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黑人自传是美国自传文学极具特色的一部分,尤其是黑人女性自传。因女性身份、肤色原罪等群体特征,黑人女性自传揭示了多重自我、呈现了“我”与“我们”的代表与被代表关系。然而,近年来被关国文学界重新发掘的黑人女作家赫斯顿的自传《路上的尘埃痕》,却打破了黑人女性自传揭示群体性自我的传统,通过消解“我”的种族身份、女性身份而构建了“纯我”,而其现实生活中“真我”却被作者以迂回式叙事策略而遮掩了。“纯我”与“真我”在自传文本中以复调式叙述结构、以此消彼长的延展而达到最终的对立统一  相似文献   

This essay focuses on the letters that Dolores Huerta wrote to César Chávez in the 1960s and 1970s to better understand her role in the United Farm Workers (UFW) union and the functions of letter writing for individuals such as Huerta, who faced constraining ideologies of race, ethnicity, gender, and class. Huerta used these letters to establish dialogic collaboration with Chávez. These letters also had a more personal function through affirmation and catharsis, enabling Huerta to affirm her role within the UFW by noting her accomplishments and sacrifices for the union and by expressing both her personal and professional problems. These rhetorical functions of her letter writing contributed to Huerta's identity consciousness, enabling her to build an identity that emphasized social justice issues related to race, ethnicity, class, nationality, and gender.  相似文献   

Drawing on Virginia Woolf's 'Street Haunting', Rachel Lichtenstein and Iain Sinclair's Rodinsky's Room and on autobiography, this essay explores place, memory and artistic vision. Just as a room of her own provided Woolf with the solitude necessary to write, rambling through the streets of London fed her imagination. In Rodinsky's Room , Rachel Lichtenstein and Iain Sinclair explore both these creative spaces. Their book gives testimony to the creative mind and to the role that memory, history and place play in creating story, mythology and identity. The author also discusses her personal and family history in relation to place.  相似文献   

在对福克纳短篇小说代表作之一《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》的既往研究中,有女性主义批评者认为父权制是导致爱米丽人生悲剧的重要原因。在此基础上借用巴特勒的性别操演理论进一步提出,爱米丽性别的复杂表演性质从根本上揭示了社会文化机制对个体性别身份的规约以及个体在颠覆机制时所遭遇的遏制。两者形成一种合力,共同促成作品的悲剧意识。爱米丽先是在父权制的掌控下遵循"南方淑女"这一性别规范来建构自己的性别,之后在父亲去世后对性别和身份的操演解构了这一所谓本质主义的迷思。其操演的身份既是对社会文化机制的颠覆与反抗,又是对性别主体重建的诉求,是女性个体争取性别解放的必经之路。  相似文献   

Revisiting emancipatory teacher research: a psychoanalytic perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the issue of how human beings construct themselves as subjects and the parameters within which this is achieved. We question models in which idealism shapes the trajectory of identity formation and consider how identity might be seen alternatively as a somewhat awkward amalgam of identifications with diverse discursive domains. The particular focus is on teachers conducting ‘emancipatory’ practitioner research and on how the researcher understands his/her interface with the situation he/she is researching. We survey a range of theoretical models as offered by some leading writers, with particular reference to Jacques Lacan, and consider each in relation to how the teacher researcher might be understood. We provide as an example an account of one teacher researcher examining issues of ethnicity and gender in her secondary school French classes.  相似文献   

性别认同是个体对自己性别状态的认识、理解或自我意识.通过对A幼儿园幼儿性别认同的研究,发现部分幼儿出现了两个方面的问题:一是幼儿不能分清自己的性别;二是幼儿出现明显异于自己性别的行为、态度和情感.而教师和家长对幼儿性别认同也存在不同的态度和做法.这些研究发现启示教师和家长都应重视幼儿性别认同教育,并在教育过程中通力合作,以利于幼儿形成正确的性别认同.  相似文献   

20世纪以来,伴随着西方哲学思潮的发展和当代西方文论的兴起,美国自传研究发生了显著的变化。从《富兰克林自传》在20世纪的批评与接受过程可以发现,自传研究逐渐进行着从传统到现代的转向:从外部事实走向心理真实;从个人身份走向民族神话;从解构自传走向建构自我。这种转向拓展了自传研究的广度和深度,丰富了自传研究的内容。  相似文献   

赵妍 《重庆师专学报》2008,27(2):41-44,49
伍惠明(Fae Myenne Ng)是继汤亭亭、谭恩美之后的又一位优秀华裔作家。其作品《骨》自问世以来,被多数美国评论家和读者认为仅是一部个人自传,而鲜有人会注意深藏于这个文学文本内的全新的华人移民的文化认同观。  相似文献   

多丽丝·莱辛(1919-)是当代英国最重要的作家之一。2007年,她以“女性经验的史诗作者,以其怀疑的态度、激情和远见,清楚地剖析了一个分裂的文化”获得诺贝尔文学奖。《在我的皮肤下》是莱辛自传的第一卷。自传以莱辛的成长过程为主线。在线性时间结构的基础上,莱辛灵活使用时间叙事技巧,并辅以独特的空间叙事技巧,为莱辛的自传增添不少色彩;这种独特的叙事结构,也使读者能更加深入、全面、客观地看待作者。  相似文献   

在多元文化语境下,少数民族女性在民族文化历史背景下进行着不懈的精神探索,不断思考并建构着属于自己的民族身份。她们关注女性自身,致力于对民族文化的继承和弘扬,将对民族、家族与性别的关注与个人生命体验胶合在一起,并自觉地将民族叙事与女性叙事相结合,实现了民族身份与性别表述的建构与交融。满族女作家叶广芩的小说创作生动地体现了这一点。  相似文献   


This article aims to explore the relationship between gender and 'race' when teaching a course on 'race', class and gender to women's studies students at a university. It will explore how the racial background and gender of the lecturer may affect the relationship she has with the students and how they see her role as a teacher of 'race' and gender. It will examine how teaching can be and is related to our personal subjective experiences such as our gender, 'race', class, sexuality and age. Whilst most students welcomed the opportunity to discuss issues around 'race' and racism, for some (mostly Black and Asian students) this was often seen as a painful experience based on past experiences. For others (mostly white women) the opportunity to discuss and hear about the experiences of Black and Asian women was something they valued. The article goes on to argue that teaching students about sensitive subjects such as 'race' can be affected not only by the personal experiences of the lecturer, but also by their racial identity and their gender. Indeed, such identities can also affect how students feel about such subjects and how they, in turn, experience their learning.  相似文献   

笔名作为一种副文本,在文学批评中占有重要地位,但往往并未被重视。以安妮·勃朗特的《女房客》为例,分析维多利亚时期笔名盛行现象背后的性别因素,认为安妮使用笔名的行为其实是一种处世策略,代表着女作家对自我身份的主动操控,意味着性别是不确定的,是具备操演性的,女性作家可以破除现实生活中的既定性别角色,诉诸文学创作寻求话语权威。  相似文献   

Framed within intersectionality and using science identity as a unit of analysis, in this single case study I explore the barriers, difficulties, and conflicts that Amina, a young Muslim woman, immigrant in Western Europe confronted throughout her trajectory in physics and the ways in which her multiple identities intersected. The main sources of data consisted of three long biographical interviews, which were analyzed through a constant comparative method. The analysis of the data provided insights into how intrapersonal, interpersonal, sociocultural factors, alongside a myriad of experiences nurtured Amina's intersectional identities and what this may mean for Muslim women's participation in physics. The findings are summarized in two main assertions: (a) Amina was confronted with various barriers across her journey in physics with the intersection of religion and gender being the major barrier to her perceived recognition due to cultural expectations, sociopolitical factors, and negative stereotypes and (b) Amina's social class, religion, gender performance, and ethnic status positioned her as Other in various places throughout her trajectory in physics, and consequently hindered her sense of belonging. These findings suggest the urgency and importance of: (a) examining the intersection of science identity with other identities, especially, religion, gender, and ethnicity for the purpose of extrapolating a more comprehensive understanding of how minoritized groups participate in science; (b) rethinking recognition through an explicit intersectionality lens across various geographical and sociopolitical contexts; and (c) transforming physics into a diverse world where multiple ways of being are recognized, where minoritized groups will not have to compartmentalize parts of their identities to exist, and where they can perform their authentic and intersectional identities.  相似文献   

乔治.桑的人性改良理想,由于封建没落骑士的残忍、阴险、狡诈、无耻,由于他们制造的抢劫、抗法、枪杀、投毒等恐怖事件,由于在他们潜伏的城堡中渗出的累累罪恶,而显得格外的艰难和曲折。在异质文化背景下,阿来以现代派的特异笔法,描绘了冷酷、自私、贪婪、荒淫的末代土司政权的溃灭。那是上帝,即历史前进的战车,向其发出的毫不吝惜的死亡诏书。  相似文献   

This case study explores the affordances a weblog (blog) offered to “Ms. Frizzle,” an urban middle school science teacher and exceptional blogger, to support her professional identity development. The 316 posts she wrote over 1 school year were systematically analyzed and triangulated with data from e-mail exchanges and interviews with Ms. Frizzle and her colleagues. Ms. Frizzle used her blog to tell stories of herself and her classroom, reflect on her practice, work through dilemmas, solicit feedback, and display competence, among other things. By doing so, she was able to wrestle with many issues that are central to the practice of urban science teaching and be recognized by herself and others as a “reform-minded” teacher committed to excellence and equity in education. To realize these benefits, however, Ms. Frizzle invested significant time and energy into her blogging and made certain uses of blogging features. Thus, although this study empirically supports the potential of blogging for teachers' professional identity development, it also indicates that the way in which teachers use blogging will determine the extent of the benefits they can derive from this practice.  相似文献   

Wounds and Reinscriptions: Schools,Sexualities and Performative Subjects   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Boys in school, homophobia, and forms of masculinity are currently the focus of significant debate in and about education and schools. Much of this discussion takes as given the sexual orientation, and therefore sexual identity, of the students of whom it speaks and mobilizes equal rights discourses on behalf of gay and lesbian students. This paper offers an alternative view of the school level processes at work around these issues. The paper takes up Judith Butler's ongoing engagement with Foucault and her recent rearticulation of Althusser and Bourdieu to analyse data generated through school ethnography in Britain and Australia. This analysis details the processes through which gender and sexual identities are constituted inside schools; illustrates the mutually constitutive relationship between gender and sexuality in contemporary discursive frames; and demonstrates how students resist wounded homosexual identities and constitute legitimate Other selves through their day-to-day practices.  相似文献   

:萧红作品的抒情品质,源自作者独特的生命体验,它使作品呈现出鲜明的自传性色彩和浓郁的寂寞情调。萧红通过情绪结构将文本整合成具有统一抒情品质的有机体。回忆是情绪结构得以生成的内在动因,也是作者生命存在的一种方式。从文化意味审视,萧红的抒情姿态还来源于外在的文化语境的渗透。这表明她对生命中一种根源性的回归和坚守。  相似文献   

Inclusion,exclusion and marginalisation   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This article considers issues relating to the marginalisation and inclusion of pupils in a secondary school. It takes the perspective of a teacher researcher examining her everyday teaching in such a school. It has a particular focus on some black boys learning French. The article critically examines the social norms that (a) define the relations between teachers and pupils within classroom situations, (b) guide the researcher's relationship to the researched. It draws on recent psycho-analytical theory in providing an account of how children in school construct their own identity with particular reference to ethnicity and gender  相似文献   

Denise Chong’s The Concubine’s Children is regarded as an autobiography.As a member of the third generation of Chinese-Canadian,Denise Chong manages to sing a family saga for her immigrant family.Chinese traditions,such as patriarchal domination,Confucianism,and other traditions could be sensed throughout the autobiography.This can not only been reflected by the main characters Chan Sam(Chong’s grandpa),May-ying(Chong’s grandma),but also by some other depictions throughout the work.The thesis is to discuss those Chinese traditions in detail.  相似文献   

Carlos Hiraldo shares his story of shifting from a pedagogy based on racial identity to one focused on issues of class and how his students benefited from the change.  相似文献   

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