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姜晓瑜 《考试周刊》2009,(14):85-86
通过对留学生英语语法教学调查发现:留学生一般不将英语的语法学习作为一门独立的课程:在教学方法上,应采用交际教学法使形式和意义并重;在教学目的上,语法课的学习动力多来自于考试。  相似文献   

随着全球汉语国际推广形势的发展和孔子学院教学模式的日臻成熟与完善,来华接受本科学历教育和专业学习的外国留学生人数不断增加,国内不少高等院校对留学生招生选拔考试的社会需求日益迫切。本文在对来华留学生本科学历教育的发展规模和专业结构特征进行分析的基础上,研究和梳理了美国留学生教育考试体系的基本框架与功能,探讨了我国留学生教育招生考试的缺失和错位问题,并对构建和完善我国的留学生本科招生考试体系提出了相应的开发策略和开发路径。  相似文献   

发达国家如英国、美国、加拿大、日本等,甚至一些发展中国家如埃及、罗马尼亚等在接受培养外国留学生时都坚持进行两项重要考试。一是语言考试以解决授课语言和生活用语障碍问题;一是专业考试,如数学、物理等以解决授课内容的障碍。例如:美国在接受外国留学生时的语言考试是TOEFL、专业考试是GRE。当一个  相似文献   

留学生归国考试是清末留学生归国奖励的一个必然结果。随着关于留学生归国考试章程的不断制定和实施,清末的留学生归国考试逐渐正规化和制度化。严格的考试资格认定和考试程序,可以引起对今天辨别良莠不齐的归国留学认证方式的一些思考。  相似文献   

日本外国留学生教育的特点夏娟日本作为世界经济大国之一,十分重视外国留学生教育,通过许多切实举措,进一步开发、利用外来人力资源,促进本国教育、科技、文化、经济的进步。一、重视从入学、考试等环节抓好外国留学生的教育教学质量。日本接受外国留学生的高等学校,...  相似文献   

刘春霞  邹绍选 《文教资料》2021,(1):138-139,151
本文对红河学院留学生在校满意度做相关调查,了解红河学院在校留学生满意度现状,分析在校留学生在学习和生活方面存在的一些问题,结合相关文献和实际情况,分别提出建议,为红河学院留学生的教学和管理工作提供一些参考。  相似文献   

动机是留学生汉语学习的重要因素.近几年随着云南桥头堡战略的提出,区域性对外汉语教学的重要性日益突出.本研究以云南财经大学“2+2”模式下越南留学生为被试,研究他们在不同学习阶段学习动机是否有变化.同时对教学提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

随着来华留学生规模的增加,各个国家的留学生的基础不太一样,而且目前来学校学习通信电子的来华留学生主要都是一些发展中国家,我们国内的重视基础理论的教育模式已经越来越不能满足这些发展中国家留学生的需求。如何满足学生的各种学习要求,增加学生学习的积极性与主动性,开展多种模式教育,对于我们吸引更多的留学生学习,提高我们的办学水平很有帮助。本文根据来华留学生的特点,讲述了来华留学生普遍存在的问题,如数理基础薄弱,更喜欢实践等,探索了专业基础课程教学中的一些方法。  相似文献   

留学生培养模式包括非学历留学生培养模式和学历留学生培养模式.非学历留学生培养模式要加强语言类课程学习,重在学生语言交际能力的提高;学历留学生培养模式以专业学习为主,专业学习能力的培养和提高尤为重要.高校留学生教育具有明显的特点,云南各高校在留学生培养模式方面进行了积极的探索,今后应该积极开展联合培养留学生的新型模式,以更好地满足各类留学生的学习需求,进一步加快云南留学生教育发展步伐.  相似文献   

中国早期的神学留学生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国人在东西方化的碰撞下迸发了留学海外的思想火花,由西方传教士携引少数中国人赴欧洲学习宗教,被称为神学留学生,他们学习了西方的科学化知识,也带去了中学,成了早期中西化交流的使。  相似文献   

《国际商法》双语教学困境及对策探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际贸易专业开设《国际商法》双语课面临着一定的困难:英语水平影响师生之间交流,学生专业知识背景的欠缺制约他们接受信息,另外国际商法内容多,专业术语多,也增加了教学难度。而选择合适的教材,运用归纳法、比较法和案例法教学,并根据学生具体情况提供合适的参考阅读资料等,可以使《国际商法》双语教学走出困境。  相似文献   

International knowledge markets rely heavily on a ready supply of highly mobile doctoral students, many of whom are from the global South, to bring in revenue. The supervision of these PhD students, however, can reproduce neo-colonial knowledge relations, often in subtle ways. In settler nations, international PhD students may find that they are assigned subaltern status in their university departments and this can have a significant impact on their learning. This paper explores the experiences of a group of international PhD students in a social science faculty in a New Zealand university during the first two years of their doctoral studies. It examines how they responded to the displacement of their cultural values and priorities, the way they navigated intercultural engagements with supervisors, and their ensuing relationships with indigenous and ethnic allies in the faculty. Despite considerable pressure to conform to the dominant modes of academic knowledge production that characterise universities in settler nations, it is concluded that international students find ways of speaking out, often in highly coded forms, that complicate their subaltern academic status.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to identify the students’ perceptions of social media use in a classroom setting. Knowing students’ perceptions of social media can help the instructor build a course that both student and teacher can find effective. Using focus groups this study found a model to determine if social media is an appropriate or inappropriate tool to incorporate into the classroom. The findings showed that social media can be a double-edged sword. Students are willing to accept social media use for class purposes under circumstances they perceive as appropriate. Students deem social media use as appropriate if it can be used without providing personal information, is the most effective tool available, can be engaged in voluntarily, is used for the purpose of announcements, and is perceived by the students as a convenience.  相似文献   

Assessment feedback allows students to obtain valuable information about how they can improve their future performance and learning strategies. However, research indicates that students are more likely to reject or ignore comments if they evoke negative emotional responses. Despite the importance of this issue, there is a lack of research exploring if certain types of students are more likely to experience negative emotional responses than others. This study builds on extant qualitative studies through a quantitative examination of two previously identified student variables: different citizenship backgrounds (domestic and international) and different grade expectations (higher or lower than expected). The participants were 4514 students from two Australian universities. Analysis of survey data revealed that, regardless of language experience, international students were more likely than domestic students to find feedback comments to be discouraging, upsetting and too critical. Students who received grades lower than they expected on a particular assessment task were more likely than students who received grades higher than they expected to feel sad, shameful and angry as a result of the feedback comments. This paper concludes with several recommendations, including the need to modify assessment feedback practices in order to be sensitive to different student cohorts.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors combine Pierre Bourdieu's concept of hysteresis (the ‘fish out of water’ experience) with the discourse historical approach to critical discourse analysis (CDA) as a theoretical and analytical framework through which they examine specific moments in the schooling experiences of one refugee student and one international student, both enrolled in post-compulsory education in Australian mainstream secondary schools. We examine specific moments – as narrated by these students during interviews – in which these students can be described as ‘fish out of water’. As such, this paper takes up the concerns of researchers who call for an examination of the lived geographies and the everyday lives of individual students in mainstream schools. We find that our students' habitus, conditioned by their previous schooling experiences in their home countries, did not match their new Australian schools, resulting in frustration with, and alienation from, their mainstream schools. However, we also note that schools, too, need to adapt and adjust their habitus to the new multicultural world, in which there are international and refugee students among their usual cohort of mainstream students.  相似文献   

There has been a significant increase in the number of international students pursuing higher education in the U.S. since 2001. Upon arrival, students are often beset with feelings of isolation and alienation, which are characteristic of adjusting to a new culture. African International students, specifically Black-African international students, are no different in this regard and often experience significant adjustment concerns. Most notable of the concerns for Black-African students are the issues of prejudice and discrimination, which can lead to the experience of acculturative stress. It is, therefore, imperative that institutions find ways to help Black-African international students adjust better to life in the U.S. This paper discusses some adjustment concerns of Black-African international students and provides some suggestions for addressing their concerns.  相似文献   

中国钢琴作品在高师钢琴教学中的运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钢琴是律制不同于中国民族乐器律制的西洋乐器,中国钢琴音乐由于在钢琴上演奏,不同于中国原有传统音乐。在中国音乐文化自己独特风格和体系的艺术传统下,中国钢琴音乐的创作显示着两种文明交融带来的文化内部的斗争、冲突、调矛口、融合。按照中国传统文化中的和谐、中庸美学观,作曲家在冲突中摸索着使二者平衡的方法和形式。重视本民族音乐文化已经成为近年来国际音乐教育发展的重要趋势,高等师范院校学生应该在接受西方优秀音乐文化成果的同时,牢固地掌握本民族优秀的音乐文化成果,使二者相辅相成。互相促进。  相似文献   

泉州民办学校招生案件是个教育变革时代的典型案例,从宪法上解答这个案件具有重大意义。从宪法的受教育条款的逻辑结构可以分析出办学自主权的存在,并证明把考试作为招生方式是民办学校的权利;另一方面,分析受教育条款中的义务教育性质,可以得出民办学校的招生方式不属于政府监管的范围,民办学校没有义务免试招生。这个案件使人们直接认识了办学自主权的内容、范围及其界限,从而更深入认识了宪法受教育条款特殊的三方主体的逻辑结构,社会权和自由权兼具的两个层次的价值结构,以及三方主体各自的法律权利义务的界限,生动地阐释了宪法第46条。  相似文献   

The main controversy as a result of the commercialisation of international education markets is that international students especially those from China are unable to perform as well as UK students in UK universities. So far, research has yet to identify the influence of placements on the academic performance of Chinese students from entry to graduation. Using four cohorts of accounting and finance students in a UK university, this present work is the first to find that Chinese students who undertake placements in the third year are seven times more likely to achieve good degrees (2.1 or 1st) than those who opt out of work placements. It is also found that Chinese students who have a high prior academic achievement and better academic results from years 1 and 2 are likely to undertake placements. Finally, the results show that the academic performance of international students is influenced by domicile.  相似文献   

关于当前教学评价理论基础的反思   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教学评价是教学活动中的重要一环,起着诊断教学效果、调节教学活动、强化学生学习的作用。但当前基础教育的教学评价,只是使学生线粹地接受教育中固有的意义,使灌输已有的原义成为了教育的主要任务,导致学生是否接受这种原义和接受的程度作为评价学生的主要依据。这种评价方式对教学是有害的,教学评价的重建应是从外在的机械的评价转向内在性的评价。  相似文献   

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