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彭正媛 《新闻世界》2011,(1):99-100
现代人的生活节奏紧张快速,手机媒体适应了这种快餐文化得以迅速发展,手机短信的广告价值备受重视。将手机短信广告应用于客户关系管理(CRM),既能实现当前许多企业面对全球金融危机环境下的节流策略,又符合现代企业以客户为中心的营销理念。本文从市场营销视角出发,研究手机短信广告在CRM中的应用,以期能对业界的营销实践提供参考。  相似文献   

论广告编辑及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
广告编辑是编辑学研究领域里的一个新课题,涉及广告运作和媒体运营两个层面,前者是广告整体运作过程中以广告创意为中心的广告设计和制作过程;后者则是指以广告策划为主体的媒体选择、媒体优化组合,并使媒体计划得以完美实施的过程;广告编辑的程序涉及广告创意、策划过程中广告信息的收集与整理,广告信息的过滤与处理、发布及广告信息的导向等内容;广告编辑活动中遵循的原则是使广告计划得以完美实施的基本保证.  相似文献   

广告素养是媒介素养的重要组成部分,是广告业界和广告学界的前沿课题,正逐步被教育界和传媒界所重视.本文结合媒介素养理论,分析广告素养教育的内容和原则,并结合国外开展媒介素养教育的经验,对我国广告素养教育的实施途径提出建设性意见.  相似文献   

对报业广告转型的思考——来自成都报业广告市场的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报业广告下滑的危机,报业广告需要寻找一些新的经营模式和广告增长方式. 为行业生产消费者促进消费 报社广告部门的角色一般是被动的,联系客户、刊登广告,策划实施活动,吸引广告投放.  相似文献   

从2003年1月1日开始,佛山日报社对广告管理体制实行大刀阔斧的改革,最重要的举措就是按照“公开、公平、公正”的原则,对所辖的《佛山日报》、《佛山晚报》实施广告代理制,摈弃了以前报社属下报业广告公司独家广告总承包、总代理的做法,变垄断经营为有序竞争。广告代理制顺利展开,开拓出报纸媒体广告经营新天地,成为全国地级党报中一道亮丽的风景线。  相似文献   

周彩云 《新闻窗》2010,(2):102-103
国家广电总局颁发的《广播电视广告播出管理办法》(第61号令)从今年1月1日开始实施。新令的实施,对规范广播电视广告播出秩序,促进广播电视广告业健康发展有着非常重要的作用。但同时我们也注意到,新令对广播广告的内容标准和播出时间进行了更加严格的规范和管理,这些规定对依靠无限制的增加广告时间、粗放型经营的地方广播电台来说是迎头一击。如何破解这个难题,笔者认为,必须转变靠拼时间的粗放型经营理念,  相似文献   

正随着广电总局61号令及电视剧限播令的实施,植入广告的兴起已成定局。但对于广告主来说,植入式广告是一把双刃剑,如何选择内容和媒体作为植入广告的载体?依据什么标准进  相似文献   

一、期刊广告整体形象策划创新:实施期刊广告CIS战略,促进广告购买者对广告的识别、认同和偏爱 目前,国内期刊无论在内容上还是在广告上同质化程度过高,许多期刊自身特点表现不够,千人一面,使得广告主在广告购买过程中目光始终游移不定,不敢轻易选择.  相似文献   

医药卫生期刊广告发布的质量控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李季秋 《编辑学报》2010,22(3):245-247
医药卫生期刊广告是广告主以医学专业期刊为媒介传播医学广告信息的重要途径.广告发布的质量关系到患者健康和生命安全,其广告发布质量控制的措施为:注重客观真实,维护良好信誉;强化法律意识,加强广告管理;实施严格的审核制度,严格履行广告审核程序;选择有实力和形象好的广告客户,发布合适的产品广告信息;提高广告设计水平,丰富广告信息量内涵和艺术效果.  相似文献   

2012年初,国家工商总局把2012年定为“广告发展年”,提出了“实施国家广告战略”.为了更好地实施广告战略,国家工商总局、各地工商局以及国家广告研究院联合组织开展了系列课题研究,希望明确“实施国家广告战略”的实质、主体内容和基本思路,进而逐步形成指导广告业持续、快速、健康发展的政策体系.本文的研究是国家广告战略课题的系列研究之一,不但基于对各地典型广告市场的实证调研,也基于过去十年对广告业的持续调研,在此基础上,从国家广告战略的作用和使命出发,解读国家广告战略的本质,进而对实施路径提出建议.  相似文献   

基于CRM的图书馆信息服务模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述国内外图书馆客户关系管理研究现状,阐述图书馆引入CRM的必要性与运用CRM的目标。在剖析CRM的理论基础与运行机制的基础上,构造基于CRM的图书馆信息服务模型,并对CRM在图书馆信息服务中的应用分别给出在管理机制、业务发展和技术系统层面的建议。  相似文献   

黄菁 《图书情报工作》2009,53(1):126-126
本文分析了电子政务背景下实施CRM的可行性,并基于CRM的核心理念审视了当前电子政务建设中存在的主要问题,包括用户需求未得到满足、信息与服务的供需不匹配、用户细分不足、信息与服务传递渠道有限、用户培育不足等。根据电子政务发展的阶段性特征,研究认为CRM的实施应与当前电子政务发展阶段相匹配,其重点在于提高信息与服务的可获取性。基于此,文章提出了若干具有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

讨论阻碍企业成功实施客户关系管理与知识管理的主要原因,指出客户关系管理的优势主要表现为先进的结构化数据管理功能、有效的企业“前台”管理、清晰的企业业务流程及可量化的成效考核,而知识管理的优势主要表现为有效的非结构化数据管理、强大的企业“后台”支撑、高效的专家系统及从人到知识再到业务流程的融合。分析两者整合后可以带来的优势互补,并阐明在实施过程中将两者进行整合的必要性。  相似文献   

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy for improving profitability by focusing on customer needs and creating an attentive relationship with the customer. It involves a personalized and interactive approach for the entire customer lifecycle. Successful implementation of a CRM approach requires changes in organization structure, culture, and skills, as well as front‐ and back‐office information systems. CRM is a hot topic at the moment, and the marketplace of ‘CRM solutions’ is rife with confusing jargon, grandiose claims, and marketing hyperbole. This article attempts to explain what CRM actually is (and isn't), and provides some suggestions for how you should approach CRM for your business.  相似文献   

国内"图书馆客户关系管理"研究探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
把客户关系管理(CRM)引入图书馆管理,符合图书馆的"以读者为中心"的工作模式.简要介绍了客户关系管理的概念,回顾了我国图书馆界在"图书馆客户关系管理"方面的研究进展,并对今后在这方面的研究提出了自己的意见.  相似文献   

客户关系管理-数字图书馆信息用户市场竞争策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
论述客户关系管理在数字图书馆信息用户管理中的应用及数字图书馆用户关系管理的意义。  相似文献   

This study investigates and analyzes the factors affecting customer relationship management (CRM) practices in Thai academic libraries. The research conceptual framework focuses on factors affecting CRM practices was developed using Combe (2004)’s study on assessing CRM strategies. Mixed methods, qualitative, and quantitative approaches were used as a research methodology. Data was collected by using the interview and survey techniques with the administrators, staff and customers of six selected academic libraries in Thailand. Analysis of the data was done by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study show that factors that have statistically significant impact on CRM practices in Thai academic libraries at 0.05 level were: (1) the knowledge and understanding of CRM of library staff and leadership of library administrators (Beta = 0.762), (2) organizational culture and communication (Beta = 0.323), (3) customer management processes (Beta = 0.318), (4) technology for supporting customer management (Beta = 0.208), and (5) channels for library services and communications (Beta = 0.150). The knowledge and understanding of CRM of library staff and leadership of library administrators which include the perception and awareness of service quality focusing on customer relationship is a key to library success. Important factors also include the acceptance and support of the use of CRM in the library, the clear vision and mission about using CRM in the library strategic plan, the knowledge and understanding of library staff on CRM processes, customer characteristics, and behaviors. The organizational culture and communication factors involve the creation of the CRM cultures of working in the library, good teamwork, cooperative and clear working agreements, clear roles and responsibilities, good communication between library staff, cross library functional integration, and performance evaluation and development. The customer management processes factor includes recording and registration of customer profiles, customer analysis and classification, services to individual customers, services to expected customers, and continual customer interactions. The technology for supporting CRM factors includes communication technology, information technology, and operations support technology. The channels for library services and communications factors can be direct channels, such as a service counter and self-circulation service, and indirect channels such as telephone, call center, email, personal web, library web, and social networking technology. Suggestions for academic libraries on the development and implementation of CRM in libraries are: (1) CRM must be included in the library strategic plan; (2) CRM must be a key strategy for the improvement of library service quality; (3) library administrators must have strong leadership for achieving the effectiveness of CRM practices in the library; (4) library staff must have good knowledge and understanding of CRM and its link to the library service quality improvement; (5) the working cultures for CRM effectiveness such as teamwork, cross functional work, and good communication between staff must be encouraged and practiced in the library; and (6) technology must be fully supported for CRM in the library.  相似文献   

Customer relationship management (CRM) is seen as a key element in delivering citizen-centric public services in the UK. However, CRM originated in the private sector as a technology to support customer acquisition, retention and extension (cross-selling). The appropriateness of this technology to organizations striving to meet complex goals such as improving the quality of life for vulnerable people is open to question. This paper uses the results of recent UK electronic government CRM programs to show that the focus for many local authorities has so far been systems integration, CRM-enabling call centers and the provision of routine transactions online. More advanced authorities are planning to use CRM to help them understand their citizens better. But more can be done. To this end, the paper proposes an alternative model of CRM progress which moves beyond transactions and customer insight and encourages citizens to co-produce the public services they consume.  相似文献   

This study investigates and analyzes the factors affecting customer relationship management (CRM) practices in Thai academic libraries. The research conceptual framework focuses on factors affecting CRM practices was developed using Combe (2004)’s study on assessing CRM strategies. Mixed methods, qualitative, and quantitative approaches were used as a research methodology. Data was collected by using the interview and survey techniques with the administrators, staff and customers of six selected academic libraries in Thailand. Analysis of the data was done by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study show that factors that have statistically significant impact on CRM practices in Thai academic libraries at 0.05 level were: (1) the knowledge and understanding of CRM of library staff and leadership of library administrators (Beta = 0.762), (2) organizational culture and communication (Beta = 0.323), (3) customer management processes (Beta = 0.318), (4) technology for supporting customer management (Beta = 0.208), and (5) channels for library services and communications (Beta = 0.150). The knowledge and understanding of CRM of library staff and leadership of library administrators which include the perception and awareness of service quality focusing on customer relationship is a key to library success. Important factors also include the acceptance and support of the use of CRM in the library, the clear vision and mission about using CRM in the library strategic plan, the knowledge and understanding of library staff on CRM processes, customer characteristics, and behaviors. The organizational culture and communication factors involve the creation of the CRM cultures of working in the library, good teamwork, cooperative and clear working agreements, clear roles and responsibilities, good communication between library staff, cross library functional integration, and performance evaluation and development. The customer management processes factor includes recording and registration of customer profiles, customer analysis and classification, services to individual customers, services to expected customers, and continual customer interactions. The technology for supporting CRM factors includes communication technology, information technology, and operations support technology. The channels for library services and communications factors can be direct channels, such as a service counter and self-circulation service, and indirect channels such as telephone, call center, email, personal web, library web, and social networking technology. Suggestions for academic libraries on the development and implementation of CRM in libraries are: (1) CRM must be included in the library strategic plan; (2) CRM must be a key strategy for the improvement of library service quality; (3) library administrators must have strong leadership for achieving the effectiveness of CRM practices in the library; (4) library staff must have good knowledge and understanding of CRM and its link to the library service quality improvement; (5) the working cultures for CRM effectiveness such as teamwork, cross functional work, and good communication between staff must be encouraged and practiced in the library; and (6) technology must be fully supported for CRM in the library.  相似文献   

数字图书馆视野下的CRM探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
初步探讨了客户关系管理(CRM)在数字图书馆中应用的必然性,CRM系统模型的构建,以及数字图书馆中实施CRM的运行条件.  相似文献   

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