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While socialization has become a major lens of research in doctoral education, this paper advances the theoretical foundation of the socialization process in doctoral education by using the institutional logics theory. Specifically, it proposes an analytical framework for understanding the socialization of doctoral students, where it is seen as a process of reconciling different or even competing institutional logics that drive students’ development in doctoral education. The framework has been applied in an empirical study of ten doctoral students in Finland who were funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC). While proving the usefulness of the analytical framework, the study shows that CSC doctoral students mainly face the competing logics of profession and corporation during socialization. Influenced by a strong profession logic, the Chinese students have transformed themselves into novice professionals and knowledge producers. Corporation logic competed with profession logic in the management of doctoral students and has resulted in a lack of teaching experiences in doctoral training and a weak recognition of professional identity in the students’ host universities. The influence of family logic, inherited from CSC doctoral students’ cultural backgrounds, has been decoupled in the socialization process and has led to a strong sense of loss in handling the supervisory relationship between supervisors and students. Based on the findings of this study, the author provides several recommendations for host universities, supervisors, doctoral students, the CSC, and the Chinese Embassy in Finland to enable them to work together and help CSC doctoral students tackle the aforementioned challenges.  相似文献   

Despite China’s recent remarkable performance in high-quality research, the number of students going abroad to pursue doctoral degrees in STEM fields has been rising rapidly. This study investigates the motivations of Chinese international doctoral students (CIDS) in STEM fields for undertaking a PhD abroad, and the external factors influencing this major life decision. Based on in-depth interviews with 35 CIDS from seven universities in four Australian states, the findings show that for the current generation, enriching life experiences and self-cultivation emerged as most prominent personal motivations. The choice to study abroad, though ultimately a personal decision, was influenced by a range of factors and particularly long-term cooperation between host and home institutions. Both academic and personal reputation of supervisors played important roles in the selection of host institutions. This study may be of value to supervisors and higher education policy-makers, at institutional and government levels in all countries, whether “home” or “host”, invested in sustainable international doctoral education.  相似文献   

学术劳动力市场的特性与研究型大学的教师聘用制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
与非学术劳动力市场相比,学术劳动力市场受到更多社会制度和规范的约束,表现在学术人员的工作具有更大的保障和稳定性、学术人员工资的变动弹性较小。在学术劳动力市场机制的作用下,研究型大学形成了特殊的教师聘用制度。以终身教授制为代表的教师聘用制度,既具有保护学术自由的制度含义,也具有提高效率和激励作用的经济含义,是制度和效率有机作用的结果。在借鉴大学管理的国际经验、建立中国现代大学治理结构时,设计一个兼顾社会制度与效率因素的教师聘用制度是关键所在,而我国目前缺少办学自主权是制约大学学术自由和效率提高的瓶颈。  相似文献   


Amidst opportunities for universities to consider international academic staff in supporting internationalisation and innovation in academic practice, there is very little research to provide insights into their attitudes towards institutional approaches and frameworks in place to enable this. This article focuses on this research gap, suggesting that this academic community might enhance the development of internationally-informed and innovative pedagogic practice. The research reported within the article constitutes a preliminary study, set within a UK higher education case study setting. Methods included focus groups and themed in-depth interviews with a sample of 34 international academic staff from over 15 countries. The findings and discussion provide insights into the perspectives and experiences of international academic staff in relation to the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning and other institutional practice. Innovative pedagogic practice as enabled by international academic staff is discussed, as are approaches to the internationalisation of the curricula. The findings are relevant to the UK higher education context but also to the global context: academic institutions need to consider whether curriculum and processes are limited and limiting in favour of a narrow cultural lens.  相似文献   

世界一流大学能够长期引领顶尖人才培养的方向,与其推行博士教育发展战略有关。对世界排名前20位的大学进行分析,发现其博士教育发展战略具有如下特点:战略环境源于回应社会发展的需要,战略目标坚持质量首位,战略内容围绕更加高效的培养形式,政府宏观管理与高校自主推行相结合进行战略实施,完善的制度体系与充裕的资金支持作战略保障。其未来走向是:增强博士教育竞争力,强调国际化发展,推进博士教育公平化以及提升博士生职业能力。这对我国在"双一流"建设大格局中创建一流的博士教育具有诸多启示。  相似文献   

The study examines the changing nature of doctoral study in higher education in the context of significant global changes in higher education. From its origins with Humboldt, the trajectory of doctoral study is traced through the traditional Ph.D, the extended 'American model', to the professional doctorate. A university case study charts how these global changes impacted on a specific UK university as it attempted to position itself in the changing market for doctoral study.  相似文献   

独立学院的制度化困境——多重逻辑下的政策变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立学院是一种中国特有的高等教育组织形式。从政策变迁的角度看,它具有"先发展后规范"的特征。它在发展过程中形成了"公办型独立学院"和"民办型独立学院"两种基本类型,但中央政策一直试图将其作为民办教育的一种类型来进行规范管理,两者之间的逻辑差异致使独立学院一直未能成为一种稳定的制度模式。本文借助组织分析中的多重制度逻辑理论框架试图对此进行解释。本文认为,在社会转型的基本制度背景下,政府、市场、家庭和教育多重制度逻辑的动态变迁以及相互作用造成了独立学院的制度化困境,应从高等教育多样性的角度重新思考包括独立学院在内的高等教育制度变迁。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,特别是1992年确立了社会主义市场经济体制框架后,我国高等教育资源配置方式开始向适应市场经济体制改革的方向转变,其显著特点表现为高等教育资源不断由中央集中计划配置转向受市场约束的分散性配置的方向过渡.学术治理作为高等教育资源配置的一部分也具有这个特点.从宏观角度来看,我国高等教育学术治理变迁始终受到传统制度安排和外部社会大背景的影响.因此,研究中国高等教育学术治理的变迁必须放在整个经济社会转型的格局之中进行考虑,既要考虑初始状况,也要从历史分析的角度考虑模型的起点格局和演变过程,及其为制度变迁设定的可能演变路径.  相似文献   

工学博士培养模式是影响工学博士培养质量的重要因素。工学博士培养模式经历了由学术型人才培养为主向多主体参与的应用型人才培养的动态变迁过程。从历史制度主义视角分析,宏观教育管理、经济和科技等体制变革从制度环境层面影响工学博士培养模式变迁;工学博士培养模式变迁中存在两个关键节点,分别形成了学术型和应用型两种人才培养模式。但由于理念先在性、体制锁定和自我强化机制等因素影响使应用型人才培养模式实现受阻。基于此,工学博士培养模式的未来改革应从优化外部体制环境,突破理念桎梏、探索建立工学博士分类培养体系及建立分类学位授予标准体系等方面入手,同时要完善相关配套保障体系。  相似文献   

In this paper, we draw attention to the impact of neoliberal globalisation in rearticulating conceptions of equity within the Ontario context. The Ontario education system has been hailed for its top performance on Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) as a high-equity/high-quality education system and created ‘PISA envy’ in the international context. Our aim in this paper is to provide some critical analysis of the neoliberal rationality and to examine its manifestations for rearticulating conceptions of social justice. Drawing on equity education policies in Ontario and one in-depth interview with an equity practitioner in one of Ontario’s large and most diverse school boards, this paper illustrates how a redefinition of equity has been made possible through neoliberal systems of accountability and performativity involving measurement and facticity. As a result of these strategies, equity policy in education has been concerned with outcome measurement and boys’ underachievement, while racial and class inequalities have become invisible. While this paper is focused on Ontario equity policy, we believe that it serves much broader interest given the current context of global education policy field.  相似文献   

This study is designed to explore how the ecological context of teacher education influences affect South Korean teacher educators' professional development. Research findings reveal that South Korean teacher educators' concerns about their professional development are mainly related to conducting research influenced by global, political, social, and institutional influences together. The global influences permeate lower contextual levels in order and appear as concrete policies affecting teacher educators' work. As a result of an environment that favors academic achievement in various levels of the ecological contexts of teacher education, South Korean teacher educators desire more international academic communication.  相似文献   

Recognizing that academic, scientific and technological strengths have become increasingly important in international relations, this study hypothesizes that the flow of knowledge resources among nations is interconnected with global political, economic and cultural relationships. As a means of validating this premise, this study analyzes one component of academic interaction - international study at the level of higher education. This article outlines changes in international study patterns in the decades following World War n and explores how the postwar context affected international exchange relationships. International exchange during the 1960s and 1970s indicated strong participation by students from Third World nations and the popularity of five industrialized host nations. These relationships are explored through a statistical study of the flow of students from 18 developing nations out to the world and to the United States in particular. The findings assess the importance of key economic factors (such as involvement in global trade and concentration of trade), educational variables (including national emphasis on education and the availability of domestic opportunities) and political arenas (such as international assistance and scholarship dependency) in determining international study patterns. As current shifts in our postwar world order unfold before us, better understanding of historical factors underlying international exchange may be instrumental as we anticipate its future within the context of new geopolitical alliances.  相似文献   

This article deals with the current reform of European doctoral education. It is argued that the concrete results of the reform can be better understood by analysing changes in the management of doctoral programmes. This rests on the case study of a Norwegian PhD programme in finance and is based on an analytical framework composed of three public management narratives: New Public Management (NPM), Network Governance (NG) and Neo-Weberian-State (NWS). The latter allows for a particular focus on the instruments, actors and objectives of governance. The article concludes that the examined doctoral programme's management story can be divided into two episodes. The first — the 'internationalisation' episode — is shaped by the academic profession in finance which uses a wide range of constraining NPM instruments and applies them in a comprehensive manner to doctoral education in order to achieve its overall objective, namely to implement an internationally competitive PhD programme. The second — the 'integration' episode — is about a recently developed policy instrument with relatively non-constraining NWS elements, used by the State to establish National Research Schools. The latter are principally aimed at the better development and coordination of doctoral training between small and large higher education institutions. Due to those differences between the two episodes in terms of constraining character and scope, the reform of the examined doctoral programme is strongly shaped by the first episode. Hence, the reform essentially consists in a doctoral programme with an international and academic character.  相似文献   

Policies and programmes pursuing the universalisation of elementary education (UEE) in developing nations have been influenced by a set of complex forces in international, state, and local arenas. This paper explores how a large‐scale standardised assessment programme shaped by international and market‐oriented discourses has been differently re‐worked in the south Indian state of Karnataka. We draw on observation and interview data with educators and administrators to shed some light on their roles in reconstituting the meaning and practice of this programme. The intended frameworks of ‘borrowed’ education policies are not always reproduced or sustained in local contexts. Our paper shows how policies, rather than ‘borrowed’ from one context to another, undergo a process of ‘translation’ involving the contextualisation and inevitable transformation of policies.  相似文献   

The article reviews the global landscape of higher education with the anticipation of an emerging Chinese institutional architecture in Asia-Pacific higher education. It starts with a theoretical framework for analyzing the functionalities of values and institutions in international higher education by adopting Joseph Nye's concept of soft power. In particular, it considers the Chinese cultural values and ranking systems/citations indexes as resources projecting the soft power of China in the arena of higher education. While China still plays the role of norm taker in the existing geopolitical sphere of knowledge construction, this article argues the possibility that China will change its role to norm setter by examining its potential institutional architecture in knowledge construction. On this basis, it argues that China may be able to increase its influence in higher education in the region through promoting China's academic practices and standards.  相似文献   

本文通过考察和研究建国以来中国高等教育的发展,剖析了高等教育的两大主题——增长与公平、政府调控与院校自主在不同历史阶段中的呈现.研究发现,高等教育的增长与公平之间不存在必然关系,高等教育公平的正义目标更多地取决于制度的设计与安排.市场体制也不必然带来高校组织的自主权,一个国家管制的垄断市场机制可能不仅会在系统内制造组织间的不平等,而且作为一种强大的外部制度环境,其制度因素的投放甚至会损害高校组织的自主权.  相似文献   

中国高等教育治理变迁70年,大致经历了中国高等教育制度的探索与建立(1949~1977年)、中国高等教育办学体制和管理体制改革(1978~2011年)以及以治理体系和治理能力现代化改革为旨归(2012至今)三个阶段。从70年的治理变迁中不难发现,我国高等教育改革发展呈现出鲜明的中国特征,主要体现为:始终坚持和完善党的领导、政府政策始终发挥主导作用、高等学校内部治理的基本制度框架始终是党委领导下的校长负责制等。这些相关治理制度在高等教育实践中不断形成、确立、完善和定型,并逐渐成为中国高等教育治理的根本制度。同时,在这70年中,中国高等教育治理在高等学校的法律地位、学术权力在高等教育治理中的作用以及全球化背景下中国高等教育治理方式等三个方面都发生了转变。未来,在国家治理视域下,中国高等教育治理应着重考虑如何将制度优势转化为治理效能。  相似文献   

Undertaking a PhD is a challenging endeavour. Pursuing a doctoral education in a ‘foreign’ context tends to increase the demands of this intellectual venture. The nature of research-based PhD programmes, often characterised by a lack of formal curricula where academic supervision lasts several years, may add another layer of complexity. Drawing upon an extended version of Urie Bronfenbrenner's bio-ecological theory of human development, this paper attempts to offer a greater understanding of both academic and non-academic concerns confronting international PhD students with a view to highlighting their implications for institutional policy and practice. Underpinned by a visual metaphor approach, our research findings advocate embedding the use of ‘a third space’ as a creative pathway and strategy for maximising students’ chances of achieving a successful PhD academic acculturation journey.  相似文献   

In a globalized world, universities face challenges adapting to changing environmental pressures and expectations of legitimacy. Studies on the topic have tended to focus on universities in North America and Europe, while Chinese universities have received less attention, perhaps due to their status as latecomers to global higher education. Based on institutional theory and resource dependence theory, this study examines the development process of two schools with different characteristics in a prestigious public Chinese university. Based on document and interview analyses, the findings indicate that both schools advocate internationalization as a development strategy but for different reasons. In response to the changing environment, one school continues to conform to the institutional environment; meanwhile, the other is competing in the task environment while also adhering to the university’s and the state’s norms, beliefs, demands and expectations. Based on the analysis, this article recommends that Chinese policymakers allow proactive schools willing to further their positioning in national and global higher education systems to have more autonomy and leeway in developing themselves.  相似文献   

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