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1 .He eouldn,ts叮_it was_troubled him. A.what;that B.whar;what C .that;what D.what:who2 .1_there last year,but Dad didn,t let me do 50, A.was to have gone B.were to 90 C .was gone D.went3 .My letter,_to the wrong nutnher,retumed to me yesterd盯. A .to be addressed B.being addressed C .having been addressed D.to have been addressed4 .There will be an old professor_with us in the lab. A .worked B.works C .to have worked D to work5 .In faee of a failure,it 15 the most important to_a good s…  相似文献   

1.It's a good idea.But who's going to the plan? I think Tom and Greg will. A.set aside B.carry out C.take in D.get through 2.Happily for John's mother,he is working harder to his lost time. A.make up for B.keep up with C.catch up with D.make use of 3.If you had your test paper carefully be- fore handing it in,you would have made fewer mistakes. A.looked up B.thought about C.gone over D.gone round  相似文献   

Do you ever havea feeling that you're drifting through life,and not going where you want to go? Or that you don't know how you got where you are today? Living consciously is about taking control of your life,about thinking about your decisions rather than making them without thought,about having a life that we want rather than settling for the one that befalls us.  相似文献   

第一部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Have a cup of coffee?—,though as a rule I don’t drinkafter dinner.A.If you insist B.Don’t troubleC.Thanks all the same D.A good idea2.—I’ll tell Mary about her new jobtomorrow.—You her last week.A.ought to tell B.would have toldC.must tell D.should have told3.Tom together with his brothersBeijing twice.A.have gone to B.has been toC.has gone to D.have been to4.The innocent(无辜的)y…  相似文献   

高一英语单元检测题(Units 10~11)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unit 10 The world around usⅠ.单项填空1.You.ve just missed your,and you will have to wait for the nextround.A.chance B.part C.time D.turn2.Although they are very busy,our parents still a lot of time to us.A.devote B.offer C.spend D.provide3.—Are you interested in football?—No,.I to watch it than play it.A.not really;prefer B.not really;would ratherC.of course;would like to D.of course not;had better4.Many old customs are gradually.A.died out B.dying outC.died away D.dying of5.The tig…  相似文献   

1._she said at the meeting may be trUe. A .What B.Tlle faet that C.Whieh D.How 2一Did Mr. Smith treat you well?一Yes,hewas kind he tl℃ated mel议ea衍end. A .50 B.very C.too D.as 3一1 rang you at about ten,but there Was noanswer.一Oh,that was Probably_1 was out. A .that B.when C.why D.what 4._,I’11 ehange my mind. A .What you’11 say B.Will you say what C .Say what you will D.What will you say 5 .Why don’t you bring_to his attentionthat you are too busy to do it? A .this B.that C…  相似文献   

1.The WTO cannot live up to its name_______ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.(NMET2000) A.as long as B.while C.if D.even though 2.She found her calculator______she lost it. (2000 上海) A.where B.when C.in which D.that 3.The man will have to wait all day______the doctor works faster.(NMET2001春招) A.if B.unless C.whether D.that 4.-Did you remember tO give Marry the money you owed her?  相似文献   

Unit 17 Great women 1. —It is said that you threw your cat out of the window. —Well, now I regret that. A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done 2. For many women such hardship would be too heavy . A. to be born B. to bear C. being born D.…  相似文献   

1.W e m etsuch a difficultproblem none ofus could work out.(work后面加it)A.that B.w hich C.and D.as2.This is one of the film s that greatly interested us.(one前面加the或only)A.has B.is C.are D.have3.Is this the m useum they are going to visit tom orrow?(去掉the)A.where B.that C.there D.the one4.H e s very tall,we allknow it.(去掉it)olenA.and B.that C.as D.this5.I saw the sam e film you lastw eek.(you后面加did)A.as B.w hich C.that D.×6.fail to finish the task should be criticized.(fail…  相似文献   

Part one Ⅰ. Read the following passages and answer questions according to the requirements of each item. (35 points) A. The Bank Clerk Who hasn't dreamed of having so much money that it runs through the fingers like sand?The only way most of us could ever do this would be to work in a bank.If you start as a junior bank clerk,you will begin in the book-keeping department and you will have minor responsibilities connected with the handling of cheques.You will learn the routine of the branch and the banking industry as a whole.You will most likely be sent to the bank's school for special tuition.Within a short time,you may be working as a cashier,and then you will be handling the public's money.By the time you have worked your way up to the post of branch manager,you will have learned how to deal with customers and how to cope with the difficult ones.  相似文献   

Unit 10练习     
Ⅰ.选择填空。(15分)1.I didn1t go to buy a bike because my uncle____one for me as abirthday present.A.bought B.will buy C.had bought D.was buying2.There was an old man____wanted to see you outside.A.who B.he C.which D.whom3.I didn1t____my brother had told them a lie about it.A.reveal B.reply C.understand D.realize4.He didn1t tell me that he____a new bike already.A.had B.had had C.would have D.was having5.The TV play____for ten minutes when I turned on the TV.A.had been on B.has starte…  相似文献   

(A)Every day we go to school and listen to teachers, and the teacherwill ask us some questions. Sometimes, the classmates will ask youropinions of the work of the class. When you are telling others in the classwhat you have found out about these topics, remember that they must beable to hear what you are saying. You are not taking part in a family con-versation or having a chat with friends——you are in a situation where alarge group of people will remain silent, waiting to hear what you have…  相似文献   

A O ne day during W orld W ar Ⅱ W in- ston Churchill was having a 1. im portant m eeting in D over.W hen the m eeting w as beginning, 2. Churchill walked out of looking a bit tired.A news reporter 3. ran up to Churchill. H e asked the great m an a lot of question 4. about the m eeting. H e eager to have som e 5. late new s for his newspaper.C hurchill looked 6. at the m an, listened to his questions, but then 7. said to him in a low voice,“Can you keep a 8. secret?” The reporter w as e…  相似文献   

1 .1 know nothing about the young Iady_she 15 from Beijing. A .exeePt B.exeePt for C.exCePt that D.besides 2 .Rose was wild with」oy—the result of the examination. A .to B.atC,by D.as 3一You are 50 lueky.一What do you mean_that? A .for B.in C of D. by 4  相似文献   

1.……I failed to pass the college entrance examination.……________A. What' s the matter? B. Is that so?C. I don' t believe it. D. I' m sorry to hear that.2.……I can't find my bag.…… You________it on the bus.A. must have left B: should have lostC. must have forgotten D. could have left3.……I'm afraid the book I have lent you won' t be interesting.……________A. Not at all B. You are welcomeC. Never mind D. Thank you all the same4. It was raining. There was a lot of work to do.That's________I didn't go to see you.A. why B. becauseC. that D. how  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空1.John contented himself two glasses of beer for each meal. A.about B.with C.at D.on2.Does Jim know any other foreign language French?A.except B.but C.besides D.beside3. is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A.There B.This C.What D.It4.Robert is said abroad,but I don't know which country he stud-ied in. A.to have studied B.to study C.to be studying D.to have been studying5.It's a very simple rule …  相似文献   

1.—How many times you to Beijing this year?—Three tim es.A.have;been B.had;beenC.have;gone D.had;gone2.—to the U nited States?—N o,never,but I to C anada a few years ago.A.H ave you been;went B.H ave you gone;w entC.D id you go;went D.W illyou go;had gone3.—Lucy,you your ticket?—N otyet.A.did;find B.have;foundC.has;found D.do;find4.—you to the radio?—N o,you can turn itoff.A.D id;listen B.H ave;listenedC.D o;listen D.A re;listening5.—W hen him the good news?—I willtellhi…  相似文献   

The Bank Clerk     
Who hasn't dreamed o!having so much money that it runs throughthe fingers like sand?The only way most of us could ever do this wouldbe to work in a bank.If you start as a junior bank clerk,you will begin inthe book-keeping department and you will have minor responsibilitiesconnected with the handling of cheques.You will learn the routine of thebranch and the banking industry as a whole.You will most likely besent to the bank's school for special tuition.Within a short time,youmay be working as a cashie,and then you will be handling the public'smoney.By the time you have worked your way up to the post of branch  相似文献   

曹力城 《新高考》2007,(4):48-55
1.With everyone silent,I knewI had failed tomy joke to the crowd.A.get;over B.get;acrossC.get;up D.get;down2.Now that the students are burdened withmore work to do,after school do they havesports as they used to.A.usually B.seldomC.occasionally D.al ways3.—I guess you might have missed your traintoShanghai yesterday.—Well,I al most.A.might B.hadC.have D.did4.The development of industry affects the envi-ronment.,the environment affects the devel-opment of industry.A.In turn B.In retur…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择1.The girlis alw ays in white.A.dressed B.w earing C.put D.had2.W e m ust do as m uch as we can our com m unity better and m orebeautiful.A.m ake B.m aking C.m ade D.to m ake3.I have neither a raincoat nor an um brella.That is w hy I w aituntilthe rain stops.A.m ust B.should C.oughtto D.have to4.Tom ought not to m e your secret,buthe m eantno harm.A.have told B.tell C.be telling D.having told5.Peter com e with us tonight,buthe isn t very sure yet.A.m ust B.m ay C.can D.w il…  相似文献   

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