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一、no的用法1.作形容词修饰可数名词单数,相当于nota(an),意为“一个也没有”;修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,相当于notany,意为“一点也没有”。例如:(1)Nostudentissick.(2)There’renocatshere,butthereisalittledog.(3)Ihavenotimetogohomeforlunch.2.作副词对一般疑问句和反意疑问句作回答时,意为“不”,而对否定疑问句或否定的反意疑问句作回答时,意为“是的”。例如:(1)A:Isthisacup?B:No,itisn’t.(2)A:Isn’tsheadoctor?(难道她不是医生吗?)B:No,sheisn’t.(是的,她不是医生。)二、not的用法1.否定谓动词,放在be动词、have(…  相似文献   

填空题(填词完成句子): 1. Marie Curie (出名)her discovery of radium.(know) 2. The scientist is (继续工作)an invention.(work) 3. With time (飞逝),his hair is turning grey.(go) 4. Since then, Hawking (继续)to seek answers to questions about the nature of the  相似文献   

1.The WTO cannot live up to its name_______ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.(NMET2000) A.as long as B.while C.if D.even though 2.She found her calculator______she lost it. (2000 上海) A.where B.when C.in which D.that 3.The man will have to wait all day______the doctor works faster.(NMET2001春招) A.if B.unless C.whether D.that 4.-Did you remember tO give Marry the money you owed her?  相似文献   

William Wordsworth was the representative of the British "Lake poets" In his poems he aimed at simplicity and purity of the language,fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry.He transformed his observation of the landscape into the revelation of the beauty of nature in poetry,and thus expressed his nature philosophy.In this article the author briefly analyses the organization of his poem: "Ode: Intimation of Immortality" and mainly elaborates her understanding of the poet’s na-ture-philosophy in four points:(a) Man is sensitive to all natural influences in childhood.(b) Nature has a moral and spiritual sig-nificance and helps the poet understand the mystery of human life.(c) Life is but a stage.(d) All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings;it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.  相似文献   

本练习每组句子仅一字之差,答案迥异。请同学们看清题目,弄清结构,再进行选择。1.(1)We will never forget the days____we spent together.(2) We will never forget the days____we worked together.A.that B.where C.on which D.when2.(1)Tom got the first place,made his parents happy.____(2)Tom got the first place,and made his parents happy.____A.as B.which C.that D.this3.(1)____is well known to all, the earth is round.(2)____is well known to all that the earth is round.  相似文献   

A A:You’re mad(=crazy,insane疯狂)!Stark(=completely),raving(狂乱地,疯狂地) mad! B:Oh,I don't know.Weird(=strange,odd,queer奇怪),maybe,but not mad. C:Nobody in his right mind would do a thing like that! A:It's so foolhardy (=foolishly bold,reckless 鲁莽的)man(伙计,非正式称呼).You could get hurt,and seriously. B:I know.My mother used to(经常)scold(挑剔,指责)me all the time about it. C:Well,she doesn't seem to have had any effect(效果). B:Actually,I listened to her a lot of the time,but,really,nothing serious has ever happened. A:All I can say is,"Somebody up there likes you!”(上帝保佑你,非正式用语)  相似文献   

<正> 一、 NEW THREE-CHARACTER VERSES(Translated by Liang Zhuoyao)A new-born baby is like a piece of uncut jade, whose nature and disposition are capable of improvement. A child may behave badly without instruction.Moral education is the most important. Historically, many virtuous mothers were good at teaching their children: A good case in point is Mencius'mother, who picked up her scissors and ripped across the cloth.(See Note 1.)Yue Fei's mother tattooed four characters "jing zhong bao guo"(to serve the motherland in ardent loyalty) on Yue Fei's back in order to make her son keep his duty in mind at all times. When the child does't behave itself well,  相似文献   

1.Knowingthatsheisseriouslyill,shehasaskedhersis-tertotakecareofherchildren______sheisdead.A.as B.while C.when D.because2.______the child is noweight year old,his educationmustnolongerbedelayed.A.Since B.When C.For D.Although3.Nooneiscertainhowlongitwillbe______theyfindawayoutoftheforest.A.when B.assoonasC.themoment D.before4.He promised her not toforget again to bring back herbook______hecomes.A.nowthat B.nexttimeC.themoment D.bythetime5.They talked all the way about the strange thing…  相似文献   

一、有明显的表示过去的谓语或状语,说明动作发生在过去例1.All morning as she waited the medical reportfrom the doctor,her nervousness_____.(NMET2003)A.has grown B.is growingC.grew D.had grownas引导的时间状语从句指过去,故选C。例2.—We could have walked to the station;itwas so near.—Yes,a taxi_____at all necessary.(NMET1992)A.wasn’t B.hadn’t beenC.wouldn’t be D.won’t be第一个人说“我们本来可以步行到车站”用了表示过去的虚拟语气,说明实际情况是“We didn’twalk to the station”;第二个人既然…  相似文献   

我们先看几道高考题: 1. I couldn't do my homework with all that noise .(2005年北京卷) A.going on B.goes on C.went on D.to go on 2.two exams to worry about, have to work really hard this weekend. (2004 年北京卷) A.With B.Besides C.As for D.Because of 3.It was a pity that the great writer died his works unfinished.(2004年福建卷) A.for B.with C.from D.of 4.production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.(2000 年全国卷)  相似文献   

One day,a dog saw the skin(皮)of a lion in the garden;she began to tear it in pieces with her teeth.A fox,seeing her,said,“If this lion were alive(活着),you would soon find out that his claws(爪子)were stronger than your teeth.”寓意:It is easy to kick a man that is down.(人“弱”被人欺)The Dog and the Fox!河南@张勇刚…  相似文献   

第一部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Have a cup of coffee?—,though as a rule I don’t drinkafter dinner.A.If you insist B.Don’t troubleC.Thanks all the same D.A good idea2.—I’ll tell Mary about her new jobtomorrow.—You her last week.A.ought to tell B.would have toldC.must tell D.should have told3.Tom together with his brothersBeijing twice.A.have gone to B.has been toC.has gone to D.have been to4.The innocent(无辜的)y…  相似文献   

U nit 4 1.(2004春招)H e looked around and caught a m an his hand i the pocketofa passenger. A .put B .to be putting C.to put D .putting 2.(2004春招 )In order to change attitudes em ploying w om e the governm entis bringing in new laws. A .about B .of C .towards D .on 3.(2000上海)W hat he has done is far from . A .satisfactory B .satisfied C .satisfaction D .satisfy 4.(N M ET 1998)—N ancy is not com ing tonight. —Butshe . A .prom ises B .prom ised C.will prom ise D .had prom ised 5.(…  相似文献   

U nit1A卷一、看图完成对话,每空填一词。(24分)1.A:H ello.Im M ary.B:①②.Im Jim.A:③to④you.2.A:①②③?B:Francisco.A:④⑤⑥⑦?B:Its3344668.3.A:H ello.①②.B:H i,Bill.③Tom.A:④⑤⑥⑦here.B:M e,too.4.A:W hats his nam e?B:①②③Toney.A:A nd④⑤⑥?B:H er nam e is G ina.二、把下列单词连成句子,写在横线上。注意加标点,需要时用大写字母。(5分)1.is whathis nam enam e is his Bruce2.her whatnam e is andis her Jenny nam e3.B ob are youino am notam I B ill三、在空白处填入适当的单词,完成下面的对…  相似文献   

1.This is our first lesson.so Idon’t know all your name. 问:(1)序双词first前面为何不加定冠词the?(2)“so I don‘tknow all your names。”应理解为A.你们的名字我一个都不知道B.你们的名字我没有全部都知道? 答:(1)序数词first前面一般应该加定冠词the,但是有物主代词my,his,her,your,our,their等修饰时,序数词前不用加the。如: This is our second lesson.We aregoing to learn the second lesson.这是我们的第二节课。我们将学习第二课。(2)应理解为B。注意,在英语中,表示“全部”(all)与“每一个”(every)的词若跟not连用,不是表示“全部否定”,而是表示“部分否定”。注意下面两个英语句子的译法:  相似文献   

Ⅰ.Multiple Choice1.(D)is correct.意为“暴露”。(A)give out 是“给予”。2.(A)is correct.意为“多余”。(B)abundant 是“丰富”。3.(C)is correct.句意为:当被问及犯人的去向时警官含糊其辞,谎称自己不知真情。  相似文献   

Last Saturday Henry was worried all the day. Mabel, his girl f______(1), promised(许诺) to come to visit him. He w___(2)for her for the whole day, but she didn‘t come. He c____(3)her, the girl wouldn‘t answer.  相似文献   

黄继飞 《中学生英语》2002,(23):22-25,27
Ⅰ.选择填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.Can you find the answer ——the question? A.to B.of C.in D.on2.China is famous ——her Great Wall. A.as B.for C.to D.of3.The colour of his cage is different from——of yours.  相似文献   

第1卷(共75分) 一、听力理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的四个句子,找出与你所听到的那个在意思卜最接近的答案( )1.A.I like fruit. B.I don't like bananas. C.I like bananas a little. D.Bananas are my favourite fruit.( )2.A.My father is as old as yours. B.My father is older than yours. C.My father is younger than yours. D.Your father is younger than mine.( )3.A.Li Lei lent his bike to Jim. B.Li Lei borrowed Jim's bike. C.Jim asked Li Lei to use his bi…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.disability【用法】用作名词,意为“无力,无能,残疾”。例如:She is deaf,but refuses to let herdisability prevent her from doing what shewants to do.她失聪,但她不让自己的残疾防碍自己去做想做的事。注意:dis-和in-都是表示否定意义的前缀,但用在ability前,表示不同的意思,disability意为“残疾”,而inability意为“无能力,没办法”,试比较下列例句,注意这两个词的不同意思。I was surprised at her inability to dothings prom ptly.她处事不果断,我感到惊异。H is inability to pay his debts m adehis parents w…  相似文献   

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