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近年来频发的校园暴力事件严重影响着高校的教育和教学,对广大青年学生的身心健康产生了不良影响。传统的思想政治教育对于校园暴力防控显得力不从心。在社会转型过程中,高校预防校园暴力的功能在削弱,传统的学生管理工作需要一个系统的机制来预防校园暴力。学校社会工作以其专业优势,有助于解决当前校园暴力防控的困境。  相似文献   

The paper reviews a number of ethnographic studies of students in U.S. secondary schools to help understand the causes of a range of student behaviors from minor non-compliance to lethal violence. Based on these studies, as well personal experience, the authors suggest that educators and educational researchers approach and understand student perspectives on school life. Such perspectives often reveal the logic of non-compliance, and show that aspects of school structure and practice can exacerbate or contribute to violence. Student non-compliance and alienation can escalate into violence if the student view is not regularly consulted in schools.  相似文献   

文章结合国外的相关研究,根据心理危机干预的原则、模式、技术等,立足于国内中学校的实际情况,提出一套实用于中学的整合连续的心理危机干预方案,涉及校园暴力事件的学校预警系统、应急处置、及时心理干预,以及事后干预四个阶段,依赖于学校、家庭、社会等多个方面的支持,重点突出“心理干预”的特点。以期能对校园暴力事件进行良好的心理危机干预,预防校园暴力事件的频繁发生,构建和谐校园。  相似文献   

青少年自杀及暴力现象的生死哲学透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑晓江 《中国德育》2007,2(1):29-32,89
当前社会存在一个严重问题,即青少年自杀以及自残、伤人等暴力现象时有发生。生死哲学提供了观察、剖析这些现象的新视野、新方法,以及解决问题的新思路。  相似文献   


There is a legal requirement that schools engage with the spiritual aspects of education, which encompasses pastoral care. This reflects the ethical sensibility that is present in individuals and underlies interactions with Others; and which should be part of the ethos of all educational institutions and especially schools. This is because spirituality is important to leading a moral life and to understanding the Other. The article considers specifically the potential of Jewish spirituality, and uses Martin Buber’s thought, to gain a better understanding of its contribution to education and to pastoral care. In the first part, we comment on the ‘basic words’, I-Thou and I-It, which are connected with Hasidism, the Jewish spiritual movement which had a great influence on Martin Buber. Hasidism understands that it is our duty to find and connect with the ‘divine sparks’, as genuine relations merge with the Divine, and when humans relate genuinely to one another, they relate to God. This is crucial for understanding the superiority of I-Thou relations over I-It relations. In the second and third parts of the article, we consider the implications of this understanding of Jewish spirituality for education and for pastoral care. This is done through highlighting the importance of I-Thou relations if the spiritual aspects of education and of pastoral care are to be encouraged and fulfilled.  相似文献   

批判与建构--马丁·布伯与新教育思潮   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作为20世纪最伟大的教育家之一,马丁@布伯对新教育思潮的反省和批判非常深刻.他指出人的潜能只能在"关系"中发展而不会"自然释放",教育是与被释放的潜能相遇的决定性力量;"自由"只是教育得以完成的前提条件而非其目标和全部内容,与传统教育的"强制"相对的不是"自由"而是"对话";道德教育的任务不是形成无意识的自控的习惯系统,而是使规范与价值在个体自我意识中得以发现和确定,使其能对每一情境作出恰当的有意识的独特回应,德育的完成靠师生之间的"对话".  相似文献   

通过分析我国工读学校“半工半读”的属性、工读学校教育对象和程序、工读学校中的九年义务教育及其学习年限的相关规定的不足,并借鉴发达国家和地区的相关规定,从而对我国现有规定提出改进的意见。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to document and compare rates of reported and perceived crime and violence within schools. With highly publicized acts of school violence prevalent in the minds of the American public, there is a perception that schools are unsafe. Reports of school crime and violence from teachers, administrators, and students differ in severity and in nature from what is perceived by the public. Few studies are available on the frequency of these or other types of reported violence or the relationship between actual and perceived violence in schools. Extant data on reported violence in schools from the database of North Carolina were analyzed and compared to data reflecting perceptions of violence. The public perceptions of the types of school crime and violent acts differed greatly from actual occurrences reported by school administrators. Limitations and implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

中小学教师在教育教学工作中表现出的不良心理状态有:在课堂上的紧张、焦虑与无助感,在个别辅导学生时的无奈、倦怠与烦躁感,在学校应试管理模式下的巨大压力感,在超负荷工作状态下的孱弱身心,因付出与回报的强烈反差导致的委屈感等。要改善中小学教师的心理状态,必须提高其经济、社会地位,真正让教师职业成为令人羡慕的职业。  相似文献   

用问卷法对民办中学教师教育观念与教育方式的关系研究发现:民办中学教师在教育方式上性别、职称影响不显著,教龄显著影响放任的教育方式。高职称教师在个人教学效能感、总效能感中与低职称教师存在显著差异。各类型教师在学生观诸维度均没有出现显著的性别、职称、教龄差异。教育作用的认识和教学效能感对积极的教育方式有正面的预测功能,对消极的教育方式有负面的预测功能,对遗传和自然成熟作用的认识与此相反。  相似文献   

家庭暴力打破了家庭生活应有的宁静与和谐,使得昔日作为"避风港"的家沦为"人间地狱"。现代社会防治家庭暴力具有秩序合理化、关注社会弱势群体权益以及和谐等价值意蕴。应当寻求法律规则与道德规则的良性互动,通过综合治理,如有条件有限度的警察权和司法权的介入、民政部门等社会组织的介入等,根除家庭暴力,保障家庭成员间关系和睦友好。  相似文献   

This study proposes the ideal role of teachers through the examination of Plato, Confucius, Buber, and Freire on the subject. Teachers not only contribute to the development of individuals and societies but also attain self-realization through teaching. As such, the role of teachers is important as a goal as well as a means. To examine such role, this study selects four major approaches to understanding teaching. Plato regards teaching as guidance into objective knowledge through the reasoned understanding of causes. Confucius regards teaching as leading self-cultivation. Buber sees the role of teachers as building a relationship with their students. Freire focuses on critical consciousness towards oppressed situations. This study regards the role of teachers as a complex of various aspects. Thus, it tries to show a more complete understanding of the role of teachers through the synthesis and comparison of these four aforementioned approaches.  相似文献   

国内外中小学心理健康教育模式述评   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文对目前常见的中小学心理健康教育模式,诸如:国内的教育辅导式、四结合式、五结合式、六结合式、系统式及国外的发展性辅导式、辅导-目的性行为式、辅导-心理教育式、辅导-全员服务式,作了系统梳理与述评,进而提出了在新改背景下中国中小学心理健康教育模式的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Reducing violence-related injuries and deaths among youth requires an integrated community-based approach, involving policy, education, legal and regulatory, and environmental modification strategies. Developing violence-prevention programs demands an understanding of the problem, knowledge of existing programs and their effectiveness, technical expert assistance, and human and material resources. This annotated bibliography of selected publications and resources relates to violence and violence prevention. The purpose of the bibliography is to provide a first point-of-entry for using the literature and for identifying and locating additional resources. The publications include a collection of research reports, conference proceedings and their background papers, and articles exploring issues and reviewing prevention strategies and resources. Resource entries identify federal agencies, academic centers, and projects that provide a range of services and assistance.  相似文献   

本文基于上海市近几年中职校毕业生总体就业情况分析,以跟踪调查的反馈信息为依据,总结当前中职学校毕业生存在着专业不对口、待遇不高、职业不稳定等突出问题,从社会、学校和家庭等方面探讨其原因,并提出相应的对策建议,以期为上海中等职业教育的进一步发展和提高毕业生就业质量提参考.  相似文献   

农村中小学布局调整具有特定的行为预期和动力.追求学校规模效益是初始动力,实现教育均衡发展是直接目的,方便教育管理是迫切要求,提高教育质量是最终归宿.正是对这些目的的追求构成了各级政府进行农村中小学布局调整的动力,推动着农村中小学布局调整工作的开展.  相似文献   

从现代数学教学观看当前我国中小学教学课程改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国中小学数学课程改革,具有八个方面的特点:把“现实数学”作为数学课程的一项内容;把“数学化”作为数学课程的一个目标;把“再创造”作为数学教育的一条原则;把“问题解决”作为数学教学的一种模式;把“数学思想方法”作为课程体系的一条主线;把“数学活动”作为教学课程的一个方面;把“合作交流”看成学生学习数学的一种方式;把“现代信息技术”作为学生学习数学的一种工具。  相似文献   

美国私立学校是整个教育系统的重要组成部分 ,它以质量取信于社会 ,高度自治、充分竞争、法制化等特征使它获得了巨大发展 ,并形成了多样化的类型和完善的管理体系 ,对美国教育产生了重大积极作用。它对我国如何改革和发展民办教育的启迪主要有 :大力支持民办教育、加强科学管理、抓紧政府立法、加强对民办教育的理论研究等  相似文献   

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