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This case study analyzed the cognitive strategies of Ethan, a gifted youth, when performing a Stop Signal Task assessing cognitive control processes including response inhibition as well as proactive and reactive adjustments of response. In the case of Ethan, the response inhibition score was biased, revealing that Ethan did not follow the instructions but challenged them and was successful in doing this. Specifically, he made important proactive adjustments, by both slowing down and speeding up (i.e., risk taking) his responses according to the likelihood of the apparition of the stop signal (triggering response inhibition). Ethan’s performance indicated that he perfectly understood the procedure behind the task and completed it according to his own comprehension. Ethan’s results showed that researchers and clinicians must be careful when assessing gifted children and adolescents by using tasks that they cannot defeat.  相似文献   

本文尝试从总结宽恕教育的涵义出发,探讨教师的宽恕行为在教育活动中对于学生身心发展,教师自身素质提高的重要意义。提出教师在教育工作中应该学会利用共情、责任归因、提高人格等方法宽恕学生的过失,最终建立和谐良好、互信互爱的师生关系。  相似文献   

高职专业课程具有社会职业针对性的特点使得当前高职院校的专业课程既要帮助学生通过职业资格考试(“应试”),又要体现高职课程实际操作的特征(“实操”)。然而,目前职业资格考试的内容和方法与实际操作的脱节,资格考试通过率的限制以及两种教学要求所导向的教学输入和输出的明显不同给教师和学生带来适应混乱并使课程教学的管理和教学效果的评估无法按要求实施等原因,使得实际教学过程中“应试”和“实探”难以两全,并产生了一系列的困扰。文章以“报关理论与实务”课为例说明了困扰的产生,并对如何解除这些困扰进行了思考和探索。  相似文献   

This paper explores ways of uncovering and documenting teachers' professional knowledge. Through a research project that has worked with a number of teachers over an extensive period of time, serious attempts have been made to make the (often) tacit nature of teachers' knowledge more explicit in ways that might begin to address the question of what a knowledge base in teaching might look like. The paper examines methodological issues that have guided this research and illustrates how the knowledge of teachers can be articulated in ways that might help to clarify particular features of practice. An important aspect of the research reported in this paper is the need to have a language of teaching that is common to participants. Therefore, the research reported in this paper offers one way of considering this issue and offers a methodology for exploration and further development whilst simultaneously highlighting some aspects of the problematic nature of developing such a methodology.  相似文献   

We are in an unprecedented period of call for educational improvement. This paper explores the reasons why this generation's educational reform period is lasting much longer than previous reform periods. It then asks what can be done, and looks at several “promising programs” for improving students’ learning. Third, the paper argues not just for valid teaching methods and programs, but also for high reliability implementation methods. Adults create and implement programs, students experience schooling, including new reading programs, as the programs are presented. In a high reliability organization, schooling as designed by adults would be very nearly the same as schooling experienced by children. The paper ends with implications of this reasoning.


The twelve-year long battle over the relicensure of the Kingsley Dam in western Nebraska is a representative anecdote of environmental regulation. Typical of regulatory discourse, the metaphor of “balance” determined the available fopoi. We argue that “balance” procedurally diminishes the public, cloaks the subjectivity of decision making, and reduces the reasonable rhetor to the role of umpire. Finally, we explore rhetorical strategies for undermining the appeal to “balance.”  相似文献   

由对抗到妥协:宪政的平衡性探析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
宪政的平衡性是指宪政各构成要素在运作过程中依据既定的制度设置和程序规则在对峙、制约的基础上呈现出的相对稳定、共存的状态。“对抗”与“妥协”是其中最重要的两个要素。早期英国及西欧国家出现的“对抗性权力”,对宪政的生成具有重要意义,正是“对抗性权力”的发展才逐步确立了宪政制度。  相似文献   

近些年大学教学学术(SoTL)日益受到我国高校教师的广泛关注.SoTL是关于大学教师如何结合自己的教学实践开展学术研究以便改进学生学习的基本方式.本文首先介绍了一个大学教学学术的概念框架,然后介绍了一个案例研究,并用这个概念框架分析了这个案例研究,以此展示大学教学学术研究的一般程序和要求.作者希望这篇文章能启发和帮助中国大学教师开展更多的高质量大学教学学术研究.  相似文献   

Guided design is a systematic approach to instruction which is centered upon the learner's ability to solve open-ended problems that typify the situations he or she will experience as a professional in the field. The content is taught by self-instructional materials that have been systematically developed. The problem-solving process is taught using group projects that are designed to afford maximum utilization of the content in solving the problem presented by the case.  相似文献   


This article examines the initial journey of a middle school in South Carolina from a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) curriculum to a STEAM (STEM + art) curriculum. This is the first of a three-year longitudinal study that investigated the perceptions of the effectiveness, relative importance, and sustainability of a STEAM curriculum in which the arts animated learning on a daily basis for both teachers and administrators during the first year of implementation beginning in the fall 2014. The article also investigates the response that the faculty of a STEM-oriented middle school had to the induction of STEAM curriculum training.  相似文献   

大学生宿舍文化的建设,有利于营造积极、和谐、健康的学习生活环境,也有利于促进学校与学生之间良好的交流互动,对于高校思想政治工作和长期的发展规划都具有积极的影响.自律委坚持事实求是、服务师生的原则,把学校的发展目标与学生的素质教育放在首位,从制订相关的指导性约束条文开始,积极参与日常宿舍管理、全面开展宿舍宣传教育、大力组织宿舍文化活动,循序渐进地建设表层、中层、深层宿舍文化相融合的完整的宿舍文化体系,并取得了一定成效,这对于高校的大学生宿舍文化建设,具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Changing demographics, low Latino graduation rates, and changes to education funding—nationally and locally—challenge society to develop innovative strategies to navigate transformations affecting public education. This article presents findings from a collaborative community-engaged evaluation of a dropout prevention program for at-risk male Latino students. Our mixed-methods evaluation finds that the program has had a positive overall impact on its participants. In particular, program participation was associated with an overall rise in grade point averages, fewer failing grades, and a higher probability of graduation, compared to nonparticipants. With respect to behavioral changes, attendance was not improved over the period of program involvement; however, the number of behavioral referrals decreased dramatically. In addition, students and staff members reported that the program enhanced the students’ academic and career attitudes and aspirations. This work reveals the value of innovative programs and targeted interventions outside the classroom for at-risk students.  相似文献   

体会、契合、内化演讲语言节奏,能达到有效感知、运用和提升演讲节奏的目的。演讲对其处理,必须优选具有指导性和操作性的途径,措施和方法。  相似文献   

Universities are often characterized as highly resistant to change, but this is not always true. In circumstances of major threat to institutional survival they may be as susceptible to change as any other large complex organization. This article presents a case study of major organizational change in a mid-sized (17,000 students) university in Ontario, Canada. It concludes that, while formal internal processes may vary from one institution to another, many of the tenets of change theory applicable to other organizations also apply in universities. Lessons about when and how such change can be effected are suggested.  相似文献   

The means and resources used by an organization are best understood within the context of results and payoffs. Organizations, both public and private, are means to societal ends. In order to be accountable for their value to society, organizations must demonstrate that what they produce and/or deliver is of positive value for the time, money, and resources invested. If an organization is to spend time, money, and resources on interventions, social initiatives, organizational re-alignment, or a quality management/continuous improvement process, leaders and decision makers frequently want to know if the value of their results is worth the investments. The Cost-Consequences Analysis offers a coarse-grain estimate of return-on-in-vestment when there is not the necessity nor time and/or resources available for a complete determination of all of the variables that actually go into a return-on-investment analysis.  相似文献   

教育行动研究对中小学教师而言,不仅仅是一种值得汲取的思想,更应是一种付诸实践的行动。本文围绕"个案描述—个案分析—个案归类—新个案创设—问题研究"五个环节,阐述了教育行动研究在我国中小学实践的一种模式。  相似文献   

The psychological needs of college students lead to overwhelming demand on college counseling centers’ resources. In this article, we review models of case management in Higher Education including the administrative, behavioral intervention, and counseling center models. We also present a case study of the 3-year development of a counseling center case management service. Initial data suggest that expanding the role of a counseling center case manager to allow for frequent appointments/follow-up and standardizing counseling center case management procedures led to improved appointment attendance and increased communication with students following referral. A vignette and suggestions for other centers are also presented.  相似文献   

The twelve-year long battle over the relicensure of the Kingsley Dam in western Nebraska is a representative anecdote of environmental regulation. Typical of regulatory discourse, the metaphor of "balance" determined the available fopoi. We argue that "balance" procedurally diminishes the public, cloaks the subjectivity of decision making, and reduces the reasonable rhetor to the role of umpire. Finally, we explore rhetorical strategies for undermining the appeal to "balance."  相似文献   

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