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知识与技能 1.重点词汇 across, afraid, already, although, attract, both, collect,copy, cross, describe, do well in, encourage, especially,event, fail, fit, harm, helpful, join, journey, mark, nearby,on, onto, pay (paid, paid), pity, possible, practice, pride,protect, proud, since, such, suppose, unless, waste, when-ever, wherever。  相似文献   

知识与技能1.重点词汇across,afraid,already,although,attract,both,collect,copy,cross,describe,dowellin,encourage,especially,event,fail,fit,harm,helpful,join,journey,mark,nearby,on,onto,pay(paid,paid),pity,possible,practice,pride,protect,proud,since,such,sup  相似文献   

Unit13 The water planet一、单元学习要求1.掌握下列45个词语用法:cube,sailor,benefit,disadvantage,entertainm ent,property,range,hydrogen,atom,oxygen,solid,available,pure,gram,relation-ship,m ass,per,cubic,float,centigrade,absorb,stable,sensitive,bottom,nursery,m arine,m ariner,plankton,m akeup,m olecule,sub-stance,relatively,dissolve,organism,salinity,density,dense,volum e,capacity,release,turn...upside down,take aw ay(from),get started,m ake a note/notes of,rich and varied2.学习运用下列交际用语:…  相似文献   

“动词+宾语+不定式”是英语中一个十分有用的结构,不仅是考试中的重要考点,而且在口语中也用得非常广泛。可用于该结构的常用动词有advise,allow,ask,bear,beg,cause,colllnland,encourage,expect,forbid,force,get,hate,help,in-tend,invite,leave,like,mean,need,oblige,order,permit,persuade,prefer,request,remind,teach,tell,trouble,want,warn,wish等。如:  相似文献   

Unit2~4词汇专项练习I.请你试着把下列单词整理一下,好吗?Tim,red,nine,table,seven,yellow,Sonia,pencil,bed,pen,Jane,K elsey,sister,father,David,dresser,green,book,m other,parent,blue,bookcase,Paul,black,brother,eraser,ruler,son,sofa,chair,cousin,white,Em m a,e  相似文献   

The number songOne,two,how do you do?一,二,你好!Three,four,how do you do?三,四,你好!Five,six,what’s your name?五,六,你叫什么名字?Seven,eight,my name is Mary.七,八,我叫玛丽。Nine,ten,nice to meet you.九,十,很高兴见到你。One,two,three,me too.一,二,三,我也一样。Four,five,six,let’s make good friends.四,五,六,让我们交朋友吧。Seven,eight,nine,ten,OK!七,八,九,十,好!One,two,three,four,let’s go to school together.一,二,三,四,我们一起上学去吧。Five,six,seven,eight,don’t be late.五,六,七,八,不要…  相似文献   

叶枫,项科,雷益明,刘涛,欧芳平,周霞,彭翔宇,黄胜,刘洋,黄稳,唐景德,丁星,吴铠,丁翠,邬丹,杨兵,文英,杨蒙,吴春丰,潘焕辉,伍娟,陈晋,周素玲,江才万,蒋莉,严涛,李东,肖美琴,邓浩,郭强,刘玉萍,黄海鹏,廖祥福,彭钦,肖明月,刘灿,黄健,欧兰桂,张迎春,常洁,周晓娟,欧阳宁萍,敖伟,蒋玲,熊建英,向如意,彭海,朱磊,周彪,张勋,向仁海,瞿繁,罗俊,魏鹏,肖英,张禹,朱时雨,卢求钧,杨群芳,张文灿,张亮平,余西京,金懋,谢冬燕,陈仕良,贺思嘉,韦冠宇,朱玉娇,谢巧君,李霆宇,谭晓宁,胡丹,王刚,黄健,李军霖,唐美玲,牛红凌,刘茂,余运瑾,邹思琪,杨芳园,田恬,肖启明,…  相似文献   

同学们,你们想成为英文书法家吗?那么从一开始就要学写规范的英文字母,掌握基本的书写知识。看看以下有关英文书写的“八项注意”:1.英语共有26个字母,根据它们的读音,可分为三类:A a,Ee,Ii,O o,U u五个元音字母;Bb,Cc,D d,Ff,G g,H h,Jj,K k,Ll,M m,N n,Pp,Q q,R r,Ss,Tt,V v,W w,X x,Zz二十个辅音字母;Y y有时用作元音字母,有时用作辅音字母。2.字母要按一定的笔划顺序来写。书写时,小写字母中的f,i,j,t,x是两笔完成,其余的应一笔完成;大写字母中的C,G,J,L,O,S,V,W,Z是一笔完成,B,D,K,M,P,Q,R,T,U,X,Y要两笔完成,但A,…  相似文献   

小学阶段 ,学习自然 ,科学启蒙 ,基础关键。提高认识 ,更新观念 ,同属主科 ,莫存偏见。课上课下 ,理论实践 ,课内课外 ,注重实验。吃透教材 ,认真钻研 ,精心准备 ,材料齐全。认真备课 ,巧设实验 ,课前预习 ,重要阶段。找准问题 ,抓住难点 ,自然课上 ,畅所欲言。激情引趣 ,制造悬念 ,自主学习 ,自己实验。自我探究 ,自找答案 ,小组讨论 ,各抒己见。适时点拨 ,抓住关键 ,广阔农村 ,丰富资料。综合利用 ,取之无限 ,动物植物 ,样样俱全。天文地理 ,人文景观 ,应有尽有 ,得天独厚。认识自然 ,学习自然 ,改造自然 ,利用自然。师生齐心 ,学好自然小…  相似文献   

卫生部发文通知,决定淘汰第三批105个中成药品种。下列品种应立即停止生产,并撤销其生产批准文号,已生产出厂的合格产品,于1995年年底前仍可销售和使用。 水泻散,补肺汤,风湿跌打止痛膏,红膏药,光和熊胆油,调元补肾丸,冠心宁片,婴儿散、镇惊散,小儿金片,肺灵丸,枸杞晶,四合素片,小儿止咳散,香连散,归芪丸,顺气丸、桔梗丸,桃儿七片,复方斑钠片,复方甘草丹参片,鼻炎宁糖浆,武威膏药,黄柏果片,健脾肥儿散,六味寒水石散,贝母止咳蜜浆,滋补片,止咳冲剂,汇雪,山楂糖浆,人参健脾膏,参桂鹿茸膏,复方胃痛片,首乌酒,炎症丸,驱风药水,消炎冲剂,小儿止咳冲剂,风湿骨痛糖浆,保健丸,小儿鸡肝散,肥儿冲剂,感冒灵胶囊,理气舒肝丸,复方鱼腥草素片,心可乐冲剂,首乌益寿晶,延龄冲剂,润  相似文献   

Considering the pivotal role of academic adjustment for student success, it is important to gain insight into how several motivational and behavioural factors affect academic adjustment and the extent to which academic adjustment influences student success. This empirical study investigated how intrinsic motivation, academic self-efficacy, self-regulated study behaviour and satisfaction with the chosen degree programme influenced academic adjustment in university and how these variables and adjustment affected three important indicators of student success: grade point average (GPA), attained number of credits (ECTS) and intention to persist. The sample consisted of 243 first-year university students in the Netherlands. Structural equation modelling showed that academic adjustment was influenced by intrinsic motivation, self-regulated study behaviour and degree programme satisfaction, which together explained 72% of the variance in adjustment. Motivational and behavioural variables did not influence GPA and credits directly but through academic adjustment. Furthermore, only satisfaction with the degree programme predicted intention to persist. These results point to the importance of academic adjustment in predicting university GPA and credits and the pivotal role of satisfaction with the degree programme in predicting intention to persist. Universities could integrate the development of self-regulated study skills—the biggest contributor to academic adjustment—in the first-year programme. Moreover, looking at the importance of students’ satisfaction with the programme, communication and collaboration between secondary schools and universities should be enhanced in order to help students to choose a university degree programme that matches their abilities, interests and values.  相似文献   

拆装调整实训竞赛能够激发学生学习兴趣、提高学生实际动手能力。拆装调整过程能够使学生更加深入理解学习的理论知识,亲自感受常用农业机械的调整方法。农机机械拆装调整实训是实践性较强的课程,通过分组竞赛的教学手段,学生能够快速掌握农业机械的调整方法。该文以农机机械最常用的播种机拆装调整为案例,介绍了拆装调整实训竞赛的教学实施过程,引导学生对理论与动手实践能力结合,提高农业机械使用、操作与调整方面的能力。  相似文献   

用现代数学新思维 ,新理论 ,新方法 ,整合教学教材 ,处理当前数学教学问题。是数学改革的正确方向。不等式是初等数学的重要内容 ,也是高等数学的重要基础。从逐步调整的思想出发 ,站在不等式系统的高度来处理教材内容和教学问题是有益的途径之一  相似文献   

考试情绪,影响考生的考前准备、考中发挥和考后心 态调整。从考试情绪的三个维度出发,探讨考前、考中和考后三个 阶段中考生情绪的表现、原因和调节措施,可为考生从容面对考 试提供一种支持。  相似文献   

Thirteen 6-year-old children who had been physically abused by their parents were assessed in school for language development, educational attainments and social adjustment, and compared with children from some of the same school classes who served as a comparison group. All the abused children had attended the Family Centre of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in Manchester before starting school, and they and their parents had received social work support and supervision from the special unit team. Ten of the 13 abused children had made measurable progress in reading. There were no significant differences between the groups in language development or number skills, but the abused group did contain more high (maladjusted) scores on the Bristol Social Adjustment Guide. Monitoring educational progress and social adjustment in school would seem to be a useful method of following the progress of such children. Most of the children in this group are so far making progress within the ordinary school system despite the disturbances which have affected their home life.  相似文献   

The present study deals with relations between academic achievement, learned helplessness and psychological adjustment (self-esteem and depression), controlled for gender and age. A preliminary study was conducted to test the direction of the relationship between learned helplessness, assessed by the teacher, and own expectation about academic achievement. The sample consisted of 1580 students with data collected in grades 3 and 4, 6 and 7 and 8 and 9. The relation between these two variables was reciprocal, with the strongest effect between helplessness and expectations. Hypotheses concerning the relations between achievement, helplessness and psychological adjustment were tested by means of a cross-sectional sample consisting of 1575 students in grades 4, 7 and 9. The analyses of structural equation models showed that academic achievement was directly and indirectly related to the pattern of attributions, expectations, helplessness and psychological adjustment. Moreover, helplessness and academic expectations were significantly related to psychological adjustment. The results also clearly found that boys showed more helpless behaviour, as assessed by the teacher, than did girls, while, on the other hand, girls reported more psychological maladjustment. Some practical implications of the findings are reported at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

本文从可编程控制器在温度控制上应用的实例中,介绍了模拟量闭环控制系统和可编程控制器如何对模拟量进行闭环的PID调节,并给出了测温和电压自动控制的原理线路图.  相似文献   

高等教育合理分流与高等教育结构调整   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等教育分流是社会和个体对高等教育需求变化的必然要求,也是高等教育自身发展的必然要求。要使高等教育分流合理,就必须对现行高等教育中不合理的高等教育结构进行必要的调整,包括对高等教育的类型结构、专业结构、层次结构、区域结构及行政管理结构等方面的调整。  相似文献   

After impasses, the adjustment strategies learners can use in simulations differ from the ones that are available in real-life situations. An open question is whether learners with different levels of prior knowledge use different strategies to adjust their behavior and whether the chosen adjustment strategy helps their learning. In addition, it is unclear whether adjustment strategies are stable throughout the learning process. To answer these questions, we conducted two studies that both used a medical education simulation in which a learner collaborated with an agent-based radiologist to diagnose patients. In study 1 we found that the adjustment strategy of further evidence generation was only helpful for learners with intermediate prior knowledge whereas the likelihood of an accurate diagnosis descreased for learners with low or high prior knoweledge. In Study 2, we found three relatively stable clusters: reflective learners, variable learners, and evidence generators, thus offering the potential for adaptive scaffolding.  相似文献   

为响应国家高教改革、适应经济社会发展,在高等教育生态系统中获取最优的位置,新建本科院校必须实现向应用型本科院校转型。转型意味着学科专业的结构性调整,转型背景下新建本科院校学科专业调整面临内涵建设践行难、模仿容易创新难、理念虽好落实难等困境。摆脱困境需要形成由"管理型"到"治理型"的学科专业调整机制,建设"科学发展型"的领导班子,培育"双素质型"的教师队伍,发展"关联型"的学科专业群。  相似文献   

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