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综合练习 A1 完形填空(10分)Men first measured time (1) using a stick in the ground.The length of the (2) shadow would (3) what time of day itwas.(4),the Egyptians used a pillar,(5) as a gnomon,andthen developed a simple sundial,(6) consisted of a stone with apointer on it.The stone was placed in an east-west direction,and the shadow of the pointer showed the time.About 300 BC,a Babylonian (7) Berosus invented a semi-circular sundial,(8) he marked twelve hours.The Babyloni-am,like the Egyptians,divided daylight (9) twelve parts andnight into twelve.This meant that an hour would have differ-ent lengths (10) different times of the year.A daytime hourmight be longer or shorter than a nighttime one.These hoursare known as 'temporary hours'.(1)A.with B.byC.through D.in  相似文献   

综合练习 A1 完形填空(10分)Men first measured time(?)using a stick in the ground.The lengthof the(?)shadow would(?)what time of day it was.(?),the Egyp-tians used a pillar,(?)as a gnomon,and then developed a simple sundial,(?)consisted of a stone with a pointer on it.The stone was placed in aneast-west direction,and the shadow of the pointer showed the time.About 300 BC,a Babylonian(?)Berosus invented a semi-circularsundial,(?)he marked twelve hours.The Babylonians,like the Egyp-  相似文献   

1 完形填空(10分)Men first mcasured time(1)using a stick in the ground.The length of the (2)shadow would(3)what time of day it was.(4),the Egyp  相似文献   

1 完形填空(10分)Today, Chincse scientists (1) more and more interestedin the curcs used in traditional Chinesc medicine. They believethat (2) of traditional medicine is effectivc and want to know(3) it works.One Western-trained expert (4) that Chinese medicineis (5) than Western medicine in a number of cases. Most(6),it helps your body fight against diseases (7)it has aless harn1ful effcct (8) do Western pills. Moreover, the Chi-nese system of medicine has existed (9) thousands of years.This means there is a lot of information about the diseases it(10).  相似文献   

1 完形填空(10分)Today, Chinese scientists (1) more and more interestedin the cures used in traditional Chinese medicine. They believethat (2) of traditional medicine is effective and want to know(3) it works.One Western-trained cxpert (4) that Chinese medicineis (5) than Western medicine in a number of cases. Most(6),it helps your body fight against diseases (7) has aless harmful cffect (8) do Western pills. Moreover, the Chi-ncse system of medicine has existed (9)thousands of years.This means there is a lot of information about the discases it(10).  相似文献   

l完形填空A(10分) Men first measuredthe ground.The Iength (3) what time ofEg)rptianS used a pilIar,of the dav (5)(1)(2)lt waSusing a stick in shadow would(4) ,the(5)(6)as a gnOmOn,aJld thell (7)deve【0ped a simpk sundial, (6) 00nsisted of a stonewith a pOinter on it.The stone waS placed in£u1 east—weSt (8)directIOn,a11d the shadow of the pointer showed the tinle. About 300 BC,a Babylonianvented a semi—circular sundial。(7)(8)BerOsus in一 (9)he markedtwelVe hours.The Babylonians,like…  相似文献   

1 完形填空A (1 0分 )Itisstrange  (1 ) somestoriesofmonstersbeginwithlittleor  (2 ) evidenceatall.ThestoryoftheKrakenisanexample .A   (3) timeago,amaninNorwayreportedsee ingahugeanimal  (4) fromtheseaandpulldownashipwithitslongarms.Itislikelythattheshipwas  (5) byasuddensto…  相似文献   

本学期期末考试试题分为两大部分:第一部分:标准化试题(80分);第二部分:一般试题(20分)。应提醒大家注意的是:根据95年成都全国电大英语会议的精神:本学期期末试题全部答案均需写在答题纸上。答题纸上只印有题的番号,考生需自己填写所选答案  相似文献   

1 完形填空 Modern advertising men try to justify 1 they doby 2 us of the advantages of advertising. Thus, it issaid 3 advertising reduces the price of goods becauseit increases the number that are 4 . In fact, productscould often be sold morc 5 if there were not wastefulcompetition between companies. This results 6 expensive advertisements, the cost of 7 is passed on to  相似文献   

1 完形填空 A(10 分) It is strange (1)__some stories of monsters begin with little or (2)__ evidence at all. The story of the Kraken is an example. A (3)__ time ago, a man in Norway reported seeing a huge animal (4)__from the sea and pull down a ship with its long arms. It is likely that the ship was (5)__by a sudden storm;but local people believed the story.  相似文献   

本学期期末考试试题分为两大部分:第一部分:标准化试题(80分);第二部分:一般试题(20分)。应提醒大家注意的是:根据95年成都全国电大英语会议的精神:本学期期末试题全部答案均需写在答题纸上。答题纸上只印有题的番号,考生需自己填写所选答案(或回答问题)。  相似文献   

本学期期末考试试题分为两大部分:第一部分:标准化试题(80分);第二部分:一般试题(20分)。应提醒大家注意的是:根据95年成都全国电大英语会议的精神:本学期期末试题全部答案均需写在答题纸上。答题纸上只印有题的番号,考生需自己填写所选答案(或回答问题)。  相似文献   

本学期期末考试试题分为两大部分:第一部分:标准化试题(80分);第二部分:一般试题(20分)。应提醒大家注意的是:根据95年成都全国电大英语会议的精神:本学期期末试题全部答案均需写在答题纸上。答题纸上只印有题的番号,考生需自己填写所选答案(或回答问题)。  相似文献   

l完形填空 M记ern advortising men try to justify一」一.they doby~卫二us of tho advantages of advcrtising.Thus.it 15sa,d 3 advertisingredueesthePrieeofgoc山beeauseIt Ineroases the number that are 4 .In faet,pr记uetseould often be沁ld more 5 if rherc were not wastefuleompotltlon betwccl飞eompanies.This results 6 ex-pollsivo adverrisements,the cost of一二一15 passed on totho publie.A magazino has因intedse卫一that headaehep,I]sw,:ho:,r a brand:lamo eanb。刻d vcry ehca口y,9tho samc pills,advertise…  相似文献   

一、完形填空。(10分) The wind and the sun Were 1 about a traveller who was walking along a lonely country road. 2 traveller was wearing a thick coat. "I'm sure that I can 3 that man's coat off", the wind said. "I don't think you 4", the Sun answered. The  相似文献   

一、完形填空。(10分) The wind and the sun were 1 about a tra代U.r whowas walking along a lonely country ro砚.2 traveller waswearlng a thjek co口t· 111‘m sure that 1 can3thatman,seo.to任即,thewind said.份1 don‘t think you4斤,the Sun answered.Thewind began to blow verys·It Pull司the traveller‘5 eoat·But the traveller did 6 his eoat,助d wr即讲d jt 7 tjght一yaround him.Thewindblewharder一butiteouldnotPullthe eoat off the trave业r·即Let me try”,the Sun said,TheSun began to shine·The ai…  相似文献   

1完形坡空(10分) The words in this dictionary(1)listed in alphabeticalorder:this丝2 that words beginning with A are listed atthe立业of the dietion娜,words beginni眼币th 2 are list-ed at the(4).and words begin苗ng with M are Iisteda拍und the mid山e.50 if you want to find the word“menu”,卿ean tum straight to the二丝of thedictionary. To help卯u to find words二互2,in the top oornerofeaeh那ge卿俪u鱼the first or the兰旦word抚that哪ge.50 you can workt玩rough the dietlonaryr叩idly.looking up these wo…  相似文献   

1 完形填空(10分) The wods in this dictionary (1) in listed in alphabeticalorder:this (2) that words beginning with A are listed atthe (3) of the dictionary, words beginning with Z are list-ed at the (4), and words beginning with M are listedaround the middle. So if you want to find the word"menu", you can turn straight to the in (5) thedictionary. To help you to find words (6), in the top corner ofeach page you will (7) the first or the (8) word on thatpage. So you can work through the dictionary rapidly.looking up these words, until you find (9) that begins  相似文献   

一、给F面的多音字按不周读音注音、组词:①性二、根据下列词语中的拼I午写汉字: 绵g色n,盘卜、,an 温x In 追s众,}少血 旖nt 花朵zhu6 Zbu6_;三、词语填空: 团花___锦,夜人静;蛇紫力‘; 脍人!一I;风沐雨,___精竭虑; 解_捐款;熙来 _往。四、文学常识填空:1、我国现代著名散丈作家_____,毛主席赞扬他“一身贡病,‘扣lJ饿死,不领__”,“体现了我们____的览雄气概”中学语文课本选了他的散文___、、租 乙作者在一九二二年曾写过一篇{孜丈《______》,广仁动地描写了秦淮河卜的夜景t2、作家辛牧,原名____,现代家解放后,奈牧第一本散文集便以__…  相似文献   

一、完形填空 (2 0分 )1 .Today ,Chinesescientists  1 morein terestedinthecuresusedintraditionalChinesemedicine.Theybelievethat  2 oftraditionalmedicineiseffectiveandwanttoknow  3 itworks.OneWestern -trainedexpert  4 thatChinesemedicineis  5 thanWesternmedicineinanumberof…  相似文献   

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