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侯琳 《现代企业教育》2009,(24):226-227
本文分析说明我国公民科学素质的现状,探究社区科普教育对培养公民科学素质的意义和作用,并针对目前社区科普教育工作存在的问题提出一些进一步加强的具体措施。  相似文献   

中国社会在转型时期,社会结构发生重大变化。在这过程中,媒体的大众传播的功能日益显现出来。电视科技栏目以及科技专题片也成为科普教育的重要内容。近十几年来,在科普教育的创新方面,理论工作者和实际工作者按照邓小平理论和"三个代表"的重要思想,做了大量工作,总结出许多新的经验。随着《中华人民共和国科学技术普及法》颁布实施,科普教育已成为我国科教兴国战略工作的重要组成部分。科普教育重在提高我国国民的科学素质,同时我国已经颁布实施了《全民科学素质行动计划纲要》,明确指出要把提高公民科学素质作为重点来抓,而媒体在此行动中,有着无比重要的责任和作用,作为老百姓日常生活接触最多的电视节目而言,如何在这个过程中起到做好科普教育的传播阵地排头兵作用,是一个值得探讨的话题。通过电视节目科普教育,满足公民的精神需求,宣传文明的生活方式,丰富公民的文化生活,从而提高公众科学文化素质和地区文明程度。本文通过对我国电视科技栏目发展和现状的透视,总结经验教训,深入地阐述了新时期科普教育中电视科技栏目的传播平台作用和发展趋势。  相似文献   

科学素质是公民素质的重要组成部分,公民具备基本科学素质一般指了解必要的科学技术知识,掌握基本的科学方法,树立科学思想,崇尚科学精神,并具有一定的应用它们处理实际问题、参与公共事务的能力。科学技术馆(简称科技馆)是以展览教育为主要功能的公益性科普教育机构。主要通过常设和短期展览,以参与、体验、互动性的展品及辅助性展示手段,以激发科学兴趣、启迪科学观念为目的,对公众进行科普教育;也可举办其它科普教育、科技传播和科学文化交流活动;是提高公民科学素质的重要基础工程之一。四川科技馆在提高公民科学素质方面发挥着独特的重要作用。  相似文献   

一个国家的公民科学素质在国家现代化进程中发挥着越来越重要的作用.科技馆作为面向公众传播科学知识,进行科普教育的主要场所,是提高公民科学素质的基础性工程.  相似文献   

本文根据北京自然博物馆多年来针对社区群众的科普工作经历,从受众分析、组织形式、活动种类、效果反馈等方面总结了博物馆社区科普教育存在的问题和经验,在实践之上使之理论化,形成一套标准化的工作流程,为博物馆更好地开展贴近生活、贴近公众、贴近实际的科普活动,丰富社区居民生活,提高公众科学素质提供参考依据.  相似文献   

公民教育与社区教育是两种不同类属的教育,但二者关系十分密切:公民教育是促进社区教育、社区发展的有效举措,社区教育是公民教育的重要平台.在我国社会主义现代化进程中,公民教育突显出越来越重要的作用,但它又必须依托社区教育才能全面深化改革,促进自身发展,进而促进我国现代化建设事业的科学推进.  相似文献   

公民科学素质是当今社会得以健康发展的基石。公民科学素质的提高是一个包括教育部门在内的全社会性工作。公民科学教育规划的合理性,公民对科研工作的参与是科学教育成功的关键,现代化的传媒工具是公民科学素质建设得以成功的重要手段。  相似文献   

公民科学素质是当今社会得以健康发展的基石.公民科学素质的提高是一个包括教育部门在内的全社会性工作.公民科学教育规划的合理性,公民对科研工作的参与是科学教育成功的关键,现代化的传媒工具是公民科学素质建设得以成功的重要手段.  相似文献   

在初中物理教学中延伸现代科普教育,实施全民科学素质行动计划纲要,将物理知识教学与现代科普教育、科学素质行动计划有机地结合起来,是促进初中物理教学改革、为国家培养高素质人才的重要途径之一。近几年来笔者开展了初中物理教学与实施全民科学素质行动计划纲要,物理和科普教育相结合的专题研究和试验,取得了一定的成效。  相似文献   

社区是我国社会发展的重要单位,是承载社会功能的重要场所,强化社区教育,才能落实教育的全面化。随着社会不断进步,对公民的素质要求越来越高。我们要充分落实社区的社会职能,营造浓郁的社会教育氛围,引领公民在社区教育中得到发展。  相似文献   

欧盟于世纪之交开始实行新一轮科学教育改革。在这次科学教育改革中,欧盟始终以终身学习的大教育观为出发点,以"提高公民科学素养"和"促进所有学生科学兴趣"为主要目标,重视基础学校的科学教育质量,并力图实行几大科学教育的重要任务,为全体公民提供平等、开放、民主与包容的科学教育环境。欧盟在科学教育方面的新举措值得我们关注与借鉴。  相似文献   

The international science education community recognises the role of pre‐service science teachers’ views about the interdependence of Science, Technology, and Society (STS) in achieving scientific literacy for all. To this end, pre‐service science teachers’ STS views signal the strengths and the weaknesses of science education reform movements. Turkey, a country that follows the international reform movement, aims at improving citizen’s understanding of the STS interdependence to enable them to fully participate in an industrialised, democratic society. This study explores the Turkish pre‐service science teachers’ views (n = 176) on STS issues and discusses the ongoing reform efforts’ strengths and weaknesses within the context of the study findings. Data were collected through an adopted “Views on Science–Technology–Society” instrument. Analysis revealed that many participants held realistic views on science, technology, and society interdependence, while their views on technology and the nature of science were differed. Some viewed technology as an application of science, and some viewed science as explanatory and an interpretation of nature. Most agreed that the scientific knowledge is tentative but they did not present a thorough understanding of the differences between hypotheses, laws, and theories.  相似文献   

It has been widely accepted in the science education research community that scientific literacy as a concept and phrase was introduced by Paul deHart Hurd in 1958. Recent research into the origins of the phrase, however, has shown this to be incorrect. Its first published use can be traced back, in fact, to 1945, and the phrase was frequently invoked in popular and research publications throughout the 1940s and 1950s. Exploring the historical circumstances of the phrase's introduction into popular discourse, it is argued, reveals that despite the rhetorical power and widespread adoption of the idea, scientific literacy (as others have pointed out) has proven to be little more than an empty slogan that offers no substantive guidance for thinking about the goals of science education. This essay argues that rather than continue to cling to the idea, the field of science education can more productively consider the most relevant and appropriate goals of science teaching by dispensing with the concept altogether.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of scientific literacy through its relation to democracy and citizenship. Scientific literacy has received international attention in the twenty-first century as demonstrated by the Programme for International Student Assessment survey of 2006. It is no longer just a concept but has become a stated and testable outcome in the science education research community. This paper problematizes the ‘marriage’ between scientific literacy and democracy, particularly the idea that scientific literacy is a presupposed necessity to proper citizenship and awareness of the role of science in modern society. A perusal of the science education literature can provide a history of scientific literacy, as it exists as a research category. Through Gilles Deleuze’s notion of the Dogmatic Image of Thought and its relation to a Spinozist understanding of individuation/Becoming, it is argued that scientific literacy is not a recent invention and is problematic in its relation to democracy. This article is thus intended to act more as vehicle to move, stimulate and dramatize thought and potentially reconceptualise scientific literacy, than a comprehensive historical analysis. The concept of scientific literacy has undergone specific transformations in the last two centuries and has been enacted in different manifestations throughout modernity. Here the analysis draws upon Deleuze’s reading of Michel Foucault and the notion of the Diagram related to Foucault’s oeuvre, and is specifically using Foucault’s notion of rationalities as actualized threads or clusters of discourse. The obvious link between science and democracy is an effect of specific rationalities within the epistemological field of science, rather than intrinsic, essential characteristics of science or scientific literacy. There is nothing intrinsic in its function for democracy. Through a case study of the work of Charles W. Eliot and Herbert Spencer and the modern enactment of scientific literacy in contemporary science education, this paper shows the cultural and historical contingencies on which the relation between scientific literacy and democracy has been constructed through a rationality this article calls the Man of Science. The mythical Ouroboros will be used as a Fresh Image of Thought to explore the movements and folds within the discursive formation of Scientific Literacy, the rationality of the Man of Science, and their relation to democracy.  相似文献   

Compared to Ernst Mach’s influence on the conceptual development of physics, his efforts to popularize science and his reflections on science literacy are known to a much lesser degree. The approach and the impact of Mach’s popular scientific lectures are discussed in view of today’s problems of understanding science. The key issues of Mach’s popular scientific lectures, reconsidered in the light of contemporary science, still hold a high potential in fascinating a general audience. Moreover, Mach’s grand theme, the relation of the physical to the psychical, is suited to contribute to a dialogue between different knowledge cultures, e.g. science and humanities.  相似文献   

我国科技协会2010年公众科学素养调查结果显示,公民的科学素养远远低于美国、加拿大等西方国家。本文通过对中西科学教育的比较分析,发现中西科学教育在科学本质理解、科学教育目标和内容、科学教育方法等方面存在差异。因此,在当前教育全球化这一大背景下,我国科学教育的改革与发展必须要借鉴、吸取西方发达国家的先进理念,以提高我国公众的科学素养为旨归。  相似文献   

理解科学本质是科学素养的内涵之一,是实现提高科学素养的科学教育目标的关键因素。现代科学本质观对科学知识、科学探究和科学事业进行了新的诠释。根据现代科学本质观,发展科学本质观下的科学教学理念,构建科学教育的三维目标,形成融入科学本质的科学教学策略,提升学生的科学本质观。  相似文献   

占小红  杨润  杨笑 《中学教育》2021,18(1):92-103
随着知识经济时代的到来,教育竞争越来越激烈,影子教育系统也不断扩张,尤其是在中国、 韩国等东亚国家,但其时间投入如何影响学生的核心素养却不明晰,尤其是针对我国基础教育阶段影子教育的实证研究比较缺乏,科学领域的影子教育研究更是鲜见,导致政府干预科学影子教育缺乏指导依据.基于中国与韩国PISA2015的测评数据,在充分考虑...  相似文献   

Received conceptualizations of scientific literacy are grounded in (1) the notions of ‘knowledge’, ‘concepts’, and ‘skills’ that science students have to ‘acquire’, ‘appropriate’, or ‘construct’ or (2) the notion of ‘practices’ to which they have to be ‘enculturated’ so that they become part of a ‘community of practice’. All such notions articulate scientific literacy in a static form, which does not correspond to the dynamic nature of the literacies that can be observed in society. This study proposes a dialectical notion of scientific literacy, which makes thematic its nature as a situated, distributed, collective, emergent, indeterminate, and contingent process. It articulates the idea that knowing a (scientific) language is indistinguishable from knowing one's way around the world. As a consequence, the goal of science education can no longer be to make individual students exhibit particular forms of knowledge but to provide them with contexts in which it is more important to deal with, select, and negotiate different forms of expertise and knowledgeability. This leads one to think of science education as but a part of a democratic liberal education that allows students to become competent to participate in any conversation that includes others with different forms and levels of expertise than their own.  相似文献   

This article investigates the biopolitical dimensions that have grown out of the union between biocapitalism and current science education reform in the US. Drawing on science and technology study theorists, I utilize the analytics of promissory valuation and salvationary discourses to understand how scientific literacy in the neo‐Sputnik era has deeply involved educational life in biocapitalist circuits of exchange and production. I lay out this emerging terrain of ‘futuricity’ through a biopolitical analysis of the National Academies highly influential policy recommendation on science education, Rising Above the Gathering Storm as well as the Association of American Universities' National Defense Education and Innovation Initiative. Here it is argued that the educational subject usually seen as a site of human capital investment can better be understood as a ‘biovalue’ in at least two senses: the educational subject's body as a site of investment and as an extractable source of value directly related to the larger globally competitive regime of the rapidly growing bioeconomy. I conclude my analysis of the vital politics at play in the biocapitalist articulation of science education with an alternative model of scientific literacy that is based in what I call biodemocratic practices. I explore such a rereading of scientific literacy through the example of the GrowHaus—a sustainable urban farm situated in a marginalized community in a major US city. The GrowHaus offers a model of scientific literacy that rejects extractive ethics associated with biocapitalist production and instead promotes a sustainable and socially just practice of science.  相似文献   

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