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G840.3.G804.82 20022819“判断移动反应时”指标在球类项目选材中的应用研究=Application of indices on judging reactiontime during motion tO athletes’selection inball games[刊,中,A]/子学礼,闫沂,谭思洁,姬静宜,乔耕//天津体育学院学报.-2001.-16(3).-17-19图3表4参3(TY)球类运动//移动//反应时//测试//仪器//研制//视觉//判断//反应//选材模拟球类项目的运动方式,综合运动员视野、观察判断力、重心移动速度和应变反应能力,设计厂“判断移动反应时”测试指标及专用仪器。对1018  相似文献   

在大多数球类比赛中,运动员需要在长时间内承受间歇性大小负荷的交替变化,因此,对运动员的间歇负荷能力有很高的要求。YO-YO测试可以对运动员重复间歇性负荷的能力进行评价。国内对YO-YO测试与运动员之间的相关研究较为缺乏。文章就近年来国外对YO-YO测试与运动员比赛表现以及有氧耐力、无氧耐力指标的相关性研究进行综述,为"YO-YO测试"在国内足球及其它项目的训练监控应用中提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本研究采用YZ—22型投射弧型视野计对天津市367名优秀少年棒球、手球运动员、市重业体校的少年篮球运动员及普通中学的学生,分实验组和对照组进行了绿色视野的测试和比较,研究结果表明:1.少年棒球、篮球、手球运动员(实验组)的视野在左眼颞侧外下方的几个方位、右眼颞侧外下方300°、330°几个方位上明显优于无训练少年。2.球类运动员的视野优势主要是由于先天遗传因素所致;后天的运动训练所给予视觉功能的大量良性刺激,对保持、改善、提高运动员的视野也有着重要的意义。3.视野应作为球类运动员选材的一项重要的指标引起我们的重视。  相似文献   

本研完采用YZ—22型投射弧型视野针对天津市367名优秀少年棒球、手球运动员、市重业体校的少年篮球运动员及普通中学的学生,分实验组和对照组进行了绿色视野的测试和比较,研究结果表明: 1.少年棒球、篮球、手球运动员(实验组)的视野在左眼颞侧外下方的几个方位、右眼颞侧外下方300°、330°几个方位上明显优于无训练少年。2.球类运动员的视野忧势主要是由于先天遗传因素所致;后天的运动训练所给予视觉功能的大量良性利激,对保持、改善、提高运动员的视野也有着重要的意义。3.视野应作为球类运动员选材的一项重要的指标引起我们的重视。  相似文献   

研制开发了一套步法垫测试分析软件的步法测试系统,并运用该系统对1名一级乒乓球运动员比赛中的步法特征进行了测试与分析.得出以下主要结论:1.该论文所研发的乒乓球步法垫测试系统可以用作对乒乓球比赛中步法的测试.可以获得整场比赛步法移动的运动学参数:步法移动的时间(左、右足腾空、支撑时间、次数;双足的腾空、支撑时间等)、步法移动的空间(步法移动的范围、步幅)及步法移动的速度、步频等指标.2.该名乒乓球运动员步法移动的总体运动学特征概括为:1)运动员在偏左台的8.04 m2的区域里,以1.59±0.04次/s的高频率,每步以8.02±7.28 cm的小步幅进行步法移动;2)在比赛中,运动员有大约一半的时间处于移动状态,乒乓球步法的移动中以单脚的移动为主,以双脚的同时移动为辅;3)运动员在一场比赛中共进行了1 437次移动,移动距离为115.54 m;4)右脚的每步移动距离、每局移动距离大于左脚.  相似文献   

采用文献研究、问卷调查、专家访谈、测试与数理统计等方法,运用R型聚类分析方法,筛选出有效反应辽宁省优秀青年男子篮球运动员耐力素质水平的10项指标,求出各指标的权重,并对运动员的耐力水平进行评价与诊断.旨在为教练员科学规划运动员的耐力素质训练提供依据.  相似文献   

申甫 《体育世界》2014,(10):15-16
如何才能快速的对突破队员的动作做出判断呢?本文通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、实验法、以及数理统计等研究方法,对运动员的手、脚步移动简单反应时进行测试,同时对运动员防守体前变向运球突破队员防守时注意腰部的反应时与运动员的手、脚脚步移动简单反应时进行相关性的分析研究,以期为以后的教学与训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为了实现对跆拳道运动员步法移动的启动速度、动作速度、动作时间以及运动距离等的客观量化评价,研究设计了跆拳道步法敏捷度训练仪器.该仪器主要利用压力传感器阵列构成的测试平台,实时、连续测出运动员双脚位置,配合显示屏给出的引导信号,计算出步法移动的各项指标,实现对运动员神经反应能力、步法移动能力的客观量化评价.仪器评测结果准确、可靠性高,为教练员实现对运动员精准的步法技术动作评价与缺陷诊断奠定了基础.建议在应用中结合训练阶段的不同要求,合理安排训练的课次、内容和顺序,考虑训练的负荷强度、负荷量、间歇时间和训练的系统性.  相似文献   

<正> 反应时(Reaction time 简称RT)是指从刺激出现到开始反应所需要的时间,它取决于感受器接受刺激产生兴奋,兴奋沿反射弧传递,直至引起效应器开始兴奋所需要的时间,又称为反应潜伏期,它可以反映反应速度的快慢,这对于现代竞技体育运动中,特别在球类项目和双人对抗性项目(如击剑、拳击等)显得尤其重要,是运动员早期科学选材的一个重要指标。为了了解我省青少儿简单反应时的情况,我们对1985年《福建省运动员科学选材标准调查研究》测试所得的数据进行统计与分析,其目的一方面是探讨我省青少儿简单反应时受哪些因素制约(如年龄、性别、地区、文化程度和月经初潮等);另一方面制定我省青少儿简单反应时评价标准,为体育教学和运动员早期科学选材提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:对国内外经检验的球类运动灵敏测试方法的设计结构、信度和效度进行系统综述,为球类运动灵敏素质的评价提供更科学的测试方法。方法:通过数据库对相关关键词进行检索并搜集符合标准的文献,运用PE-Dro评分系统对文献进行质量评估。结果:共纳入33篇文献,质量评价平均得分15分,得分范围13~17分。所有搜集文献共包含59种测试方法,37种为改变方向速度测试(CODT),22种为反应灵敏测试(RAT)。结果:CODT设计的移动距离相对更长,改变方向的次数相对更多,两类测试方法的变向角度主要采用45°、90°和180° ;CODT的组内相关系数(ICC)范围为0.5~0.99,RAT的ICC为0.33~0.99,3篇文献发现较低的信度且均为RAT ;效度检验主要通过区分运动员水平、比赛位置以及年龄段来实现。结论:球类项目灵敏素质评价主要应用CODT与RAT两类测试方法。由于设计结构的差异,两类方法在信度和效度上各有优劣。CODT具有相对更高的信度,RAT则具有相对更高的效度。认知与决策能力作为高水平球类运动员的关键指标,建议未来在球类项目灵敏素质测量评价中加入刺激源组件  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to examine quantitatively ground reaction forces, kinematics, and muscle activations during the windmill softball pitch, and to determine relationships between knee valgus and muscle activations, ball velocity and muscle activation as well as ball velocity and ground reaction forces. It was hypothesized that there would be an inverse relationship between degree of knee valgus and muscle activation, a direct relationship between ground reaction forces and ball velocity, and non-stride leg muscle activations and ball velocity. Ten female windmill softball pitchers (age 17.6 ± 3.47 years, stature 1.67 ± 0.07 m, weight 67.4 ± 12.2 kg) participated. Dependent variables were ball velocity, surface electromyographic (sEMG), kinematic, and kinetic data while the participant was the independent variable. Stride foot contact reported peak vertical forces of 179% body weight. There were positive relationships between ball velocity and ground reaction force (r = 0.758, n = 10, P = 0.029) as well as ball velocity and non-stride leg gluteus maximus (r = 0.851, n = 10, P = 0.007) and medius (r = 0.760, n = 10, P = 0.029) muscle activity, while there was no notable relationship between knee valgus and muscle activation. As the windmill softball pitcher increased ball velocity, her vertical ground reaction forces also increased. Proper conditioning of the lumbopelvic-hip complex, including the gluteals, is essential for injury prevention. From the data presented, it is evident that bilateral strength and conditioning of the gluteal muscle group is salient in the windmill softball pitch as an attempt to decrease incidence of injury.  相似文献   

There is currently much debate about the safety of the sport of softball. Batted‐ball speed and average pitcher reaction time are factors often used to determine safe performance. Batted‐ball speed is shown to be the most important factor to consider when determining safe play. Average pitcher reaction time is explained and directly correlated to batted‐ball speed. Eleven aluminum multi‐wall, three aluminum single‐wall and two composite softball bats were tested with mid‐compression polyurethane softballs averaging 1721 ±62 N/6.4 mm to represent the relative bat‐ball performance for the sport of slow‐pitch softball. Nine men and six women were chosen for this study out of a test group of over three hundred slowpitch softball players. On average, aluminum bat performance results were within the recommended safety limits established by the national softball associations. However, when composite bats were used, their performance results exceeded the recommended safety limits which can pose a significant safety risk. Using aluminum softball bats, batted‐ball speeds ranged from 80 to 145 km.h‐1. Using composite softball bats, batted‐ball speeds ranged from 146 to 161 km.h‐1. The scientific relevance of this study is to provide performance information that can lead to injury prevention in the sport of softball.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate whether high peak ground reaction forces and high average loading rates are necessary to bowl fast. Kinematic and kinetic bowling data were collected for 20 elite male fast bowlers. A moderate non-significant correlation was found between ball speed and peak vertical ground reaction force with faster bowlers tending to have lower peak vertical ground reaction force (r = ?0.364, P = 0.114). Faster ball speeds were correlated with both lower average vertical and lower average horizontal loading rates (r = ?0.452, P = 0.046 and r = ?0.484, P = 0.031, respectively). A larger horizontal (braking) impulse was associated with a faster ball speed (r = 0.574, P = 0.008) and a larger plant angle of the front leg (measured from the vertical) at front foot contact was associated with a larger horizontal impulse (r = 0.706, P = 0.001). These findings suggest that there does not necessarily need to be a trade-off between maximum ball release speed and the forces exerted on fast bowlers (peak ground reaction forces and average loading rates). Furthermore, it appears that one of the key determinants of ball speed is the horizontal impulse generated at the ground over the period from front foot contact until ball release.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to evaluate the time required by German Bundesliga soccer teams to recover ball possession – which was operationalised as defensive reaction time – and identify both the differences between top teams and the rest of the league and the influence of match status on the aforementioned indicator. Therefore, teams were classified into 3 distinct groups according to their final league position: top, in-between and bottom. In total, all 306 games of the season 2010/2011 were analysed post-event. Top teams recovered ball possession quickest after losing it in comparison to the other groups and demonstrated lower defensive reaction times (approximately 1 s in each match status) compared to the remaining teams. Moreover, all groups showed the lowest defensive reaction times when trailing. The results of this study imply that recovering ball possession as quickly as possible after losing possession was an important determinant of successful defensive performance in German Bundesliga season 2010/2011. Further, the current score seemed to be highly influential on the defensive reaction time. The implications of the results for future research, especially considering opponent interactions, are critically discussed.  相似文献   

通过文献法、专家访谈法、数据分析法、视频分析法等方法,对2008年北京奥运会男子篮球八强比赛进行数据视频分析,并对后卫控制球、支配球相关数据进行统计,将八强主力后卫进行对比分析。研究结论如下:当今优秀后卫在技术能力和身体素质能力方面上均体现出更住全面的特点,技术方面运用更为合理,攻击性更加均衡、对比赛掌控能力更加稳定。...  相似文献   

目的:通过分析太极柔力球练习对老年女性血清雌激素、肌肉力量、手臂稳定性、光辨别反应时、长时及瞬时记忆保持量的影响,探讨太极柔力球运动提高老年女性肌肉力量及认知功能的可行性.方法:选取老年女性29人,分为对照组(14人)和锻炼组(15人),对两组血清雌二醇、左右手握力、红绿光辨别反应时、手臂稳定性及长时、瞬时记忆保持量等各项指标进行比较分析.结果:与对照组比较,老年女性太极柔力球锻炼组的血清雌二醇(76.85±15.36 pmol/L;P<0.01)、右手握力(278.36±52.36 N;P<0.01)、红绿光辨别反应时(0.42±0.15 s;0.60±0.21 s;P<0.01,P<0.05)、右手臂稳定性(3.65±0.52 mm;P<0.01)、长时记忆保持量(0.55±0.09;P<0.05)及瞬时记忆保持量(0.62±0.15;P<0.05)差异均有显著性;左手握力(225.69±18.67 N)及左手臂稳定性(5.3±0.99 mm)较对照组增高,但无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论:大极柔力球练习可增高老年女性的血清雌二醇水平,对提高老年女性的肌肉力量及认知功能具有积极作用,值得大力推广.  相似文献   


The aims of the present study were to examine quantitatively ground reaction forces, kinematics, and muscle activations during the windmill softball pitch, and to determine relationships between knee valgus and muscle activations, ball velocity and muscle activation as well as ball velocity and ground reaction forces. It was hypothesized that there would be an inverse relationship between degree of knee valgus and muscle activation, a direct relationship between ground reaction forces and ball velocity, and non-stride leg muscle activations and ball velocity. Ten female windmill softball pitchers (age 17.6 ± 3.47 years, stature 1.67 ± 0.07 m, weight 67.4 ± 12.2 kg) participated. Dependent variables were ball velocity, surface electromyographic (sEMG), kinematic, and kinetic data while the participant was the independent variable. Stride foot contact reported peak vertical forces of 179% body weight. There were positive relationships between ball velocity and ground reaction force (r = 0.758, n = 10, P = 0.029) as well as ball velocity and non-stride leg gluteus maximus (r = 0.851, n = 10, P = 0.007) and medius (r = 0.760, n = 10, P = 0.029) muscle activity, while there was no notable relationship between knee valgus and muscle activation. As the windmill softball pitcher increased ball velocity, her vertical ground reaction forces also increased. Proper conditioning of the lumbopelvic–hip complex, including the gluteals, is essential for injury prevention. From the data presented, it is evident that bilateral strength and conditioning of the gluteal muscle group is salient in the windmill softball pitch as an attempt to decrease incidence of injury.  相似文献   


We quantify the nature and frequency of anticipation behaviours in professional tennis using video coding of incidents where the time delay between the opponent's stroke and the reaction of the player were recorded. We argue that anticipation is based on uncertain information and should lead in some situations to erroneous decisions. We identified the transition between reaction (with 100% accuracy in the selection of where the ball is played on the court) and anticipation (with less than 100% accuracy) as being 140–160 ms after ball contact. Anticipation behaviours occurred on between 6.14% and 13.42% of the coded situations. These anticipation behaviours appeared almost exclusively in ‘unfavourable’ situations, where the opponent had a significant tactical advantage, with the type of playing surface having only a limited effect. Moreover, the decrease in accuracy with shorter response times is not monotonic, with an increase in response accuracy being observed for times shorter than 120 ms before ball contact. We propose that very early anticipation behaviours occur when players use significant context-specific information before the opponent's stroke. When such information is not available, players produce anticipation behaviours that are closer to the moment of ball–racket contact using information that is more likely to be based on the opponent's preparation of the stroke. This study opens new directions for research focusing on the testing and training of anticipation in fast ball sports.  相似文献   

Tennis courts are normally classified as fast or slow depending on whether the coefficient of sliding friction (COF) between the ball and the surface is respectively small or large. This classification is based on the fact that the change in horizontal ball speed is directly proportional to the COF if the ball is incident at a small angle to the horizontal. At angles of incidence greater than about 16° it is commonly assumed that the ball will roll during the bounce, in which case one can show that the ratio of the horizontal speed after the bounce to that before the bounce will be 0.645 regardless of the angle of incidence or the speed of the court. Measurements are presented showing that (a) at high angles of incidence, tennis balls grip or ‘bite’ the court but they do not roll during the bounce, (b) the bounce:speed ratio can be as low as 0.4 on some courts and (c) the normal reaction force acts through a point ahead of the centre of mass. An interesting consequence is that, if court A is faster than court B at low angles of incidence, then A is not necessarily faster than B at high angles of incidence. An exception is a clay court which remains slow at all angles of incidence. The measurements also show that the coefficient of restitution for a tennis ball can be as high as 0.9 for an oblique bounce on a slow court, meaning that the ball bounces like a superball in the vertical direction and that slow courts are fast in the vertical direction.  相似文献   


Reaction time of the batter in Softball is important because of short pitching distance and the speed of the pitcher. Nine pitchers were tested for speed and had an average velocity of 59.95 mph and a mean reaction time of .215 sec. was found for 258 students tested. With these averages, the ball would be 29.33 ft. from home plate before 116 of these students began their swing and in 41 cases the ball would be less than 20 ft from the plate. Pitchers with greater velocity would decrease the success of the batter if the reaction time remains the same.  相似文献   

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