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12月26日尼克斯与奇才队的圣诞大战,卡梅隆·安东尼独砍34分,可依然难以阴挡球队的六连败,尼克斯队曾有着光荣的历史,50次参加圣诞大战也是联盟的纪录。然而今年的圣诞夜,他们又创造了纪录,队史最多的主场八连败。安东尼纵然能上天入地,得分如砍瓜切菜,却依然无法扭转球队的颓势。反观奇才,虽然不能在家过节,可他们的清神头却很充足,队中领袖沃尔  相似文献   

1月12日灰熊与太阳苦战两个加时才分胜负。菲尼克斯新主德拉季奇拼到六犯离场,然而他的贡献却很少,只有9分、3次助攻。灰熊队的兰多夫也是最终六犯离场,这是他复出的第二场比赛,但27分和17个篮板的贡献让球队受益颇多。第二个加时,太阳队彻底被对手掌控,全队只得到了两分,最后败走孟菲斯。本赛季冲劲十足的勇士队依然高奏凯歌,15日与热火的比赛,他们用主场15连胜追平了队史纪录。反观热火,由于韦德缺阵,波什扛起了大旗,拿下了26分、7个篮板,不过这却不足以阻挡强劲的对手。  相似文献   

掘金队胜率并不高,而灰熊队则高居西部第二,但掘金最近的状态却出现了回暖,而且还给不少球队制造了麻烦。不过,实力还是决定比赛胜负的关键。灰熊这边扎克·兰多夫独砍21分、16个篮板球,加索尔也有着14分、8个篮板球的贡献,"双熊内线"状态依旧,仅上半场他们就取得了两位数的优势。虽然丹佛人一度将比分追平,然而第四节的两次得分荒,让他们的努力付诸东流,四连胜就此终结。同样拿到两连胜的还有快艇队。其实面对四连败的国王,快艇打得并不轻松,上半场结束时他们只领先  相似文献   

11月29日火箭主场迎战快艇的比赛里,布雷克·格里芬打得挥洒自如,独砍全场最高的30分和10个篮板球。而火箭队那边“魔兽”继续缺阵,这让他们的内线毫无抵抗力,很快就被对手打爆。更要命的是,快艇队的外线手感也十分火热,火箭基本没有还手之力,最后一节他们甚至打了9分钟才投进第一个球,最终大比分主场落败。  相似文献   

蒙塔-埃利斯砍下24分并送出5次助攻,“德国战车”也拿到了23分和8个篮板,然而面对势头正猛的勇士队,他们还是显得毫无还手之力,落后最多时竟然达到了28分。此役过后,勇士队依旧保持着本赛季最长的连胜纪录,同时史蒂夫-科尔的菜鸟主帅最佳开季纪录也还在延续着。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法、录像观察法和专家访谈法对2014-2015赛季NBA总决赛勇士队与骑士队六场比赛进行研究,以此为基点进一步从技战术、球员等方面探讨勇士队制胜的主要因素。结果表明:投篮命中率、三分球、防守篮板球的保护、抢断、助攻与快攻得分是勇士队取胜的关键技术因素;阵容结构的合理性、攻防两端战术安排和运用是勇士队取胜的关键战术因素。另外核心球员的稳定发挥尤其是1号位球员的进攻与组织能力以及强硬的心理素质和替补队员的绝对优势对勇士队夺冠起到极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

运用录像分析法、专家访谈法、数理统计法对2014-15赛季欧洲足球冠军联赛125场比赛中的361粒进球进行统计分析。结果显示:76-90min是进球高峰期;前锋球员是主要得分手,中场球员是主要进攻组织者;中场球员助攻最多,短传与传中是主要助攻方式;进攻发起区域以中场为主,抢断与失误在进攻中占据重要作用;进攻路线以中路边路配合为主,定位球进攻越来越重要;2-5名球员通过1-5次的快速向前传球在进攻中占据优势;运球突破、前场任意球、长传转移、短传渗透是攻入前场30m区域的主要战术方式;禁区内的抢点射门是最主要的进球方式、2区是最佳得分区域,不同位置、区域进球方式有所差异。  相似文献   

网球墙实用且廉价,它可以作为教学工具,也可以作为普及网球运动的一种手段。采用文献资料、实验、数理统计等方法对网球墙在少年儿童网球学习中的作用进行研究,证明科学合理的利用网球墙可以解决少年儿童网球课教学中学生多、场地少、时间短的问题,对提高教学效率有重要作用,为少年儿童网球课的教学提供一些参考依据。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法对2014~2015赛季WCBA联赛的赛制改革进行调查分析,通过赛制改革对球队、球员、市场所带来的一些影响进行分析和研究,得出新赛季赛制改革所带来的一些有利和不利的结论.  相似文献   

Purpose: To summarize the framework and development procedure of the China National Assessment of Education Quality - Physical Education & Health in 2015 (CNAEQ-PEH 2015), an authoritative and evidence-based national surveillance protocol developed by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China for Grade 4 and Grade 8 students. Methods: The framework of CNAEQ-PEH 2015 included a test battery of physical fitness and health outcomes and self-reported questionnaires regarding facilitators and barriers to physical fitness and health in school settings and family status, completed by students, teachers, and principals. A qualified, standardized, and responsible work procedure was generated to provide insights into the quality of data collection and supervision of large-scale school-based physical fitness testing implementation. Measure development, stratified unequal probability sampling, and implementation were included in the working procedure. Results: In the first circle of the CNAEQ-PEH conducted on June 18, 2015, 111,173 Grade 4 students from 4,015 elementary schools and 72,243 Grade 8 students from 2,461 middle schools, along with their principals (n = 6,447) and physical education (PE) teachers (n = 11,418), were sampled by probability proportionate to size (PPS) across 323 counties in China. Results provided detailed information regarding students’ physical fitness outcomes, learning, lifestyle, and educational environment. Conclusions: CNAEQ-PEH 2015 is a large-scale assessment of physical fitness and health outcomes. It helps provide opportunities to understand the physical fitness and health status of Chinese Grade 4 and 8 students and to study the correlations of physical fitness and health, as well as their relationship with education-related indicators and academic performance.  相似文献   

Height, mass and skeletal maturity (Fels method) were assessed in 135 elite youth soccer players aged 10.7-16.5 years (only two boys were < 11.0 years). Sample sizes, years of training and current weekly training volume by two-year age groups were: 11-12 years (n = 63), 2.6 +/- 1.0 years and 4.1 +/- 1.7 h; 13-14 years (n = 29), 3.1 +/- 1.6 years and 4.5 +/- 1.7 h; 15-16 years (n = 43), 4.7 +/- 2.4 years and 6.1 +/- 2.0 h. The oldest age group included members of the national youth team. Heights and masses were compared to US reference values, and skeletal age and chronological age were contrasted. The players were also classified as late, average ('on time') and early maturers on the basis of differences between skeletal and chronological age, with the average category including boys with skeletal ages within +/- 1 year of chronological age. The mean heights and masses of 11- to 12-year-old soccer players equalled the US reference values, while those of players aged 13-14 and 15-16 years were slightly above the reference values. The mean skeletal age approximated mean chronological age in players aged 11-12 years (12.4 +/- 1.3 and 12.3 +/- 0.5 years, respectively), while mean skeletal age was in advance of mean chronological age in the two older groups (14.3 +/- 1.2 and 13.6 +/- 0.7 years, respectively, in 13- to 14-year-olds; 16.7 +/- 1.0 and 15.8 +/- 0.4 years, respectively, in 15- to 16-year-olds). Seven boys in the oldest age group were already skeletally mature and were not included when calculating differences between skeletal and chronological age. The proportion of late maturing boys in this sample of elite soccer players decreased with increasing chronological age. Among 11- to 12-year-old players, the percentages of late and early maturing boys were equal at 21% (n = 13). Among 13- to 14-year-old players, the percentages of late and early maturing boys were 7% (n = 2) and 38% (n = 11) respectively, while among players aged 15-16 years the percentages of late and early maturing boys were 2% (n = 1) and 65% (n = 28) respectively. The results of this comparative analysis suggest that the sport of soccer systematically excludes late maturing boys and favours average and early maturing boys as chronological age and sport specialization increase. It is also possible that late maturing boys selectively drop-out of soccer as age and sport specialization increase.  相似文献   

In the present study, we tried to determine the association between joint ranges of motion, anatomical anomalies, body structure, dance discipline, and injuries in young female recreational dancers. A group of 1336 non-professional female dancers (age 8-16 years), were screened. The risk factors considered for injuries were: range of motion, body structure, anatomical anomalies, dance technique, and dance discipline. Sixty-one different types of injuries and symptoms were identified and later classified into four major categories: knee injuries, foot or ankle tendinopathy, back injuries, and non-categorized injuries. We found that 569 (42.6%) out of the 1336 screened dancers, were injured.The following factors were found to be associated with injuries (P < 0.05): (a) range of motion (e.g. dancers with hyper hip abduction are more prone to foot or ankle tendinopathies than dancers with hypo range of motion; (b) anatomical anomalies (scoliotic dancers manifested a higher rate of injuries than non-scoliotic dancers); (c) dance technique (dancers with incorrect technique of rolling-in were found to have more injuries than dancers with correct technique); (d) dance discipline (an association between time of practice en pointe and injury was observed); and (e) early age of onset of menarche decreased risk for an injury. No association between body structure and injury was found. Injuries among recreational dancers should not be overlooked, and therefore precautionary steps should be taken to reduce the risk of injury, such as screening for joint range of motion and anatomical anomalies. Certain dance positions (e.g. en pointe) should be practised only when the dancer has already acquired certain physical skills, and these practices should be time controlled.  相似文献   

心理评价是体质综合评价中不可缺少的重要部分。文章通过对重庆市近600名16~18岁健康男女中学生的测试,以及文献资料的综合研究,对筛选体质综合评价中心理指标的相关问题——心身关系作了较为深入的研究。研究发现,心身在机能上存在相互影响,相互作用,但其机能水平之间却没有数量上的线性关系。通过较为系统的分析讨论,还初步提出将16PF 中的13项指标列为体质综合评价中的心理指标。  相似文献   

One of the challenges faced by aging people is de-creased postural stability and increased risks for falls.Thereis general agreement that postural control involves manysen-sory and motor systems,and a number of investigators havefound that ageis relatedto declinesin visual,vestibular,andsensorimotor functions[1].With increasing age,the timerequired to process and integrate sensory information andmotor reactionincreases[2].Proprioception,the afferent infor-mationregarding body position and bala…  相似文献   

赵振 《湖北体育科技》2016,(11):950-953
通过文献资料法,数理统计法对2010-2015年登山户外运动事故进行分析,得出事故发生与参与时间,参与项目和组织形式的关系,并提出相应的对策。可以从国家,服务机构和个人三方面进行控制。国家应该发挥主体的作用,完善相关法律法规,强化相关机构;民间服务机构,一方面要有相关的资质和严谨的服务机构,另一方面,在员工的选拔和任用上也要严格把关;在个人方面,既要学习相关理论知识,还要熟悉各种实践操作,在活动前,活动中,活动后都要时刻注意风险,做好总结。  相似文献   

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