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In this paper, we explore the usefulness of three different approaches to facilitating reflexivity and a critical awareness of emerging academic identities for doctoral students. This paper stems from a longitudinal research project entitled The Next Generation of Social Scientists, which was conducted across three research-intensive British universities and based at the University of Oxford. The research examined how doctoral students in a range of social science disciplines develop (or do not develop) notions of ‘academic’ identity as they move along the doctoral trajectory and into academic positions. In what follows we describe how three different data collection tools – weekly logs, interviews and a card-sorting activity – were used to encourage doctoral students to consider the process of constructing academic identities more actively and self-reflectively. We then consider how the use of these tools at two workshops further revealed how they can be utilised by academic developers to explore the needs of doctoral students and improve the support in place for this student group.  相似文献   

博士生是科学研究的生力军,也是高校科研产出的重要贡献者。然而,博士生从“学术学徒”到“独立研究者”的蜕变过程,必定要借助来自外界的经验丰富的同行们的学术指导、交流、共享和帮助。那么,以知识共享为核心的学术互动对博士生培养质量有什么样的影响呢?运用标准负二项回归对“中国博士生毕业调查数据”的全国61所高校8207份博士生数据进行分析。结果显示,“与导师的学术互动频次和质量”和“与其他教师的学术互动频次与质量”均对博士生国际期刊论文产出具有正向影响;“与博士生同学的学术互动频次和质量”对国际期刊论文产出的影响不显著。  相似文献   

The paper is based on ethnographic work with doctoral students, their supervisors and postdoctoral researchers in three contrasting disciplines: biochemistry, artificial intelligence and physical geography. It explores how stability and continuity in scientific disciplines are sustained through socialisation processes of doctoral research. It identifies the inter‐generational transmission of knowledge, skills and assumptions within the institutional setting of laboratory or the research group. Working on ‘standardised packages’ in such social contexts, doctoral students are enculturated into scientific work. Despite setbacks and uncertainties in getting their research to ‘work’ doctoral students express faith that their problems are ‘doable’. Drawing on these empirical findings we suggest that these forms of pedagogic continuity are of more significance in the enculturation of doctoral students and the reproduction of scientific knowledge than the presence or absence of a ‘critical mass’ of active researchers (as has been suggested by the recent Harris review of postgraduate education in the UK). We therefore suggest that recent UK policy formation that has emphasized the notion of critical mass deserves critical scrutiny, and that there is need for perspectives more sensitive to disciplinary cultures and departmental organization.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which students could fake responses on personality and approaches to studying questionnaires, and the effects of such responding on the validity of non-cognitive measures for predicting academic performance (AP). University students produced a profile of an ‘ideal’ student using the Big-Five personality taxonomy, which yielded a stereotype with low scores for Neuroticism, and high scores for the other four traits. A sub-set of participants were allocated to a condition in which they were instructed to fake their responses as University applicants, portraying themselves as positively as possible. Scores for these participants revealed higher scores than those in a control condition on measures of deep and strategic approaches to studying, but lower scores on the surface approach variable. Conscientiousness was a significant predictor of AP in both groups, but the predictive effect of approaches to studying variables and Openness to Experience identified in the control group was lower in the group who faked their responses. Non-cognitive psychometric measures can be valid predictors of AP, but scores on these measures can be affected by instructional set. Further implications for psychometric measurement in educational settings are discussed.  相似文献   

As Chinese doctoral education has grown dramatically in the past four decades and developed into one of the largest doctoral education systems in the world, it has become one significant and integral part of the global doctoral education landscape. However, in the literature, there is a lack of both a comprehensive understanding of the Chinese doctoral education system and of generic frameworks for understanding doctoral education in a global context, with an emphasis on the underlying value systems. This may not only hamper the research on doctoral education in China but also affect international comparison and collaboration with Chinese doctoral education. Using the theory of institutional logics, this study tries to bridge the gap by identifying the complex value systems underlying the context of the Chinese doctoral education system, through a qualitative study mainly based on interview data and complemented by documentary data. The interview involves 135 participants, including 45 university academic leaders, 33 doctoral supervisors and 56 doctoral students from 17 research universities, as well as one government policy-maker. We found that the context of Chinese doctoral education system consists of multiple logics of state, profession, family, market and corporation. The special constellation of institutional logics has shaped the current Chinese doctoral education system as a state-led model but meanwhile incorporating family characteristics, market orientation and regulated academic autonomy. The study also showed that Chinese doctoral education has been developing in line with international academic norms and global marketization trends, and has also been shaped by China’s socio-cultural tradition and the strong state regulation. In addition to the institutional logics analysis of the Chinese doctoral education system, this study paves the way for developing a novel framework for analysing doctoral education systems in other contexts and for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

Despite China’s recent remarkable performance in high-quality research, the number of students going abroad to pursue doctoral degrees in STEM fields has been rising rapidly. This study investigates the motivations of Chinese international doctoral students (CIDS) in STEM fields for undertaking a PhD abroad, and the external factors influencing this major life decision. Based on in-depth interviews with 35 CIDS from seven universities in four Australian states, the findings show that for the current generation, enriching life experiences and self-cultivation emerged as most prominent personal motivations. The choice to study abroad, though ultimately a personal decision, was influenced by a range of factors and particularly long-term cooperation between host and home institutions. Both academic and personal reputation of supervisors played important roles in the selection of host institutions. This study may be of value to supervisors and higher education policy-makers, at institutional and government levels in all countries, whether “home” or “host”, invested in sustainable international doctoral education.  相似文献   

Stress during doctoral study is common; however, its presence is of concern to students as it has a deleterious impact on well-being and performance, and to the university which has a duty of care to students and the desire to promote a supportive research environment. This article reports on the qualitative findings from an online survey that sought to identify students’ experiences related to stress during the early-stage doctoral study. All newly enrolled PhD students at the University of Otago (New Zealand) received invitations to participate and respond to two questions related to stress during the early-stage doctoral study. In total, 152 survey responses were acquired from 352 first-year PhD students (response rate 43.2%). Nine main areas of concern were identified from an inductive thematic analysis of participants’ responses. Key stressors were time pressure, uncertainty about doctoral processes, sense of belonging in scholarly communities, and financial pressures. Some findings are contrary to previous research with novel perceptions on the student–supervisor relationship, different financial issues, and transition stresses contrary to previous research; this may reflect the changed academic landscape of doctoral studies. Findings provide insight into potential support strategies to better support early-stage PhD students.  相似文献   

在"以学生为中心"的理念下,基于2019年Nature全球博士生调查数据,文章探讨了全球博士生师生关系满意度现状,并运用多元线性回归方法分析了其影响因素。研究结论如下。第一,总体上,全球博士生师生关系满意度水平良好,但中国博士生师生关系满意度水平低于全球平均水平。第二,博士生的个体特征对其满意度的影响显著,男性、在本国学习以及独立程度高的博士生满意度更高。第三,导师的学术指导、培养条件支持及情感支持均对博士生满意度的影响显著;导师提供的学术指导越多、学术能力支持越大、科研控制支持越大、心理健康支持越大、越认同学生的研究,则博士生对师生关系就越满意。第四,导师认可是影响博士生师生关系满意度最为重要的因素。  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of college admissions criteria on students’ academic and non-academic performance in university and their labor market outcomes. We exploit a unique feature of the admissions system at a large university in Singapore, the National University of Singapore, that has two admission tracks – a regular admission track where admission is based exclusively on academic performance and a discretionary admission (DA) track where applicants can instead gain admission on the basis of demonstrated non-academic qualities. Comparing students admitted through each track, we find that DA students fare similarly in terms of academic performance in university as marginal students admitted through the regular route. However, they are significantly more likely to be involved in optional academic and non-academic college activities and earn substantially higher labor market earnings up to three years after graduation. These results are not driven by the DA process differentially selecting students on the basis of family background or unobserved academic ability.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to measure graduate students’ academic hardiness (GSAH) and academic self-efficacy (GSASE) and to examine the relationships between the two. A total of 202 graduate students across disciplines were recruited to complete two questionnaires (GSAH and GSASE). Results of exploratory factor analyses showed that the GSAH and GSASE were reliable for assessing graduate students’ academic hardiness and academic self-efficacy. Comparing master’s and doctoral students’ scores in the GSAH and GSASE scales, we found that doctoral students outperformed master’s students. The findings also revealed that three dimensions of GSAH (commitment, control of affect, and challenge) were strong predictors of graduate students’ academic self-efficacy. These results confirm and strengthen the relation between graduate students’ academic hardiness and academic self-efficacy. This study calls attention to graduate students’ ability to recognize and appraise causes of their failure and to learn how to overcome academic difficulties.  相似文献   


International doctoral students’ sojourn encompasses three transitional processes: to the new country, to the university and to a new academic identity as a researcher in a specific discipline. This article examines the role of social networks in facilitating these transitions for international doctoral students at one South African university. It is based on qualitative interviews conducted with 23 international PhD students representing eight different disciplines and various countries in Africa. The findings suggest that students are involved in a number of social networks, which all, apart from the academic network, exclude local students. This close-knit co-national network, while providing international PhD students with a well documented survival mechanism, may hinder their international experiences and limit the acquisition of the inter-cultural skills necessary for global citizenship in the twenty-first century. The findings also indicated that family networks back home played a role in instilling worries and doubts among students related to xenophobic attacks against foreigners.  相似文献   

Today's doctoral programs continue to prepare students for a traditional academic career path despite the inadequate supply of research-focused faculty positions. We advocate for a broader doctoral curriculum that prepares trainees for a wide range of science-related career paths. In support of this argument, we describe data from our survey of doctoral students in the basic biomedical sciences at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Midway through graduate training, UCSF students are already considering a broad range of career options, with one-third intending to pursue a non-research career path. To better support this branching career pipeline, we recommend that national standards for training and mentoring include emphasis on career planning and professional skills development to ensure the success of PhD-level scientists as they contribute to a broadly defined global scientific enterprise.  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,越来越多的工科博士生参与大学的学术创业活动,作为科研训练的一种重要方式,学术创业对工科博士教育产生了重要影响。基于对16名工科博士生深度访谈材料的扎根分析,本研究发现,参与学术创业,促进了工科博士生科研能力的提升,非学术技能的习得,广阔的学术观和多元职业观的形成。为回应学术创业对工科博士教育的影响,建议培养单位形成多元培养观,优选和拓展学术创业项目,提升工科博士生的科研能力和学术创业能力。  相似文献   

This investigation focuses on Chinese doctoral students’ career expectations, and examines how the students’ career expectations changed over time under the influence of doctoral training based on survey data of 1467 doctoral students from 8 Chinese universities. Doctoral students’ evaluations of doctoral training were identified. The examination indicates that more than half of doctoral students expect a non-academic profession, and more than 70% of students did not alter their professional expectations radically over time. Logistic regression model results indicate that doctoral students’ career expectations and their changes over time were influenced by doctoral training in their university environment, students’ relationships with supervisors, and students’ experiences of collaboration with non-academic organizations. Doctoral students are dissatisfied with doctoral training that does not encourage and prepare them for diverse career paths. We conclude that in the present environment, the goal of doctoral training should not only be the reproduction of “academic successors” but also be the cultivation of “versatile experts.”  相似文献   

刘多  李石坚 《科教导刊》2020,(2):64-65,68
研究生教育承担着高端人才供给和科学技术创新的双重使命。"双一流"背景下抓内涵促质量日益成为研究生教育改革与发展的主旋律,而国际化培养是研究生教育发展的必经之路。浙江大学将博士生的课程学习、合作研究和国际交流有机结合,优化博士生课程体系、推进博士生国际合作与交流、营造校园国际化氛围,构建了学习(Academics)、研究(Research)、交流(Exchange)三位一体的"ARE"博士生国际化培养模式,有效提升了博士生的科研创新能力和国际交流能力,培养了一批具有国际视野的拔尖创新人才。  相似文献   

In a globalising world, international mobility in higher education is an important phenomenon for students and higher education institutions. It is therefore essential to understand the factors that determine international students' satisfaction with higher education institutions that serve as hosts. Through research of an exploratory, quantitative nature, this study presents results from a survey among 289 incoming international students in two universities in Germany and Portugal. Our findings show that the factor we define as educational experience was an important determinant of student satisfaction. Furthermore, the appraisal of academic reputation is dependent on the university. We conclude that satisfaction with academic factors is more important for international students than satisfaction with non-academic aspects.  相似文献   

东北师范大学的博士生培养改革,以全面提高培养质量为根本出发点,以“确保科学研究贯穿博士生培养整个过程”为最高原则,以“强化培养过程,优化培养环境”为重点,主要举措包括:改革课程学习环节,强化课程学习的研究训练功能;调整论文评价取向,重点考察独立从事科学研究的潜力;健全导师指导制度,注重对博士生自主学习和独立研究的指导;完善论文审查制度,实现过程指导和过程监控的有机结合;加强学术交流,营造浓厚的学术氛围。改革取得了初步成效。  相似文献   

郭秉文是中国第二所国立综合性大学即东南大学的创始人,主张平等对待中西文化,吸收其精华而形成新的文化。大学要担负起这种使命,必须首先成为国内、国际学术交流的中心。在这一思想的指导下,东南大学迅速成为国内最大的学术交流中心,不仅是中国科学社的大本营、学衡派的策源地,还是中国新教育的中心、史地研究会的所在地。同时,东南大学又是国际学术和文化交流的窗口,每年都邀请各国的著名学者来东南大学访学、讲演;东南大学也选派留学生、教师出国学习、考察,并尝试利用外资,开展中外合作办学,参与国际教育事务管理。在此交流过程中,东南大学迅速崛起,成为蜚声海内外的高等学府。  相似文献   

来华留学生教育是新时期我国高等教育对外开放不可或缺的组成部分,也是当前“一带一路”建设的基础性和先导性环节。实施改革开放政策以来,来华留学生教育由封闭走向开放,经历了主动调整、“入世”后迅速发展和“一带一路”倡议提出后服务国家战略三个阶段。经过四十多年的努力,来华留学生规模稳步扩大,来华留学生教育管理制度逐步规范,教育质量明显提升,来华留学生专业结构和层次结构逐渐优化。但与留学生教育发达的国家相比,仍存差距。未来,来华留学生教育需要补齐短板,完善留学生服务配套措施、创新趋同化管理制度和提高我国高等教育的质量,进一步建设我国教育对外开放的新格局,全面提升来华留学生教育的国际影响力。  相似文献   

There is general agreement in the literature that international students are more likely to plagiarise compared to their native speaker peers and, in many instances, plagiarism is unintentional. In this article we describe the effectiveness of an academic writing development programme embedded into a Biological Sciences Taught Masters course designed to reduce unintentional plagiarism amongst international students in the cohort. We compared plagiarism rates in the years before and after the implementation of the writing intervention. In addition, we analysed data from a high response rate questionnaire (87.8%: class of 90 students) designed to evaluate students’ perceptions of the usefulness of the writing development programme and to elicit information about their prior educational experiences which might relate to plagiarism. Our combined quantitative and qualitative data show that an early pedagogical response reduced plagiarism levels amongst international students. However, the UK and international students in the same cohort reported markedly different responses to the writing programme. We therefore suggest that, if international students are provided with an initial opportunity to practise academic writing and receive feedback, they are more likely to be successful when writing coursework assignments later on. However, any initial writing development programme should be adapted to accommodate the differing needs of the UK and international students within the cohort.  相似文献   

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