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Three male and eight female Finnish students practised argumentation in two e-mail study groups as part of an academic debating course during spring 1998. The course involved two lectures, argumentative texts with exercises and e-mail discussions relating to the texts. The discussions were organised around free debate and role play. The data consisted of the 326 e-mail messages sent by the students during the course. The data analyses focused on (1) the interactivity and argumentativeness of the students' messages, (2) the types of roles that the students assumed during the interaction, and (3) the effects of the method of working and gender on the quality of interaction. The results indicated that 78% of the messages were interactive (i.e. they included one or more references to a fellow student's message). In general, the students expressed elaborative neutrality and grounded disagreement towards each other's arguments. The roles most commonly adopted during the discussions were those of participation and support. The students produced more grounded disagreement and more often assumed attacking and problematising roles during role play than during free debate. In contrast, supportive and participatory roles and replies showing agreement were more common during free debate. Women showed agreement more often than men, while counter-attacking and participatory roles and elaborative neutrality were more common among men. The results suggest that the use of role play in the teaching of argumentation can lead to more focused and higher-level argumentative discussion.  相似文献   


Even though there is wide agreement on the importance of argumentation in modern societies, only a minority of students in secondary and postsecondary education receive direct and explicit instruction in argumentation. The present study describes the design and results of a test that was used to measure everyday argumentation skills of 186 undergraduate students in Bogotá (Colombia), before and after they completed a one-semester course in logic with emphasis in argumentation. Given that the students came from a variety of academic and socioeconomic backgrounds, this sample allowed us to estimate the potential influence of student-related characteristics on the effectiveness of instruction. On average, students showed significant improvement (d = 0.62), independently of their academic and socioeconomic characteristics. This suggests that receiving this kind of instruction can be beneficial for a wide range of students.  相似文献   

Levy  Philippa 《Instructional Science》2003,31(1-2):87-109
This paper presents a methodological frameworkfor practice-based research in the field ofnetworked learning, based on the author'sapproach to carrying out a case studyevaluation of a networked professionaldevelopment initiative for information servicesstaff in higher education. The theoreticalcase for the framework is made with referenceto principles associated with constructivistprogramme evaluation as well as withinterpretivist and critical traditions inaction research. The purposes and politics ofthis approach, and the question of validationcriteria for claims about its effectiveness forbuilding theory, as well as for evaluating andimproving practice, are discussed. Issues todo with using computer-mediated communicationas a medium for participatory research are alsoraised. An overview is given of the way thisresearch approach was implemented in practice(including the use of a combination of on-lineand face-to-face data collection methods) andsome methodological issues that arose in thecourse of carrying it out are highlighted. Thepaper concludes by suggesting that as amethodology for evaluating, theorising andimproving practice, `networked action research'also offers an approach to pedagogical design,most obviously in the context of networkedprofessional development for educators andlearner support staff.  相似文献   

To know whether students' achievements are the result of online interaction and not just a consequence of individual differences themselves, it seems essential to link the cognitive results to the students' online behavior (technological presence). In technological presence, interaction is based on the degree in which the online student senses the availability of, and connectedness with, other students, the teacher, and the context. Cognitive presence as a part of the interaction process of teaching and learning reflects the level of accomplishment in online learning environments (cognitive attainment). The purpose of this article is to show some evidence of the mutual influence of the students' technological behaviors and the students' cognitive factors in online learning environments – including teacher and instructional design factors. Two thousand one-hundred thirty written computer-mediated communications from 88 participants in four prototypical online learning activities have been analyzed for this purpose. The analysis shows the influence of technological presence on the quality of learning results of the online knowledge construction process. The conclusions point out the importance of considering technological presence as a new and complementary type of presence as it provides relevant information for instructional and technological design.  相似文献   

Case studies are central to the way management is currently taught at universities. Among other benefits attributed to the case study method is that it promotes networked thinking by learners. Networked thinking takes account of interactions and repercussions, making it crucial to decision-making within the complex system of rules that shapes current business reality. However, there is virtually no empirical evidence of the extent to which the case study method actually delivers the advantages attributed to it. This paper aims to remedy that gap in the literature. The paper considers the extent to which the case study method promotes networked thinking on the part of students on business and management courses. The research is designed as an intervention study involving pre- and post-testing. The study finds that students who have worked on a case study correctly identify more interactions in post-testing than in pre-testing.  相似文献   

Biology knowledge and understanding is important not only for the conversion of the loftiest dreams into reality for a better life of individuals but also for preparing secondary pupils for such fields as agriculture, medicine, biotechnology, and genetic engineering. But a recent study has revealed that many aspects of school science (biology included) pose problems of understanding for pupils, simply because of the teaching methods used and the lack of adequate instructional resources. Nevertheless, a program was designed to incorporate the use of computer technology innovation called the computer-mediated simulations (CMS) program to enhance pupils' learning outcomes in school biology. The study was carried out in a real biology classroom setting. It involved comparisons between the treatment and control groups. A Solomon-Three Group quasi-experimental design was employed to involve three secondary schools situated along Njoro-Mau Narok and Elburgon-Molo roads in Nakuru district that were purposively sampled on the basis of easy accessibility and the availability of IBM compatible computers. A total of 102 pupils enrolled in three intact classes were exposed to the same content on cell division for a period of 3 weeks. Three dependent measures—the Biology Achievement Test (BAT), the Biology Classroom Environment Questionnaire (BCEQ), and the Pupil Attitude Questionnaire (PAQ)—were used to assess the effectiveness of the program on the pupils' academic achievement in cell theory, their perception of the classroom environment, and attitudes towards the biology course on cell theory. The findings of the study affirmed the impact of the CMS program on the pupils' learning outcomes in that the mean gains of the participants in the treatment groups were significantly higher than that of their counterparts in the regular program. Also, the results indicated that the mean differences between the experimental group and the true control group were statistically significant in favor of the treatment group. The findings also showed no relationship between the participants' gender and their learning outcomes. The study concludes that the use of the CMS program to augment conventional biology teaching has major implications for secondary biology instruction in this area.  相似文献   

The general purpose of this research is todiscover principles for the design ofeducational tasks that provoke collaborativeargumentation. The specific research questionconcentrates on the relationship betweenquestion asking and argumentation and isexamined in three different collaborativelearning tasks involving advanced universitystudents. These studies aim at providingcriteria for organising educational situationsthat elicit argumentation during which opinionschange and new knowledge is being created,within constraints (course duration, examcriteria, student expectations) set by currenthigher education. We discuss some factorsinfluencing argumentation (the role of thestudent, peer, tutor, task, instruction andmedium) and specific attention is paid toquestion asking. Then we report three studiesconducted at our educational department. Thesestudies involve comparable students, a similardomain, but differ in many other respects: themode of communication (oral, typewritten), thepresence of the tutor, instruction onargumentation and/or question asking, assignedtask goals (competition, consensus), and thetype of required outcome. Each study revealsprominence of different types of questions andquestion generation mechanisms. In addition,the relations found between question asking andargumentation change between studies. Incomparing and interpreting these studies, wediscuss results in the light of provokingcollaborative argumentation in regular academiclearning situations.  相似文献   


Going via Bernard Stiegler’s theorisation of technology, and his response to Chris Anderson’s claim that the era of hyper-networked, algorithmically driven digital technologies signals the end of theory, this paper aims to place the educational practice of networked learning as a space to think the edge, excess or limit of this proposed algorithmic dominance. The author discusses how networked learning can negotiate the border between educational theory, the practice of teaching and learning, and the processes and systems of educational technology, but suggests that to do this it must engage these disciplines through a thinking of technology which does not decide upon its status in advance. He argues that affirming this particular relation to technology is increasingly urgent given we are at a moment in which educational institutions are asking how to prepare our students for an age of continuing technological disruption.  相似文献   

Generic skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and communication are essential for students' success in higher education and their careers. This article presents findings from an international study of students' (n ≈ 120,000) generic skills from six countries using a performance-based assessment. Results indicate that higher education students, on average, gain generic skills between entry and exit. However, learning gain is less marked than could be expected and varies significantly among country samples. Various background variables such as gender, ethnicity, parental level of education, and primary language are also explored. The authors conclude that it is feasible to reliably and validly measure generic skills in a cross-cultural context and that assessment of these skills is an essential component of best practices in higher education.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a naturalistic study of peer-to-peer learning, in a live, online video meeting context. Over a six-month period a group of international students of animation attended 99 live, online “study group” events amounting to around 120 hours of live “broadcast meeting time”. Some meetings were very large, with up to 34 participants, but the average participation was 10 students. These events were entirely self-organised, policed and managed by the student community. Some students emerged as natural mentors, and the group exhibited substantial supportive, mutually facilitative roles. This longitudinal study examines the impact of simple, live videoconferencing in an online peer learning context. The study also provides a formal measure of how learners can provide “symmetrical” support for each other in a live non-formal context, even without a formal scaffold of lectures and seminars.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of scaffolding computer-mediated discussions to improve moral reasoning and argumentation quality in pre-service teachers. Participants of this study were 76 teaching education students at a Turkish university. They were divided into three groups: (1) a computer-supported argumentation group; (2) a computer-mediated discussion group; and (3) a control group. Participants in the computer-supported argumentation group were instructed in argumentation, and were provided with note starters and graphical argumentation tools. The computer-mediated discussion group, however, was engaged in unstructured interaction on the Moodle forum, a free popular learning management system having a threaded discussion forum. The control group did not receive any instruction and neither did they participate in any discussions. As for the results, the computer-supported argumentation group outperformed the control group, but not the computer-mediated discussion group on DIT score and argumentation quality. Thus, it was concluded that both giving instruction on argumentation and appropriately designing the interfaces of computer-mediated discussion environments can enhance argumentation quality in students’ writings and also their moral reasoning.  相似文献   

这项研究考察了学生在参与计算机辅助合作讨论中,思想开放和性别对批判性教学的影响。研究发现:1)思想开放的学生在讨论问题时在提出的反驳次数上会有明显差异;2)性别不同的学生在提出反驳的次数上有显著差异;3)思想开放程度不同的男生之间,提出反驳的次数有显著差异;而在女生中则没有这种差异。4)思想开放程度不同的学生在面对挑战时作出的反应是一样的。这些发现表明了思想开放程度与性别之间是如何相互作用的、计算机辅助合作讨论中开放是如何影响学生的表现的,以及应对策略如何能用来分析和建构批判思维讨论的。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济文化的不断发展.在面对不断出现的新问题时,大学生们缺乏分析问题和解决问题的能力.凸显出学生批判性思维的缺失.而批判性思维品质对于学生批判性思维的形成具有关键作用。合作学习作为我国现阶段教学组织形式改革的主流.对学生新的思维方式的形成有一定作用。所以,探讨如何在合作学习的过程中培养学生的批判性思维品质.对学生批判性思维的形成有重要意义。  相似文献   

实行生本教育不仅是对学生学习思维的培养,同时也是对教师教学思维的一种解放。本文介绍了作者在生本理念下进行语文教学工作的经验和体会,认为生本教育为儿童开创了一片自主学习的天空。  相似文献   

许多研究者对现实社会网络与虚拟计算机社会网络之间的关系有着不同的观点,这种社会学研究的争议同样也延伸至在线学习相关的领域。本研究通过对浙江省义乌市香山小学505班进行个案分析,从社会网络的角度剖析学生在线与面对面交流的差异以及这种差异与学生的性别、学业成绩等因素之间的关系。在线课程的开发需要充分考虑这些差异,并以此为据加强在线学习的协作。  相似文献   

In this study we examined response patterns in exchanges between males and females and their effects on gender participation in five online debates. Students classified messages into arguments, evidence, critiques, and elaborations while posting messages to the debates to facilitate argumentation and the sequential analysis of message-response sequences. The findings revealed no differences in number of critiques posted in response to arguments because females were just as likely as males to critique messages from both males and females, and because females responded to males with critiques at a higher than expected frequency. Posthoc analysis revealed strong indications that females posted fewer rebuttals to the critiques of females than males, and males posted more rebuttals to the critiques of females than females. The methods used in this study illustrate a process-oriented approach to explain and predict gender differences in participation and serve as a framework for future research on gender participation, group interaction, and strategies for facilitating collaborative argumentation and problem solving.  相似文献   

Small-group collaborative learning in whichstudents have opportunity for criticaldiscussion is a key element of effectiveteaching and learning in Higher Education. Providing this sort of education throughNetworked Learning (NL) is challenging. Research in Computer Mediated Communication(CMC) is revealing that facilitating effectiveuse of these tools depends on encouragingstudents to take many different dialogue roles.Our hypothesis was that asking post-graduatestudents to reflect on the kinds of role theyshould take in synchronous online discussionwould encourage adoption of such roles. A``role-play' activity was introduced topost-graduate students who used a VirtualLearning Environment (VLE) as part of theircourse. Initial results showed that bothdistance and face-to-face students, nativespeakers (NS) and non native speakers (NNS),working collaboratively on the same coursethrough the VLE, had comparable outcomes onessay assignments and that NNS and distancelearners slightly outperformed face-to-facestudents in their group work. Moreover, therewas evidence that the facilitation technique ofraising student awareness of roles waseffective in helping (at least some) studentsmanage synchronous online discussion moreeffectively, improving the overall coherence,focus and depth of discussion.  相似文献   


This study is part of a larger project focused on the development of argumentative competence and its effect on knowledge construction. It aims to analyse and compare the changes in the evolution of the claims and the quality of the written arguments used by university students in two learning scenarios: a first scenario where students participated in a debate with the aim of convincing; and a second scenario where the debate was aimed at achieving an agreement by consensus. The participants were 77 first-year university students in Education and Speech Therapy. A quasi-experimental design was adopted with repeated measures, in which students from the two groups wrote two argumentative texts (initial and final) for each type of debate. The results indicate that the initial claims evolved towards more moderate positions at the end of the process; and the quality of the arguments that students wrote in their texts varied significantly depending on the type of demand and the time of writing (initial or final).  相似文献   

Being able to understand and evaluate arguments in different modalities and in different disciplines is thought to be a key component of students’ academic success in college. However, many students do not receive explicit instruction in the basic concepts and rules of argumentation. Using a difference-in-differences approach with a multicohort longitudinal data set of almost 15,000 undergraduates beginning in health and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-related fields at a research university, we examined changes in relative performance of students after enrolling in an introductory logic course. We find that students improved their grade point average (GPA) after taking the course, especially if they begin college with low academic achievement (Cohen’s d?=?0.18). Our results are consistent with the idea that acquiring foundational skills, in particular general skills in argumentation, prepares STEM students for future learning.  相似文献   

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