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高校辅导员就业指导工作在学生就业指导和管理工作中承担着非常重要的角色,随着社会新就业形势的发展,当前高校辅导员就业指导工作已经无法满足学生的就业需求,研究高校辅导员就业指导及管理工作的创新,对于做好高校大学生就业工作有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

辅导员长期以来以其独特的角色优势活跃在学生管理也是就业创业指导工作第一线,充分发挥其在学生就业创业指导方面的优势,将其打造成一支专业化、职业化的就业创业指导队伍,将对做好高校学生就业创业指导工作起到举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

高校辅导员在大学生就业指导工作中的角色定位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为应对严峻的大学生就业形势,各高校建立了较完善的就业指导机制和较健全的就业指导队伍.但普遍忽视了辅导员在就业指导工作中的优势。要明确辅导员在就业指导工作中的角色定位,发挥辅导员的基础性作用,实现宏观就业指导与微观就业指导的有机结合,进一步提高就业指导工作的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

国家层面早已明确了辅导员在学生思想政治教育工作中的重要地位,肯定了辅导员的职业价值,提出辅导员队伍建设应该实现专业化、职业化。成长为"专家型"辅导员的职业发展之路,是高校辅导员个体实现从"服务型"辅导员向"管理型"辅导员角色转变,再从"管理型"辅导员向"研究型"辅导员角色转变的过程。学校可以从四个方面帮助辅导员实现其职业发展之梦:一是以专业化为导向,明确辅导员职业发展前途;二是改进组织和管理,克服辅导员专业化困难;三是肯定工作贡献,增强辅导员职业价值感;四是培育职业理想,坚定辅导员职业心理。  相似文献   

Conclusion In summary, despite apparent changes in the recent past, women remain underrepresented in nontraditional career areas. Society continues to exert forces which restrict women's motivation toward particular options. It is hoped that the Expectancy-Valence model presented here will help counselors in their efforts to broaden women's career and lifestyle opportunities.Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, August, 1985, and at the Career Theory Conference, University of Northern Iowa, May, 1986. Address requests for reprints to Linda Brooks, School of Education, CB# 3500, Peabody Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500.  相似文献   

Career counseling practitioners of varied training levels were surveyed regarding the extent to which major career theories and research data inform their work with clients. In addition, this study was interested in career counselors views regarding (a) how career theorists, researchers, and practitioners can work together to address the needs of career clients, and (b) how theory and research findings can be more relevant to practice. Survey findings revealed that licensed counselors and psychologists as compared to non-counselor trained career practitioners agreed to a greater extent that their degree program had adequately prepared them to provide career counseling by emphasizing theory and attention to personal and career issues, and were more likely to regard professional development activities as important to their career counseling effectiveness. Finally, practitioners had numerous comments regarding the utility of career theory and interventions, and suggestions for bridging the gap between theory and practice.  相似文献   

以社会信息加工理论为理论基础,采用文献法、逻辑分析法、实地调研等方法,分析高职院校辅导员就业指导工作面临的困境,探寻辅导员就业指导工作提质增效的路径。研究表明,高职院校辅导员就业指导工作面临着诸多困境:辅导员对工作环境的不同解读导致其产生不同的态度和行为;辅导员面对复杂的社会环境及信息,信息处理过程影响其就业指导工作的实效性;就业指导团队成员在互动交流过程欠缺包容性氛围。提出高职院校辅导员就业指导工作困境的化解之道:建立良好的辅导员工作环境,创建辅导员工作保障机制,促进辅导员就业指导能力稳步提升;激励辅导员掌握学生就业相关的信息,激发就业指导的职责意识;高职院校建立包容性的就业指导团队,提高整体绩效水平。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是高校师资中的一个特殊群体,肩负着学生思想品德教育、校园生活管理、心理健康指导以及学生就业指导等重要职责。其自身的职业生涯规划不仅关系到他们工作的积极性和专业化程度,还直接影响到学生的成长和发展,影响着高等教育的质量。通过分析目前高校辅导员工作中存在的问题,阐述了高校辅导员职业生涯规划的意义,并对辅导员个人和学校两方面如何搞好高校辅导员职业生涯规划进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

通过对目前广西高职院校开展职业指导工作现状的分析,提出了在职业指导工作中,需要充分认识辅导员在职业指导工作中的重要作用。课程指导应注意方式方法的多样性,切实加强学生职业能力的培养和拓展,以促进高职院校职业指导工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   


Research Findings: This article reports on family child care providers’ views about their engagement with professional development programs, including providers who were and were not participating in Quality Rating and Improvement Systems in Los Angeles, California. Most providers participating in the study were taking active steps to improve their work with children, but only a few providers described themselves as satisfied with the programs available. First, we report on why providers chose to engage (or not) in formal professional development activities; specifically, we explore the relationship between career phase and engagement and the levels of participation reported by seasoned providers. Second, we describe the way many providers strategically self-customized their quality improvement (QI) activities by drawing flexibly on available programs or by finding a coach who would work with them on their specific needs. Practice or Policy: Our findings suggest that in order to increase engagement with formal QI systems, designers of professional development supports must better align these supports with the needs and interests of family child care providers in terms of content and modes of delivery. We propose the concept of just-in-time professional development as 1 way to make QI offerings more responsive to some family child care providers’ needs.  相似文献   

免费师范生的职业生涯规划对其今后的职业发展有着重要的意义,免费师范生具有自身的特殊性,如何对免费师范生开展有效的职业生涯规划辅导,增进其对教师的职业认同感,成为高校辅导员的重要职责;而高校辅导员在这方面具有自身的优势,有利于加强对免费师范生的职业生涯规划辅导。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是大学生思想政治教育的一线工作者,新时期,辅导员还面临着责任要求多元化、就业体制市场化、职业生涯指导化和工作任务精细化的考验,以至许多辅导员仅仅把辅导员岗位当做"跳板"。辅导员频繁变化严重制约了高校思想政治工作的开展,研究辅导员职业化路径选择可以有效缓解辅导员工作的困境,强化大学思想政治教育。  相似文献   

高校辅导员的管理存在辅导员错位、梯队建设不合理、培养制度不健全等问题。这些问题是由于缺乏职业生涯规划所导致的。制订职业生涯规划可从分析辅导员及其工作的特性、满足其成长需要、提供多种发展路径、提供职业咨询与指导、建立职业生涯管理系统等方面着手。  相似文献   

Since teachers are influential in high school students’ career choices, enabling high school teachers to introduce educational and career opportunities in supply chain management is a viable strategy for reaching high school students about these opportunities. This article presents a pilot program of supply chain workshops to educate high school and middle school teachers and guidance counselors about the opportunities in supply chain management and logistics and to enable them to integrate supply chain concepts into their teaching. These workshops incorporate a mix of slideshows to introduce concepts, hands‐on activities to illustrate how the concepts work, and field trips and guest speakers to demonstrate concepts in real world applications.  相似文献   

Summary Although career guidance activities can positively influence students' career development, the effectiveness of such activities is often impaired because they attempt to provide the same services to all students at the same time. Programs typically do not consider either students' differential developmental patterns or the fact that many students have particular needs due to learning, physical, or emotional handicaps. Therefore, a primary focus of refining programs must be the individualization of services to meet a wide variety of student needs.Referral to career assessment or to professionals trained in career assessment and consultation is a valuable option open to school counselors who have neither the time nor the specialized training to conduct such assessments themselves. Career assessment centers offer comprehensive assessment services, including both more traditional assessments as well as innovative activities. Using a consultation paradigm, the school counselor and career assessment officer can better provide comprehensive, individualized assessment and counseling tailored to the specific needs of students, regardless of their handicaps and their different levels of developmental readiness  相似文献   

王荔 《昆明大学学报》2007,18(A01):120-122
就业问题是当前大学生思想政治工作的重要内容,高校辅导员解决大学生思想问题必须要注重与解决大学生就业难问题相结合,以职业规划教育为突破口,为学生顺利就业提供职业规划指导,从而减轻大学生就业方面的思想困扰,增强思想政治教育的实际效果。辅导员作为大学生工作的直接管理者与服务者,充分发挥在大学生职业规划教育中的重要作用是其主要职责。  相似文献   

浅析高校辅导员在就业指导工作中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校辅导员是大学生职业梦想的启发者、制定职业生涯规划的参谋者、工作的推荐者,也是大学生提高求职能力、掌握求职方法与技巧的指导者。发挥好辅导员在学生就业中的作用,对进一步完善高校就业指导工作有重要意义。  相似文献   

Summary The continuing need and desire for assistance in planning for, entering, and progressing in a career is well-documented over the past decade. Although assistance with finding and securing a job is a part of this need, it is but one aspect of the competencies needed by students to be aware of the world of work and how this world differs from the educational world they are leaving. The ability of students to adjust and contribute to many roles in their post-high school world is crucial for a successful and lasting transition.The competencies needed by students as they prepare for and implement their transition to the occupational world can serve as the focal point of the career guidance program in the high school. Such competencies must go beyond the acquisition of occupational information and job search and interview skills. Competencies expected of students must be those that will allow them to adjust, mature, and succeed in the world of work and allow them to satisfy the multiple roles they will have throughout their careers.School counselors must become an integral part of the program to assist students to acquire and use competencies that will ensure their successful adjustment and development in the occupational world. Career guidance programs must be expanded and maintained to meet the continuing needs of students and counselors must revive or renew the competencies and the skills necessary to serve students during their transition to the world of work.Edwin A. Whitfield is Associate Director, Division of Educational Services, Ohio Department of Education, Columbus, Ohio  相似文献   

辅导员重视并做好学生职业指导工作,是高校搞好就业工作的重要基础。辅导员要以舒伯的职业生涯发展理论为理论基础,结合毕业生就业过程中出现的问题,重视学生的职业生涯规划引导,对学生实施个性化职业指导,促进学生的全面发展,以期更有效地开展职业指导工作,推动高校的就业工作。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是高校中进行学生工作的主力军,是保证高校学生学习与生活顺利进行的关键,也是大学生生涯规划的领路人。为高校辅导员提供一个完善的职业成长环境,对于提高高校辅导员的素质,为在校学生提供一个高素质的后盾有着极为重要的意义。本文从分析高校辅导员成长环境现状入手,试图为新时期高校辅导员找出构建完善职业成长环境的有效途径。  相似文献   

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