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中国百年师范,以开放的文化视野和心态,借鉴世界先进经验,根据我国国情和教育理解进行了中国化的创造,体现了师范课程建设者自觉的专业意识和强烈的社会责任意识,形成了百年师范教育课程独特的文化传统与精神命脉,为今天的师范教育课程改革提供富于启迪的经验参照。  相似文献   

中国师范教育课程改革与社会文化变革密切相关,并遵循着一定时期社会的文化路向。考察近现代中国师范教育课程改革历程,可以清晰地发现,从清末时期的"中体西用"思想,到民国时期的"民主共和"、"三民主义"思想,直至20世纪后期的"科学人文主义"思想,它们在课程宗旨、课程内容乃至课程实践方面均对师范教育课程改革产生过深刻的影响,留下了特定时期社会文化变革的烙印,鲜明地反映出文化变革在师范教育课程上的价值诉求。同时,不同时期的师范课程改革也顺应了社会文化变革的需要,表现出师范课程改革自觉的文化意识。  相似文献   

师范院校综合化面临的困境与对策思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过对中国百年师范教育发展的历史反思,分析了师范院校转型面临的综合性先天不足与学术建设的弱化、师资队伍建设的滞后与非师范专业的师范化教育痕迹以及师范教育培养模式的单一化等问题,提出了加强学科专业建设.突出应用学科的研究与应用技术的开发与转化,加强师资队伍建设,改变师资队伍结构,创新人才培养模式,改革教学内容和课程设置的对策。  相似文献   

我国师范教育在百年的发展历程中形成了独特的师范文化。师范文化的直观表现是师范学校的日常教育生活形态,而其实质则是师范教育在长期的发展过程中由国家确立并通过行政权力而形塑的师范教育的价值、理念和制度设计等。随着教师教育体系的改革,师范文化在不同的程度上被消解或弱化。教师教育在进行体系重构的时候,要立足于为中小学培养优秀的师资,在传承师范文化的基础上,建构并发展与教师教育体系相适应的教师教育文化。  相似文献   

“学术性”与”师范性”的争论 ,贯穿于我国师范教育的百年发展历程中 ,每个阶段的争论 ,都有其不同的前因和后果 ,但根本的原因是 ,政府为体现对师范教育的重视 ,制定了一系列统一规定 ,这种统一规定随着时代的变化暴露出其封闭性的特点 ,而在师范教育改革中 ,又往往将“师范性”作为“学术性”的障碍来对待 ,导致“师范性”的不断反弹。百年的争论启示我们 :立足中国国情 ,减少争论 ,大力进行师范教育实践 ,完全可以探索出中国师范教育健康发展的道路  相似文献   

“学术性”与“师范性”的争论,贯穿于我国师范教育的百年发展历程中,每个阶段的争论,都有其不同的前因和后果。百年的争论启示我们:立足中国国情,少争论,多实践,探索出中国师范教育健康发展的路子。  相似文献   

1997年是我国师范教育发展史上重要的一年。因为,恰逢中国师范教育创办100周年。纵观百年历程,只有在新中国成立后,师范教育才得到真正发展,特别是改革开放以来,党和国家非常重视师范教育,师范教育得到很大的发展,取得了巨大成就。1996年召开了全国师范教育工作会议,确立了师范教育在教育事业中优先发展的战略地位,师范教  相似文献   

章通过中国与俄罗斯现行师范教育课程的比较与分析,对如何使师范教育的师范性和学术性实现新的整合,进而推进中国教师教育向教师专业化方向改革进行了思考。  相似文献   

常州师范教育走过了百年的历史,值此常州师范教育百年庆典之际,本刊编辑部特意在珍贵的史料中采集了一组与常州师范相关的信息,并编辑之,以享读者。[编者按]  相似文献   

张芹 《云南教育》2011,(4):47-47
中国的师范教育有着悠久的历史和深厚的文化积淀。改革开放之初,为了适应社会经济的发展,国家大力发展中等师范教育。20世纪80年代至21世纪初,中等师范教育经历了它的辉煌期。进入变革期,三级师范逐渐向二级师范过渡。到目前为止,除少数边、老、少、穷地区保留中等师范外,全国大部分中等师范学校完成变革,或升格成为高等师范,或改为普通中学。  相似文献   

在高职院校语文教学实践中,应选用传统经典著作,采用多媒体教学手段,实施对话交流,使学生体验文化的现代性和多元性,通过构建文化语文课堂突出语文教学的文化特征,培养学生的文化创意思维.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effect of international student teaching experience on the professional and personal development of preservice teachers. Within the framework of their internship program, 26 graduate students in a private university in Turkey had a two-month internship in a mid western state in the United States, the main component of which was a six-week student teaching experience in high schools. Student teachers worked with mentors in pairs or triads in six high schools in different subject areas. They got involved in teaching practices, technology seminars, and diverse cultural activities during their internship. The student teachers and mentor teachers were surveyed through e-mail and three student teachers were interviewed to evaluate the outcomes of the program. The findings of the current research suggest that the international student teaching experience and the overall internship program with its cultural components contributed in a positive way to student teachers’ professional and personal development and helped student teachers increase their cultural awareness. The findings also suggest that the presence of international students in US schools and society in general helped American students and people have a better idea of other countries and cultures.  相似文献   

基层学院文化是大学文化建设的基础支撑,也是高校立德树人的重要载体。北京航空航天大学物理学院着眼于红色基因传承,顶层设计实施文化建设方案,深入挖掘学科历史中蕴含的育人精神,构建了学院精神、学科历史、文化标识、文化活动等多种文化载体,引领师生强化价值引领,凝聚学院发展的强大动力。总结凝练学院文化建设的经验,对高校基层学院的文化建设具有一定的借鉴和示范意义。  相似文献   

African centered educationists view the problems that Black children are facing in schools as a part of the disenfranchisement and disorganization of the Black community at large. In that vein, they do not believe that the problems which Black children are experiencing in America’s public (and many private) schools are solvable by taking them out of a holistic community context. This article presents the perspectives and work of African centered educationists who are dedicated to community development through a cultural experience called African Centered Training Institute (ACTI), which is an African indigenous socialization process. ACTI is a transformative experience which is offered to community members annually and many (sometimes most) of the participants in ACTI are classroom teachers. As participants matriculate through ACTI via phase attainment, “self” as well as cultural knowledge increases. This article provides an ethnographic account of the experience of the author as researcher-participant in ACTI. The ACTI experience offers insights into how critical deep knowledge of pre-Colonial African cultural cosmology and cosmogony are for anyone who works with Black children.  相似文献   

Greenfield’s subjectivist approach to the construction and interpretation of social reality is examined and applied to school organizations in an attempt to demonstrate that such organizations may be advantageously viewed as entities constructed and sustained by ideas in people’s minds. The path to understanding schools and their administration lies with the interpretation and analysis of the experience of people in these institutions rather than in the use of overarching theories of educational management. International schools have always provided education for the ever-increasing flux of people across frontiers, either temporarily because of job postings (globally mobile families) or more permanently because of migration. The high degree of cultural diversity in these schools augments the complexity of leadership because staff, students, and parents bring their own cultural heritage, experience, and expectations to bear, together, in a single school setting. This also increasingly applies in government schools in many countries because of migration. Ethnic cultural repertoires play a major role in the creation, deciphering, and juxtaposition of individual social realities and have an important bearing on organization culture. The article concludes with the importance of communicative and cultural competencies as the main tools for effective school leadership in international schools.  相似文献   


This paper problematises the concept of cultural competence in teacher professional learning arguing instead for opportunities to develop critical reflexivity in the ongoing construction of a pedagogical cultural identity. In the Aboriginal context within Australia, this research study demonstrates how attaining cultural knowledge, understandings and skills is most effective when professional learning is delivered by local Aboriginal cultural knowledge holders. This research study analyses the New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Connecting to Country cultural immersion programme for local communities and schools. A mixed methods approach, analysing quantitative and qualitative data from questionnaires and interviews, highlights the significant impact this experience has on teachers in building relationships with local Aboriginal community members. Teachers reported learning new knowledge about local Aboriginal people, culture, history and issues that challenged their assumptions, personal and collective positioning and pedagogical approaches to teaching Aboriginal students. Implications from the study identify the significance of privileging Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing in order to realise culturally responsive schooling and empower teachers as critically reflective change agents in their schools. It further identifies the need for significant human and financial investment so that all teachers can engage with this authentic and potentially transformative professional learning experience.  相似文献   

如何正确评价私塾问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
私塾作为中国传统教育的重要组成部分,对中华化的传承与创造,发挥过料大的作用,对于继承和宏扬中华传统化,促进教育改革,全面实施素质教育,仍然具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

改革开放以来中师为我国小学教育培养了大批优秀教师,积累了小学教师培养的丰富经验。当下随着中师退出教师教育的舞台及教师教育存在的问题,社会上形成了深厚的中师情结,其中蕴含着择优录取形成了小学教师的专业自豪感、提前录取促成了小学教师的职业动机、就业待遇提供了小学教师的专业发展动力、综合化课程培育了小学教师的专业素养等小学教师培育的中国经验。  相似文献   

丰富多彩的校园文化是近代教会办学的一个特色。主张以优美的校园、深邃的校训、深情的校歌和生动多样的课外生活来陶冶学生的身心,促进学生能力的发展。尽管基督教中学校园文化有其特定的历史背景和文化诉求,但其中蕴含的教育经验,对今天的教育发展仍具有历史借鉴和启发价值。  相似文献   

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