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当前,小学英语教学面临着班容量过大,组织教学困难,学生语言实践机会少,教师难以关注到每个学生的学习.小组合作学习的教学方式能有效地缓解这些问题,改善教学,并取得好的效果.  相似文献   

在当今中国的现有条件下,许多中小学都是大班教学,这不仅是一个教育问题,更是一个社会问题。中小学超大班容量不仅影响学生和教师的身心健康,而且还会影响学校的教育教学质量和整个教育事业的进步。因此,我们应齐心协力,想方设法解决中小学校超大班容量问题。  相似文献   

当前,小学英语教学面临着班容量过大,组织教学困难,学生语言实践机会少,教师难以关注到每个学生的学习。小组合作学习的教学方式能有效地缓解这些问题,改善教学,并取得好的效果。  相似文献   

不同的班容量,对学生的学习、身体健康、心理健康、人际交往等方面的影响有着十分明显的差别。有调查显示,过大的班容量严重影响课堂教学中师生的交流,不利于学生的学习,加大了教师的工作负担,影响了学生的身体健康、心理健康发展和人际交往,也为学校安全埋下了隐患,使得教师根本无暇顾及到每一个学生的发展,“把促进学生健康成长作为学校一切工作的出发点和落脚点”就会成为一句空话。所以,班容量过大不仅难以实现义务教育的区域均衡发展,也对学生的健康成长有着极为不利的影响。  相似文献   

物理是一门以实验为基础的学科.按照配备标准Ⅰ类实验室学生实验是25组,Ⅱ类实验室学生实验是13组,按照标准班容量50人/班,Ⅱ类就只能4人一组,而我市初级中学基本上是Ⅱ类实验室.因此,在实验课上能动手做实验的学生很少.这样,真正由学生自己探索问题、解决问题、总结实验观点、实验结论的相对来说就少了.又走上了一个传统的教师理论讲授,学生进行练习的模式,不利于学生观察、分析问题的能力提高,自主学习和研究性的学习方法也难以形成.  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨专科学校英语专业口语课与大班的关系,探讨运用交际法语言教学方式与合作学习的策略解决大班难以提高口语的问题.研究显示该专业学生口语不理想的部分原因是班容量过大;文章更加强调提高教师的职业素质与改进教学方法.  相似文献   

物理是一门以实验为基础的学科。按照配备标准Ⅰ类实验室学生实验是25组,Ⅱ类实验室学生实验是13组,按照标准班容量50人/班,Ⅱ类就只能4人一组,而我市初级中学基本上是Ⅱ类实验室。因此,在实验课上能动手做实验的学生很少。这样,真正由学生自己探索问题、解决问题、总结实验观点、实验结论的相对来说就少了。又走上了一个传统的教师理论讲授,学生进行练习的模式,不利于学生观察、分析问题的能力提高,自主学习和研究性的学习方法也难以形成。  相似文献   

影响中学教师教育科研的主要因素有两方面:中学教师负担过重。正常情况下一个中学教师每周12节课,加上备课和批改作业,已经达到满负荷了。但许多学校特别是重点中学的教师周课时达到15节以上,有的甚至周课时达到24节。特别是政史地这类非基础学科,教师不仅带的课时多,而且班级也多,重点中学的教师通常要带10个班以上。班容量也很大,重点中学的班容量往往达到70人左右。加上追求升学率和各类考核给教师带来的心理上的压力,许多教师在学校被搞得疲惫不堪,回家还要备课、批改学生作业和考试试卷,何来精力搞教育科研?教育制度。我国的教师大部分…  相似文献   

<正>对同一个班级,各个任课教师的评价常常会出现巨大差异。"这个班的孩子很好沟通"和"这个班的孩子难以管教"两种迥然不同的评价经常会同时出现。尤其是一些特殊学生,他们可以对某个教师百依百顺,也可以对另一个教师爱答不理,甚至出言不逊。从教师的角度看,一个"不好管理"的班级或  相似文献   

中小学班容量过大已经成为一个非常严重且不容忽视的问题.它不仅严重影响了学校的发展,教师的身心健康及学生的健康成长,并严重制约了我国基础教育质量的提高.因此,解决这一问题刻不容缓.除了上级部门所做的一切努力之外,教师也要转变教学思路,改变教学策略,增加师生之间及学生与学生之间的交流.  相似文献   

教学效果主要反映在课堂的教学组织与管理上,教员不仅要提高教学的核心能力,更要提高教书育人的责任心。以活跃氛围为关键发挥"三个作用",以案例教学为主线突出"三个特性",以课堂讨论为重点把握"三个环节"。  相似文献   

中职新教师在课堂教学过程中经常会出现一些问题,这些问题必须引起重视。中职新教师应在调整自身教学观念、完善课堂教学不足的基础上,提高课堂掌控力,以提高课堂教学效果。文章结合相关调研及教学实践,对中职新教师容易出现的问题,以及中职新教师提高课堂掌控力的策略和技巧进行探讨。  相似文献   


Teachers’ views about teaching, learning and school experiences are important considerations in education. As the central participants in classroom interactions, students and teachers naturally have strong views about what it takes to manage learning and surrounding behaviours effectively. With this in mind and because we believe that ignoring the thinking of either of these stakeholders would be to the detriment of teaching and teacher education, we focused on hearing and understanding teachers’ voices about teaching, learning and classroom management. Our aim was to further clarify teachers’ perspectives on how educators create quality learning environments as well as gathering their views of various disciplinary interventions, their perceptions of challenging students and their sense of efficacy for classroom management in order to inform both policy and practice in teacher education. A survey was conducted with 50 secondary school teachers to capture their views on their classroom experiences. Follow up interviews with teachers identified by students as effective in their classroom management provided consistent reports that effective classroom managers build positive relationships with their students, manage their classrooms by establishing clear boundaries and high expectations, and engage students in their learning.


This article reports findings from a classroom environment study which was designed to investigate the nature of Chinese Language classroom environments in Singapore secondary schools. We used a perceptual instrument, the Chinese Language Classroom Environment Inventory, to investigate teachers’ and students’ perceptions towards their Chinese Language classroom learning environments using six dimensions, namely, Student Cohesiveness, Teacher Support, Involvement, Cooperation, Task Orientation and Equity. The investigation was carried out using a sample of 1,460 secondary three (Grade 9) students from 50 Chinese Language classes in 25 Singapore government secondary schools. The nature of the Chinese Language classroom learning environments was interpreted from analyses of the perception scores obtained, as well as from various comparisons of the perception scores between different groups. Although both the Chinese Language teachers and students perceived their present classroom learning environments positively, they would like improvements in all the six dimensions of the classroom learning environments under investigation. Also teachers perceived a more positive classroom learning environment than their students in the same class. In addition, female students perceived their actual and preferred classroom environments more positively than their male counterparts.  相似文献   

The importance of classroom management to the consultation role in school psychology is explored. Approaches to classroom misbehavior by classroom teachers and graduate students completing their training in school psychology were analyzed, using the induction-sensitization model of socialization. Significant differences in overall approach to classroom management were noted, with teachers displaying a more sensitizing (punitive) approach to classroom management. A significant gender-profession interaction was found. Further analysis revealed a significant difference between male and female teachers in their approach to classroom management. These results are discussed and programs of consultation (group and individual) are outlined, utilizing the results of the study.  相似文献   

魏彩萍 《成才之路》2021,(14):114-115
基于新课标的要求,教师在英语教学中要注重开发教学资源,以帮助学生构建知识、发展技能、拓展视野、活跃思维、展现个性,不断提高学生的英语学科核心素养。文章探究开发教学资源、打造英语高效课堂的策略:应用多媒体技术、以学生为主体、运用小组合作学习模式,以此丰富英语课堂教学方法,提高英语课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

Self-efficacy in classroom management and knowledge on classroom management are important teacher resources regarding their health. Fostering student teachers in their self-efficacy in classroom management and situated knowledge on classroom management is a promising approach for reducing reality shock at the beginning of in-service teaching. Thus, the present quasi-experimental pre-post control group study investigates whether video-based and practice-oriented coursework in teacher education can promote self-efficacy in classroom management and the professional vision of classroom management. Analyzing own classroom videos as well as analyzing videos from other teachers lead to a significantly higher latent increase in self-efficacy and professional vision than that of a control group. This was only the case for professional vision in a course with own teaching elements but without video analysis.  相似文献   

教师在课堂上应以指导,监督,组织的身份出现,在有限的课堂教学中激活学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的创新能力。  相似文献   

In reform-based science curricula, students’ discursive participation is highly encouraged as a means of science learning as well as a goal of science education. However, Asian immigrant students are perceived to be quiet and passive in classroom discursive situations, and this reticence implies that they may face challenges in discourse-rich science classroom learning environments. Given this potentially conflicting situation, the present study aims to understand how and why Asian immigrant students participate in science classroom discourse. Findings from interviews with seven Korean immigrant adolescents illustrate that they are indeed hesitant to speak up in classrooms. Drawing upon cultural historical perspectives on identity and agency, this study shows how immigrant experiences shaped the participants’ othered identity and influenced their science classroom participation, as well as how they negotiated their identities and situations to participate in science classroom and peer communities. I will discuss implications of this study for science education research and science teacher education to support classroom participation of immigrant students.  相似文献   

Angela Wiseman 《Literacy》2011,45(2):70-77
A poetry workshop can present opportunities to integrate students' knowledge and perspectives in classroom contexts, encouraging the use of language for expression, communication, learning and even empowerment. This paper describes how adolescent students respond to a poetry workshop in an English classroom centred on teaching writing that is based on their knowledge from their various life experiences and understanding of events beyond the classroom. Informed by New Literacy Studies and third space theories, ethnographic methods of participant observation were used to document an eighth‐grade urban public school classroom where a community member implemented a weekly programme using music lyrics and poetry for an entire school year. Findings illustrate how the poetry workshop encouraged students to contribute to the classroom learning context and engage critically with ideas that were relevant to their lives. Collaborating with a community member and tapping in to the powerful ways of using language to communicate led to important learning opportunities for students in this classroom. Poetic devices such as rhyme, rhythm, metaphor and wordplay enhanced and supported students' own language practices; students used these sophisticated writing strategies as they worked to convey their ideas, experiences and opinions.  相似文献   

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