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植物学教学改革的探索与实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了提高植物学的教学效果,适应21世纪科学发展的趋势和对人才培养的要求,本文结合多年来植物学的教学经验,就教学内容、教学方法、教学手段、实验方式及考核方式等方面对植物学教学改革进行了探索与实践。  相似文献   

多媒体手段与大学物理教学整体组合模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在探索与多媒体手段教学相适应的教学方法的基础上,提出了多媒体手段与大学物理教学整体组合模式,认为这种模式有利于大学物理教学手段和教学方法的改进,对提高教学质量具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

This study aimed at providing explanation and prediction of principals’ inclusive education intentions and practices under the framework of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). A sample of 209 principals from Hong Kong schools was surveyed using five scales that were developed to assess the five components of TPB: attitude, subjective norm, perceived behaviour control, intention, and behaviour. Rasch analysis was utilised to examine the psychometric quality of the scales and generate principals’ measures, which were subsequently subjected to path analysis to investigate the relationships among the five components. The results revealed a good model–data fit. Principals’ attitude and perceived subjective norm were strong and significant predictors of their intention to implement inclusive education. The predictive power of perceived behaviour control on intention was not significant. Intention and perceived behaviour control were found to have significant predictive power for principals’ reported inclusive practice. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术的迅速发展和互联网的日益普及,期刊的形式已不再仅限于纸质版。非纸化学术期刊最显著的特点是它改变了传统学术交流的方式与期刊出版的流程,使期刊逐步脱离了纸介质,借助互联网、多媒体、移动终端等以数字版形式存在。面对期刊非纸化潮流,传统学术期刊出版单位应准确把握刊物的定位和受众的特点,由浅入深、循序渐进地实现非纸化转型;同时,应善于“借船出海”,实现自身、网络媒介平台、读者三方的多赢。  相似文献   

在素质教育的运行过程中,一定程度上存在着专业知识的传授和能力发展的强势彰显,科学精神与人文精神的失衡等缺失,因此有必要在倡导素质教育的过程中,充分认识通识教育的地位,把它看成是素质教育的一种现实性选择.  相似文献   

Despite increased research into team science and collaboration, little is known about postdoctoral scholars’ pathways to becoming independent researchers, particularly as it relates to the mentoring relationship. The purpose of our study was to explore if and how the team science framework promotes collaboration and the development of independent researchers from mentees’ and mentors’ perspectives. A convenience sample of faculty mentors and postdoctoral mentees, participated in semi-structured interviews. The analysis revealed three themes for the mentees: working with others, evaluating mentoring, exploring resources, and five themes for the mentors: elaborating on scholarly productivity, mentoring style, setting team culture, strategies to develop T32 scholars, and evaluating program qualities. The findings showed that scholars were engaged in an atmosphere of collaboration fostered by their mentors and that mentors encouraged scholars’ capacity for scientific thinking. Future studies should acquire the perspectives of all team members to examine how teams function.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to examine how implementing a new pedagogical structure, Academic Choice, informs my understanding of my students as learners and individuals. Using a self-study methodology over the course of eight working sessions in my Kindergarten classroom, I collected multiple forms of qualitative data, including student work samples, focal student observations, structured interviews, and research journal entries containing my own reflections as well as notes on consultations with critical friends. These data were analyzed inductively by connecting observations and patterns from across these sources. Findings indicated that providing a choice in content allowed struggling students to self-differentiate, that one-on-one interactions were essential to understanding a student's choice and work process, and that advanced students needed support to challenge themselves. Furthermore, I found that developmental stage, time allotted for working, and social construction of knowledge were important factors to consider in structuring these working sessions.  相似文献   

Play behavior in the year-old infant: early sex differences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The present paper examines if developmental pathways for students at risk for academic failure can be improved through social and emotional learning (SEL). Specifically, we test this hypothesis by accounting for shifts in student engagement, a highly studied and malleable construct often inclusive of SEL interventions, as the pathway by which to impact student achievement outcomes. Using longitudinal data from a randomized control trial, we identified students at risk for school failure (n?=?318) within a larger sample of fifth graders (N?=?1,352). Multigroup path model revealed that participation in RULER significantly impacted the relationship between student engagement and conduct behaviors for at risk students: students who experienced RULER demonstrated increased engagement a year later (at sixth grade) and improved conduct the following year (in seventh grade). The potential for and limitations of SEL programs on developmental trajectories for students at risk for school failure are discussed.  相似文献   

This article takes an anti-essentialist approach to the gendered construction of the science curriculum and its exclusivity. Drawing on post-structuralist theory, it examines the student subject positions that are generated within the dominant discourses and practices of curriculum science. A critical discourse analysis of student interview talk demonstrates the importance of both gender and ethnicity in the production of, or rejection of, scientist identities. While hegemonic masculinity can provide comfortable scientist identities for some males, femininity is less compatible with physical scientist subjectivities, although the 'otherness' of ethnicity can provide exceptions to this. Meanwhile, constructivist discourses of science, more often associated with biology, offer the possibility of a wider range of student scientist identities that transcend masculine/feminine dualisms. This approach to gender and science not only explains why physical science remains the preserve of a largely male elite without resorting to essentialism, but also offers evidence that wider inclusivity requires reconfiguration of the nature of science in the curriculum.  相似文献   


Given the lack of information in either the school counseling or the gifted education fields on how school counselors and educators of the gifted work together, research into how individuals from both professions collaborate to serve gifted students and their families becomes important. The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study was to examine gifted teachers' and coordinators' experiences working with school counselors. Fourteen participants, serving in a variety of K–12 settings, engaged in interviews regarding their different experiences working with their school counselors. Five primary themes resulted from these participants' reported experiences, including educators'/counselors' training and preparation, meeting gifted students' needs through service delivery, school counselors' perceptions and beliefs, systemic barriers and facilitators of collaboration, and teacher and counselor collaborative efforts. These findings are discussed with regard to current literature on gifted education, school counseling, and professional collaboration.  相似文献   

伴随欠发达地市区域经济发展速度的不断加快,区域职业教育需求日益扩大,发展空间不断拓展.在研究国内外区域职业教育发展现状和经验基础上,剖析当前面临的困境和优势,结合区域经济社会的战略发展需要,提出区域职业教育跨越式发展的路径、发展模式和相应的质量保障体系.  相似文献   

Middle school subjects of 13-2lyears (from 4 nationalities) were used for studying the relationship between progressive cognition and personality characteristics by Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices and Eysenk's Personality Questionnaire. The results showed: (1) the correlation and stepwise regression were completely identical: P score was negatively related to progressive cognition; E score was positively related to progressive cognition. (2) With the personality characteristics and the personal variables as independent variables, the stepwise regression indicated: E score was the most predictors of progressive cognition, and then was nation, culture degree of mother and father, P, age, sex, mathematics and language achievements.  相似文献   

In a recently published article in Cultural Studies of Science Education (Volume 6, Issue 2) titled, What does playing cards have to do with science? A resource-rich view of African American young men, Alfred Schademan (Cult Stud Sci Educ 6:361–380, 2011) examines the resources that African American young men learn through playing a card came called Spades. In his ethnographic study, he takes a resource-rich view of the players, highlights the science-related resources they demonstrate, and challenges deficit notions of these young men. Three Forum response papers complement Schademan’s research. The first is written by Nancy Ares, the second is coauthored by Allison Gonsalves, Gale Seiler, and Dana Salter, and the third is written by Philemon Chigeza. All three of these response papers elaborate on his points and emphasize issues inherent in working towards resource-rich views in science education. In this paper, I draw on all four papers to explore the possibilities in recognizing, highlighting, and accepting the resources that students bring as being resources for science learning.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - In this paper I investigate the college enrollment decisions of a nationally representative cohort of students who first attended in the mid-2000s. I find that while...  相似文献   

从制度研究的角度探讨了制度对学术自由的限制,并把这种在外界强迫下所进行的不自由的学术研究统称为强迫学术。从强迫学术的存在及其一般表现分析入手,探讨了造成强迫学术的内在和外在制度的根源。针对强迫学术存在的内外制度根源,提出要从大学组织转型和制度创新两个方面努力,以打破强迫学术的藩篱。  相似文献   

Males traditionally outperform females on measures of both visuospatial ability and science achievement. This experiment directly tests a manipulation designed to compensate for such differences through the presentation of relevant illustrations or animations to support the construction of understanding of a specific scientific phenomenon. Males and females read a scientific text about plate tectonics that contained static illustrations, animated versions of the static illustrations, or no illustrations. Participants were assessed on their visuospatial ability and also working memory capacity. Results indicated that while males outperformed females on both the visuospatial measure and overall science learning, the presence of animations effectively eliminated performance differences for this science topic. These results suggest that sex differences in learning outcomes can be overcome by supporting the visualization of scientific phenomena.  相似文献   

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