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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between teachers’ perceived student misbehaviour and emotional exhaustion, and the role of teacher efficacy beliefs (related to handling student misbehaviour) and emotion regulation in this relationship. Additionally, we examined teacher turnover intentions in relation to emotional exhaustion. Data were collected from 610 elementary, middle‐ and high‐school teachers using an online survey. Results indicate that despite the significant direct effect between the two emotion regulation strategies (cognitive reappraisal, expressive suppression) on emotional exhaustion, both strategies failed to show a mediating effect between perceived student misbehaviour and emotional exhaustion. However, teacher efficacy in handling student misbehaviour was found to mediate the relationship between perceived student misbehaviour and emotional exhaustion. In turn, a significant relationship was found between emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions. Furthermore, teacher perception of student misbehaviour was found to have a considerable indirect effect on teacher turnover intentions. Findings signify the importance of developing strategies that enhance teachers’ situation‐specific efficacy beliefs.  相似文献   

A group of postgraduate (secondary school) student teachers attending a teacher training course in York (England) and Stavanger (Norway) completed a questionnaire at the start (N = 174) and at the end (N = 128) of their course which explored their views regarding the factors accounting for pupil misbehaviour, the frequency of pupil misbehaviour, the strategies for dealing with pupil misbehaviour, and their confidence that as a full‐time teacher they will have the skills needed to keep pupils engaged in their work and to deal with pupil misbehaviour that occurs. Overall, the major factor accounting for pupil misbehaviour was reported to be ‘parents who do not instil pro‐school values in their children’; the most frequent pupil misbehaviour reported was ‘talking out of turn (e.g. calling out, interrupting, inappropriate remarks or distracting chatter during the lesson)’; and the strategy rated most positively was ‘establish clear and consistent school and classroom rules about the behaviours that are acceptable and that are unacceptable’. Both the York and Stavanger students grew in confidence over the year. The study also highlights areas where there appear to be shifts in students' views over the course of their training year and differences between the students across the two settings (York and Stavanger).  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a documentary analysis of 300 disciplinary orders against teachers from the General Teaching Council (GTC) for England. While the extant literature concerning teacher misbehaviour focuses primarily on pedagogical practice, this article draws on the wider organisational misbehaviour paradigm and views teachers as professional employees rather than just classroom practitioners. As such, teachers are embedded within the complexity of organisational systems, procedures and interrelationships as well as being regulated by professional standards. The analysis found that teachers were disciplined for misbehaviours both internal to the employing school and also activities, primarily criminal, that were external to their employment. The article argues that the professional regulation of teaching, being accountable inside and outside of work and the emotional labour of teaching should define teacher misbehaviour as separate from generic organisational misbehaviour frameworks. Furthermore, it argues that, while the GTC viewed teacher misbehaviour as a product of the individual, organisational contexts are also important antecedents of activities that are considered deviant.  相似文献   

本文从探索教育心理学规律入手,多方面分析了学生在学习过程中所反映出的种种心理特征及思维规律,并探讨教师应采取的相应教学法,以达到更理想的教学效果。  相似文献   

李晓林 《海外英语》2012,(18):263-264
In recent years,teacher education,as an important part of educational issues,has attracted governments’attention in the world and made some achievements.Chinese people often say that education is the hope for the revitalization of the nation,and teacher education is the hope for the revitalization of education.Thus,teacher education plays an important role in the devel opment of the whole nation.This essay aims to find out the respective advantages and disadvantages of the teacher education pro grams in China and the America,through the comparison of their specific characteristics.It will also explore what the Chinese teacher education system can benefit from the successful experiences of that in the U.S.  相似文献   

教育生态学是依据生态学的原理,研究各种教育现象及其成因,进而掌握教育发展规律,揭示教育发展趋势的一门学科。文章从教育生态学的基本规律出发分析信息技术与课程整合的过程,分析整合中各要素的相互作用,揭示整合现状产生的原因。最后指出整合系统将遵循着这些规律,在不断的失调平衡中前进。  相似文献   


Teacher education exists today in a context of rapid globalization, which affects the systems in which future teachers will work, the governance of teachers’ work, the students teachers will be teaching, as well as the policies, programs, curricula and students in teacher education itself. Several ideas recently have gained traction internationally and are shaping the working landscape of teaching and teacher education in many countries. This essay critically examines the circulation of what appear to be a small set of ‘core’ ideas that are influencing national and institutional policies of teacher education. I explore the emergence of new players in teacher education internationally, including individuals, corporations, and international bodies. Using policy documents, influential research studies, university program statements, and interviews, the essay provides a discursive analysis of the contradictory voices in what is becoming a global conversation of teacher education. In many ways, these ideas marginalize the voices of teachers and teacher educators. They tend to narrow the definitions of education and teaching. As a counterpoint to these widely circulating arguments, I explore how reciprocal teacher education exchange programs in China and the US create opportunities for alternative constructions of visions of teaching and teacher learning.  相似文献   

教育关系到一个国家国民素质的提高,师资力量又是影响教育质量的重要因素之一。“师荒”是抗战时期国统区教育界存在的一个严重问题,目前学术界对此问题的研究还比较薄弱。本文对抗战时期国统区初等教育界“师荒”问题的表现与危害以及国民政府为解决“师荒”问题采取的措施作初步探析,以求有助于抗战时期教育问题的深入研究,并为当今教育政策的制定提供某些启示。  相似文献   

A good teacher has various characteristics. We can observe directly teachers’ behaviors or read their professional papers. However, the effective way is to have teachers tell their personal life history or educational autobiography. The personal knowledge of a good teacher will be revealed through the personal life history. According to numerous educational autobiographies, a good teacher has two characteristics: being kind to students and having passion.  相似文献   

随着计算机多媒体技术和网络技术的迅速发展,计算机辅助教学已成为当前教育发展的一大主流.文章阐述了CAI具有传统教学模式所不具备的优势,同时也指出,部分教师因未能深刻理解CAI在教学中的具体定位而导致在应用该项技术时出现了一定的偏差.作者分析了计算机辅助教学的真正作用,对软件的开发、教师的培训,以及在新的教学模式下教师的角色等问题作了深刻的探讨.  相似文献   

杜威是哲学家,亦是教育哲学家,本身也是教师,是有高度理论思维能力和表达能力的教师。杜威的教育理论是对其教育教学实践切身体悟的结晶,可以说是其个人教育哲学的表达。既有高度的教育理论素养又有教育实践智慧和教育理想追求是杜威对好教师形象的表达。从教育理论素养上讲,好教师应形成个人的教育哲学;从教育实践智慧上讲,好教师应能激发和维持学生的理智兴趣;从教育理想追求上讲,好教师应努力培养有价值的社会成员。  相似文献   

党和国家提出支持高水平综合大学开展教师教育,而事实上这类大学参与教师教育的积极性并不高。为此,本文对世界一流大学参与教师教育的特征进行分析,以期为我国高水平大学参与教师教育提供借鉴。研究发现,世界一流大学参与教师教育表现出历史经验的丰富性、教育目标的卓越性、教育研究的突破性、人才培养的特色性、参与范围的全球性等特征。我国世界一流大学建设高校应该结合基础教育转型、教师教育与教育学科发展需求以及大学自身发展实际,积极参与教师教育。  相似文献   

Being a proficient and professional teacher in Australia and similar countries is one of the most difficult and complex occupations imaginable. All teachers are confronted with carefully analysing the mix of socio-economic and cultural factors that present and design appropriate learning strategies that engage all students. Within this context, the following essay considers the purpose and structure of initial teacher preparation and possible changes to more traditional arrangements. It advocates a new type of school-university partnership where reflective cycles of practice-theory establish a close relationship with knowledge for all participants and where personal practice is the necessary condition of learning. Schools and classrooms are theorised as democratic public spheres where participants pursue understanding of serious issues for equity and the public good. Implications of partnership and public sphere for a new form of educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This essay explores what it takes to work toward a future of equitable pedagogy and schooling through the presentation of a short ethnographic play entitled The Card (2004). The play is 1 of 5 critically performed ethnographies written to engage pre-service teacher education students in thinking about social justice in education. The essay begins with a discussion of how critical performed ethnography works as an example of "engaged pedagogy" and the ways in which its form and content can promote anti-oppression teacher education. This discussion is followed by the presentation of the play. The Card tells the story of Roberto Rodriguez, a high school teacher, who comes out as a gay man when he tries to help a student being bullied. Embedded in the ethnographic play are the kinds of social practices and beliefs needed to achieve an educational future that recognises social difference and strives for equity. Following the play, a short commentary discusses these practices and beliefs in a more explicit way. The essay concludes with a brief discussion of the questions and issues a recent performance of The Card raised for other teacher educators. This discussion allows for the examination of how the play encourages readers, performers, and spectators to both recognise and respond to social difference in ways that will move schools toward a more equitable future.  相似文献   

魏书生语文教学管理思想新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
名特级教师魏书生语教学管理思想的根本特征是无管理的管理,其奥秘在于他在学生心灵深处点燃了求知欲望,深度唤醒其情意力量。他语教学管理思想中的三项基本原则,即:能本原则、民主原则和科学原则。  相似文献   

在对教师资格证书制度的内涵与意义进行解读的基础上,文章分析了当前主要发达国家实施教师资格证书制度的现状及趋势,并对我国教师资格证书制度的完善提出建议。  相似文献   

郑富兴 《学科教育》2014,(5):105-112
关于教师道德的评价存在两个矛盾的现象,一是教师社会声誉下降与教师呼吁道德减负并存,二是好人与好教师在“应试教育”下相互冲突。教师是否应该是好人成为了一个问题。忽视或弱化教师的个人道德是现代学校教育的工具化、技术化与功利化的后果。面对教育体制的不道德,教师仍应该是好人。教师道德评价的框架和内容从个人-职业、公共私人两个维度可以概括为私德、公德、师道和师德(专业伦理)这四种类型。教师道德评价的重点应该是教师德慧,即一种基于公共教育责任的价值立场处理不同类型的教师道德的平衡能力。  相似文献   

教师教育改革的理论、模式与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现教师教育的专业化、职前职后的一体化是国际教师教育的发展趋势,进行教师教育改革既是建设创新型国家、实施人才强国战略的必然要求,也是教师教育市场开放态势下市场竞争和高等师范院校间综合实力竞技以及基础教育和学生就业双刃剑作用下的必然结果。从各师范大学的改革实践来看,教师教育的培养模式正趋于多样化。通过教师教育改革,可以实现教师教育与学科教育的相对独立,使教师教育与学科教育专业化;实现教师职前培养与职后培训一体化,使教师教育体系更加完整;实现教师教育资源的整合与共享,使教师教育资源发挥更大的效力;实现教育科学研究与服务社会的有机统一,使理论与实践的结合更加紧密;实现高等教育质量与基础教育质量的共同提高,使教师教育与基础教育形成联动关系;实现与国际教师教育高等院校合作,使教师教育办学形式国际化。  相似文献   

“顶岗实习,置换培训”是教师教育的一种活动,需要精心组织实施。它创新了钦州学院师范教育的实训模式、师资培训的形式和教师教育的工作机制,激活了教师教育各要素的积极性。它在实施中反映的教师培训联系农村中学不够和师范生教师职业知识和技能的某些缺失,需要钦州学院通过强化服务意识,深化教师教育改革来加强解决;还有“顶岗实习”与“置换培训”的时间选择、范围的扩大等问题,也需要探索。  相似文献   

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