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A few years ago Dr. Lefranc, in a stimulating survey of the impact of picture materials on modern education, used the pungent metaphor that audio-visual specialists had possibly achieved a scratching of the carapace of the pedagogical tortoise. Many centuries ago the sacred tortoise of Chinese mythology emerged from the devastating floods of the Yellow River to teach the people there the arts of levee building, to control the annual tragedy of the waters and hence to survive to live in harmony with their fertile farmlands. Perchance a link does exist between the teaching and the tortoise.  相似文献   

Innovation and entrepreneurship are vital for economic growth, as was already asserted by Schumpeter in 1934. In a recent survey carried out by the Ministry of Economic Affairs ( Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2006 ) a picture emerges of The Netherlands as lagging behind when it comes to starting a company, whereby start-ups of students coming directly from an educational institution score even worse (Sijde et al., 2006). The average age of start-ups in The Netherlands is around 38 years ( Thijssen, 2004 ). Against this background, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Economic Affairs defined the stimulation of entrepreneurship and innovation as a policy item in 2005. Entrepreneurship and innovation are closely linked, according to Schumpeter, who regarded the entrepreneur as the driver for innovation. Through innovation, a process of creative destruction is set in, which alters the institutional context and context of companies in several ways. In The Netherlands, ambitions to improve entrepreneurial behaviour amongst students and the starting up of new companies are high. During the Lisbon meeting held in 2003, The Netherlands voiced the ambition to be among the top 10 knowledge economies in 2010. Students of universities of applied sciences and to a lesser extent of scientific universities are the agents of change when it comes to making the choice to become an entrepreneur or innovation manager in a company. With the growing importance of knowledge as an economic asset ( Prusak, 1997 ) students are becoming knowledge workers, as well as learning a certain profession. And educational organisations are becoming knowledge institutions involved in knowledge creation, sharing and transfer. This has important consequences for the pedagogical climate at universities and the methods used to teach students entrepreneurship and innovation. Whilst teaching methods based on an instruction-based approach of learning prevail, at The Hague University of Professional Education, we have introduced a learner-centred approach, in which the student is the driver of his learning process. In this article we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach and the pitfalls and potentials when it comes to stimulating innovative entrepreneurial behaviour amongst students. Between 2005 and today, nearly 150 students participated in this programme.  相似文献   

To infer the sophistication ofepistemic thinking in a sample of undergraduatestudents, 25 participants completed afree-response task in which they were asked togive reasons for their agreement ordisagreement with a small number of beliefsabout the role of tutorials and of tutors ingaining knowledge. Responses were analysedaccording to King and Kitchener's (1994) stagesof reasoning, revealing that the justificationsoffered were either at the stages ofpre-reflective or quasi-reflective thinkingwith none exhibiting reflective thinking. Thefindings have two main pedagogicalimplications: first that good teaching beunderstood not as a set of performance skillswhich may only be opportunistically related tostudents' extant conceptualisations but as thelocus through which students confront their ownepistemic beliefs. A second implication isthat to extend students' reasoning, teachingpractices must focus explicitly on thedifficult issue of what counts as evidence.  相似文献   

本文论证了构建创新军事人才培养模式与培养高素质军事人才的关系,提出了构建创新型军事人才培养模式的一般思路,对如何培养创新军事人才进行了思考。  相似文献   

In this article the author, a certified performance technologist (CPT), explains what led him to pursue the CPT designation and what he has learned since then. His learning journey is framed by the three phases of Shu‐Ha‐Ri, a martial arts concept. He tells of how he developed a foundational proficiency with the CPT performance standards before truly understanding the principles and foundational concepts behind the practices associated with the standards. In his early days, he studied the work of performance improvement masters and practiced their techniques, both interpersonal and analytical. In the years after earning the CPT designation, he strove for true mastery in applying hybrid techniques or ones of his own invention, all grounded in the CPT principles.  相似文献   

对礼貌现象的研究常见于对拒绝行为和邀请行为的分析中。汉语的邀请方式比英语要更曲折,多样,表面上与西方的方式不同而原则却类似,顾曰国仿效Leech的提出了汉语的五个礼貌原则。本文对比了英语和汉语中邀请行为的礼貌特征、表现形式和内在原则,结论是原则一样,只是表现形式不同,这一结论对跨文化交际有指导意义,意味着学习不同礼貌方式并不会造成基本的价值观冲突。  相似文献   

李斯是秦代的风云人物.在统一六国和创建秦朝的历史中,起了重要的作用,他的荣辱进退与秦王朝盛衰兴亡有着紧密的联系。李斯的一生富有传奇色彩。但最终又以悲惨的结局收场。该文试图在前人研究的基础上,探讨李斯的悲剧人生.总结历史教训,并以此管见知识分子在政治舞台上的命运轨迹。  相似文献   

数学学习挫折一直成为中学数学研究的重要内容。让学生克服数学学习挫折是成就学生人生的关键。克服数学学习挫折的策略不仅是心理的疏导,还需要数学问题的引导与操作,形成有效的疏导平台。  相似文献   

Syllabi can be useful in engaging students and creating an effective classroom atmosphere, yet discussions of their effective use rarely appear. In light of current research and theory on syllabi, we review their typical uses (structural, motivational, and evidentiary), commonly included components, and attributes that positively impact the teaching and learning process.  相似文献   

In an era of proposed changes for the practice of school psychology, one of the most important roles is to help build the capacity of schools to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse and needy population. School psychologists are in a unique position to impact the tailoring of instruction to meet the needs of individual students. The Future of School Pschology conference explored a range of ideas on accomplishing this goal. Since practice changes begin at the individual level, there is a need to train school psychologists in consultation skills and support the use of those skills to generate positive changes for students, schools, and families. This article identifies areas of need and provides suggestions for future directions.  相似文献   

美国学习障碍学生的教育对策:一种整合的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从学习障碍学生的界定出发,分析学习障碍的主要类型及形成原因,根据美国现在流行的一种满足全体学生需要的社区与学校相互联系的体系分类差异序列,提出一种整合的教育对策和途径,并加以具体阐述和分析。  相似文献   

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