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Many societies are encountering significant changes in their population structure as the number of older people is increasing while children and adolescents become fewer. This study examines pupils' attitudes towards elderly people in Germany. A total of 935 pupils (458 boys, 477 girls) participated in this study. Grade distribution was as follows: 192 (5th grade), 148 (6th grade), 208 (7th grade), 219 (8th grade), and 168 (9th grade). We provide evidence for two underlying latent factors, “prejudice” and “appreciation.” The “prejudice” factor contained prejudices and negative attitudes towards old people, and the “appreciation” factor contained items that were positively related to old people. On average, pupils valued old people. Based on a multivariate general linear model, we found a significant influence of gender, grade, and distance to grandparents. Girls valued old people higher, thus rating them higher on the appreciation scale. However, effect size was comparably low. No differences existed concerning the prejudice scale. Grade effects showed that prejudice increases and appreciation declines with increasing age. Distance to their grandparents significantly influenced the attitudes. Pupils with grandparents in the near vicinity valued old people more than pupils with their grandparents farther away. We suggest implementing intergenerational educational programs in primary school and in 5th and 6th grade in Germany.  相似文献   

This paper articulates lessons learned about without-prejudice teaching and learning from a researcher-practitioner who has experience in both developing and developed contexts. Developing countries often look to Western countries for education standards, but Western countries rarely look to developing contexts where theory is being generated about divisions and access to education. This comparative study integrates lessons learned from both contexts. It uses an auto-ethnographic methodology and draws upon phenomenographic research and critical theory. The need for emic (insider) without-prejudice teaching and learning practices is articulated in three lessons: 1. culture privileges for or prejudices against students’ access to education; 2. beliefs systems allow or deny access to learning opportunities and environments; and 3. student–teacher relationship can interrupt prejudice.  相似文献   


Despite Brown vs. Board of Education, prejudice still exists in the American school system. These attitudes can give rise to negative social experiences for students of color (i.e., discrimination), negatively impacting their mental and physical health and creating disparities in educational outcomes. Rather than seeking to ameliorate these negative experiences, our approach attempts to address the underlying prejudices and, in so doing, reduce these disparities. Using 4 waves of data from a cluster randomized trial (N?=?15 middle schools, 1,890 students, 47.1% female, 75.2% White), we hypothesized that cooperative learning, which has been shown to reduce prejudice in previous research, would create positive gains in peer relatedness, perceptions of academic support, and engagement in learning, and that gains would be larger for students of color; our results confirmed these hypotheses. Our findings highlight the potential role of cooperative learning in reducing disparities and creating greater equity in education.  相似文献   

This qualitative theoretical study was conducted in response to the current need for an inclusive and comprehensive model to guide the preparation and assessment of teacher candidates for culturally responsive teaching. The process of developing a model of culturally responsive teaching involved three steps: a comprehensive review of the literature; a synthesis of the literature into thematic categories to capture the dispositions and behaviors of culturally responsive teaching; and the piloting of these thematic categories with teacher candidates to validate the usefulness of the categories and to generate specific exemplars of behavior to represent each category. The model of culturally responsive teaching contains five thematic categories: (1) content integration, (2) facilitating knowledge construction, (3) prejudice reduction, (4) social justice, and (5) academic development. The current model is a promising tool for comprehensively defining culturally responsive teaching in the context of teacher education as well as to guide curriculum and assessment changes aimed to increase candidates’ culturally responsive knowledge and skills in science and mathematics teaching.  相似文献   

比较英汉两种语言,英语多措词简约、行文简洁、文意客观,文采朴素;汉语则辞藻华美、行文繁缛、文意浓郁、文采飞扬。换言之,英语以白描胜,所忌者铺张渲染;汉语以写意胜,所重者诗情画意。汉语行文,特别是记述、描写类文字中,有一种明显的以词组为句段构建句子的倾向,词组在汉语句法单位中占有特别重要的地位。  相似文献   

As a first step of a project on learning difficulties in elementary set theory, we carried out a study aimed at identifying some of the difficulties encountered by a group of 21 mathematics majors taking a course on logic and set theory. In this paper, we shall discuss one of the difficulties that we observed, namely a difficulty in conceiving a set as an object distinct from its elements, i.e. failing to fully grant sets the status of objects. This difficulty may be related to the following three types of errors that we observed in the students' first assignment: (1) confusing belonging and inclusion, (2) confusing the union of sets A, B, C, ... with the set whose elements are A, B, C, … and (3) adding or deleting curly brackets. We shall present excerpts from the students' work illustrating these three types of errors and explain how they may be related to a difficulty in conceiving a set as an object distinct from its elements.  相似文献   

How do parents think about and react to their children's racial biases? Across three studies (= 519) we investigated whether and how parents’ Internal Motivation to Respond without Prejudice Scale (IMS) predicted standards for their children's race-related behavior, and tested parents’ affective reactions to imagining their children violating their standards. Studies 1 and 2 demonstrated that parents (of 4- to 12-year-old children) with high IMS set more stringent standards for their children's race-related behavior than their low IMS counterparts. Upon considering their children expressing racial bias, high IMS parents reported negative self-directed affect (i.e., guilt; Studies 2 and 3), an affective response that motivates prejudice reduction in adults. The results have implications for involving parents in prejudice interventions targeting children's biases.  相似文献   

Good quality teacher education and training has been acknowledged as an effective strategy to reduce sexual prejudice against sexual minority (lesbian, gay, bisexual and questioning/queer [LGBQ]) students. However, no mandated programmes have been developed to include LGBQ-related content in teacher training in Hong Kong, a Chinese society in which heterosexism prevails. Based on the concepts of sexual prejudice, minority stress and contact theory, this paper explores the international and regional literature on LGBQ students’ school experiences, highlighting the significant role teachers play in supporting these students to transgress sexual prejudice, and presenting suggested themes and strategies for teacher training programmes, drawn from qualitative interviews with eleven Chinese teacher allies. Data analysis led to the identification of the following themes: 1) starting sexual diversity training officially; 2) reconsidering assumptions; 3) engaging with relevant cultural knowledge and skills; and 4) using dialogue as a training strategy. This paper argues that accurate content about sexual diversity should be incorporated into the professional teacher training curriculum, with updated sexuality concepts and prejudice-free, LGBQ-inclusive language relevant to the Chinese cultural context. Teachers need to become more aware of how sexual prejudice is manifested through cultural forces. Intergroup contact can be included as a useful training strategy.  相似文献   

四假象说是培根哲学中最著名的部分之一。在四假象说中,培根分析了阻碍人们正确认识的四种假象或者说是偏见,提出要将感觉与理性结合起来解决偏见与正确认识之间的矛盾问题。具体说就是运用他的经验归纳法。偏见属于我们现在所谈的主体认识结构问题,培根看到了偏见对人们观察认识事物的消极作用,成为西方哲学史上系统、深刻地探讨和解释主体认识结构问题的第一人。培根对主体性问题的探讨具有局限性,是否定性的,没能看到主体认识结构的积极作用。  相似文献   

Several school-based racial prejudice-reduction interventions have demonstrated some benefit. Ecological theory serves as a framework within which to understand the limits and to enhance the efficacy of prejudice-reduction interventions. Using ecological theory, this article examines three prejudice-reduction approaches, including social cognitive training, cooperative learning, and liberation psychology. I discuss each approach in terms of its conceptualization of the ecological structures and processes that cause prejudice. I also discuss each approach in terms of what ecological structures and processes it enlists to reduce prejudice. These examples illustrate that the theory of etiology on which an intervention is based strongly shapes and severely limits the scope of the intervention. Ecological theory suggests specific strategies to overcome this limitation and to enhance prejudice-reduction efforts in the schools.  相似文献   

In the second half of 1944, Jean-Paul Sartre wrote an essay entitled ‘Anti-Semite and Jew’. He analyses what might be termed the moral pathology of the anti-Semite. Such a person, Sartre suggests, has chosen to enact a passion, a passion of hatred. The motive is the desire for ‘impenetrability’ – a disavowal of reasoned argument – and a pleasure taken in the assertion and re-assertion of what is known to be false. Sartre’s essay was written hurriedly and looking back over 70 years, we can see its flaws. But I suggest that the kernel of his analysis of the anti-Semite is compelling, especially in the context of the growth of anti-immigrant prejudice in the UK and elsewhere. Using Sartre as a starting point, I discuss the nature of prejudice and suggest that to counter prejudices, a civic education is needed that emphasises a narrative of liberty.  相似文献   

We propose a method suitable for analysis of cross-sectional studies with complex sampling and continuous variables. The method consists of R + 4 steps, where R denotes the number of replications. In the first R + 1 step, the main and R replicate weights are used (one at a time) to estimate the product of coefficients for all mediation effects using a structural equation model. In step R + 2, the standard errors of these estimates are computed via balanced repeated replications. In step R + 3, the raw p values corresponding to mediation effects are computed based on the generalized Sobel’s tests. In the final step, R + 4, the p values are adjusted for multiplicity and statistical inferences regarding mediation effects are drawn. To illustrate the approach we examined significance of attitudes toward smoking bans as mediators in the association between smoking restrictions at work and nicotine dependence among male daily smokers.  相似文献   

We present a 3-step approach to defining latent growth components. In the first step, a measurement model with at least 2 indicators for each time point is formulated to identify measurement error variances and obtain latent variables that are purged from measurement error. In the second step, we use contrast matrices to define the latent growth components representing the constructs of substantive interest. The corresponding matrix of structural coefficients is then computed by inverting the contrast matrix. In the third and last step, the first 2 steps are integrated into a structural equation model. The particular strength of this approach is that it permits construction of latent growth components in such a way that they represent interesting contrasts from a substantive point of view. This is illustrated using data of cancer patients obtained from 3 fatigue scales of the multidimensional fatigue inventory measured at 4 time points.  相似文献   

关于Chebyshev多项式及其应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了展现第二类Chebyshev多项式的独特理论及其在分子轨道方面的应用,采用不完全归纳法、枚举法,研究两类Chebyshev多项式以与Un、正Tn和余弦及其实际应用,给出了以、瓦的三种等价定义。超几何函数表述、正交系以及在分子轨道方面的应用。研究第二类Chebyshev多项式更易于抓住问题的本质。这种处理问题的视角和论述有着深远的意义。  相似文献   

政治态度是政治认知、政治情感、政治行为三的统一。帮助学生确立积极正确的政治态度是中学政治教育不可忽视的重要内容。当前高中学生的政治态度,主流是积极向上的,但也存在政治态度冷漠、偏激等不良倾向。根据政治心理学所揭示的态度转变的规律,实施以下原则是促成态度转变的有效途径:贴近原则,把政治大道理和学生的生活环境拉近,为学生喜闻乐见;育人原则:把政治教育和人生观教育结合起来;疏导原则:把灌输和疏导结合起来以改变政治偏见;实践原则:积极组织学生参与社会生活;表率原则:发挥政治教师的人格力量。  相似文献   

Within the community of inquiry literature, the absence of the notion of genuine doubt is notable in spite of its pragmatic roots in the philosophy of Charles Saunders Peirce, for whom the notion was pivotal. We argue for the need to correct this oversight due to the educational significance of genuine doubt—a theoretical and experiential understanding of which can offer insight into the interrelated concepts of wonder, fallibilism, inquiry and prejudice. In order to detail these connections, we reinvigorate the ideas of Peirce by borrowing the language and concepts of Albert Camus, at the same time demonstrating their unlikely congruence. In particular, we argue for the necessity of genuine doubt along with the need for the presence of a diversity of prejudices as a starting point for genuine inquiry.  相似文献   


How might teachers think about moving to challenge prejudice against persons with handicap? Drawing on Piaget's and Bateson's constructivist theories, prejudices are examined in terms of the processes by which they are formed within the individual, the role they play in identity, and the reasons they may be resistant to change. Consideration is then given to strategies which may be useful in inviting reconsideration of cognitive items of this type. Looking at the learner's experience these include certain types of questioning strategies and counterexamples. Looking at the teacher's experience a number of techniques are recommended including, neutrality, circular questioning, and parenthesising.  相似文献   

It has been argued that intervention strategies designed to reduce racial prejudice in young children have been based on weak theoretical models of racial stereotyping and prejudice with little effect on the reduction of racial bias. This paper examines the social-cognitive and intergroup scholarship post-Bigler (J Soc Issues 55(4), 687–705, 1999), with an emphasis on the development of racial prejudice in young children. The purpose of this paper is not to argue for a particular theoretical approach, but to provide an overview of some of the important pieces of research. Findings indicate that social learning and cognitive development models need to be understood when implementing curriculum designed to reduce racist beliefs and attitudes in young children.  相似文献   

This paper identifies resources to be included in a website designed to facilitate the integration of instructional games in K-12 settings. Guidelines and supporting components are based on a survey of K-12 educators who are integrating games, an analysis of existing instructional game websites, and summaries of literature on the use of educational software in K-12 settings and teacher technology training. The results indicate that educators face three main challenges when integrating games, including: (1) curriculum integration, (2) technical and logistical requirements, and (3) teacher training. To overcome these challenges, K-12 educators should be provided with: (1) curriculum resources, (2) game technical information and support, and (3) communication tools. Websites designed to facilitate the use of instructional games should be designed with appropriate structures (ie, grid, web, hierarchy) to optimise organisation and simplicity. In addition, the websites should include teacher training that (1) apply a teacher training model, (2) address National Educational Technology Standards, (3) present contents in small doses, (4) make training and information as accessible as possible, and (5) model and mentor the use of instructional games.  相似文献   

This paper addresses itself to the thorny question of validity in the appraisal of student teachers by their supervisors. The new light thrown by educational research in recent decades on the process of teaching and learning is considered but it is also noted that this research has failed to establish agreement on what constitutes good teaching. The paper argues that disagreement on this question persists because people's perceptions of education and of teaching are almost invariably bound up with their own ideologies or undisclosed prejudices. An attempt is then made, by concentrating on the form of the educational enterprise, to free our understanding of education and teaching from ideological influences. It is proposed that prejudgement of one kind or another has an ineradicable place in human understanding and judgement. Hence a positive role for a non‐partisan ‘prejudice’ is suggested with a view to helping us to identify good teaching and providing us with a valid basis for its evaluation.  相似文献   

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