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繁殖是生命科学领域的核心概念之一,儿童关于繁殖的朴素生物学理论是儿童对生物繁殖概念非正式、朴素的理解。本研究参照既有的典型测验检测了48位3~5岁儿童对生物繁殖的本体区分、解释和预测能力,并结合儿童访谈分析了学前儿童对繁殖现象的因果解释机制。研究发现,儿童朴素生物学理论的形成与领域熟悉度有关,相比动物和人,儿童对植物繁殖概念的认知欠缺科学性,4~5岁是幼儿关于繁殖的朴素生物学理论形成的关键期。访谈发现朴素生物学理论的形成和转变是内源性和外源性学习的共同结果。在教育实践中,教师应在充分理解幼儿认知特征的基础上为儿童提供自我学习的机会,以支持性回应、信任性指导培养儿童积极的科学学习态度,进而提高幼儿园科学教育质量。  相似文献   

原型范畴理论对If条件句有着较强的解释力。本文将从形式和意义两方面对If条件句范畴中成员的关系做比较全面的解释,并较系统地论述该范畴的认知特征,突破传统的语法框架,把If条件句的研究从功能语法框架延伸到认知领域。  相似文献   

李慧 《考试周刊》2015,(22):2-4
原型范畴理论是认知语言学中一个很重要的概念,其最典型的成员是原型。具有认知功能的范畴理论包括上位、基本和下位三大范畴,其中基本层级对人类的认知起着参照点的作用。原型范畴理论的这些特征,有助于指导大学英语的四级翻译。  相似文献   

何春燕 《湘南学院学报》2007,28(4):57-59,64
原型范畴理论是认知语言学的主要内容之一,不同语言学家对"原型"有不同的理解;原型范畴的属性不确定性、范畴成员之间地位的不相等性及范畴边界的模糊性等特征对英语时态范畴的模糊性作出了合理的解释。  相似文献   

本文解读了"元功能"思想的内涵和韩礼德阐明"元功能"的方式,以及后人对该理论的发展,最后作者做出几点评论。作者认为,"及物性"系统用Rosch的"原型范畴理论"解释会更清楚;"动式"最好纳入"语篇功能"的范畴;此外,动式系统中的主动式、被动式和中动式应是并列关系。  相似文献   

本研究采用定义任务,探讨了弱智儿童对动物类、水果类、工具类实体名词感觉和功能语义特征的组织情况。结果发现,弱智儿童感觉特征表征贫乏,而功能特征表征相对完好。结论:弱化的感觉特征使弱智儿童在动物类和水果类的语义组织上表现出非典型性,表明这一人群更易发生生物范畴损伤,而相对完好的功能特征使弱智儿童工具类名词的语义组织与正常儿童没有差异。  相似文献   

本文以生成语法的中心语理论分析了副词性状语及形容词性状语中"地"的句法行为和句法功能,认为状语中的"De"和体词性结构中的"De"一样是一个功能范畴,能作为句法成分的核心,并决定所在句法成分的最大投射且保留其语类特征,文章提出副词性功能范畴假设,以保持状语成分解释的一致性。  相似文献   

一、Halliday的系统功能语言学理论与语篇分析 作为20世纪后半叶国际上最有影响的语言学理论之一,Halliday的系统功能语言学理论认为,语言的功能理论应该能解释语言的内部结构,同时也能解释“为什么语言是现在这个样子”这种问题。简单地说,语言有三个功能,概念功能、人际功能和言语功能。Halliday建构系统功能语法的目的之一是为语篇分析提供一个理论框架。  相似文献   

日语词汇的多义现象十分普遍,多义词的语义范畴中包括中心意义和其他义项。依据原型范畴理论,从认知角度对多义词词义变化作原型性解释,有利于学习者掌握日语多义词的语义扩展机制,通过促使学习者对模糊语义动词的共起关系范畴化,加深对模糊语义动词的理解。  相似文献   

本文在认知范畴理论的框架下对基本层次范畴、上义层次范畴和下义层次范畴进行了认知阐释,并在此基础上强调了上下义关系中的下义词的语篇功能.通过实证研究发现,下义词能使语言表达更为具体、更为准确、更为生动形象,在教学过程中导入上下义关系可以提高学生的写作能力,更好地理解文学语篇中语言的形象性这一特征.  相似文献   

时间与空间是英美马克思主义关注的一个核心问题.大卫·哈维在继承牛顿、爱因斯坦和莱布尼茨等的时空理论的基础上,运用马克思主义辩证法,从两个维度建构起自己的时空理论:一是从空间与时间、物质、运动之间的关系来确定空间的属性,将时间与空间划分为绝对空间、相对时一空和关联时空;二是根据人们的实践活动将空间划分为物质空间、空间的表征、表征的空间.两个时空维度的辩证张力所形成的“时空矩阵”体现了哈维的时空终极辩证法,也丰富了马克思主义的空间时间辩证法思想宝库.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in children’s experiences and perspectives of their own lives. This interest has been stimulated by legal and political initiatives (e.g., the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child), and by theoretical developments in education and social science disciplines. Children are no longer viewed primarily as “becomings”, but as “beings”, whose ideas, experiences, choices and relationships are interesting in their own right. Children, like adults, are “social agents”, who make sense of their experiences. This paper discusses the multi‐level approach metaphorically termed “listening to children’s voices”. First, there is the methodological level – i.e., how to listen. However, this paper does not go into detail regarding what kinds of methods are suitable for grasping the sense of children’s experiences. Second, studies of children’s (or adults’) experiences are underpinned by insider epistemology, the core of which is that insiders have a privileged access to knowledge of their own experiences. The question that will be addressed is what kind of knowledge is insider knowledge; two versions of insider epistemology are discussed in this paper. Third, the approach of listening to children is also underpinned by theory of the subject (or subjectivities). The paper briefly discusses five conceptions of the subject in terms of their possible implications for research on children’s experiences and perspectives. It is argued that even though some definitions of the subject are directly opposed to each other, it is possible to combine some perspectives. The relational conception of the subject, and the theory of interactionism developed by Brian Fay may be helpful for developing knowledge of lived experience, especially when individuals and groups being studied are seemingly very different from the researcher. It is concluded that an open (or weak) thesis of insider epistemology and a relational theory of the subject can offer a powerful theoretical foundation for research on experiences of children, especially of children whose voices are seldom heard.  相似文献   

列斐伏尔的空间生产理论及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在马克思主义、先锋派艺术实践与战后法国的城市化进程等因素合力作用下,列斐伏尔转向了空间研究,围绕空间的本质、空间的生产和空间的再生产等对空间生产理论展开论述。受其影响,卡斯特、索亚、哈维和佐京等从城市社会学、地理学与文化研究等学科实现了空间生产理论的再生产。  相似文献   

时间观念是马克思主义重要的理论范畴,是马克思思想体系众多核心理论的重要潜在构成维度。马克思的时间观念深深地扎根于西方文化的土壤中。深入探索和全面梳理西方传统文化中的时间渊源,对于深入理解马克思的时间观念有着重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

Cognitive load theory has been concerned primarily with techniques that will facilitate the acquisition by students of knowledge previously generated by others and deemed to be important by society. The initial generation of that knowledge, a creative process, has been largely ignored. The recent expansion of cognitive load theory’s cognitive architectural base to incorporate evolutionary biological principles has opened the possibility of using the theory to consider the generation of knowledge as well as its transmission. It has been suggested that the logical base that underlies evolution by natural selection also underlies human cognitive architecture. The purpose of evolutionary theory is to explain the creation of new biological entities and processes. If human cognitive architecture is organized around the same principles, it should analogically be possible to explain knowledge generation. This paper will outline the relevant theoretical machinery, indicate data that support the theory, and indicate instructional procedures that, based on the theory, should facilitate creativity.  相似文献   

佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿和托尼·莫里森分别在《他们眼望上苍》和《秀拉》中塑造了不朽的黑人女性形象。借用心理分析学家南茜·乔多萝的客体关系理论,从女性主义的视角,对比分析在种族、性别和阶层的桎梏下寻求独立的女主人公们与她们母亲间错综复杂的关系:母爱对女主人公来说或是分离的残酷现实,或是对自我成长的限制,或是难以摆脱的依恋,母亲的影响对女性性格的塑造、自我意识的发掘和女性身份的认同起到限制或推动性的作用。  相似文献   


The aim of this methodological article is to contribute a new form of qualitative data analysis that is relevant for the comparative study of family cultures and schooling. We describe the development of our Habitus Listening Guide linking Bourdieu’s theory of social reproduction to critical narrative theory. The interpretative tool outlines (a) social-structural (b) horizontal intergenerational (c) vertical gender and (d) mythic-ritual listenings which can be used to explore the engagement of youth and their families with schooling. Such listenings reveal the dispositional positioning of schooling in family values and the complex structural and human relational effects of schooling on family members’ livelihood and wellbeing. It offers the possibility of comparing families in terms of their gendered and generational relations and the ways in which religious and mythic-ritual discourses legitimate their aspirations in the context of changing communities. The Guide offers a way of accessing and comparing subjective micro level experiences of social inequality and the contribution that schooling plays, or is expected to play, in relation to individual and/or family social mobility.  相似文献   

现代公民社会理论、结构功能理论、社会冲突理论、合作主义理论等政治社会学的若干理论,对我国建设学习型社会有着许多启示,有利于科学有效地推进学习型社会建设。  相似文献   

Meaningful academic relationships between adult master’s students and their professors can both deepen students’ learning and serve as a regenerating force for professors. This study employed grounded theory methods to explore the question, “What goes on in relational practice between master’s students and professors?” I interviewed 10 matched pairs of recent alumni and professors who identified as having “a meaningful academic relationship”. Dimensional analysis surfaced two core dimensions: reconstructing and regenerating. In reconstructing, the students’ core dimension reveals the student experience of reconstructing, or understanding more deeply, theory or one’s self. In the case of regenerating, the professor’s core dimension identifies the professors’ experience of “giving back” through their teaching and extending their professional reach by training others. These experiences serve to reinvigorate professors over the course of their careers. In addition, findings in this study resonate with sensitizing concepts including relational cultural theory and relational practice. Finally, the analysis surfaced evidence supporting authentic teaching concepts and connected these concepts to faculty and student learning partnerships.  相似文献   

罗尔斯立足于自身正义论的理论脚本之上的教育公正观作为一种方法论原则,存在不可克服的理论困境。他的理论前提是建立在对人及人性纯粹的唯心主义假设和理解的基础上,是抽象的;他的理论视角是在统一尺度的规定下促进所有人的公平、平等,是片面的;他的理论归宿是以平均主义倾向追求分配上获得最大共识的真理性公正,是乌托邦的。我们应当以批判性的眼光看待罗尔斯的教育公正理论,警惕陷入罗尔斯教育公正理论情结,以防盲目地信仰其理论而做出与现实不相符的判断。  相似文献   

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