提出了对高校图书馆网站建设的一些建议  相似文献   

A transition of content management systems provided Kornhauser Health Sciences Library with an opportunity to redesign the library’s website to be more user-friendly, efficient, and visually appealing. A multistage approach was taken: (1) informal interviews of various stakeholders from the library, (2) a redesign using information gained from those stakeholders, and (3) a retrospective comparative usability study. This study was conducted with the goal to inform library staff whether the redesigned website improved accuracy and efficiency of information retrieval through the completion of timed tasks. In addition, user satisfaction was measured through guided interview questions.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对当前我国移动图书馆建设中的信息服务质量问题,建立一套规范有序的服务质量控制流程,引导图书馆更好地开展移动信息服务,提高服务质量。[方法/过程] 引入ARIS流程建模方法探讨移动图书馆服务质量控制流程设计思路,以武汉大学图书馆移动订阅服务为例,应用ARIS建模工具构建服务质量控制流程体系框架与核心模型,通过具体实践在ARIS仿真平台上检验流程运行效果。[结果/结论] 流程运行仿真结果显示,图书馆通过该流程进行移动服务质量控制后,移动订阅服务使用率、用户订阅需求处理量、订阅内容更新率、订阅文章收藏量都得到显著提升,提高了用户满意度。应用ARIS方法构建的移动服务质量控制流程模型能够帮助图书馆明确服务质量控制中各要素、各流程单元间的内在关联,更好地开展跨部门协同合作,提高服务质量控制效率,为移动服务质量控制研究与实践提供有益参考。  相似文献   

我国图情学术期刊开展移动信息服务现状与发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]通过调查我国图情学术期刊开展移动信息服务的现状,为解决我国图情期刊移动信息服务过程中遇到的问题提出建议和对策。[方法/过程]选取CSSCI (2014-2015)图情类期刊作为研究对象,通过网络调研及文献调研,如访问期刊网站、期刊杂志,通过邮件、微博、微信等咨询期刊编辑,对图情术期刊的移动信息服务内容、移动服务平台实际应用及运营状况进行调研分析。[结果/结论]大部分图情期刊已提供移动信息服务,但存在移动平台宣传力度不强、服务内容及服务平台单一、与用户互动性不强等不足;提出加强移动服务平台宣传力度、创新移动信息服务内容与模式、拓展服务功能、加强服务联盟化及与外界的合作、开展线上线下互动、注重移动服务的协同等策略。  相似文献   

加快流动图书馆的建设,促进农村文化建设的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对农村文化建设现状的分析,提出加快流动图书馆建设的优势所在,并总结出一些切实可行的建议,从而进一步探讨了新世纪我国流动图书馆面临的发展机遇和对策.  相似文献   

采用分组讨论和问卷调查的方式对1 716名大学生进行调查的结果表明,大学生智能手机持有率显著提高,并且有相当一部分大学生拟将自己的通讯设备升级为智能手机,他们对移动图书馆服务有强烈的需求。因此,高校图书馆应联手移动通讯机构营造移动服务氛围,联手移动图书馆研发机构满足读者个性化需求,制订完善的宣传策略使移动图书馆遍及校园。  相似文献   

认为18世纪之前是图书馆学的前科学阶段。图书馆学的常规科学阶段则是从1807年德国M.施莱廷格提出“图书馆学”概念和1808年提出“图书馆整理理论”开始的。  相似文献   

我国图书馆学专业教育与职业需求的调查与分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对我国图书馆学教育机构、图书馆馆长和毕业于图书馆学专业的图书馆员的调查表明:我国图书馆学教育在变革中发展,认为我国图书馆学教育"日渐萎缩"的看法是片面的;图书馆学专业知识是图书馆职业的核心竞争力,"坚守与拓展"是图书馆学教育改革的理想选择;目前图书馆学专业核心课程的设置基本合理,教学内容和教学方法是改革的当务之急;图书馆学教育不仅要传授图书馆学专业知识,而且要传播图书馆职业精神;图书馆学教育领域与图书馆实践领域应加强联系与沟通。参考文献4。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):395-406

The adult learner in the academic environment faces some unique problems and challenges. Balancing work, family, and a job are just a few examples. Technological changes in information retrieval and research, and in the use of the library can also magnify the adult learner's problems.

The study targets adult learners at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. Focus groups and questionnaires are used to gather information from both active and non library users among the adult population: their views about the library environment, library resources, service, instruction, other traditional students, and staff. Perceptions about the adult learner are also obtained through face to face interviews with teaching faculty and administrators. Findings from the study will assist librarians to better understand the needs and expectations of the adult learner, and plan accordingly to meet these demands.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在研究美国城市公共图书馆移动终端服务模式。[方法/过程]选取138所美国城市公共图书馆作为统计样本,对其移动终端服务现状进行研究分析。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,美国城市图书馆应在其移动阅读媒介的阅读推荐和导读服务、图书馆移动终端资源的丰富、儿童读物的增加和分类、用户需求的充分调研分析以及不同图书馆用户群体需求的满足等方面进行改进,同时本研究也针对这些问题提出应对策略,并适用于我国图书馆的移动终端服务。  相似文献   

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