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本文概述了作者四十多年来钻研神话、寓言的历程,总结了治学之道--情深、意坚、志大、求学、学博、思多、心广、法正。  相似文献   

不少同学对童话、寓言和神话这三种文学体裁的概念模糊不清,有时指鹿为马,有时混为一谈。早期的一些儿童文学书籍中.对这三种文学体裁也常相提并论。不加区分。在这里,我们来区别一下。  相似文献   

李施丹 《教师》2013,(8):11-11
在课程改革道路中,如何有效对学科进行整改,调整理论构建战略,完善教学改革体制,充分认识课程与教学论理念,是值得我们探讨的话题。本文从理论建构、治学之道与实践发展——课程与教学论方向的角度对此进行探讨研究。  相似文献   

安作璋教授是我国当代著名的史学家.从20世纪40年代起,安先生就在史学园地里辛勤地耕耘,在秦汉的官制、经济、人物、农民起义和对外关系等方面研究成果卓著,在山东地方史、齐鲁文化史和史料学等研究领域也有突出的成就,并形成了别具特色的治学之道.  相似文献   

查洪德先生是著名的元代文学研究学者,成果斐然,学术风格独具特色。这与其重文献、坚持一切从材料出发、书为我用、别具只眼的学术旨趣和读书治学之道有很大关系。查先生将读书战略提升到了治学战略和人生战略的高度,质疑"开卷有益""多多益善"的读书格言,强调读书须用心,须思考,认为只有重视读书以建立"我"的系统,形成独特的知识结构和学术眼光,才能开辟出独特的研究领域,揭示出研究对象的独特性,并建立自己独特的学术风格。同时,查先生重视文献整理和回归原典,坚持观点皆从材料中来的学术态度,用独特的眼光和识见审视材料,得出新的令人信服的见解。此外,查先生还熟稔理学和诗学,尤其是理学为其进行元代文学研究提供了别样的视角,使其学术研究更具理论深度和个人风格。  相似文献   

本文认为,在读书和治学方面正确处理“死”“活”相济、“专”“博”结合、“恒”“韧”互促、“虚”“实”统一的辩证关系,是鲁迅学风的集中体现  相似文献   

肖伯纳的《匹克梅梁》以现实为基点,在比附神话原型时斥拒神话原型,并把现代版的准神话处理成一个寓言性作品,且配以颠覆性的表述方式,作品由此而浑然一体,显示出一种和谐的美,让人在笑声中思索生活的底蕴。  相似文献   

东西的小说是一种在虚无主义肆虐的后传统、后革命时代下的寓言化写作.<耳光响亮>关注的是1976年文化精神和家庭生活意义上的"父亲"弃世或出走之后,那些"时代孤儿"的成长过程和生存境遇.<后悔录>所关注的重心是主人公从禁欲到纵欲时代的"性"的磨难,从中可以看到后传统的人神主义禁欲文化和后革命的虚无主义纵欲文化对人性的异化和扭曲,以及个人良知在这种异己的、他律的伦理秩序和虚无主义的纵欲狂欢中的复苏和觉醒.  相似文献   

The relationship among three personal fables (omnipotence, invulnerability, personal uniqueness), narcissism, and mental health variables was assessed in a large, cross‐sectional sample of adolescents drawn from Grades 6 (n = 94), 8 (n = 223), 10 (n = 142), and 12 (n = 102). Participants responded to the New Personal Fable Scale, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, the Children's Depression Inventory, three indices of suicidal ideation, an inventory of delinquent risk behaviors, the Global Self‐Worth scales from the Self‐Perception Profiles for Children and for Adolescents, and two subscales from the Self‐Image Questionnaire for Young Adolescents. The results showed that omnipotence and narcissism strongly counterindicated internalizing symptomatology, and were robust predictors of positive mental health and adjustment. Invulnerability was strongly associated with risk behaviors. Personal uniqueness was strongly associated with depression and suicidal ideation, a relationship that increased with age. Hence, personal fable ideation is a multidimensional construct with differential implications for adolescent mental health. Adolescent fables of invulnerability and personal uniqueness are risk factors for externalizing and internalizing symptoms, respectively, while “narcissistic omnipotence” is associated with competence. Implications for theory, practice, and future research are discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 481–491, 2006.  相似文献   

This research examined the effect of visual media on attitude formation and attitude change in nursing education from 1960 through 1982. Meta-analysis was used to obtain a quantitative index of effect. Screening of over 700 sources resulted in 70 potentially useful studies. Analysis of these studies, according to the established criteria, yielded a final pool of 16 studies. An estimate of the effect magnitude was calculated for each study, then averaged to determine the overall effect size index. Visual media had an effect size of 1.27 standard deviations —a large effect. In addition, several studies had assessed attitude retention; there was an effect size gain of.34 standard deviations. A number of conclusions may be drawn pertaining to the effect of visual media on attitude change and attitude change retention and the theoretical frameworks around which to design instruction, particularly visual media.  相似文献   

中国神话与希腊神话都产生于人类的初始阶段,反映了早期人类生活和认识的过程,所以具有相同点:但又因两国的地理环境和历史演进不同,中国神话与希腊神话又有许多不同之处.  相似文献   

中国神话与希腊神话都产生于人类的初始阶段,反映了早期人类生活和认识的过程,所以具有相同点:但又因两国的地理环境和历史演进不同,中国神话与希腊神话又有许多不同之处。  相似文献   

动物寓言是世界寓言的主体,寓言与隐喻关系密切;寓言是一种扩展式隐喻,是语篇隐喻。动物寓言中寓意产生的基本条件是故事文本本身与语境之间发生了语义冲突,产生的基础是相似性,尤其是物理基础与心理体验之间的相似性,也包括由情景相似引起的情感间的相似。在动物寓言中,寓意的产生既是一个概念域(寓言故事)中的喻体(动物)蕴涵向另一个概念域(寓意)中的本体(人)映射的结果,同时也是双重影像动态互动的结果。双重影像使寓言生动,也是寓言具有强大生命力的深层原因。  相似文献   

In many countries, corporal punishment of school children continues to be an officially or unofficially sanctioned form of institutional child abuse. Continuing support for the use of corporal punishment is related to the following factors: (1) widely held beliefs regarding the effectiveness of corporal punishment, (2) an unawareness of problems resulting from the use of physical punishment, and (3) a lack of knowledge about effective disciplinary alternatives. The purpose of this paper is threefold: One is to show that many of the beliefs are myths, e.g., corporal punishment is not needed to build character. The second purpose is to show that physical punishment can lead to more problems than it appears to solve, e.g., the punitive teacher is avoided, and thus, is not a positive factor in the child's education and development. The third purpose is to discuss two types of alternatives to punishment, the social learning approach and communication skills training. These positive methods of discipline not only enhance classroom behavior, but also facilitate learning. In an atmosphere free of abusing and demeaning acts and in a classroom characterized by positive mutual regard, teachers can maximize their effectiveness as teachers and students can maximize their effectiveness as learners.  相似文献   

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