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正2016年金秋丹桂飘香时节,《小别离》在浙江卫视和北京卫视首轮播出后,在天津、广东、山东、辽宁四家卫视开始第二轮播出。首轮热播,引发的话题凸显在人们的眼前,而《小别离2》(又名《小相聚》)的出版,把主题从"走,还是不走"转向了"回,还是不回",这种"教育乡愁"再次把对中国式教育的思考引向社会的多个维度。《小相聚》一出版,其影视版权也被  相似文献   

新年伊始,我回到浙江卫视开座谈会。坐在我对面的一群女孩子,个个光鲜且热情。她们就是浙江卫视七姐妹。除了顾晓燕赴北京清华读博士以外,大姐张宏、小妹李霞,中间的胡群芳、邵一平、卜晔临、窦蓓蓓都在。  相似文献   

余人 《文化交流》2011,(11):40-43
2011年9月10日是中秋节假期,上午9时许,梳着一头清爽利落的短发、身穿一条简洁大方的黑白格子布连衣裙的敬一丹,出现在浙江图书馆二楼报告厅"浙江人文大讲堂"讲台前,为500多位"粉丝"讲述《从〈焦点访谈〉到〈感动中国〉》,"粉丝"们听着、记着、笑着,并与她互动着。"小广播"响起来  相似文献   

戚永晔 《文化交流》2014,(11):28-31
9月15日,在江苏南京举行了第八届中国曲艺牡丹奖揭晓暨颁奖系列活动新闻发布会。公布了七大项共51个奖项。让人惊喜的是,其中有四席获奖者来自浙江,他们是"杭州滩簧"牡丹奖节目奖《美丽的眼睛》表演者冯小娟、朱丽君;浙江省非物质文化遗产温州鼓词代表性传承人陈忠达;另两位则是刚刚三十出头、崭露头角的"新人奖"得主,杭州滑稽艺术剧表演家董其峰和绍兴莲花落表演家施金裕。作为中国曲艺界的国家级最高奖项,两年评选一届的牡丹奖含金量非常高,有人称之为"曲艺界的奥斯卡"。是什么力量,让浙江曲艺发展花团锦簇;又是什么力量,让浙江的年轻表演者人才辈出?带着这样的问题。  相似文献   

黄莺 《文化交流》2012,(3):21-25
在中国近现代出版史上,商务印书馆和中华书局无疑是高山仰止的双子星座。2012年1月8日,"新的百年,我们一起出发——出版界同庆中华书局百年华诞峰会"在北京隆重举行,"中华书局百年历程暨珍贵图书文献展"在上海闭幕。"中华书局与中国近现代文化"国际学术研讨会也将于2012年6月召开。你可能不知道,声誉卓著的中华书局的创始人陆费逵,还是浙江桐乡人。他的出版理念和教育思想今天依然给人以启迪;他从事书业的38年历程,充满个人魅力和文化使命感。  相似文献   

正文艺是世界通用的语言。即使是再富有民族特色的音乐,也能在异国他乡汇成涓涓细流浸润人心,展现其独特文化魅力。今年上半年,不少浙江剧团和艺术团体去世界各地开展演出交流,用戏曲和音乐表达文化自信,用精彩纷呈的演出为外国观众带去富有魅力的"中国声音",充分展现浙江地方文化金名片的魅力以及中国文化的博大精深,也为世界深入了解中国和中国文化提供了更多契机。不同文明因交流互鉴而精彩,各国人民因文化交融而心灵相通。  相似文献   

正山水浙江,钟灵毓秀;物华天宝,人文荟萃。在2017全国首个"文化和自然遗产日"之际,浙江文化以其独特的芬芳魅力,分多路向世界各地传播,讲好浙江故事,展示中国形象。中国龙舞动摩洛哥浙江婺剧团参加的是第23届菲斯心灵国际音乐节。这一国际音乐节是摩洛哥第三大艺术节,也是世界上该类别中历史最悠久也最负盛名的音乐节,全  相似文献   

正首届浙江省国际友城媒体合作传播论坛圆满地落下帷幕,风姿绰约的浙江向来自世界各地的嘉宾展示了她独有的魅力。在杭州秋高气爽的季节,来自亚洲、欧洲、美洲、非洲等67个国家的近120位媒体代表,分两路走访浙江多地,大家一路上目睹了浙江蓬勃的经济发展,体验了浙江精彩的传统文化,感受了浙江宜人的绿色生态。这一路,既是采风之旅,也是文化之旅,更是友谊之旅。  相似文献   

许颜 《文化交流》2013,(7):60-63
浙江古越国,勾践人中杰。尝胆卧则薪,我是浙江籍。苏州有胥门,炯炯悬双睛。怒视敌人入,我是苏州生。哀哉韬奋作,壮哉戈先生。死犹断续说,我是中国人。我是中国人!我是中国人!我是中国人!我是中国人!—沈钧儒《我是中国人》沈钧儒,字秉甫,号衡山,浙江嘉兴人,1875年1月2日生于江苏苏州,1963年6月11日卒于北京。他是著名的"七君子"之一。他是新中国第一任最高人民法院院长,  相似文献   

随着浙江省江山婺剧的"耍牙"绝技被列入国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录,沉寂了许久的"耍牙"绝技及其传承人周春荣再度进入了人们的视野。然而不幸的是,前不久,85岁高龄的周春荣因病溘然辞世。本文记录老人艰辛而充满传奇色彩的人生经历。苦难中走进"草根梨园"1926年8月,周春荣出生于浙江  相似文献   

This paper studies the behavior of commercial television broadcasters in markets where the distribution of viewer tastes varies. Our results show that a highly “clustered” market enables the broadcaster to offer a program of a popular type but with lower quality (i.e., lower production values) than is the case when viewers have more diffused tastes. We find that viewer equity in the television market (i.e., the percentage of all potential viewers who have at least one program they consider worth watching) and viewer welfare (i.e., total consumer surplus) may not coincide. Depending upon the distribution of viewer tastes and the cost of providing quality programming, the number of broadcasters required to fully cover the market to avoid market failure may be greater than the number of broadcasters that produce greater viewer welfare. The study suggests that regulatory bodies need to pay attention to the distribution pattern of viewer tastes and the broadcasters' desire for return on programming investments, since both factors have important implications for competitive outcomes and viewer well-being.  相似文献   


The objective of this article is to critique the current literature on Jews and Jewishness in North American television. It is our contention that this work is problematic in a number of ways. First, it insists on a strict binary between ‘bad’ and ‘good’ television images, and ‘bad’ and ‘good’ audience responses to these images. Second, it assumes that a unified, ‘acceptable’ Jewish identity pre‐exists the production of these images, and that this identity merely needs to be incorporated into the television landscape to make its images ‘better’. Third, it assumes a direct and unproblematic relationship between what the viewers see on television and how they understand the world. In the second half of this essay we introduce scholarship in other areas of television and media studies, as well as in the emerging field of Jewish cultural studies, to point to the need to theorise a much more complex relationship between identity and spectatorship than is realised in much of the current literature on Jewishness and television. We argue that our relationship, as viewers, to television is inherently complex, contradictory, ambivalent, and shifting, and thus cannot be pinned down by rigid and hierarchical binary structures. Further, we argue that Jewishness cannot be reified as a single, visible, knowable identity, and that the ambivalent pleasures of viewers viewing Jewishness on television, including our own, must be accounted for rather than dismissed.  相似文献   

It appears that the Internet is soon going to fulfill its potential to become a giant on-demand repository of television shows (and movies) available asynchronously, greatly increasing the variety of shows available at a moment in time. As companies such as Netflix and Hulu increase their activities in this sphere, there are many unanswered questions about the impacts of this transition. In this paper, we attempt to foretell the impact of Internet-induced increased variety on the amount of time individuals devote to viewing television. We use cable and satellite television’s impact on viewing as a proxy for the likely impact that future Internet transmission of programs will have. Using country-based panel data going back to the mid-1990s, we find that the increased variety brought about by cable and satellite has had virtually no impact on the amount of time devoted to television viewing. We discuss the import of this finding for Internet business models of television transmission.  相似文献   

2008年春节前后,韩刚导演的《最后的王爷》和《台湾1895》两部电视剧刚在全国登场开播,便呈现出收视率直线上升的火爆场面。连我的朋友“半个电视”著名画家李燕虽忙得不可开交,也挤时间收看这两部“有文化、又好看”的大片。10多年来,韩刚为广大电视观众奉献了一道道“好看又好吃”的精神大餐。  相似文献   


This study explored how a cohort of Asian Indians who migrated to the U.S. nearly 40 years ago have become acculturated to the U.S. by watching American television when they first arrived. The study used two concepts of the integrative communication theory: enculturation and acculturation. The study described how these Asian Indians did not grow up watching television in India. Hence, they became enculturated into American television. This cohort also watched television to learn how to act “American,” and thus became acculturated to the U.S. Furthermore, the study created linkage between the uses and gratifications theoretical perspective and the need for acculturation.  相似文献   

龙飞 《文化交流》2009,(11):22-25
她的人生写满了成功。就像她襟前的胸花,只要有一点光亮,就会闪烁出夺目的光芒。  相似文献   

Journal of Cultural Economics - Traditional linear television has been a long-standing success story. However, the digital revolution is rapidly transforming the TV industry, in terms of...  相似文献   

戚永晔 《文化交流》2009,(10):37-40
两会期间,全国人大常委会委员、台盟中央原常委陈正统在接受媒体采访时说:“歌仔戏、布袋戏这些传统戏曲,作为中华文化的重要组成部分。也是海峡两岸共有的文化。它们无不体现着两岸人民同根同源、血脉相连的关系,是维系两岸人民情感的重要纽带。”  相似文献   

Willingness to Pay for Domestic Television Programming   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The article describes the application of contingent valuation to estimate the value of the benefits that the Australian community derives from the mandatory transmission of Australian programs by television stations. This application of contingent valuation to estimate cultural benefits offers an insight on the potential for a wider application of the methodology to evaluate cultural policy instruments. The study found that a majority of Australians support regulation of the domestic content of television programs and considers the value of the related benefits to be commensurate with the cost of supplying domestic programming.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, regulators across the globehave faced increasing pressure from media firms toliberalise domestic media and cross-media ownershiprestrictions. Based on empirical research carried outin the U.K., this paper examines the ``economic' case putforward in favour of deregulation. Findings suggestthat, although factors other than size will affectperformance, there is generally a strong and positivecorrelation between the market share and the operatingprofitability of firms involved in either televisionor radio broadcasting or newspaperpublishing. But, with regard to cross-media ownershipof television and newspapers, there is nocompelling evidence that diagonal integration bringsabout inherent synergies, economies of scope or othereconomic benefits. Thus, whereas a variety ofeconomic efficiency gains may be available to justifya relaxation of restrictions over monomedia expansion,few such benefits can be found in support ofderegulating cross-ownership of television andnewspapers.  相似文献   

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